
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

Once inside the house, Daehyun followed the adults further into the house. The original mission was to go to the food, but Daehyun cannot help but get distracted.

This house is huge. And he means huge. It has two large French doors that led into a foyer. From there Daehyun could see a beautiful staircase to his right. He figured that it would lead to the second floor where he would most likely find his new room.

The staircase seemed to have a black walnut finish that made the house feel sophisticated, yet welcoming. The landing had a small glass table with a few vases that seemed to each have a mixture of red and white roses. He would check if they were real or not later when he was allowed to actually ascend the staircase.

To his left was an open space that seemed like it was the living room. It had the highest ceiling he’s ever seen inside a house. The chandelier at its center looked liked it cost more than the apartment he used to live in. It had beautiful crystals that shimmered as they lit up the room. There was also a fireplace. Daehyun didn’t even know how to use a fireplace. Winter was only a few months away, maybe his father could teach him how to light one.

With the high ceiling and the chandelier, the living room looked amazing. It seemed to have this feeling that screamed expensive. There was also a huge sofa set that looked quite inviting to Dayhyun's tired body from spending way too many hours in a damn moving truck. However, Daehyun's rumbling tummy proved he was originally supposed to be a man on a mission. He would later ask for an official tour from Hyejin or his father. Yongguk was obviously not an option (because clearly he was a jerk face).

As his attention slowly started going back to the food he smelled through the air, Daehyun thought he would follow the adults the rest of the right way. His own little tour had only taken seconds so he was right on their trail still.

Hyejin had entered the kitchen, while Mr. Sung and his father talked while standing in the open walkway area between the wall and the living room.

Only a minute had passed from Daehyun entering the huge house and standing where he currently was. Just then his Hyung entered too.

But instead of him standing with the three of them, Yongguk turned to his right and filed up the stairs rather quickly.

Thankful that he went upstairs instead of joining the three of them relieved Daehyun. He wasn’t looking forward to bonding with him.

Just then Hyejin decided to make an appearance.

"Sorry guys, it looks like I was slightly off with the cooking time,” she let out a soft giggle. “The roast has another 10 to 15 minutes left. I'll have Sunmin watch over it for now.”

Sunmin? Daehyun didn’t know there was someone else there with them. He had figured only the five of them were in the house. Curious, Daehyun spoke up, “Mother, who’s Sunmin?”

“Oh! She’s our young cook and maid. I enjoy cooking so usually I’m the one who makes dinner for the family, while she’ll cook us breakfast and lunch. She cleans the house a few times a week. We don’t really make a mess, so once or twice is fine. She doesn’t live with us, but has a key.” She ended her explanation with a smile.

“Ah, that makes sense. I’ll have to meet her one day.”

“Mhm! Oh, since we have some free time, want to look around? I could maybe show you a bit, or you could just wander around?”

“I would enjoy a small tour given by you, mother, if you’re up for it?”

“Of course!”

The two headed towards the living room area. “This room is pretty self explanatory,” she gestured with her hands towards the living room, “it has a fireplace that warms you through your bones during winter. The sofa is always there if you ever want to sit back and relax. The tv also has too many channels to remember, but your father and brother need over a thousand channels.” She said as she playfully rolled her eyes. “I’m pretty sure they only actually watch maybe 15 channels each.”

At that, Daehyun chuckled, which made Hyejin laugh too.

“You’re more than welcome to sit in here and enjoy your time whenever you want.”

She began to head upstairs, so Daehyun quickly followed.

While going up, she bagan talking again, “There is more downstairs, but we can leave that for another day. We should show you upstairs first, so you know where to go after dinner.”

“Thank you, that sounds great. The drive here was pretty long.”

“I bet. I’m sure you want nothing more than to shower and climb into bed. But first, we got to get some food in you!”

Daehyun laughed again, he was beginning to really like her. She was very welcoming, and not at all what he was expecting. He already felt that they knew each other well before just half an hour ago.

“Yes! I’m still starving! Plus, one thing you should know about me mother is that I will never ever refuse food. It’s very vital for survival.”

