Episode 6: Mr. Perfect has a secret, too!

You Can't Fall For Mr. Perfect


Episode 6: Mr. Perfect has a secret, too!       


(Jin’s POV)


I couldn’t believe what I just saw,


“E…Enough already…” the voice that said that was no longer confident and cool.


I saw tears streaming down her cheeks, and at that moment, I felt very confused, and pulled away from her.


Yes, I knew that she was a girl from that time when we first met. I pretended not to notice after seeing how strong and un-girlish she was. I wanted to get revenge on her for being that over-self-confident, going to the extent of making a fool out of me, and for intruding on my calm and perfect academic life. So this was my chance to and see how boyish she actually was…


But, to be honest, I never expected to see her… cry for real. I even started to believe that she had no femininity at all.


“I’m not a boy ok?” she sniffled as she started to rub her eyes. “Here, I admitted it, are you satisfied now?” she glared at me with her swollen eyes, “But I’ll give it to you!”


“Wh…?” I was perplexed.


And to my greatest surprise, she started to slip off her sweater, and I found myself immediately grasping her hands, stopping her from doing that, I yelled:


“Stop! What do you think yourself doing?”


“Why?! Now wasn’t you the one who asked me to do it?” she shouted back all furious.


What?! Now is she seriously…?


“Let go of my hands!” she was struggling.


“You’re a girl now for God’s sake!”


She stopped moving, now that she raised her eyes to look at me in stupefaction.


“You should have more pride in that!” I softened my tone.


What the heck am I saying?


“W-What I mean is… you shouldn’t be going around showing off your kicks and use vulgar language!” I cleared my throat as I shifted my gaze away, I could tell that my face flushed a bit.


I then headed towards the water-sinks, in order to prevent her from seeing my expression.


“You should leave now, I’ll take care of my own problem.”


It took her a minute to grasp what I said, I glanced at her secretly from the mirror in front of me and she seemed so dazed. Then she picked her bag up and exited.


“What am I doing now?” I sighed.


This must not keep up; I must do something about her being my roommate.




(Her POV)


I can’t tell anymore what was going on with me. I stood in front of the restroom’s door, clutched my chest that kept hurting.


I was very glad that I didn’t have to take off my clothes in the end. And that made me remember how confused he seemed earlier.


So he does have a human side to him huh…

Yeah, especially when he almost stripped you.


My cheeks burned, as the picture of that suddenly flashed in my mind.


Then I shook my head straightaway, as I thought of going back to my room.



“I’ll just take a shower then go…”


Just as I was leaving the elevator and heading to my room, I came across…


“Oh… Minho!”


But he just unlocked the door to his room and quickly went in without even looking at me.


I rushed to his door, and I started bumping on it with my fist lightly, then I yelled:


“I’m so sorry! I didn’t hide it willingly! Minho!”


“GO AWAY!” A faint yet harsh voice responded from the other side of the door.


I lowered my hand and muttered his name one last time before I started to walk away with heavy steps.


Why are you doing this Minho? I thought we were going to become good friends.


I went in my room, stopped as I leaned my head against the door. I was too down after all what happened today.


“I never thought things would end up this ugly”


I hate this place.



I was drying my hair with a towel as I left the bathroom. The wall-clock showed 5:00pm.


So I spent 3 whole hours in the bathtub.


I headed to the living room and sat on the couch, deciding to watch some T.V.


I was tired, and my eyelids got so heavy.


But I heard what sounded like a doorbell.


I got up, stretching my body and opened the door, to find…


“Eh? Min…ho?”


He looked shocked as if he saw a ghost.


“Huh? You?”


I recalled seeing him earlier with Jin back when I taught that guy a lesson in front of everyone. So does this mean that he…


“What are you doing in Hyun Jin’s room?” he asked as he forced his way in, pushing me aside.




Can I really tell him that I’m Hyun Jin’s roommate?!


“What? Did you bite your tongue?” he sounded so angry and irritated.


“Truth is…”


“Hah… how funny, and do you actually know what does that word mean?” he spoke among his gritted teeth.


“Why are you this disappointed over it?” I blurted. He looked at me with wide eyes. “I never said that I was a guy in the first place! And I never asked you to approach me!”


“But you never denied it and that’s the same thing!”


“No it’s not! Because you gave me no room to explain!”


“Tsk…” he clicked his tongue.


“And besides, why are you making a big deal out of it? If you really liked me as a boy, why can’t you befriend me now? How does being a girl make it different to you!?”


“Do you really want to know?” his tone became dark.


Why am I feeling like I shouldn’t dig it any further?

Then don’t.

But I really want to be Minho’s friend!

And I’m saying he’s not looking normal.


I was drown in my thoughts that I didn’t notice how close he drew to me.


“Fine, I’ll tell you”


He inched toward me keeping his hands in his pockets.


“If you’re not a boy then I can’t see you as a friend”


I blinked.


“And even as a girl, I can’t be with you because you’re too strong”


What does this imply?


“Whenever I see how girls try to fake their innocence and cuteness, I only feel disgusted, but when I they try to flirt with me, I never try to push them away, and I even make them forget themselves when they’re with me”


The corners of his lips curled up in a smirk.


That left me utterly shocked; I would’ve never pictured someone as cute and angelic as Minho to actually…


“Your face looks priceless right now” he sagged and whispered in my ear “Did you possibly fall for me?”


I reluctantly tried to blow a punch at his chest, but he stopped my fist with his palm and said:


“See? This is what I’ve been talking about” he squeezed my fist and it seriously started to hurt.


