
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

The week flew by much quicker than Daehyun was expecting. It was already Friday morning, and he had to get up and get ready for school. However, he didn’t have that exhausted, groggy feeling he usually had. He woke up feeling that it was going to be another good day.

His whole week had felt like that. He got to visit Junhong’s house and learn more about his friend every day. They were growing closer by the day and Daehyun couldn’t help but look forward to school more so now because he had a friend to talk to, study with, and be around.

But not only that, but Yongguk was treating him better – way better. His brother was slowly starting to open up to him. They still were far from being close, but their relationship was at least taking steps in the right direction. They even went out together without any reason like being forced to bond by their parents or because his brother was trying to make up for being a jerk. No, he had willingly asked Daehyun to spend some time with him.

And during their entire time together at the frozen yogurt shop, they had talked together and enjoyed each other’s company. Daehyun loved that he got to see Yongguk smile at him and laugh with him instead of watching him smile at his friends or laugh at his expense. If he was honest with himself, it felt like a date – a preteen, kiddy date. No hand holding, no kissing, no obvious flirting, but stolen glances, shining eyes, and bright smiles were exchanged between them. The entire time let him bask in a comfortable warmth of happiness and anxiousness – but the good kind of anxiousness where he wasn’t sure if he would get to see another one of his hyung’s gummy smiles or hear that deep laugh just once more.

He rolled over on his bed feeling excited for another day; it was a new feeling, but one that he wanted to get used to.

“I’ll see you after school?” Yongguk asked Daehyun as he parked the car and they removed their seatbelts. Every morning and select days after school, the brothers would ride together. Two weeks ago Daehyun would have hated the fifteen minute drive, but now he enjoyed it. It wasn’t uncomfortable anymore. Of course every second wasn’t spent discussing significant topics, nor overflowing with constant chatter; however, the rides did have plenty of nattering that made for a ride of eased nerves for both of them.

Turning his attention to his hyung, Daehyun smiled widely, crinkling his large, brown eyes into half moons that shined as bright as the stars in the black abyss of the night’s sky, “Of course! I’ll be waiting here for you after school, so don’t keep me waiting too long!” He joked with mirth encompassing his emotions.

Yongguk could feel the breath leave his body and he willed for his composure to not abandon him in this time of need. The way his brother spoke could not be misunderstood; no, his tone was dripping in genuine happiness. Daehyun had never joked so outright and unadulterated with him, and Yongguk was beginning to think he would never talk to him in that way. But he had. And he was incredibly happy with the small change that Daehyun hadn’t known he was participating in, but to Yongguk, it was just so much bigger – nearly overwhelming.

Hoping to return a worthy smile, Yongguk felt his lips curl up and around his white teeth, stretching his cheeks until they crowded his eyes, “No promises, I’m a busy guy, don’t you know? I have very important tasks and my agenda is so overwhelming.” His exaggerations weren’t being lost on the younger, of that he was sure. Daehyun was much too quick not to pick up on the new tone and slightly enthusiastic gestures he was making. “But for you, I’ll see what I can do to not keep you waiting too long.” If he was feeling one hundred percent confident right now, he would have winked at the younger.

Regardless, he couldn’t even be upset that he was subtly flirting with his brother because the smile of brighter teeth than his was currently blinding him and distracting him from the inner panic he should be going through, the panic that usually overwhelmed him when he so much as felt the butterflies begin to swarm the pit of his stomach.

“Oh, ever so busy, our President Bang.” Daehyun spoke with a heavy tone of something Yongguk couldn’t quite place, but it was something good since Daehyun did offer the other a quick wink before opening his door and placing one foot out as he continued, “Try not to work too hard, hyung!” He nearly yelled as he slipped out and closed the door after him nearly running out of the student parking lot and into the school building.

Yongguk couldn’t hide the rosy overlay on his cheeks even if he couldn’t see it. He felt it. The heat on them was more than enough to let him know of the tint they now took on. And the smile gracing his plump lips refused to cease. He felt like he was going to burst in shy happiness – and all from a quick wink that lasted a fraction of a second.

Quit being such a , Yongguk! It was only a wink!

But even his inner chastising did little to smother the fire burning in his gut and heart. It was one baby step at a time – getting closer to Daehyun is all he wants…for now. And soon those little steps would add up and create the large step he needed to take in order to get to Daehyun.

The two boys had only been sitting at the lunch table for three minutes when a girl approached them. Her eyes were large with anticipation and her walk was more of a strut with the way it looked practiced by rote.

“Hey Junhong!” The girl’s voice was shrill and much too high pitched, but Daehyun ignored it and looked to his friend to gauge his reaction to the new comer. And not unpredictably, he guessed well. Junhong ignored her, but failed to hold back the heavy sigh from his pink lips.

