Petty Boy Talk

Can I Be Sure That This Is Love?

To all my precious readers and subscribers, I'M SO SORRY!!! I know I didn't update for over two months :( I'm actually pretty scared that you guys were getting bored and tired plus having need to put up with my y writing. I'm really really sorry. I understand if there are subscribers and readers who want to leave the story. I'm a slow writer, but I'll do my best. I'll really try to update often. Those who unsubscribed are always welcomed to come back whenever you think the story's getting nicer, as do all the new readers are welcomed. I'm really sorry and thank you all for your support. Merry Christmas and Happy Boxing Day.

Sincerely, blueskydevilz.


“I hope you enjoyed yourselves,” the host said graciously to the last of his guests.

The younger man and his sons thanked him politely for the wonderful dinner and hospitality. Min Nana stifled another yawn and stood beside her father while escorting them to the front of the house. An alert footman had signaled the Lee’s driver to move up.

It was already midnight, and the tired young lady was not used to sleeping in late. ‘Early to bed, early to rise’ was her daily motto. However, her newly-made friends had shown no signs of exhaustion on their charismatic selves. On a few times when she would accidentally let out the accumulating yawns, she quickly covers her widely opened mouth with one of her hands. The pairs of eyes watching her were delighted to take the sight in, then questioning her if she would want to retreat from the prolonging conversation.

Being a person who finds it hard to refuse, she said no and continued to stay in their company. After all, it was casual topics ranging from favorites to movie stars. She noticed that the boy with the soothing voice- Jinki, was particularly fond of the trot genre. Two or three slow lines of demonstration from him had her floating in the music, while Jonghyun had teased and called him ‘old man’.

One thing she learned about Key is that never get him cross and agitated. While he doesn’t have a bad temper, he owns a sharp mouth and has a quick way with words. Nana noted to herself about that point, even though he convinced her that he wouldn’t snap over petty issues without a solid reason.

The car halted right in front of them as the reunited friends silently hug and say what would be their last goodbyes. There was no ‘until we meet again’ between the two adults.

“Good night and thank you for coming. I hope you enjoyed the party.” Nana bowed.

“It’s been a pleasure meeting you.” Jonghyun replied while reaching out for a professional handshake, as do the others. The previous scene had not been reenacted in front of their father. Anyway, they’ll meet again is what everyone thought. Although nobody knows it was going to be sooner than expected.


They started to enter the vehicle one by one once the door was opened. Movements were straight and careful, as if afraid that they would wrinkle their garments. The tallest son was to be the last to slide in.

Nana caught his wrist awkwardly before he could leave.

Minho turned around surprised, and wondering what would have triggered such a bold action from her. From the side of his eyes, he saw Taemin, who was the one to board before him staring curiously at the scene.

Letting her hand fall, she lowered her head and spoke softly. Inside, she felt as though the embarrassment was going to overtake her.

“Um…Minho-sshi? I want to apologize for running away after falling on you earlier.”

There, I said it.

“It’s okay.”

Judging from the cold tone of his voice, she didn’t know whether to think that she was forgiven or the opposite. There was no friendly pat on the head or the shoulder, just a simple two-worded answer that she would misunderstand. By the time Nana had lifted her head to start again, the car door was already shut, with it speeding off.

Taemin frowned while Minho leaned against the side, looking out the window, trying hard to hide his blushing yet smiling expression. To him, the stars above multiply at each passing second.

She sighed and enters the house, where she would wash up, change and jump on her inviting bed, thinking about today, where the word coincidence seemed to appear so many times.


“Seriously it’s two in the morning; and we’ve got to stop sleeping so late!” Onew whined for the third time. A bookmark was placed in between the textbook pages where he had stopped reading. There was a box of highlighters in the first drawer of the half-moon table nearby. The yellow one that he was using had been restored to its original place.

Lying on the soft mattress-like carpet, Taemin threw a pillow that hit precisely at his brother’s face. As usual, he was doing nothing productive, spinning cushions on his index finger like a basketball.

“Yah Taemin! What was that for?!?”

“Just shut up hyung. You sound like you're fifty.”

“Yeah dubu, just chill. School’s out until next month anyway. It’s time to relax and enjoy.” Jonghyun assured with his laid back attitude. Calling Onew ‘tofu’ was one of the ways of ‘bullying’ him. Stretching his back lazily, he threw the magazine on the floor after flipping through a few pages.

“The academy didn’t give the third-years two weeks of advance classes for us to fool around, Jjong.” The eldest muttered, unsatisfied with the response of his classmate.

“They did it in order to ‘introduce’ to us a ‘new’ syllabus which doesn’t make much difference to me than the old one hyung. Besides, it’s optional. Almost three quarter of the class did not attend. They were still on vacation.”


“Look, let me remain as a second-year until school OFFICIALLY reopens next month, okay? Let me enjoy my youth as a…”

“A heartbreaker?” Key interrupted.

“In a way, you’re right, Key.” Jonghyun exclaims. Key shrugs and returned to arranging flowers in the antique vase.

“Sigh, just look at your younger brother! Even Taemin went for the first year orientation and basic classes!”

“I did it only because Father insisted.” Now huddling a giant teddy bear given to Jonghyun by some girl, he crouched in and listened to their argument.

“Whatever you say, you better focus on reading your textbook.” Jonghyun continued impatiently, trying to knock Onew out of his ‘sensible’ mode. He picked up another magazine and started to flip through again albeit with a boring expression.

“I needed to look for materials and facts on the assignment.” Putting the books neatly on the shelves, the eldest turned around.

“You’d better start looking too. Anyway what’s that you’re reading?”

“.” Jonghyun answered with a flat tone.

Onew and Key’s back turned rigid.


Lee Jinki’s arms reached for the under-aged one and knocked him on the floor before his imaginative curiosity starts to grow, while the other leapt and snatched the reading material away before realizing that it was the Health/Science magazine published this month featuring anatomy and reproduction of the human body.

Just then, Minho opened the bathroom door urgently wearing a loose shirt with some slacks for sleepwear. A toothbrush still in his hand with foaming toothpaste in his mouth, he looked around after hearing the loud screaming and thumping from outside. With his legs bended in a battle-like stanza, towel around his neck and a frowning but serious expression on his face, he looked…


A cold silence took over.

The four held onto their stomachs before breaking out into laughter.

“HAHAHAHAHA! Seriously, watching Minho is better than watching !” Jonghyun cried while laughing and shaking his head exasperatedly. 


Disclaimer: I do not own the pictures used for this fanfic.

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minhosnoona #2
Chapter 17: this is great, I really hope that one day you will add more to it.
The story is very nice^^ <br />
usually I don't read SHINee stories but this one is nice^^
Nice update. So sad, but touching with Key's part. Update soon!!
yes! an update<3 i freaking love you for this 8DD<br />
new subscriber and oh my word i couldn't stop reading it, mum has just shouted at me because my dinner's gone cold! please update soon, this is a really good story! :D xxx
please update (:
Jinki is such a sweetheart ♥
it's jinki! O:<br />
yeay for the update 8D<br />
candyfever #10
New reader! Please update^^