He let go of me then scowled and said with a threatening voice:


“Don’t come near me again, Mikasa


And he slammed the door shut behind him.


I pressed on my wrist and my fingers almost felt numb. I could tell that unlike Jin, this guy seriously tried to break my hand.


“He’s… scary”


To think that he might do such things to girls when he had never had any feelings -towards them but hatred and resentment.


“But why would he resent girls that much?”


I couldn’t help but ask myself that question. If he hated girls, why would he play around with them?

Moreover, he said that I was strong and yet, he wasn’t any weaker than me if not stronger.


You really are slow witted.

Don’t forget that you are a part of me too.

No, I’d rather stay out of it.


I was too distracted to notice Jin, who has just walked in.


“Hey” I winced and then looked over my shoulder to find him standing behind me with an unsatisfied look on his face.


“Why isn’t the door shut?” he asked raising a brow.


“Huh? That’s pretty weird, Minho slammed it too hard just now” I went to check it out but Jin grabbed my arm making me stop.


“Minho was here?” If I didn’t know him, I would’ve truly said that he was terrified just now.


“Did he do anything to you?” he held into my shoulders and shook them.


Ok, maybe I’m dreaming but he really sounds concerned.


“I’m…ok” I reassured him. And he let out a small sigh.


Dreaming huh?


I ignored what that voice said, and listened to Jin:


“Wait, did he say anything about you being in my room?” Now he looked even more worried.


Oh, I wish he were always like this.



Because it’s funny and so unlike him!


“Hey!” he shook me even harder to draw me out of my daze, I jerked back, as I noticed him.


“Ah, no! I managed to dodge the question” I laughed, all proud of what I did.


“Huuh” he exhaled. “You should be careful.”


Ok, this is becoming more suspicious by the second.


“Careful you say?”


He went to the small fridge and took out a water bottle, I followed after him:


“What do you mean by that?”


He looked at me from the corner of his eye as he started to drink.


I felt wrong for staring at him, so I tried to look at something random around us.


“But you know, I don’t think I have to worry” I walked towards the couch and hopped on it.

I started to stretch my body, barely fighting over the yawns.


I glanced over at him and I found him looking my way.


“I mean, I’m not that weak! I can defend myself well…” I remembered all of a sudden the time in the restroom.


“You just have to stay away from Minho” he came to sit on the other end of the sofa, with the remote control in his hand.


“Hm? Isn’t he your friend?”


I pulled myself closer to the edge, trying to be as far as I could from him.


“Don’t worry, he said himself that he won’t come near me because I’m too strong” I sighed


He glanced at me and I nodded as if to reassure him.


Maybe we can become friends in the end! Jin and I are actually tallking!


But I suddenly got smacked by a fluffy cushion on my face:


“He’s not my friend… and who said I was worrying over you?”


I quickly picked it in my hands, not believing how mean he was.


“You don’t have to deny having friends you know?” I tried to get on his nerves.


“I’ll cook dinner, you sit there and try not to make any noise or mess” He really had a thick skin.


Who said he had the right to order me around?


I looked down at the cushion that I had in my hands,


“Huh? This isn’t… mine” the cushion I grasped in my hands was pink and fluffy. It even had cute cat-like ears.


Weird… it wasn't here when I first moved in now was it...?


I looked at Jin who was behind the kitchen’s counter. He was chopping vegetables.


I rubbed my eyes, thought I was in a delusion.


“I must be tired… yes…”


Jin's cooking and what's more shocking, he's wearing a pink apron now… for heaven’s sake!


I put the fluffy cushion under my head and laid my body down.


“You’re a very stupid girl Jin” I yelled as I yawned.


I heard the sound of something breaking. I raised my head at once to see Jin looking like he was struck by electricity.


“Are you ok?” I covered my mouth.


“W-What did you just say?” he repeated, his voice becoming creepy.


“What?!” I blinked


“Who are you calling a girl?!” he quickly took off the apron.


Huh? What is he saying all of a sudden?


No wait, more importantly, the apron he’s wearing really is pink… and are those cute animals’ faces on it?


No that’s Impossible… Jin? The perfect cool guy…?


*****To be continued

*Picture: Honda Tusbasa as Mikasa Jin *w*

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Reached 51 subscribers! Thank you all so much for reading You can't fall for Mr. Perfect x) and you can tell me whether you're with JinXJin couple or JinXMinho?


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Chapter 28: I love the fact that u change the names! Not using the real names ( B, Jin Honda
balooni #2
Chapter 33: Omg!! This is soo cute >.< ..sorry took me long to finish it cuz I was a lil busy :$ I like the ending soo much!!! I love how V is with SoRa >.< this is a great story author-nim!!! Keep it up I might be reading all your fics too :$ hehe °3°
balooni #3
Chapter 21: Noooo I love V !!she can't go for that loser jin !!!whyyyy! But anyway still reading ,love your story!and I'll just have to copewith it if she's going to be with Jin :') 화이팅!
Chapter 33: it s 2.23 heeere annd my mother scremminng says that i should go to sleep cause i m kinda of sick i Blaclout always.lol anywayy so ur stoooryy was ammazing reeaallyy lol i love it hreat jobb authernim
btw : how old rre u i was born on 1997
soulunyah #5
Kaspi582 #6
Chapter 33: Hehe It was epic ^^ I like this story so much :3 BIIIIG HUG FOR YOU, SOOOOOOOOOOOO BIG!!! Hehe ^3^
shelinta_ #7
Chapter 33: LOL i totally love the story
Chapter 23: "That has nothing to do with me being a girl!"
Yep that's my line, always use it.
soulunyah #9
Chapter 19: OH