Little Innocent Game

Can I Be Sure That This Is Love?

Hey hey hey, I'm back ^.^. Sorry I kept you all waiting :( I have to apologize and thank my supporters that supplied me with enough strength to continue the fic! I know I don't update frequently, but I promise I'll try to :( I might even try another fic featuring SHINee/MBLAQ, but it's definitely going to be a supernatural one. Even so, I'm not neglecting this one. This story's going to have a very long plot anyways XD

So please anticipate in the future <3

About SHINee's Jonghyun dating, I kind of don't want to bring it into here. I've seen a lot of people commenting about it and some authors that stopped writing just because of this. About this issue, I'm keeping quiet with no comments.

Sit back and enjoy as I bring forward Chapter 7! (Sorry if this chapter may seem boring) *bows, apologizes*

Comments and subscribers are much welcomed <3

P.S: Before I forget, a big thank you to Ashulee-unnie for the wonderful poster she'd made for me XD


The cool night breeze was blowing into the gazebo softly, where we sat around to slowly savor the dessert sorbet. I stared into space as the flavored ice melted in my mouth. Lime and lemon combined were my favorite. The brothers were friendly, but I felt most comfortable around the eldest and the youngest. Naturally, during our second choice of seating, I sat near the two of them again.  On the other hand, Minho and Kibum were polar opposites. While one is quiet and focused, the other is loud and sharp. It’s a wonder how the both of them can be related and still click so well.

However, the person that I had to avoid the most was Jonghyun. I feel guilty for even criticizing him in my mind but he’s a confirmed flirt. I’m not used to these kinds of bold interactions, shuddering every time his long arms s around my shoulders. Kibum must have noticed this, and he pulled his elder brother away from me. I nod back with gratitude. The two walked a little further before starting their private conversation.

“Yah, you already have your Shin Se Kyung, so stop hogging over her.” I heard Kibum scolding hastily when I stole a glance toward them. They were engaged in loud whispers that the four of us could hear, but pretended not to. Jonghyun rolled his eyes and shrugged his broad shoulders, indicating that he didn’t care.

“So, who’s Shin Se Kyung-sshi?” I wondered, with the spoon still on my lips. I didn’t notice that I had blurted out my thinking, until I saw Minho swallowing quickly to answer my question. I covered my careless mouth before hitting on my otherwise blunt head. How can I be so impulsive?

“I’m sorry; I-I d-didn’t mean to pry…”

“She’s Jonghyun-hyung’s crush.”

“Pretty much since forever. But he changes his target all the time anyway, no big deal.” Taemin answered in detail with a flat voice, taking another scoop of ice cream into his mouth when he finished. Minho laughed, his short chuckle a deep bass.

“I apologize if Jonghyun may seem bold.” Jinki joined in casually. “He’s always like that around girls.”

Counting the times of Jonghyun’s attempts to get closer to me from the minute we were being introduced, I couldn’t agree more with him. During dinner, he tried to divert Seung Bae’s attention away from me by telling him ridiculous things like “Some of the stars you see in the skies are actually UFOs moving. Try to spot one.”  And then when the innocent boy sat back to gaze up, Jonghyun will be enjoying a clear view of me chewing on chicken. It’s awkward seeing him looking at me eating like that. Was a wonder that none of the meat got stuck in between my teeth with all my uneven munching?

“I’m okay, but are you sure you’ll be fine talking about him like this?” I was concerned. They seemed relaxed revealing secrets just like that, like they’ve known me for years. A sense of satisfaction filled me up. I’m doing well at making friends here! At the same time, I can’t help feeling envious over the girl of our topic. She must be really special to have held a place in Jonghyun’s heart.

Omo, what’s this unpleasant feeling in me? I clenched my fist, my short fingernails digging into flesh. I ate more cold sorbet, hoping that it’ll cool me down.

Thoughts, go away, go away!

“By any chance, were you all talking bad about me in front of Nana-sshi when I was away with beloved Key?”

Jonghyun came back to our small circle, directing his pointing finger towards his brothers. Jinki, Minho and Taemin gave out bored looks and continued eating. Kibum sat down with a sigh while shaking his head. My eyes made contact with Taemin’s when I was glancing by, a mischievous smirk forming but was hidden behind the dessert bowl he was holding.

“They wouldn’t be talking about you even if there’s nothing to talk about. It’s not like you’re news-worthy like Obama.” Kibum broke out coldly. I laughed out loud when I heard the joke, the way he said it was so confident and diva-ish while making a ‘tsk’ sound.

“He’s right, Jonghyun. But we’d rather talk about Nana-sshi than Obama.” Jinki chorused.


“Alright, I get it! So now, I hereby announce that our topic will be strictly revolving Nana-sshi.” There was glee in his voice and mood now. Kibum clapped his hands and gave Jonghyun a high five before I get to say anything.

