Meeting Her Changed Us

Can I Be Sure That This Is Love?

Hi, it's me again, kekeke ^V^. "Can I Be Sure That This Is Love?" has finally achieved the amount of 10 subscribers as of today! I'm so happy~! As usual, please feel free to comment, it allows me to know what you guys are thinking...XD Many many thanks to my new readers and supporters and existing subscribers -^V^- Without you, I wouldn't be able to continue.

Without further ado, please enjoy Chapter 5!


I was shocked. Sorry, I mean surprised. To the extent that I flinched a little when I saw them. To be honest, I was really expecting his children to be well-behaved little kids. I may have some problems in overcoming situations where introductions with adults or young adults are concerned, but I’m proud to say that I’m the best with young kids and toddlers. In fact, I often visit an orphanage when I have the time and privilege to. There weren’t any complications in the interactions so far.

But then, this young elder here has five sons. All five of them were…matured.

And their images were of either models from a photo shoot spread, or some translucent inhuman beings? You could even say that they’re close to perfection from interpretations of the Gods. I wanted to pinch myself and see if I were dreaming. I have seen men, but never such good-looking men before. Reminding myself about their father, who’s to talk about good genes?

And then I bit my tongue. I recognized two of them. On far left was the boy without sufficient money in the bookstore earlier, I ended up paying a quarter of the portion for him. Another one, the second boy from the right was the person I bumped into; I ended up falling on top of him.

Can this be anymore…coincidental

“Oh, so these are your five sons?” I heard father asking while shaking their hands.

They nod their heads steadily in agreement. Of course, being the younger ones, they did bend their upper body a little in receiving my father’s humble handshakes and acknowledgements. Father was smiling away with Soo Bin-ahjusshi, showering them with praises on how polite and charming they all are. How grown they were. Even older than me I suppose.

“Boys, this is Shin Hyun-hyung’s only daughter, Min Nana-sshi.” Their father finally interrupted, gesturing myself who was standing behind the two friends to the front. I didn’t dare look at them in the face, my eye level only reaching the sight of their chins and lips.

I felt five unwavering pair of eyes on me. Should I make a move? Or not? The one with the chicken watch extended his right hand with an honest smile.

“Nice to meet you, Nana-sshi. My name is Lee Jinki. I’m the eldest.” He said, again with that heart-warming voice. I extended my hand immediately and shook his, turning red when I made eye contact.

I let my hand down, when the boy with the spiky hair took it and planted a kiss on my fingers. He had those sharp jaw lines that were very prominent in his facial features. As if I weren’t flustered enough, my ears turn hotter. But I somehow managed to retain the poker-face expression on me.

“I’m Jonghyun, second eldest out of the five of us.” I gave a little nod and arch my lips up a little to form a smile.

“Kibum, third son. Nice to meet you, Nana-sshi.” He bowed and winked. I returned the bow but not the wink. I had to hold in some of my desired laughter. He seemed humorous and had the fun flair of a diva.

Next is the person I accidentally ran into. He was the tallest out of the five. His gaze was intense that it scared me a little. The fact that he did not even put on a fake smile added the awkwardness in the air. Maybe he was angry at me for walking away without apologizing to him about the incident earlier.

The last unnamed boy patted his shoulder to alert him back to his consciousness. He stopped his stare at me and smile. The one I presumed to be the youngest made haste to ending the introductions.

I’m Lee Taemin, the youngest. Sorry about Minho, he doesn’t talk much.” He shook my hand professionally.

“It’s okay.” I reassured. The elderly were already walking towards the dining chambers in the lead while we followed suit. I was going to apologize to Minho in private, but couldn’t get the chance to as the five brothers were beside and around me. I frowned at the thought that maybe my actions had made him angry or unhappy.

“By the way Nana-sshi, may I know how old are you?” Kibum asked suddenly, flicking his hair, his voice was tinged with curiosity.

“Yah, how can you be so impudent as to ask the young lady how old is she on the first meeting?” Jonghyun cuts in while smiling at me. He was the closest to me on my left, while I tried to get further away without him noticing.

