First Impressions When I Saw You

Can I Be Sure That This Is Love?

 I’m going to get my book…I’m going to get my book…

I’m skipping down the flight of stairs quietly while tugging my Mickey Mouse wallet in my right pocket. Strangely, I don’t see any of the household helpers around the main hall. I expected to see at least one or two around the corridors. But no, there’s no one in sight. Good! This makes my great escape easier! And in case you’re wondering why am I referring to them as ‘household helpers’ and not ‘housekeepers’ or ‘maids’, well I like to acknowledge people who contribute to their work and avoid the status difference. Same, I don’t like the older people calling me ‘agasshi’ when I’m clearly the young one in need to respect them.

My right hand was about to reach the main door and feel the solid brass handle under my skin, the fresh air, the rain drizzle when I was caught red-handed, like a thief. And I mean yes, caught in my own house.

“Ahem, young lady, where do you think you’re going?” a stern voice coughed and asked with a hint of sarcasms.

I did not dare to not turn around. With that sharp voice and the long grey hair tied neatly in a high bun, I flashed an awkward smile at the elderly woman. She wasn’t tall and was quite plump, but her facial expression gives off a scary aura sometimes. Most often, not to me, but when I open my eyes to see her in front of me, my back was already touching the wooden door.

This time, I’m dead… I thought to myself. Both of us took a deep breath, I wanted to run out on the mark of three, but then she started to ‘attack’ head-front first.

“You know your father is going to organize a party tonight at seven sharp. All the other servants are busy preparing for the event! The hall is to be clean and spotless, that’s why you don’t see them here! Then there’s the canopy near the gazebo in the west side of the garden the men have to set up! Agasshi, you should be bathing by now, or memorizing the list of the guests that are going to attend later!” she yelled.

Her temper was flaring up and cooling down at the same time. I ran to her and gave her a big bear hug, just to hold her down. Let me introduce to you, this person here is Park Soo Jung-sshi, my nanny since age seven. She took care of me since like forever. While Kim Tae Hee-seonsaengnim was in charge of my education, therefore home-tutoring me. Soo Jung-nim took charge of my etiquette, ethics, manners et cetera or also known as – the keys to being a fine ‘lady’.

Bleh. You ask me if I like being rich and being a lady, I’ll definitely say NO with both letters in capital. I don’t like wearing dresses for starters, or wearing ‘short shorts’ that are the trend now among young girls. Picture me as a girl who likes to wear big-oversized T-shirts for men, and baggy cotton three-quarters that goes below the knees. They’re not fashionable, but that’s not the point of being clothed. It’s practical and comfortable, not to mention cheap.

Ah, I meant reasonable. Don’t mistake me; I’m not a stingy person. It’s just that even if I’m rich, I’m not spoiled. I don’t like to spend money on unnecessary stuff, except for books of course. My father’s rules on my monthly allowance are strict, a hundred and nothing more. That includes whatever expenses – books, new clothes, stationeries and some optional food buying.

The only thing I’m particular about is my shoes. And yes, you’ve guessed right, the types I like are not ordinary too. Converse and shoes with shoelaces are a no-no for me. I like flats that cover your feet, but still let you connect to the patterns of the grounds. No shoelaces because I tend to trip over a lot.

So you see I’m not a graceful swan, but a clumsy duck.

Back to the present situation, I’m in hot soup now.

“Soo Jung-sshi, I’m just going to the bookstore for a while to pick up something.” I reassure her, already free from the hug. My expression was that of wanting her to trust me desperately. I hope none from it will tell her that I had actually forgotten that there was going to be a function tonight.

“Hmmph, and then you won’t be back for the banquet,” she snorted. I smiled again.

“I promise I’ll be back at least by 4:15.”

She put her fingers on her chin and reconsider, looking at me like she’s babysitting a rascal. I can’t do puppy eyes or act cute. Instead, I stood still and stared at her nervously until she finally gave me an answer.

“Alright, you got me. But then after 4:15, you go straight to the bathroom to bathe. I’ll call the maids to attend to you. And, you have to listen to me about wearing the dress. Plus the thing is that you will be reading the names of the guests, not the book.” She stressed on THE BOOK. I’m okay, as long as I get to go out and get it, now.

“Thank you so much, Soo Jung-ahjumma!” I shouted back. I guess she had wanted to assign the driver to send me but I was already running away from the mansion.

“At last, the taste of freedom!”


Lee Soo Bin took the last sip of his freshly brewed coffee before setting the invitation card down on his mahogany table. The invite was to a party organized by Min Shin Hyun, a name he had threw to the back of his mind to forget. The organizer was both a rival and a brother-like figure to him, but an event that happened many years back changed the lives of three person, including himself.

He had not seen Min Shin Hyun for about seven years, not since that day, when he decided to break off all relationship with that man. Today, the familiar name now stands before his eyes, requesting his presence to grace the function.

A knock on the door is what it took to bring him back from recalling the painful memories. He approved with a simple ‘come in’. His throat was burning with the bitter after-taste of the brown liquid. Before this, Lee Soo Bin was more a man for wine and whiskey rather than coffee. But coffee brought him back to a melancholic feeling he had lost long ago.

A boy at around seventeen entered the room. Those pair of eyes was bright but cold and quiet. His face was that of a feminine but manly and handsome at the same time. The short and neat cut of his hair only made him look more like a model. The balanced lips moved in synch, and a deep but soothing voice spoke for the first time.

“You wanted to see me, father?”

“Yes, Minho. Are your other brothers around?” the elderly asked. Soo Bin liked to talk to his fourth son the best. He was the one without many words, but very observant and analytic. It makes him a person of mystery that you should never underestimate.

