Thoughts of a Chicken Maniac

Can I Be Sure That This Is Love?

Hohoho~ I'm back only after a few hours. I just finished this chapter and decided to upload it. Sorry if it's a little boring but I wanted to do Onew's point of view alone XD Thank you all for all the support!. Comments are loved and are like my energy boosters =D I might get addicted to updating if it's like this -^V^-


It’s weird you know, watching them being themselves, and yet not really like themselves at the same time. I’ve always thought that being the eldest, my patience with situations involving my brothers all the while had enabled me to see and understand their true colors. Today, I had my first few doubts, when we were being pulled into an ordinary introduction to which I thought should be some rich man’s spoiled child, where she would probably want us to shower her with endless attention, just like any others I’ve met.

Surprisingly, she wasn’t the typical. Min Nana was the opposite of that word. She’s of a different kind. Just from the body language and you could tell that while shyness was part of her, she had dignity in herself. I confirmed that when I shook hands with her myself. I knew there was something special about this girl when I saw her at the bookshop. Helping others without expecting repayment, sympathizing with the old man who looked so happy as if I was his first customer of the week, she had a kind heart.

One that is extinct in this dirty world where fame and wealth are all that mattered.

Jonghyun, Kibum, Minho and Taemin are all my biological brothers. We all share the same father. The only one being fully blood-bonded with me is Taemin, while Jonghyun and Kibum shared the same mother and Minho another. That’s why we all had different surnames. But during introductions, they avoided using the Kim and Choi. Reason was that we wanted to live as normally as possible.

Our father had affairs. It shouldn’t be surprising for someone as good looking and rich as him. The reason as to why he had affairs, I wouldn’t like to go deep into that.

My youngest brother did not share anything in common with me except for music, which all five of us enjoy when we were young. He was rather quiet like Minho, maybe better, but can manipulative and calculative if he decides to. Since starting to attend the same school as us this year, he had been gaining attention for being the last son of Lee Soo Bin to join us in education. But then that died down since he was more of a loner. Girls gave up trying to talk or flirt with him.

A few seconds ago, I just saw an impulsive act from him. He stuck his tongue out like a child after managing to rake in the seat beside Min Nana. The action was so natural that he just expressed what he felt that moment without filtering his thoughts like always.

Kibum proceeded to sit with Minho on the other side of the table, leaving the other seat beside her empty. They looked discouraged. Another thought floated into my mind. Since when did Kibum become so gentle and patient towards a female? All my life I’ve seen Kibum arguing with girls and spouting insulting comments like ‘ugly’ and ‘useless’ that he himself was nicknamed ‘diva’. Wait, and did Minho just sighed and shook his head?

Jonghyun smirked and sat on her left, and I sat beside him, just to monitor things and make sure he doesn’t get out of hand with his ‘unintended skinship’. Somehow, I myself didn’t want him treating her like a toy or any of his girlfriends that he hangs out with in school.

Nana smiled again, not sure who she’s directing it to. It was refreshing like sunshine to have her with us. Although at a conversational point she doesn’t seem to talk much, but her answers had been witty but non-offending. I like her. She doesn’t act cute on purpose like Choi Sulli that kept bothering us wherever we went.

“Noona, I want to sit with you!” a squeaky voice shouted from beside Jonghyun.

I tilted my head for the view. A boy at about nine years of age was tugging at the cloth that was draped over her chair. Loud sounds of high-heeled footsteps began to follow in. A woman in her thirties rushed to the kid’s side, bending down at his level to pick him up in her arms.

“Taehee-seonsaengnim!” Nana exclaimed and rose from her seat. Taemin and Jonghyun lifted their faces up to follow her. I looked at the woman who had on an astonished expression on her. She put down her son who was struggling. He muttered something like ‘Umma, don’t carry me. I’m big already…” or something along those lines with his imperfect Korean.

“Omo, Nana you should wear dresses often. You look so good! I almost didn’t recognize you!” What can I say? She took the words right out of our mouth.

The four other 'men' on the table had different reactions. One nods, one chuckled, one smirked while the last one wanted to wolf-whistle. I slapped on Jonghyun’s shoulder lightly as to prevent him from doing that. Nana must have felt awkward. She was blushing away when she exchanged our names with that of her teacher. I wonder what she teaches. Tuition? Extra activities?

“I’m sorry that Seung Bae interrupted you just now…” she apologized. Nana shook her head and reassured her that everything’s fine. Jonghyun was shooting death glares at the boy. I wanted to tell him that it’s not good to threaten a small child like that. We had just a staring competition not long ago. That was fine; we’re all big-hearted men who take guesses on what others are thinking anyways.