Oh gosh, why now? I almost choked on the warm water by preventing myself from spitting it out. Somehow they’ve also got hold of glasses of warm water in their hands and toasted it to the ‘brilliant idea’ before bringing back the subject.

“Everyone gets to ask a question, and as for Nana-sshi you have to answer it no matter what.”

“Um…okay.” I muttered, loud enough for them to hear me. I lowered my head and pretended to take interest in the game. I bet they wouldn’t see me being nervous.

“I’ll start first, since I’m the oldest.” Jinki initiated. I forced my lips to stop quivering.

“Where are you schooling now Nana-sshi?”

I breathed out in relief. Lucky it wasn’t any weird question he asked. If the other four were this considerate like their hyung, I wouldn’t be caught in this situation.

“I’m currently not attending any school. I’ve been home-tutored ever since young.” I answered clearly. I heard an ‘oh’ from the asker. Jonghyun playfully punched his arm while pushing up his chin to close his opened mouth.

“Yah hyung, is this the best you can come up with?” Jinki threatened to punch him back in the face when the second brother put up both hands in surrender. The ball of fist retreated and he let out a small cough, clearly embarrassed of his childish actions.

“My turn now~ Nana-sshi, do you have a boyfriend?”

Uh-oh, they were all eyeing on me with anticipation again. But never mind, it’s such a straightforward question that can be answered simply.

“Yes.” I replied. The atmosphere was silent, as I noticed all of them shifted in their seats with tense shoulders. I took time observing their reactions. Jinki and Minho gulped down water, while Kibum and Taemin were trying to hide the frowns on their faces. Jonghyun looked disappointed and decided to clarify the fact.

“R-Really?” He asked again. I smiled playfully in return.

“Nope, I don’t have a boyfriend.”

I heard a ‘phew’ coming from him. Their facial features began to soften again. From a moment ago, their expressions changed dramatically. I don’t usually play around, but it’s interesting to watch them. I wonder why they’re like that.

“That’s so mean of you, Nana-sshi. I hope you wouldn’t answer like that pertaining to my question.” Kibum complained. I agreed while covering my mouth, laughing.

“Okay, sorry.”

“My question is…what’s your first impression when you saw us? I want an honest answer!” he insisted. I thought about it for less than ten seconds, this is another easy question.

“Hmm, I think that you’re all really nice, sociable, friendly and easy to get along with. I don’t feel unnerving hanging out with you.” I said carefully. It was the most sincere opinion I had ever expressed in front of strangers I’ve met for the first time.

Kibum’s face lit up, and I saw a tinge of red shading his cheeks. He began fanning himself after bowing towards me. “Kamsahamida~:” he thanked, dragging the last syllable. I returned the gesture before looking at Minho.

His face was of in deep thought now. I couldn’t fathom what he was thinking. Out of the evening, he was the one who spoke the least to me. I counted in my head, only about five times when he answered and make statements in short sentences. I couldn’t help staring at him. God, he was really tall and handsome. I still can’t believe I fell on him just now.

Such a klutz, he must be thinking.

I couldn’t stand the intense gaze he was returning to me with that pair of big soulful eyes and shifted my attention away from him.

“Minho-hyung, it’s your turn now.” Taemin nudged. I knew that he wasn’t thinking or daydreaming, just waiting for the opportune moment to-

“I’ll pass.” He simply commented.

I felt a pang of disappointment. There were protests from Jonghyun and Kibum, the two loudest ones. Did he hate me so much that there wasn’t anything he wanted to ask me about? But sometimes, if I'm not wrong, like during dinner, he was quite warm. One moment he was smiling at me, the other he was ignoring. I mentally slapped myself. I shouldn’t be thinking so highly of myself just because these people were being nice to me tonight.

There’s still one more question from the maknae before the game ends. The boy that is only older than me by almost a year rubbed his hands together before clapping once, as if signaling me to stay focused on the final round.

“This is the last question from me, Nana-sshi. Are you ready?”


I didn’t bother to notice the cunning/teasing/playful tone of voice he displayed. I dumped all thoughts out and my mind was blank.

"Out of the five of us, who do you like the most?" he asked.

I froze. I didn’t expect this boy to be so dangerous.

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minhosnoona #2
Chapter 17: this is great, I really hope that one day you will add more to it.
The story is very nice^^ <br />
usually I don't read SHINee stories but this one is nice^^
Nice update. So sad, but touching with Key's part. Update soon!!
yes! an update<3 i freaking love you for this 8DD<br />
new subscriber and oh my word i couldn't stop reading it, mum has just shouted at me because my dinner's gone cold! please update soon, this is a really good story! :D xxx
please update (:
Jinki is such a sweetheart ♥
it's jinki! O:<br />
yeay for the update 8D<br />
candyfever #10
New reader! Please update^^