“Jinki-hyung should be back in another half and hour. The others are all around now, father.” Minho replied, nothing more, nothing less.

“Good, tell them to prepare.  We’re attending the party of an old friend of mine this evening at seven. I expect us to be present and punctual for the event. All of us until the last minute of the function.

“Yes, father.”

“And especially to Kibum, a neat and proper attire. Not like the last time where what he wore did not embarrass me, but himself.” Soo Bin sighed, shaking his head.

“Yes, father. Is there anything more?” Minho asked with the same monotone.

Soo Bin looked up at his favorite son, but did not see any expression, even from his eyes. No care or love. They were just like lifeless brown orbs only for the purpose of sight. He sighed and turned around, only to miss watching a little frown form on his handsome son’s face.

“Nothing else, you may take your leave now.”

“Thank you, father.”

Minho left the room and headed towards the stairs, thinking that if only his father would look closely enough, he would be able to see a young boy’s longing for love behind the wall he had built over the years.


“Haraboji, is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen available now?” I asked. Haraboji was walking out from the back of the store when I was looking around. There were stacks of new books still wrapped in brown paper in the middle of the old bookshop. The old grandfather laughed heartily when he saw me looking at those books. A look of confusion crept on me.

“Nana-ah, I don’t think you’ll like those books though.” He commented while pointing towards the same direction my eyes was.

“Why not? What book is it?”

He raised a book with a front cover of an image of a distorted woman in red. The title was written in a melting font that read ‘Nightmares that Haunt’.

I gulped down saliva. I don’t like ghost stories. Haraboji laughed again.

“Hahahahaha, Nana-ah, your expression was really funny! I wish my grandchildren were as fun as you, little one.”

I blushed from embarrassment. I turned my head to the left and I noticed that there was another boy in the shop I didn’t see earlier. The humorous shopkeeper patted my back as he shoved a thick hardcover book into my hands. The title and author name were embedded in gold colour, the picture was that of a pair of English man and woman with their backs facing the reader under a parasol.

Pride and Prejudice.

“Yes! Haraboji, you just made my day!” I exclaimed. “How much is it?”

“It’s free of cash charge.” He said, wiping the counter with a piece of rag.

“No, I can’t possibly…”

“I said it’s free of CASH charge. In return, you have to spend your afternoon drinking tea with me on one of your free days.” He stated, with his pointer finger pointing upwards.


“I insist.” He persisted while laughing. “And bring your boyfriend too, I want to see what kind of man he is to break through the books that you always bury your nose in.”

“Haraboji, I don’t have a boyfriend.” I said, without blushing.

“That’s okay, Haraboji will just wait until you have one.”

The only stranger who was in the shop approached the counter. He set a book on the counted and took out his wallet. Haraboji got up to do his job while I stood aside with my book for the man to pay. He was taller than me by half a head and seemed a few years older than me. The black jacket he was wearing with the white shirt and marine jeans made him look like a ‘cool’ person.

“How much is it?” he asked. I strained my ears to listen to his voice. It was soft but unique. I haven’t heard a lot of men’s voice besides my own father, haraboji or the butlers. The boy’s voice was nice.

“200, sir.” Haraboji answered. The stranger in return took out a gold card and passed it to him, but Haraboji said that the transaction was to be made by cash because the shop does not accept credit cards. He put the card back awkwardly into his wallet and took out pieces of money notes. I couldn’t stop staring at the watch he wore on his right hand. It certainly did not match him. The watch design was that of fried chicken, with the pointers being a bone and a chicken claw.

I liked the watch.

“I’m sorry, but I only have 150…” he apologized. I felt sorry for Haraboji for either to give him a discount or not sell it to him. Haraboji’s shop rarely has visitors, so his books do not sell well. And he gets little customers, being one old man supporting himself. Being a book lover, I even felt sorry for the stranger too. Unknowingly, I took the remaining 50 out from my pocket.

“Here, I’ll subsidise it for you.”

I had a habit of being shy to strangers, so I did not look at him in the eye when I offered him help.

“Thanks.” He said.

“Welcome. Well then Haraboji, I’ll be going now. Thank you so much.” I said as I opened the glass door of the store. The bell hung at the handle ringed. I run back the house while holding the book to my chest. The drizzle was getting heavier after it stopped for while just now. I look at my old watch, it pointed to four.

I need to get back home, fast.


The boy exited the shop soon after she left. He left the bag in the passenger seat of his convertible before starting the car. What an odd girl, he thought. The way she dressed was not one he always sees in school or outside. Nobody wears thick-rimmed spectacles or flat heels nowadays. She helped him pay for his book without asking him to return the money. Nor did she ask  for his number.

Well, usually girls asked for his number.

Speaking of phone, his mobile vibrated in his pocket. He took it out and tapped the touch screen to read the new message.


From: Minho

Father says prepare when you come home. We’re attending a dinner function organized by his friend tonight at seven. He says we are to go together in one car. Please be punctual.


Great. Social parties that he dislikes. At least Kibum would make a good laugh out of it, he hoped.

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minhosnoona #2
Chapter 17: this is great, I really hope that one day you will add more to it.
The story is very nice^^ <br />
usually I don't read SHINee stories but this one is nice^^
Nice update. So sad, but touching with Key's part. Update soon!!
yes! an update<3 i freaking love you for this 8DD<br />
new subscriber and oh my word i couldn't stop reading it, mum has just shouted at me because my dinner's gone cold! please update soon, this is a really good story! :D xxx
please update (:
Jinki is such a sweetheart ♥
it's jinki! O:<br />
yeay for the update 8D<br />
candyfever #10
New reader! Please update^^