“Do you like eating? Yongguk hardly ever indulges in overeating, just like his father. I make so much food for them, yet I’m the one who has to eat most of it.”

“I love food! And now you’re in luck! I’m here to lend a helping hand.”

“Sounds like a plan, Daehyun.” She smiled as she patted his shoulder.

“Oh, mother before I forget, do you like roses? I mean, I saw them on the table on the landing earlier. I thought they were really beautiful.”

“Yes, I love flowers, I pick them fresh daily from my garden. I spend my free time managing my garden.”

“I would love for you to show it one day, mother.”

“I would love to!”

The two made it to the second floor. Daehyun immediately saw an addition staircase at the end of the hall. He figured that there was a third floor. What kind of house has three stories?

Before Daehyun could continue his thoughts, Hyejin began talking again, “the first door on our left is a guest room and now a storage room. It has everything a guest room would have plus some extra stuff. We moved a few things into that room to prepare your room, which now leads me to the second door on our left. That will be your room. I’ll let you explore that on your own after dinner. If you need anything or want anything, all you have to do is ask me, your father, or brother. Speaking of that boy, his room is the second door on our right; right across from your room. You guys are really close, so if you need anything, just ask him. I’m sure he would help.”

At that, Daehyun had to internally scoff. The day that guy helps Daehyun voluntarily would be the day hell freezes over. He would never get anything good from him, especially not a helping hand.

However, what Daehyun actually said was, “You’re right mother, I’m sure he would help me. I’ll ask him if I need anything.” Daehyun would just have to manage with what he was given because he would not be going to that spawn of Satan for any help.

“Right next door to Yongguk’s room is the bathroom. It was originally only his since he’s the only one on this floor, but now he’ll be sharing it with you.”

Daehyun just nodded in understanding, so Hyejin took it as her cue to move forward. “Before we run out of time, let’s continue to the third floor.”

They walked down the hall to the stairs. The walls leading up to the next floor were covered in pictures. Lots of them were of a cute little boy. Ah, that must be the spawn as a baby. Guess he too was a baby at one point. Other pictures were them as a family at all kinds of locations. Theme parks, zoos, beaches, and different countries all littered the walls. They sure liked taking pictures.

As if reading his mind, Hyejin spoke up, “We like travelling a lot. We actually just took a trip a few weeks ago before we found out you would be joining us. If we would have known, we could have gone as a family. We usually only go during the summer since your father hardly has free time outside of the hospital. But now that you’re here, we should try and do something during yours and Yongguk’s winter break from school. We could go anywhere, so make sure you think of a place, okay? You have months, so take your time choosing.”

Responding with a smile, he began talking, “Thank you, mother. That’s really kind of you. I’ll try and think of a place. Thank you.”

“It’s not a problem at all, sweetie. You’re a part of the family now. We should all enjoy each others’ company.”

A small, but not uncomfortable silence took over as they continued moving up to the third floor. Once there, Daehyun took a few seconds to take in the scene. It was breath taking. Daehyun only thought that the family living in a simple residential area with huge houses, he did not remember seeing them climb on a slight hill because the third story window showed a beautiful scene of many houses of all colors and sizes but also of a small portion of the city with so many cars. He had never seen something like this. How could a house have such a nice view? The only thing he saw from his 5th story window was other apartments. No fun (or beauty) there. But this window, and he uses that term loosely on account of that ‘window’ really covered the entire wall on one side, was simply providing him with beautiful scenery.

Not only was the view nice, but the room itself came in at a close second.

The side furthest from the stairs had a cozy looking wrap around sofa that sat in front of a huge flat screen tv mounted on the wall. Next to that were four shelves mounted on the wall that each had dozen of movies.

On the wall closest to the stairs had a huge bookshelf that was home to probably a hundred or more books. From the look of it, it had many different genres and authors. Daehyun enjoyed reading, so he figured he would look around a bit when he had more time. In front of the bookshelf was a small sitting area. There was a love seat facing the books with a table in the middle. That table had another vase with even more roses. Hyejin really wasn’t kidding when she said she loved her garden. On the other side of the table closest to the bookshelf were two addition seats. The area looked very comfortable and inviting. Daehyun was eager to look around at both the books and movies.

