
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

Feeling slightly dejected, Daehyun packed up all of his things and headed off towards his next class. He repeated this throughout the day, only switching it up halfway through the school day for lunch.

During his lunch period, Daehyun did not know where he should sit. Being the new kid meant he had no idea how the dynamics worked. He wasn’t sure who he was allowed to sit with or where he was allowed to sit. Not feeling brave enough to risk sitting somewhere he shouldn’t, he sat at the only table that was empty.

It was at the corner of cafeteria. The surrounding tables looked like it had calm looking people so he figured he wouldn’t be stirring up anything if he sat around the area. He took his seat and began eating his lunch. As he was eating, he decided to look around and observe the people around him. He saw a group of five boys to the table to his right. They were all talking about girls. Lots of girl names were being said, but Daehyun had no idea who any of the names were. He lost interest and didn’t want to be caught eavesdropping or staring so he tried to look elsewhere to see if something would catch his attention.

Soon his attention was caught by a tall boy with blond hair. He looked like he had come from a table that was far from empty. He seemed to have lots of friends, but he didn’t care if they followed after him or not. Daehyun quickly looked back to the table to find most of them staring at the tall boy as he left. Their expressions seemed to be mixed with irritation, longing, and indifference. This puzzled Daehyun.

Shouldn’t they follow after him or something?

He turned his attention back to where the boy had been, but was disappointed when he realized the boy was gone. Daehyun thought about following after him, but he wanted to finish his food first. He had barely touched it, and if he didn’t want to be starving for the rest of the day, he needed to eat. With about a minute to spare, Daehyun finished his lunch just before the bell rang. After getting up to return his tray, he headed to his next class.

Once the school day was done, he headed to the drop off and pick up area where Hyejin had left them that morning. He saw the familiar black Range Rover approach him. He looked around looking for Yongguk but once he saw that the elder boy was nowhere in sight, he climbed into the passenger seat.

"Hey Sweetie, how was your first day? Make any friends yet?"

"It was pretty uneventful. I went to class and had lunch. Students already seem to have their cliques formed, so I’ll have to try and see if I can break into any.” He forced a chuckle out while he scratched at his neck. He didn't want to sound lame or disappoint Hyejin, but he didn't want to lie.

"Aw, I'm sure things will get better soon. Why don't you sit with Yongguk and his friends at lunch, hmm?"

"I'm sure he doesn't want to hang out with his brother at school." It was half true. He knew that his hyung certainly did not want to hang out with him at school. In fact, Yongguk wanted nothing to do with him at all. No matter where he was, Daehyun would not be welcomed by Yongguk. Of that he was more than certain.

"Oh, don't be ridiculous! I'm sure he wouldn't mind sharing you with his friends!"

Yeah, he wasn't worried about Yongguk not wanting to
 share him with his friends. He was more worried about Yongguk skinning him alive as entertainment for him and his friends. Plus, even if he wanted to risk his life and find him at lunch, he wouldn't know where to start. Earlier he had went into the cafeteria and searched the entire area looking for a place to sit (and making sure it was nowhere near his hyung) and he hadn't seen him at all. He really hasn't seen him since he threatened Daehyun that morning before school started. Finding and sitting with Yongguk at lunch was most definitely not on his agenda.

Hyejin started to drive off which confused Daehyun. "Aren't we going to wait for Yongguk?" Not that he 
wanted the older boy there, he was just curious as to why they were leaving without him.

"Yongguk has student council meetings. He'll be getting a ride home from Himchan." Seeing Daehyun's confused expression, she smiled and began explaining. "He's the student body president. They usually have the student council assembly at the end of the first week once students are familiar with their new schedules and surroundings. And Himchan is Yongguk's best friend. They've been together since diapers. Himchan's mother and I are friends, so naturally when we had kids at the same time; we forced them to be around each other. But now those two are practically glued to each other." She laughed at that last sentence before continuing. "Himchan and his family spent the summer abroad so you haven't met them yet. I'm sure you'll meet them soon though. Our families are really close, so it would probably be sooner than later.”

"Oh, I see; I’ll look forward to that. But I didn't know Yongguk was an active member of the student council. Is Himchan also a member?"

"Of course. Yongguk has been the president for the last three years, while Himchan has been the vice president just as long. Glued, remember?" She laughed again, but this time Daehyun joined her with a small chuckle.

