Pre-Party Preparations

Can I Be Sure That This Is Love?

This is my second chapter :) Exams are finally over so I can focus on this and the growing plot in my mind XD I hope you all will learn to like the story even if it's a little slow in the beginning. Please read and comment! Many thanks to my first two subscribers - bluerose30 and Shazzyx3. Your support is much appreciated ^v^



Gosh, I’m sweating and panting like I just ran a 30 kilometer marathon during a summer afternoon. Sometimes I wonder why I don’t have the stamina of a horse when I actually eat like one. Presently speaking, the sun wasn’t even out. I can’t stand excess heat, but I like the sun rays. It makes everything clear and bright, lifting my moods.

But it doesn’t mean that I dislike rain. Rain cools the weather down, condenses your feelings. The smell of rain is pure perfume. Plus I love the sound of rain water dripping everywhere, the grass, the walls, the roofs…or on me now. The minute I’m thinking about my bipolar ways, I was getting drenched from the tips of my hair to the toes of my feet. That’s me, getting absorbed in my own mind.


“Soo Jung-sshi, I’m back!” I shouted, being careful as to not stepping on the carpet. It was dark, but no lights were on. I was curious on what was happening. The household helpers aren’t the type to practice saving electricity although I have always encouraged them. Not long after a few slow steps from the door, I heard footsteps heading towards me. My nanny and two other ahjumma rushed me to my room almost immediately.

“Young mistress, you’re back early for once!” they commented. I shrugged. Of course I’ll be back early; I don’t want to get bombarded by Soo Jung ahjumma or even worse, my father. My father may be a patient man, but he can be pretty scary when he’s mad.

At least I guess I know from who did I inherit some of my traits.  

“Ahjumma, why don’t you on the lights? It’s pitch black…” I asked while taking my cardigan off and handing it over for them to wash. “Is there no electricity?”

“No, Miss Nana. We the lights earlier but there was a short circuit. Everything’s alright now. But Butler So suggested that we light some candles instead of the chandelier. Something different for the party. Although I think we’ll still be using the chandelier instead later…”

Oh, they are hyped up about the party. This is the first time we’re having such a big gathering since mother’s funeral. I wondered what the idea was about at first, but father said that he just wanted to have fun and chat with some of his friends in the comforts of his own home. This was a little too grand, for my taste. I thought maybe a simple luncheon or dinner spent with friends would suffice. But I wouldn’t know anything, would I?

I had no friends. This was the other reason father planned this.

The ahjummas took their leave as I stepped into the bathroom and stripped my clothes off. The water was semi-warm and I didn’t bother to add more hot water. I don’t bathe with warm water as I feel that it takes away the cleansing feeling and causes me to feel sticky. Soo Jung-sshi would give me an hour long lecture if she knew that on normal days, I didn’t bathe immediately after they prepared the water. I stand in front of the long mirror, watching myself as I wait for it to cool down.

Today, I jumped into the tub without a second thought. I know it was going to be long after this. Might as well enjoy my bath before the dreadful event later.

After about 25 minutes of soaping, scrubbing the sweat off my body and rinsing, I dried myself with a towel and clad it over my body. I came out with the air condition still operating. It was refreshing. I opened the closet to see the three dresses that ahjumma had recently bought for me. As I say again, she bought it for me in this occasion without my consent. I didn’t get to pick the clothes. Out of three, two was sleeveless.  

Of course I went for the last one, which was a blackish-dark blue knee length dress with sleeves that reaches the elbows. The design was intricate but simple, with bits of laces on the neck here and there. There weren’t any sequins on it, but the silk material on some parts of the dress made it look like it shimmered.

I slipped it on. I felt more exposed that I thought I would be. The lace around my neck was a low cut, revealing my collarbones. The end of my dressed was hitched higher as the material was narrow around below my chest. I’m a conservative person, I know. But that’s just about forty percent of the reason. Thing is, I’m not confident with my body. I’m not skinny or stick thin like typical girls you see on street. I look like a giant compared to them.

I stepped out into the hall, looking for the Soo Jung. She came right to me with the maids earlier.

“Miss Nana, you look beautiful!” Shi Roo-ahjumma sighed. Soo Jung nodded her head with approval, a look of victory on her face. This is about the first time I’m wearing a dress after reaching maturity.

“Yes, but we still need to help her on the jewelries, hair and makeup. Hurry hurry.”

I was pushed to sit in front of the dressing table. I couldn’t do anything nor protest. In the end I told them that they could experiment their newly-bought makeup products on me however they like, with a condition I set which all of them agreed solemnly.

The jewelry I was to wear must be of my mother’s belongings.


Taemin was the earliest to be waiting in the living hall out of all of his brothers. He wore a simple suit with a bow tie around his collar. Bored with nothing to do, something old and abandoned eventually caught his interest. The youngest walked over to the grand piano and opened the cover. The servants had maintained it well with not a speck of dust spotted on it. He sat down and pressed a random key. It has been so long since he’d played that he’d almost forgotten. Once, he had the potential of rising to be the best, but he didn’t grab hold of it when he had the chance.