Hyejin was the first to break the silence, “again, pretty self explanatory. There are movies and books both available whenever you want. You are welcome here any time you want, so feel free to come up whenever you’d like.”

“Thank you, I think I’ll be taking you up on that offer soon.” He ended with a smile.

She gestured towards the right side of the room, showing two addition doors. The door furthest from us is mine and your father’s room. And this one here,” she said gesturing to the other door, “is your father’s office. We usually stay out of there so we don’t misplace anything or bother him while he’s trying to work at home. Don’t want to bother him, you know?”

“Yeah, I understand. I’ll be sure to stay out as well.”

Smiling, Hyejin began again, “well that’s pretty much most of the house. We have a few more rooms and areas on the first floor, so you can check that out tomorrow after we get your stuff unloaded from the truck and settled into your new room. You have plenty of time, so just relax for now.”

“Will do.”

“Ah!” Looking at her watch, “dinner should be ready now. Let’s go down already and enjoy our first dinner together!”

“Yes, mother!”

The two descended the stairs and once on the second floor, Hyejin banged on Yongguk’s door shouting, “Dinner’s ready! Get your downstairs!” Without waiting for an answer the two continued downstairs to the dining room.


Once in the dining room, Sunmin was beginning to place the food on the table.

His father sat at the head of the table, Hyejin was to his right, Mr. Sung was to his father’s left. There was an empty seat on both sides, so Daehyun was unsure of where he was supposed to sit. Should he sit by Hyejin or Mr. Sung? Ah, decisions, decisions.

Without really thinking much about it, Daehyun chose to sit beside Mr. Sung. Either way he would be face to face with the spawn.

Speak of the devil, in entered Yongguk all smiles and all around pleasing aura.

“Evening everyone,” Yongguk spoke with a cheerful tone that was absent just under an hour ago when he was being a jerk to Daehyun.

Everyone, including Daehyun, greeted him back warmly.

Daehyun figured either the Yongguk he met a few hours was made up or Yongguk was now putting on a show for him and the others. He chose to believe the latter, the former was just wishful thinking. It was also confirmed as soon as Yongguk took his seat beside his mother when the eldest boy sent a quick glare towards Daehyun.

Daehyun quickly looked at the adults to see if any of them caught it, but nope. They were still chatting with each other about some dinner they would be attending tomorrow, and obviously too busy to catch Yongguk being twofaced.

Fine, if Yongguk wants to continue being a , then Daehyun would continue too. It could be fun. Yes, a fun game of cat and mouse. We’ll see who the cat really is. Prepare yourself Bang Yongguk.


During dinner, Daehyun plays the role of good boy quite well. He talks about his school life and things he likes and dislikes. Hobbies, etcetera.

All the while, Yongguk can see how obvious his show is. Daehyun is indeed putting on a show for Yongguk. He wants him to know that he’s here to stay and that Yongguk doesn’t bother him at all. He can handle Yongguk, or so he thinks.

“I really enjoy school. I don’t do much outside of school, so I do really well. I usually came in first or second place. But my main fault is that I’m really lazy.”

Daehyun’s comments cause the adults all to laugh at his honesty, which made Daehyun himself chuckle. The table seemed to be enjoying the conversation, all except a certain hyung. And of course, this did not go unnoticed by Daehyun. Nope. He actually enjoyed that he was able to get under his hyung’s skin so easily even while telling the honest truth. It made his chuckle even more genuine.

Continuing, Daehyun began again, “I actually don’t study much. The material usually sits well the first time around. I’m not a genius or anything even close. I’m just a quick learner.”

“Daehyun’s father responded to this with, “Oh really? That’s interesting. Yongguk studies all the time. He’s always first though, so I guess it pays off. But what a mind you must have Daehyun since you don’t even have to study to learn and apply what you just learned. You must be quite intelligent.”