If Daehyun wanted to be cruel, he would have laughed at the girl he remembered being mean to him that one time he wanted to sit at their table. However, Daehyun knew how that felt, so he chose not to look at her or comment on the exchange – or lack thereof.

Not wanting to weaken at the poor reaction she was given, she continued on, “You’re coming right? Tonight, I mean. I mentioned the party to you before, but I thought I should remind you just in case you forgot.” Her voice had hope and nervousness and excitement all concocted into the thinned tone. Daehyun could tell she really wanted Junhong’s affection and attention.

“Minah, I told you already, I’m not interested. Leave us alone.” The words were sharp and not open to dissent or interpretation. Junhong was clearly laying out his refusal as plainly as he could. He then began biting into his salad and ignoring the petite girl standing before him. Her pallor was unmistakable. She was embarrassed, but in the cold sweat kind of way rather than the warming, flush kind of way.

She quickly her heel without uttering another word. Daehyun watched as she walked back to her table where Yoongi, Jungkook, and a few other students Daehyun couldn’t name, and sat down.

Daehyun used the silence of her departure to raise a question, “What was she talking about? What party?” His head tilted to the right as he stared at his friend, waiting for a response. His lips and cheeks puffed out slightly, making him look like an inquisitive chipmunk.

Junhong smiled at the cuteness the shorter boy naturally radiated. “It’s just some party she invited me to a few weeks ago. It’s a party her and her older brother throw when their parents go overseas.” He dug his fork around a bit before it settled into a small red tomato.

“Their parents leave them alone for that long?” Daehyun was more shocked that there would be no adult to watch them than the party that they were apparently throwing.

Junhong smiled at the other’s incredulous, wide eyes and dropped jaw. “Her brother is a senior and she’s a junior like us. What does it matter if they have adult supervision at their age?” He chuckled as he stuck another cherry tomato in his waiting mouth. Daehyun watched as Junhong’s pink tongue wrapped itself around the small fruit and watched as those lips pulled at the plastic fork. He shook his head to rid himself of the distraction before jumping back into the conversation,

“I guess, but why don’t you want to go? Doesn’t it sound fun?” Daehyun hadn’t been to many parties. Not many of the kids at his old school had parents going overseas and leaving huge mansions for kids to play in. In fact, no one at his old school did. A party here sounded much more interesting than it would back in Busan.

Junhong pursed his lips as he stared into Daehyun’s chocolate eyes, “Fun? I guess, but it’s not really my thing, Dae.”

Daehyun let his face lose its wonder, and instead traded that for an expression of dejection. Not missing the change in expression, Junhong quickly opened his mouth to appease Daehyun,

“But if you wanted, we could go?” One of his eyebrows rose as he asked the question as if he were to be cautious of spilt eggshells.

“Really?!” The excitement was back at full force and Junhong couldn’t fight the happiness and smile now on his mouth even if he wanted to.

“Of course! You can even stay over at my house afterwards. I mean, only if you want. It’s just that the Park’s live close to me so it would be pretty convenient.” The light blush kissed his cheeks and neck, but he pretended as if he was clueless to its arrival.

Assuming ‘the Park’s’ meant Minah and her brother, Daehyun quickly smiled bigger and nodded his head with vigor. “Yeah, I’ll have to ask permission first, but I think it’ll be okay.”

“Great, need me to take you home so you could grab a few things first?” The taller male asked before he took a sip of his water, who knew catering to Daehyun’s happiness was such a dehydrating task?

“Oh, no, it’s okay. My brother is driving us home, and I’ll ask our mother as soon as she gets there. She’ll probably give me a ride to your house.” He smiled warmly before he took a large bite from his spicy chicken sandwich.

Junhong had still not met this brother. He had no real idea who he was, but he was interested in who it could be. He thought he had a pretty good grasp on who was who at the school, even if he hated actually interacting with them. But he didn’t know of any new transfer students in the year above them. He had no reason to.

“I should meet him soon.” Junhong stated aloud without even thinking about it.

“Who, my brother?” Daehyun asked with a mouth full of chicken and bread and lips slathered in ketchup. The eating boy always doused his spicy chicken sandwiches with plenty of ketchup to keep the spice at a reasonable numb on his tongue.

Junhong simply nodded his head to the question.

“You can meet him soon. Maybe I’ll get him to drive me to your house later. Two birds with one stone!” He laughed as if he had a brilliant plan underway; crinkling his eyes so much the cute little mole almost disappeared within the creases.

“Great,” Junhong said with an upturn of his lips and the two continued their lunches in idle, but happy, chit chat.

Yongguk felt his phone vibrating in his pocket, he usually didn’t pick up his phone during a meeting, but the treasurer was just going over the profit they made from a recent fundraiser. But since he was answering a question Himchan had asked, he felt he could cave this once and allow for the distraction.


