Teaser : Penalty

Can I Be Sure That This Is Love?

Hi, it's me again! Thank you all so much for the nice comments you guys posted on this fic ^.^ To all my new readers, old ones, commentors, subscribers, supporters etc, *bows*  thanks so much again! I'm actually a little afraid that I won't be able to meet up to your standards. I'll do my best though!

I'm usually not one to put up teaser chapters, but I thought that maybe I should try...XD

The full chapter should be updated as soon as possible :) For the moment, enjoy first~


“Out of the five of us, who do you like the most?” Taemin pressed, at the same time trying to tone down the aggressiveness in his request.

I stole a sight of him through the sides of my eyes, not moving my head. He was still smiling innocently like a little boy eager for someone to give him candy. From another twisted point of view, it was a menacing grin of a predator. All of my brothers were pretty unpredictable like the clouds, but Taemin being the youngest is the most whimsical.

No one knows that there’s so much more hidden behind the fake masks we wear everyday, unrevealed to public. You would have expected the others to keep up their disguises of gentlemen, helping her out in this little game. None of them spoke. In fact, they appear to support the idea of guessing whose name would be announced from those full lips of hers.

It was clear that nobody was on her side. I wanted to help her badly, but she’s no damsel in distress. Assisting her would put a scar in that shield of pride around her. Moreover, I didn’t know how to act around her, to pull her towards me, or push her away? I’ve been alternating courses for the whole evening with guilt in me. She must be thinking that I’m playing with her.

I’m sorry.

Nana pursed her lips into a tight smile. I could see that it was forced. She did not look intimidated his command, nor was she shivering or stuttering when she began to word her next answer out with caution. The scene seemed to start shifting in a slow motion; from the minute her small mouth hung open, trying to push the voice out of . I’m ashamed to admit, that I had the slightest hope that her answer would be Minho.

“I’m sorry; this will be the only question that I won’t answer.” She said firmly.

This is her choice; she said she won’t, not that she can’t. The hyungs kept quiet, leaving the decision to the last asker. Even Key and Jonghyun hyung remained expressionless. Nobody wanted to interfere with Taemin’s planning. Not that they were afraid of him, none of us are afraid of each other. This is just the result of the distances between us, and the amount and rationality we put up with each other for Father’s sake.

“I knew you wouldn’t answer my question.” He chuckled, the ring of his little giggle forewarning another thought in his mind that he’s probably going to execute about-


“That’s why I figured out a penalty game, punishment to be exact.”

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minhosnoona #2
Chapter 17: this is great, I really hope that one day you will add more to it.
The story is very nice^^ <br />
usually I don't read SHINee stories but this one is nice^^
Nice update. So sad, but touching with Key's part. Update soon!!
yes! an update<3 i freaking love you for this 8DD<br />
new subscriber and oh my word i couldn't stop reading it, mum has just shouted at me because my dinner's gone cold! please update soon, this is a really good story! :D xxx
please update (:
Jinki is such a sweetheart ♥
it's jinki! O:<br />
yeay for the update 8D<br />
candyfever #10
New reader! Please update^^