However, he still had the music in him.

After a few tries with the first few keys, his long fingers moved around the piano like graceful fluid. The servants were hiding and watching him at the same time. The young masters had not touch the piano after reaching a certain age. Once, the musical instrument was like life to them. There hasn’t been a day where piano music wouldn’t fill the house. Now, the melody of the piece echoes through the room bringing back the sentiments from their childhood.

Jonghyun was the one with a sharp ear. He came down the staircase and paced towards the music source. Taemin was so absorbed in playing that he closed his eyes while moving his head in rhythm of the classical piano piece. Loud and slow then fast. He wouldn’t had noticed his stepbrother if Jonghyun did not clear his throat on purpose.

“Umm, you know you missed three notes during your second verse…” he said awkwardly. Taemin rose from his seat to wait on the sofa with his elder brother following suit. His brother wore a similar suit, only with a white-transparent inner shirt which showed off his muscles under a certain view of light. His collar was left ed as usual. Jonghyun sat on another far end of the sofa set. Situations become awkward if there is nothing to talk about.

Soon after, Jinki and Minho walked down together while discussing about what Jonghyun seem to pick up as ‘father’s old friend’. It was better with the other two now. They were on a talking basis, but not as informal as what you expect brothers to be.

“So, Jonghyun-hyung, how’s school?” Minho asked. He was surprised that it was actually the quiet one who started the conversation with him, not Jinki, otherwise known as ‘Onew’. Almost everyone refers to Jinki as Onew, except for during conversations with their father. Nicknames were something that he didn’t approve of. How sad, Jonghyun thought. It was a way of endearment towards a loved one.

“It’s okay, I guess.” The second son replied.

“I still need to work on the research. Luckily I found a store that sold the first edition book I was looking for.” Onew interfered. He and Jonghyun were both eighteen and studied in the same school, same class even. Still, both of them were better off as classmates than brothers.

"Oh you’re all down here already?” A voice boomed from above. Soo Bin walked down steadily. He was reaching his mid forties, but still looked like a stern CEO from his late-thirties. His four sons stood up instantly and bowed a little at him. Their father was straightening his bow tie on his way to the car. Being a parent, he tried to be caring. Sometimes, he yearns to be closer to his sons, not knowing the way to point him towards his hope.

He looked at three of his sons and smiled with satisfaction, but none of them returned his smile. Soo Bin frowned upon seeing Jonghyun the only one without a bow tie or tie. He reaches into his pocket and secured a loose black ribbon tie around his collar.

“I knew you would forget, Jonghyun.” Their father teased. In deep heart’s core, all of them were shocked by his actions. Especially the ‘sloppy one’ who stood in front of him frozen. All were surprised, but they somehow liked the little change in the elder.

Who is this friend of father? All of them thought.

“Where Kibum?” Soo Bin questioned. Three were about to answer in unison, when Taemin pointed behind them. The young ones were about to burst out laughing. Surprisingly, their father did not get mad, instead started the ring of laughter that echoed louder than the piano in the hall. All joined in.

Kim Kibum was holding his head up proud, wearing a tailcoat like tuxedo with a women’s brooch in a shape of a butterfly pinned on his left chest.

Well, at least I got the boring people to laugh for the first time, 'Almighty Key' thought.


I put on the silver necklace and dangling earrings. The diamond ring on my left ring finger and the bracelet on my right wrist were a matching pair along with the previous ornaments. They had applied a little powder on my pale complexion and a lipstick shade of dark blood red.

I’m not used to the feeling of the sole of my feet a few inches above ground while wearing high heels.

Ends of my shoulder length hair were curled in loose waves, not that I already had enough of my natural curls. I tried to walk out confidently with a paper in my hands. The list of guests arriving I was supposed to memorize was now a little crumpled. Soo Jung-sshi told me that I needn’t wait for the guests at the main gate, just stay in the house to welcome them later.

The grandfather antique clock strike three times. The rain had stopped long ago and the ground was drying up. Orange sun was setting to welcome the moon into the night. It was currently 6:45.

There is still time to run…or hide.

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minhosnoona #2
Chapter 17: this is great, I really hope that one day you will add more to it.
The story is very nice^^ <br />
usually I don't read SHINee stories but this one is nice^^
Nice update. So sad, but touching with Key's part. Update soon!!
yes! an update<3 i freaking love you for this 8DD<br />
new subscriber and oh my word i couldn't stop reading it, mum has just shouted at me because my dinner's gone cold! please update soon, this is a really good story! :D xxx
please update (:
Jinki is such a sweetheart ♥
it's jinki! O:<br />
yeay for the update 8D<br />
candyfever #10
New reader! Please update^^