Episode 28: Hot summer!

You Can't Fall For Mr. Perfect

Episode 28: Hot summer!


(Jin’s POV)


My phone’s alarm started to ring, and I got up stretching my body.


“Damn! It’s still 5am! Make it stop!”


I chuckled, seeing Jin roll on the other bed and uttering with an annoyed voice.


“Sorry” I whispered as I turned off the alarm of my phone.


Jin and I went back to being roommates, and went back to being a boyfriend and girlfriend, but agreed to date secretly and conceal our relationship from others. Also, Jin was able to convince his father about allowing us to become roommates again, and he made me agree to some conditions that would help me stay safely in the academy.

I had a name change in the academy's registry of course since my classmates already know my real name when no one beside them does and since Jin conitued to give me the cold side, they slowly forgot about my presence. In addition to it all, I unfortunately had to stick to the girly appearance from now on since the Mikasa Jin that my family's enemies are probably looking for should look like a boy according to the headmaster. He also said that my personal information and real identity were erased  for good from the academy’s database and got replaced by fake ones.


"You're very lucky that your father chose not to make the fact that you joined this academy known to the wrold, or else even with all these measures, I wouldn't be able to keep you safe for so long" stated Mr. Kim quite bitterly.


It was as if dad already knew about what awaited him…


No, more like he wanted to protect me and planned everything for me not to have any doubts.


“Oh father…” I looked at my phone’s screen that had my parent’s picture as a screensaver. I sniffled quietly.




Today is the first day of summer, and the academy arranged a field trip to Busan. That’s why I woke up early to pack my things and get ready, as for Jin, he said he prepared everything last night so he’ll just have some more sleep.


I finished my preparations by 6am and the departure of the bus was in half an hour from now, so the only thing left was to wake Jin up.


I tiptoed until I reached his bed, then bent down to his head and screamed:




“AH!” He pushed his blanket and jumped up, his hair was in a mess and I fell back on my bed laughing so hard at his reaction.


“Ah, ” he ruffled his hair “Are you trying to give me a heart attack?”


I cleared my throat and tried to speak seriously:


“Ahem, sorry, I’ll be careful next time”


“You’re always saying the same thing” he was tidying up his bed.


“On the bright side” I slid the curtains, to allow the morning sunrays to lighten the room. “What a beautiful day!” I opened the window and looked at the spectacular scene spread before my eyes.


“I’ll be showering so clean the room by the time I finish” he instructed “And do it well! Don’t think you can trick me!”


“Yes sir” I raised my palm to my ear imitating the way a soldier greets a higher-up.


It’s really troublesome to live with a clean freak, but I’m growing used to it. 




“Good morning Jin!” Minho came running to me, “Whoa! Soo cute!” he was checking me out and it made me feel uncomfortable.


 Jin s his arm around Minho’s neck and started to drag him to the bus:


“Yeah, yeah, let’s go and find a good seat for the both of us” he said in a monotone voice.


“L-Let go of me! I want to take a picture of Jin’s beautiful dress!”


“Not even in your dreams”


I chuckled at their funny argument, I felt a hand around my shoulder and I looked back to see:


Bonjour ma belle-sœur~!”* It was So Ra, Jin’s older sister who spoke with an overly cheerful voice.

(*Good morning my sister-in-law~!)


“Ah, haha sorry I don’t speak French” I just responded with a carefree laugh.


“Haha, I know you can’t! But aww, you look veeery cute today!” she was hugging me, and the strong aroma of her perfume was almost making me pass out, since I'm not used to it.


“T-Thank you” I bowed my head slightly at her.


“Oh my, I can’t let you sit next to my brother looking like this” she clicked her tongue as she shook her head to the sides.


“E-Excuse me?” I kept speaking in a formal way despite her speaking casually to me.


“You’re very adorable! I must protect you from the wild guys!”


“E-Eh?” she started to guide me to the bus, not allowing me to say anything.


Let’s go my sweet shortcake!”


I was overwhelmed by the big amount of care I was receiving that I started to get a bit dazzled by it, yet it wasn’t dislikable at all.


“M-Miss Kim, you can’t ride this bus!” the teacher pushed back his glasses as he stopped So Ra from mounting the bus.


“Why not? It’s a trip not a scout camp!” She protested, making him back off.


“B-But, you’re supposed to ride with the 3rd years, not the juniors” he stammered trying to keep up with her.


Hah! Give up already!” Minho’s head popped from the bus’s window as he pulled a mocking childish face at So Ra but she didn’t hesitate before tossing her clutch bag his way and it hit him in the face, causing him to growl in pain.


“Oups, I’m afraid I should go and look for my bag teacher!” she faked a laugh and pushed the teacher aside, pulling my hand. “Let’s go Jin!”


Is it really ok for her to do this?


I bowed my head slightly in apology to the teacher who just sighed and crossed a name in his list.