Yongguk frowned at the name. He really should change the name back to Chanyeol, but Titan Chanyeol continued to change it back each time he got his hands on Yongguk’s phone. He rolled his eyes before he opened the message,

From: Ti-Chan

Comin’ tonite, right?? U can’t bail! I’ll drag u from ur bed in ur pjs if I hav to!

October 23, 2015 12:21 PM

The phone vibrated again in his hand with a second message,

From: Ti-Chan

U better come! Or else! >.<

October 23, 2015 12:22 PM

He rolled his eyes again at his friend’s words. He didn’t want to go, but he had bailed on his friend’s party over summer break. He deserved at least to attend this one.

To: Ti-Chan

Stop changing your name on my phone.

And sure, I’ll be there.

Sent: 12:22 PM

From: Ti-Chan


October 23, 2015 12:23 PM

Yongguk chuckled softly before putting his phone back in his pockets and resuming his attention back to the meeting.

 “Wait long?” Yongguk’s question came as a start to Daehyun. He hadn’t heard the older guy approaching him as he waited by Yongguk’s car with his back turned to said car’s owner.

“No, just got here actually!” Daehyun confessed, because he really had just gotten there. He raced over thinking he would make Yongguk wait on him if he walked casually, but he had ended up waiting for two minutes.

“Good, wouldn’t want you freezing to death.” The older smirked as he unlocked the car so the other could get in.

“It’s hardly cold enough to freeze, hyung.” Daehyun barked back with his wide mouth.

Not even fighting the smile, Yongguk responded as he opened his door, “True, but you can never be too careful.” He lifted and danced his eyebrows as he displayed his gummy smile.

Daehyun pulled his lips to the left in an upturned smile, “No, you can’t. Thanks for the sound advice. I’ll be sure to take this lesson to the grave.”

Yongguk rolled his eyes with a chuckle, the sassy remark made him happy. If anyone else would have said that to him in that tone, they would have found themselves staring into his glaring eyes or have their ears ripped new holes with his expert tongue lashings. But this was Daehyun, and in many other things, he found Daehyun was an exception to his glaring. Well, at least now he was. He wanted to give Daehyun his smiles and not his glares now that his attitude towards the younger had changed.

“Hurry up, hyung!” Daehyun shouted without actual heat at Yongguk since the other was only halfway in the car. Daehyun chuckled as he slid in and fastened his seatbelt.

“I’m in, I’m in! I’m right where you want me, are you happy?” He chanted as he catered to the younger’s playful orderings. As he stuck the key in the ignition, he missed the blush on Daehyun’s cheeks.


Daehyun wasn’t sure why he should be blushing; the words his brother chose were not chosen to illicit a reaction from him, but there he was blushing with unintended innuendos dancing around his head.

Where would Yongguk be if I had him right where I wanted him? He found himself asking. However, before he could think of any possible places whether they were rated for general or mature audiences, Yongguk began talking about something random. Daehyun just listened to the deep voice vibrate through the car along with the soft voices coming from the speakers.

God, what am I doing? Focus, Dae. He’s your brother, not your boyfriend.

And right as his head was going to harp on that last word, he quickly pinched his thigh. He did not need any thoughts about that right now, especially not with Yongguk so close to him.

Instead he chose to focus on what words were being spoken, rather than the voice and person behind them.

Focus on the roots and not the stem or flower. Get to the root of your problem, Dae.

He laughed softly at his lame pun, before engaging Yongguk in conversation. The fire he was trying to put out was that of a holocaust. He didn’t know it right then, but that fire was smoldering and the true flames of his interest and desire were only hidden by the heavy smoke. The fire had long been ignited – much too wild, containment would be ephemeral.




Another round of thank yous to Blinkyyexorea, kaitta, NoizHuang, MusicManiac555, and HunChunnie for votes 58-63! I am incredibly grateful to all of the readers. <3

Also, I should really stop apologizing for the delays. I still take forever, so I'll announce my last apology now, I am sorry for all the delays of the past and future. I am a ty updater, I know. I apologize for my crappiness. 

I wanted to get to this before BAP had their comeback! And I am honestly surprised I did. Maybe I could even get another update in before their quickly approaching comeback.... *snorts* yeah right! The next chapter will start with the party though, so please look forward to it without actually looking forward to it!! :D

Oh, I want to address my use of holocaust, the word I used has the definition of  a fire that is pretty destructive and not of Holocaust which most will attribute to the genocide. But if any of you are uncomfortable with my choice, please do speak up. I found the word to be fitting, but if even one of you feel differently, tell me and I can find a diffierent word. No worries or questions asked or vexation.   


Thank you for reading and dropping me wonderful comments! I appreciate all the support!


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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10