“Cut the act, Jonghyun-hyung. You want to know too.” A deep voice followed. I realized that it was the fourth son talking. I smiled in relief that he wasn’t mad at me. The other four looked at Minho like they didn’t expect him to join the conversation. I was told in front of him that he’s a quiet person after all.

“It’s fine. I’m turning fifteen this year.” I replied, chuckling lightly. Seems that conversations with these people aren’t so bad after all. I even began to laugh a little.

“Huh? So Nana-sshi isn’t my noona?” the youngest exclaimed. Jinki told me in a slightly lower voice that Taemin’s a year older than me. Since he always meets people who are older than him, he’s used to calling them either hyung or noona. So, he’s rarely with people younger than him? That would explain his bold sense after mixing with the majority who are elder, just like me.  

“You can call still me noona if you want, Taemin-sshi.”

Look at me, I’m even joking around now. Another explosive revelation, I didn’t know that he was older than me. He was so baby-faced that I thought that I was definitely older than him. It was hard to see him without thinking how young and innocent he is.

“I’m going to decline that offer, Nana-sshi. But you can call me oppa if you want to.” Taemin pointed out.

I did not feel offended, nor did my cheeks turn red. Instead, he and I joined the laughter of the others teasing the youngest two on the scene.


“You can still call me noona, if you want, Taemin-sshi.”

She doesn’t only have a pretty face; her voice was all the more angelic when she referred to my name for the first time. It was deeper than the normal high-pitched screaming fan girls but soft and melodious at the same time. I found myself smiling at her more and more. Minho-hyung’s face lit up whenever she speaks. Jonghyun-hyung’s trying to get closer to her physically as usual while Key and Onew hyung were being discreet.

Ah, all of us were captivated by her. But, why?  

For starters, this is the first time we’re meeting and I don’t even know her that well, though I plan to in the future. I’m not some ladies’ man like Jonghyun-hyung; I’m not attracted to girls in school. So what is it? What is the factor that draws her to me? To us?

Was it her charisma? She was so shy when she approached us. Anyone would be a fool to not notice her being careful with every step she made. But then nobody could deny that it was nice being around her. I don’t quite know how to explain it, she felt like everything we need.

From my observation today, she may be someone as prone to accidents as Onew-hyung. I caught sight of her almost falling over wiring on the ground, and then she continued on like nothing happened while ensuring nobody saw her little trip.

Except me, of course. But she doesn’t need to know that.

Dinner was a fusion of traditional Korean and Western’s buffet style. I found it amusing that the main course was served while the appetizers, side dishes and desserts were of self-service. All I can say is the person who planned the menu was smart to mix around the taste of food and drinks.  

We were directed to a round table with a rather small diameter compared to normal function tables. I was pleased. The smaller it is, the closer we were seated together. We stood for a while before deciding the seats. I counted the chairs surrounding the table as soon as I laid eyes on them. There were seven seats.  

My four brothers gave out menacing sharp glares towards each other behind her back.

I pulled the chair for her to sit while they were on a silent debate. She smiled and mouthed a ‘thank you’ towards me. I sat down directly next to her, waiting for a chance to start talking again. Kibum and Jonghyun were holding back the protests in their eyes. Nana was unfolding the napkin to place it on her lap.

My chance now, I thought.

I turned back to face Jonghyun and Key.

“Mehrong, I won.”  


First time writing in Taemin's point of view. XD Sorry if I made him a little bit mischievous. I'm thinking what would happen during the meal...There are seven seats after all...

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minhosnoona #2
Chapter 17: this is great, I really hope that one day you will add more to it.
The story is very nice^^ <br />
usually I don't read SHINee stories but this one is nice^^
Nice update. So sad, but touching with Key's part. Update soon!!
yes! an update<3 i freaking love you for this 8DD<br />
new subscriber and oh my word i couldn't stop reading it, mum has just shouted at me because my dinner's gone cold! please update soon, this is a really good story! :D xxx
please update (:
Jinki is such a sweetheart ♥
it's jinki! O:<br />
yeay for the update 8D<br />
candyfever #10
New reader! Please update^^