“It’s okay seonsaengnim, Seung Bae can sit with me here. There’s an extra seat.” The boy named Seung Bae jumped in joy at her offer. I didn’t know she was that popular with guys, even younger ones. Taemin and Kibum high-fived under the table cloth while Jonghyun groans slightly at me.

"But he’ll get in your way during the meal…”

“It’s okay, I’ll know what to do and take good care of him.” Nana said while holding his hands.

In the end, Jonghyun had to shift from his space. He still had on that playboy smile but he pushed me over to sit with Seung Bae. I went immediately. First, to prevent disasters from happning as he wasn’t good with young boys. I am the mess-cleaner after all. Secondly, the seat was nearer to her. That was a lame excuse, I admit. Even I’m no good with children, unlike Nana, who seemed so natural at this baby-sitting sort of thing.

“Seung Bae ah, this is Jinki-hyung, Jonghyun-hyung, Minho-hyung, Kibum-hyung and Taemin-hyung.” She started. “Say hello to them.”

The boy refused to. Kibum whispered to Taemin loud enough that I can hear him. “Who is this boy? A teacher’s son with no manners?” His words were piercing. I silently prayed that Nana didn’t hear that.

“Seung Bae, what did noona say before?”

“Alright, alright for noona’s sake! Annyeonghasaeyo, hyung. I’m Seung Bae.”

The boys clapped their hands and cheered, even if he never did referred to us individually.


Soon, dinner was served.

There was this full course of different varieties of meat. Pork, beef, mutton and fish were sizzled and grilled with different sauces and gravy. Some were spicy and some not. Either way, I complimented on her house chef for the meal. It was delicious as I love food, more than the others. Somehow, I wasn’t really that satisfied yet until the chicken came.

Served in a simple yet the best way, fried.

Oh gosh, golden fried chicken. My greatest weakness, yet my favorite of all. Nobody can defeat me in the title of ‘chicken maniac’. Don’t you think fried chicken is so tasty when you first bite onto the outer crunch then into the succulent, juicy meat that is tight yet tender?

“Eat more, Jinki-sshi.” Nana told me while cutting the chicken into little bitable pieces for the boy’s small mouth to chew. She never fails to ensure that we are comfortable eating from time to time. I think she knew that I liked chicken. The watch I wore in the bookshop was a huge giveaway. Key says it didn’t suit my image, but my personality.

I saw that she had eaten a little pork, beef and fish but not the mutton. She was quietly munching on some green vegetables before passing me some sort of sauce for me to dip the chicken in. I’m only at my first piece, and I told myself not to go beyond three.

I had a small amount of the sauce on my chicken eventually. There was radish, but I decided to listen to her.

I bit into it and my taste buds were stimulated. The sauce was good! Anybody who has been eating fried chicken with tomato ketchup or some other dressings will regret not discovering this sauce earlier. It was sweet but spicy and a little salty, with a tinge of lemon and barbeque seasoning.

“It’s delicious!”

“The best part of it is the sauce is noona’s recipe!” Seung Bae cut in while setting his cutleries on the side of his dinner plate, indicating that he’s finished with his food.

Our table wowed. I took a sip of juice and join in, with my mouth open in an embarrassing state .

“It looks like someone’s enjoying the chicken a little too much.” Kibum teased. I made sure to finish chewing the second piece before attempting to reply back.

“The chicken was on the menu because of the children.” Nana commented out of the blue.

Ah, have I made a fool out of myself, I thought, eating more of 'children food' in front of her.

“-but I like fried chicken the best.” She finished while putting a small piece into with an eye smile. We were eating and looking at her at the same time.

Suddenly, the chicken I swallowed tasted so much better than the Mexicana and KFC that I loved.

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minhosnoona #2
Chapter 17: this is great, I really hope that one day you will add more to it.
The story is very nice^^ <br />
usually I don't read SHINee stories but this one is nice^^
Nice update. So sad, but touching with Key's part. Update soon!!
yes! an update<3 i freaking love you for this 8DD<br />
new subscriber and oh my word i couldn't stop reading it, mum has just shouted at me because my dinner's gone cold! please update soon, this is a really good story! :D xxx
please update (:
Jinki is such a sweetheart ♥
it's jinki! O:<br />
yeay for the update 8D<br />
candyfever #10
New reader! Please update^^