
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

Friends? Nope, I don't need or want another friend; especially one as annoying as you.


Before Junhong could voice his opinion to Daehyun's awaiting smile, the bell rang. 


Had time really gone by that quickly? Damn this guy must talk a lot.


Junhong turned and looked around at a nearly full class. 


When did everyone get here?


He was so focused on the boy next to him that everything in the background blended into a near silence.


This Daehyun kid was really annoying. Junhong decided that second that he was going to avoid and ignore him now at all costs. 



Feeling let down that the bell betrayed the 'progress' he was making with Junhong, Daehyun turned and faced forward to listen to the teacher begin the lesson plan. At least he would be allowed to enjoy class if he wasn't going to be allowed to enjoy Junhong's company. 


The class was over relatively quickly. The teacher let them pack up a minute early so Daehyun decided to use this minute to talk to (really, bother) Junhong. 


"So, what class do you have after this? I have Language and Writing." He was met with silence, so Daehyun just filled it with more talking as he began packing his things back into his bag. 


"The class seems okay. The teacher seems to be a stickler, but maybe she's just passionate about the subject or something." He shrugged his shoulders at the end and zipped his bag closed. He looked up and was met with an empty space where a tall blond was at less than a minute ago. 

Are you kidding me? He could at least have said bye.



Lunch time couldn’t come fast enough for Daehyun. He wanted to find Junhong and maybe even sit with him. But if that wasn't possible, he at least wanted to see him once more before the day would end. 


He made his way through the food line, grabbed a tray full of food he was looking forward to devouring, and made his way to the seating area. He stood there looking for a place to sit when he saw Junhong. He spotted the boy surrounded by lots of boys and girls. It looked like they were all competing for his attention. The table had one seat left open and Daehyun debated whether his should slide into it or not. Feeling too shy, he thought about walking to the familiar table at the back corner area he had occupied the day before, but then he thought about Junhong. He was determined to make him his friend. Maybe he could even befriend the people around his table as well. It would be getting two birds with one stone.


Gathering some courage, he walked over to the table and stood in front of the empty seat. He cleared his throat while facing Junhong, and began "Um, h-hey Junhong." By now he had their eyes on him, all except one boy he was speaking to. "Mind if I sit here?"


Junhong continued to ignore his existence, which left Daehyun beginning to feel embarrassed. 


Someone to his left spoke up first, "Junhong, who is this loser?" Now looking at the pair of condescending eyes, Daehyun felt his face heating up. The eyes in question belonged to a girl with round eyes that looked welcoming, but were anything but. 


"Minah, don't be so mean. Maybe he's lost his way." Now Daehyun's eyes traveled to his right to look at the male that was now talking.


Maybe this guy was going to be nice-


"Hey, kid," said boy began pointing in the opposite direction to an empty table, "the empty tables with plenty of room are in that direction." For emphasis, he placed his backpack on the empty seat Daehyun had originally been hoping to occupy. 


At this point he was hoping Junhong would call off the dogs or the ground would open up and swallow him. However, neither of those things happened, and Daehyun wasn't saved from the next line of ridicule. 


"Seriously, listen to Minah and Jungkook, just leave already. It's obvious none of us want you here, especially Junhong.” This came from yet another boy Daehyun did know.


Daehyun turned to look at Junhong one last time. He wasn't sure what he was hoping for when he turned to look at him. Maybe he wanted Junhong to shush them and let Daehyun sit. Maybe he wanted Junhong to give him a sympathetic look of apology. Maybe he just wanted the boy to acknowledge his existence. However, Junhong was met with the same blond waves that still refused to meet his eyes. They hadn't lifted since his appearance. However, Daehyun was soon rewarded with Junhong lifting his head and body, as he stood up. Still not meeting Daehyun's eyes, he gathered his bag and placed it on his shoulder. He then picked up his barely touched tray, pushed his chair out, and left the table. Daehyun followed him with his eyes before he was interrupted by another voice, "Now look at what you've done. You've pissed him off. Can't you take a hint? Leave already!" With the last shout, if Daehyun hadn’t already had dozens of eyes on him before, he surely had more than he could count now. As Daehyun looked around at the countless eyes now staring at him, his attention was caught by a pair of familiar and cold ones that he had spent the summer with. Yongguk was at a table maybe twenty five feet away. He looked to his hyung's right and saw a boy with raven black hair also staring. He figured that was Himchan. If he wasn't mortified yet, he sure as hell was now. Before he could hear any other awful words or stare at other faces full of mixed reactions and expressions, Daehyun dropped his tray onto the table with the the vicious dogs and ran out the doors. 


"Hey, isn't that your-"


"Yeah, it is," Yongguk interrupted.