I looked around amazed at the roominess of the bus, to get pulled by the arm and to find myself sitting beside:


“Hey! You can’t just steal her away from me like that!” So Ra tagged on my other arm.


“It’s not me who chose the order of seats, so stop complaining and embarrassing me!” Hyun Jin defended, glaring at So Ra who muttered a few curses then gave up.


“Fine, but I’ll make sure to change the situation later” she smirked.


“What does she mean by later?” I glanced questionably at Jin.


“Beats me” he yawned. “I think I’ll catch some Zs before we reach the airport” he stretched then plugged his earbuds and leaned back in his chair.


I think sleeping is more than just a need for Jin since he spends most of his free hours napping.


I smiled at the idea, then gave him a last glance before starting to look around to find So Ra standing near the driver’s seat and speaking to the same teacher:


“What do you mean I can’t descend now?! It’s not like the bus's moving yet!” she yelled.


“Excuse me miss, but the doors are closed now and no one is going to leave this bus before we reach the airport” he spoke in a strict tone “And besides, you’re the one who insisted to ride with the 1st years, so stop making a fuss and please take a seat!” he then shrugged and went to talk to the driver.


“Wha..?” she seemed very angry and pissed by it. “But I can’t find any empty seats!” she started to scowl.


“You can seat next to Mr. Park!” he started to push her and then forced her to sit down, next to Minho.




I could hear his loud scream coming from the back.


“MR. PARK! Please watch your mouth!” said the teacher in shock.


“Yeah, it’s not like I did it on purpose!” said So Ra.


No, No way! I can’t sit next to this ahjumma!”


“What did you just call me?!”


“QUIET YOU TWO!” the teacher’s voice was louder than the both of them, making them quiet down.


“Y-Yes sir” they muttered.


The atmosphere was very lovely and warm, I looked and saw Jin sleeping peacefully by my side and a beautiful modern scenery passing by slowly on the other side of the window, making me feel refreshed and joyed.


I have a feeling that this trip will be unforgettable.


“Give me back my bag!”


I can’t allow you to possess things that could be used as weapons!


“It’s my favorite one! Give it back and stop being an !”


My, my, the refined Agassi knows how to speak vulgarly” he mocked in amusement.


“Ah! How embarrassing!” she was squealing.


Well, these two couldn’t remain silent after all and the teacher gave up on trying to get them to listen to him.



We arrived at Incheon International Airport and the sounds of excitement and rejoice could be heard from the students.


“Whoa, I know they said that this airport is very big but to see it right in front of my eyes I’m totally speechless!” Minho was behaving like a tourist.


“Haha, what a pity” So Ra shrugged “Unlike you, I traveled many times and saw many airports so I’m not that amazed”


She left him gritting his teeth and looking for a comeback.


“What about our Jin? Is it your first time here?” she wondered with a smile.


“Humph, she’s Japanese so of course it’s not her first time here” Minho apparently found a way to get back at her “Duuummy” he flicked her forehead.


“Ohh, this is it! If I spend another second with this scamp I might commit a crime” she started to stride ahead of us, covering her ears.


“Haha your sister is very fun to irritate” Minho was laughing so hard and patted Jin’s back.


“It’s not wise to make her angry, she’s capable of turning your life to a hell if she wants” he replied in a grave way.


“You really think so?” he raised a brow in disbelief and Jin nodded.


I let out a giggle, seeing Minho and Jin agree on something was almost unbelievable. It would be great if they actually made up and forgot their ugly past.


Well, hopefully, that was the case.


***To be continued...

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Chapter 28: I love the fact that u change the names! Not using the real names ( B, Jin Honda
balooni #2
Chapter 33: Omg!! This is soo cute >.< ..sorry took me long to finish it cuz I was a lil busy :$ I like the ending soo much!!! I love how V is with SoRa >.< this is a great story author-nim!!! Keep it up I might be reading all your fics too :$ hehe °3°
balooni #3
Chapter 21: Noooo I love V !!she can't go for that loser jin !!!whyyyy! But anyway still reading ,love your story!and I'll just have to copewith it if she's going to be with Jin :') 화이팅!
Chapter 33: it s 2.23 heeere annd my mother scremminng says that i should go to sleep cause i m kinda of sick i Blaclout always.lol anywayy so ur stoooryy was ammazing reeaallyy lol i love it hreat jobb authernim
btw : how old rre u i was born on 1997
soulunyah #5
Kaspi582 #6
Chapter 33: Hehe It was epic ^^ I like this story so much :3 BIIIIG HUG FOR YOU, SOOOOOOOOOOOO BIG!!! Hehe ^3^
shelinta_ #7
Chapter 33: LOL i totally love the story
Chapter 23: "That has nothing to do with me being a girl!"
Yep that's my line, always use it.
soulunyah #9
Chapter 19: OH