And so it begins, thought Yongguk. He knew the comparisons would start eventually. He didn’t think they would start so quickly, but it was inevitable. Siblings are constantly being compared. His best friend, Himchan would always complain to him about how his parents would compare him to his younger sister. Yongguk would always laugh at him and remind him how great it was to be an only child and have no one to be compared to. He would always be the best in front of his parents. However, in just a few days, that changed. He now has a younger sibling to be compared to. And that younger sibling apparently is really smart. Great.

As Daehyun continued to play the genius son and all around excellent boy, Yongguk just continued to observe the younger. He figured that any and all information he learned from the younger would be of assistance to him in the future.

Daehyun continued talking about himself, “As I mentioned to mother earlier while she was showing me around,”

Ugh, ‘mother’. Yongguk almost forgot that Daehyun decided to call his mom mother. That was going to need some time to get used to. This was really hard for him. He never ever had to share him parents with anyone. He always figured they were his alone since he was an only child. Don’t get him wrong, Yongguk is not a Mama’s Boy nor is he a Daddy’s Boy or whatever the father and son equivalent is, but he was always their only son. Well at least he thought. His dad obviously knew of Daehyun’s existence. He just chose not to share that information with him or his mom. He probably figured he could take that secret to his grave. But then Daehyun’s mom died so that plan was quickly discarded.

This was really getting to Yongguk. He didn’t want to think about it much longer so he tried to focus on something else. And that something else just happened to be his little brother. Daehyun.

The younger talked and talked. How could such a small kid talk so much? Yongguk thought he was being clever when he blamed the fact that the younger had the biggest pair of lips he’s ever seen. Yongguk himself has lips that are a nice plump size, but this kid…His lips were huge. He just watched those lips blab on and on. Do they ever stop flapping? The air those things must create as they continue to move must be astounding. Yongguk continued to think about this new boy, as said boy continued talking,

“…while she was showing me around, I enjoy eating. I can eat anything and everything, and I take full advantage of that. You should be careful, or I might just eat you all that you have in the kitchen!”

Once again, Daehyun made the room laugh. It seemed this kid was an aspiring comedian.

“I also mentioned earlier that Yongguk doesn’t eat too much. He should eat more. Hyejin pouted.

Their father was the next to respond, “Yongguk and Daehyun seem to have similarities that are actually masked differences. Both are intelligent, but one never studies while the other constantly studies. Both love food, but one eats out a fridge while the other eats a lot of one thing and barely enough of everything else. It’s going to be interesting find out what else you brothers have in common.”

No surprise that more comparisons are coming forward. He should really just get used to it. Ugh! He shouldn’t have to get used to anything! Who did this kid think he was coming into his home and playing nice with his parents and encroaching on his territory? He shouldn’t have to compete with this kid. Having enough Yongguk decided to abonden ship for now.

But before he could make his leave known, Daehyun chimed in, “Oh, I’m sure we have plenty in common father. It will be quite interesting to get to know each other and learn  what else we have in common.”

’s sake. Enough is enough.

Yongguk, composed as ever, spoke up, “Of course, I’m sure we’ll have plenty of time to get to know each other in the future. We’re brothers after all, so we have the rest of our lives. However, for now, I have some school work I need to finish up before the year starts. Summer homework isn’t going to complete itself.”

“Of course, sweetie! Don’t work too hard or go to sleep too late.” Hyejin quickly replied with a smile and a comforting squeeze of his arm.

Mr. Sung responded next with a simple, “Goodnight, Yongguk”.

“Yes, goodnight, Yongguk. Don’t overwork yourself,” Yongguk’s father replied.

And the last response came from Daehyun, “Yeah, hyung, make sure not to work too hard. We don’t want you overworking your body. Get plenty of sleep~! I’ll see you tomorrow”.

Psh, not if I can help it! Yongguk kept that thought to himself, and instead provided his charming smile (he got this from his mother) to everyone and bid them all a good night.

And with that he was out of the dining room and headed towards the stairs.



Thank you to leecika, imr321,  ElectricAstronautsumiko9090, BabyLee91, SilverKitten, KPopBabyCelo, and meiadinda for upvotes 2-9!

Thanks everyone for reading!


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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10