"Shouldn't you go see if he's okay or something?" the raven-haired boy questioned.


"I'm sure he'll be fine."


"But Yongguk, he looked like he was about to start crying or something."


"Himchan," Yongguk now made eye contact with his friend, "he'll be fine."


Reluctantly, Himchan responded with, "Fine, Guk, whatever you say." He decided to change the subject with his next comment, "Oh, yesterday, my mom said we were having dinner at your house soon. I think they want to introduce-ugh, you know who."


"Dinner? My mom hasn't mentioned anything about a dinner. Ugh, she probably does."


"What are you guys talking about? I want to have dinner at your place too!" Yongguk and Himchan both turned to look at the person talking. 


"Dinner?! Oh could I come too?!"


"No, Chanyeol," looking at the first boy who had spoke, Yongguk answered his question then he turned to the second boy who had asked, "and neither can you Yixing."


"Aw, Himchan always gets special treatment!" Yixing replied with a pout. 


Yongguk chuckled at the childish behavior, "I didn't even know there was going to be a dinner. And my mom supposedly set this up. It's not like I have any control over who gets to come." 


"Suuuure, whatever you say Yongguk. You're just a meanie and in cahoots with Himchan!" Chanyeol quipped back playfully. 

This time all of them laughed at the childish behavior going on. 


"Ugh, fine! Next time my mom has a dinner, I'll get you guys on the guest list."


"Guest list?" Himchan began with raised eyebrows, "didn't know it was such an exclusive dinner. I feel honored now."


With a roll of his eyes, Yongguk let out an exaggerated sigh, "Don't make things worse, Himchan." Now he turned back to his other friends, "Seriously, this isn't such a big deal. My mom just hasn't seen Himchan's mom all summer. She probably just wants to catch up with her or something. Not a big deal, really."


This time Yixing spoke first, "We know, we just enjoy giving you a hard time and teasing you. It's fun. Plus, you always act so serious, we like seeing you get annoyed at us. It lets us know you're still human and not that straight faced robot." He laughed at his own joke, but was soon joined in by everyone at the table sans Yongguk.


"You are all insufferable. I have no idea why I'm friends with any of you."


"Aww, don't be silly, Yongguk. We let you be friends with us. You should feel privileged and honored." Yixing's second joke brought even more laughter from the full table. 





Daehyun ran. He ran without real direction. All he wanted was to get away from the mean dogs from Junhong's table, from the faces of ridicule and pity, and from the eyes of his hyung. He really wished he hadn't seen Yongguk there. It was embarrassing enough that the entire cafeteria saw his get turned away from the table, but Yongguk also saw. Most of the faces in the cafeteria were ones he had to face every so often and wouldn't even remember most of them. But Yongguk's face would be seen every day. The guy lived with him. The spawn saw him in another situation he would have rather taken to the grave. He was embarrassed in front of him for a second time. 


Out of breath and with tired legs, Daehyun found a tree to sit under. There were hardly any other students around him, but they didn't matter anyway-they hadn't seen the embarrassing scene in the cafeteria just a few minutes earlier. 


He looked at his watch and realized he had twenty more minutes left of his lunch period. His stomach growled reminding him of the fact he hadn't had any food since breakfast more than four hours ago. 


Great, looks like I'll be starving until I get home. More than three hours to go. 


He let out an exaggerated sigh of annoyance. He hated going without food, but there was no way in hell he was going back to that cafeteria. He didn't want to see the inside of that hell-hole any time soon. He would ask Sunmin about taking lunch to school from now on. 


Since he had nothing else to do, Daehyun grabbed his headphones and put on some music to take a much needed nap. After setting an alarm, he rested his back and head against the tree and closed his eyes. He fell into a light slumber rather quickly. Stress can be a hell of a tranquilizer when you've been put through hell. 


Daehyun failed to notice a certain tall boy sitting up in the tree. He had watched the boy run in his general direction. At first, Junhong thought that the boy had followed him, but once he realized that wasn't the case, he just observed from atop of the tree. He saw as the boy looked around while he caught his breath. He watched as he sat against the tree in exhaustion. He watched as he grabbed his phone and ear buds. And now he was watching as the boy slept. 


Maybe I should have spoken up. I didn't think he would ever approach me outside of class. But it's his own fault. It's not like I asked him to sit with me. I didn't ask any of the others either. They just sat there and continue to sit there even when I continue to ignore them. He had to learn sooner or later that we are not friends and will never be friends. I don't need him and he doesn't need me. That's the way it's going to stay. 