The rest of the ride home was spent exchanging normal chit chat about dinner and how classes were looking and other random things. They reached home quickly, and Daehyun headed upstairs to change out of his uniform and look over the material the teachers had provided.

Once his comfortable clothes were on, he relaxed on his bed with his backpack at his side. He emptied it out and began looking through all his material. He had six classes excluding lunch. And all of those classes were advanced. The high school itself was the top the country had to offer, but it had a hierarchy within too. His classes were full of the top students within his class year, so he would probably have to go up against geniuses and prodigies. Daehyun wasn't one for bragging, but even knowing that fact, he didn't even feel too intimidated. His classes weren't going to be the problem; avoiding the spawn and making friends were. Not only did he have that guy to deal with in a daily basis, but he wanted to make friends at school. He was always incredibly shy. Only with the Bang's did that vanish. Hyejin made him feel so welcome that he didn't even feel shy around her or his father. Well his father intimidated him a tiny bit, but he felt that he was able to approach him and talk to him in the few months he was there. Yongguk though, he brought out the brave and courageous Daehyun. Daehyun himself didn't even know how the older boy managed it. He was never one to bravely face bullies or challenge others despite what Yongguk provoked from him. Daehyun would probably be a wallflower or a shadow at school because he just didn't have the courage to approach others or stand up for himself. He preferred to avoid problems and hope for the best. Yes, Daehyun was an honest guy, but he didn't want to provoke anyone. He chose to pick his battles carefully if he ever did decide to battle. He's only even battled it out with one person. And he's still scared less every time he does brave the spawn.

He braved the spawn at first, but Yongguk began ignoring him after 
the incident so he didn't have to deal with him much. They just stayed out of each other's way. So far it was working. The only time Yongguk talks to him are when he has to relay a message from their parents or threaten him to stay out of his way.

Lying back against his pillows, Daehyun stared at his ceiling for a bit. When he tried to stretch his legs, he was reminded of the tasks he still needed to do when his legs ruffled the papers he had spread all over his bed. With a whine, Daehyun sat back up to go over everything and then organize his papers.

The six classes he had to take included Western Literature, Korean Language and Writing, French, Chemistry, Statistics, and Korean History. He had lunch right in the middle of the day after his French class. He was only looking forward to his chemistry and Western Literature classes. Daehyun excelled at all subjects, but the sciences were always fun for him. And Daehyun has always loved reading, so his literature class was sure to be fun. It also had a certain boy that he wanted to befriend. He had no idea why he wanted to befriend the boy, but something about him attracted Daehyun’s attention. He would try and talk to him again tomorrow, or at least ask his name. The blond needed a name attributed to him because Daehyun was not only curious about him, but he was determined to make at least one friend to get him through his last two years of high school.

The rest of his evening passed with him reading over the material once, organizing all his papers, eating dinner with the family, bathing, and then getting ready for sleep. This would probably be Daehyun’s regular schedule until he decided to get involved at school, get a job, or get some friends.



The next morning, the schedule was the same as yesterday. He woke, got ready for school, had breakfast, and got dropped off at school. However, he now knew where he was supposed to go, so he headed to his first class with fifteen minutes to spare even after placing a few things inside his locker. He was the first one to arrive, so he sat in the same spot he did yesterday. He pulled out his materials for the class and sat there waiting patiently for the bell to sound.


Daehyun looked at his watch and sighed. Only a minute had passed. He decided he would rest before class started so he placed his head over his folded arms and faced away from the doorway and towards the windows.  Because he was both facing away from the door and had his eyes closed, he failed to notice a tall blond walking in to the near empty room.

The boy had on black headphones. His uniform looked amazing on his tall and lean figure. And on his left shoulder was a pale blue messenger bag. When this boy noticed someone was sitting in the seat next to his, he felt slightly irritated.

He must be the short new boy that sat by me yesterday.

He sat down next to the boy, but otherwise ignored his presence. He had no intention of ever talking to him or anyone for that matter. He was always cold towards other people at that school, but that didn’t stop them from continuing to talk to him year after year and day after day. He only talked when he had to, and ignored everyone and everything else. No one knew what he was like outside of school, but they were desperate to find out. Everyone wanted to be his friend, but he refused every proposition he ever got. He didn’t see a point to befriending them. Relationships were hard to maintain and most of the time not even worth it in the end.