Junhong decided it was time for him to leave. Being one of many times up a tree, Junhong managed to climb down effortlessly. Once on the ground, he turned to the bottom right. There sat the boy he was trying to have no part of. The boy was either persistent, stupid or maybe even both. Junhong didn't care which, but he couldn't help but stare at him.


He crouched down and finally looked at the boy for real this time. That morning, he really didn't see the boy. He just looked at him. But now he was seeing him. He was mildly attractive and had dark brown hair that had slight waves in it. Probably unkempt or from bed head. His skin tone was far from pale, making it the opposite of Junhong’s own. It was a nice shade. His eyes then traveled to the sleeping boy's lips: they were massive. They were beyond plump. Junhong assumed girls would be envious of their size. He then looked up slightly to his nose; it was perfect and straight. It fit perfectly above his lips. His eyes then traveled up to Daehyun's closed ones. He wasn't granted access to them, but he did notice something under his left eye. Thinking it was a speck of dirt, Junhong leaned in slightly closer. He noticed it was a small mole. He then noticed how close he had got to the boy. As if finally realizing the situation he was putting himself in, Junhong quickly backed away from the snoozing boy. He quickly walked, practically jogged, back to the school building. He entered through the doors and headed to the restroom. Junhong went straight to the sink so he could wash his hands, but as he turned the faucet on, he looked up and looked right at his reflection in the mirror. His cheeks were tinted a shade of pink. 


Ah, must be from the quick paced walk over here. It was also slightly warm out. The sun must have irritated my skin. That's all. 


Feeling the need to no longer defend his cheeks' color, he dipped his hands into the cold water and placed his face near them. A little cold water should rid him of the blush- err, irritated skin


Once enough cold water was thrown on his face, he walked over to the paper towels and dried off his face and hands. He walked back to the mirror. The tinted cheeks were still visible, but the bell would be ringing soon and he still needed to pay a visit to his locker. He shook his head once to rid him of any thoughts of a short sleeping boy, and exited the restroom and headed in the direction of his locker. 



A loud siren woke the boy from his short nap; the alarm he set was beyond loud and irritating. Just the way an alarm should be. With a grumble, he picked himself off the ground and wiped at his backside to rid his uniform of any dirt. He placed his stuff in his bag and headed towards the school building. He needed to make a stop at his locker and grab his Chemistry book.


Quickly finding his locker and paying no attention to his surroundings, he didn't notice the few stares he was getting. On the right of Daehyun’s locker, one of the owners of the stares was coming from a tall boy who was quickly gathering his things from his locker and trying to make his exit. On the inside Junhong was a mess. He wanted to avoid the plump lips at all costs. On the outside, he was as stoic and pokerfaced as ever. He grabbed all that he needed and headed in the opposite direction of Daehyun. 


Said boy was about to close his locker when he heard it. It was said by a boy he remembered was sitting at the table. This was the same boy who had yelled at him to leave and for pissing Junhong off.


"Hey, look who it is. It's the loser from lunch; the 'H-hey Junhong' boy." He said this to his friend, but it was loud enough for not only his friend, but for Daehyun as well. 


"Ah, you're right, Yoongi! That's definitely him. What a loner. I bet he actually thought Junhong would let him sit with us. How pathetic." Daehyun recognized this voice too. It was the voice of the boy who pointed out that no one, including Junhong, wanted him to sit with them. 


Laughing heartily, Yoongi replied to his friend, "Good one, Baekhyun! Let's get out of here before he thinks he can befriend us too." 


The two laughed some more as they made their way down the hall to their own lockers. With a sigh, Daehyun closed his locker. 


He turned and headed to his next class just as the bell sounded. However, before he made it out of the hallway, his face met the floor in a rather abrupt way. 


He looked up and his eyes met with those of the boy he just recently put a name to, Yoongi. Said boy began to crouch down as he said, "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't see you there." Once he was crouched fully at Daehyun's level, however, all apologies were out the door. "You should watch where you're going, or you might find yourself in a much more painful situation." He patted Daehyun's shoulder as he spoke and then stood up as if he hadn't just purposely tripped Daehyun. 


He stood up and dusted himself off for the second time that day. Daehyun watched as Yoongi and Baekhyun made their way down the hall. He then began his second attempt at walking to his Chemistry class.


At least he enjoyed the subject and when it was over he would only have two classes left, which meant he would finally be able to escape this dreadful school day.



Difficult? Nope, making friends is definitely going to be impossible for me. 




A special thank you to Mega_DaewonwahyuchanAWOOO_O, and Rapbyun41 for upvotes 29-32! Your upvotes are very precious to me because it lets me know y'all are enjoying the story!

Thank you all for enjoying the story and continuing to give me kind words and thoughts, upvotes, subscriptions, and/or your attention and interest. It all means more to me than you think!


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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10