He was extremely picky when it came to allowing people to get close to him. He only had one friend and he didn’t even come to the same school. He wasn’t as smart as him, so he failed to get into the school with his grades. And he also failed the exam that was required for students who performed poorly academically. His best friend, Jimin, was just not smart. He was a great friend and person, but a terrible student. He hated paying attention in class. So it was no wonder why his best friend failed to get accepted into the same elite high school as himself even if he could afford it. The school prided itself on leading the way for the most intelligent youth, but even money was not enough if you were unintelligent.

The blond took his seat next to Daehyun and gathered his materials from his bag and placed them on his desk. Once all his things were ready for the start of class, he just sat there with his headphones still on.

Having rested for a bit, Daehyun raised his head to check his watch. He noted there were ten more minutes until class started. He turned his head so he could see if anyone else joined him, and was surprised to notice someone sitting next to him. Putting on his best smile, Daehyun turned to the boy with a chipper,

Hello, my name is Daehyun! Nice to meet you! What’s your name?”

Daehyun waited for what felt like years for the boy to acknowledge him. When he failed to get a response, he just stared. He noticed the boy had on headphones, so maybe he just didn’t hear him…

He poked the other’s arm softly, waited for a response, and once again, he failed to get one. For the third attempt, he practically shook the boy’s left shoulder.

Feeling beyond irritated, the boy turned to look at Daehyun straight in the eyes. Daehyun was too surprised to even take notice of the glare the other was giving him.

Daehyun’s breath hitched. This boy was beyond beautiful. He had wavy blond hair which was impossibly light and near his skin tone. His eyes were large and looked like they could pull anyone in without much effort, and he had the palest skin he’s ever seen. The pair of pink and supple lips that graced his face was breathtaking. No, everything about this boy was breath taking.

Daehyun finally looked back to his eyes and noticed something in them. Is he angry? Maybe he’s irritated? Maybe he’s just not a morning person…Well, that’s most definitely not a happy face.

Trying to alleviate the temper he seemed to bring out in the boy, he quickly began talking.

Um, I’m sorry about nudging you. I was just trying to introduce myself to you, but you probably didn’t hear me or feel me poke you. Sorry. My name is-”

However, before Daehyun could even finish, the other removed his headphones and interrupted him,

I heard you the first time.” He then turned back and began looking at the papers set in front of him. This time not putting his headphones back on. He took them off completely and placed them in his bag.

Not understanding that this was a rejection at an introduction, Daehyun continued to talk to the boy. “Well, aren’t you going to tell me your name? You know mine, so you should share yours too!” He smiled to encourage the boy next to him to talk.

It is way too early to be dealing with this talkative shortie.

All of a sudden being persistent and determined became a trait Daehyun decided to embrace. “Come on, just tell me your name and I’ll leave you alone.” He was on the verge of becoming annoying and desperate.

Still nothing was said from boy on his right.

I promise, just your name. That’s all I’m asking for… My name is Daehyun in case you forgot…”

How could I have forgotten? You said it not even two minutes ago!”

Ah, he speaks again! Now this time, say your name!”

Daehyun was beginning to have fun with this. NamJun would playfully ignore him all the time because he would never shut up. He constantly told him that he talked way too much. But eventually NamJun would crack and stop ignoring him. Daehyun was hoping the same thing would happen with his new seatmate.

Said boy sent another glare his way. He didn’t want to tell Daehyun his name because then he would try and befriend him. He didn’t want that.

For the third time, Daehyun looked at his watch again. “We still have five more minutes until class starts, so I’ll spend that time asking for your name. That is unless you just tell me now and we can avoid that…”

Ugh, fine! My name is Junhong! Are we done here?” He didn’t wait for Daehyun to respond before he shouted, “Great!” And with that the other turned back again to his papers.

Now was that so hard?”

Junhong refused to acknowledge the comment the boy on his left made. He really wanted to backhand this guy for being so damn annoying.

Hey Junhong…”

Feeling eyes on his profile, he turned and responded with a snippy, “What do you want now?”

Want to be friends?”




Junhong has made his first official appearance. ~( ^ u ^ )~

Thank you to Kpophubby, BApBY_acla95, Sunnstar80, snowflake97, Auntumnn, and Black_x_Rabbit for upvotes 23-28!

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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10