
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

After what felt like years and tons of packing, Daehyun finally managed to pack up all his and his mom’s stuff. He packed not only her things, but their memories. Daehyun wasn’t dumb; he knew you couldn’t keep memories as physical things. But the objects themselves would help him remember her.

Even though she just died and he was trying his best to handle the loss of his mom, he was afraid he would forget her over time. His mom always joked he had a terrible memory and that it was a wonder how he could even be so smart when he could barely remember to do even normal everyday things.

Daehyun was forgetful. He forgot so many things.

Where did he put those new ear buds? He didn’t even have them for an entire day before they were out of sight. He found them the day after he bought new ones. How was he supposed to remember he put them in the draw in his bedside table? In his defense, they were hidden under other things. He should really clean that drawer.

There was also that one time he forgot to put on boxers. He felt really weird for a few hours walking around the house. His jeans just didn’t feel right. The jeans just felt really rough and left his skin feeling weird. Finally getting tired of them, he decided he needed to change them. Much to his surprise, he pulled them off only to discover he had no boxers on. But hey, some people go commando all the time. He just realized it was not something he would be doing in the future. Lesson learned.

But not only did he forget to do things or forget where he placed things, he also forgot important dates and details. One time, his best friend decided he was going to have a party for his tenth birthday. The theme was going to be comic book superheroes (because duh, superheroes are really awesome…and super). This meant that all the guests would arrive in their favorite superhero’s costume. Daehyun decided he was going to be Thor the day NamJun had told him about the party. However, not only did Daehyun forget he had to wear a costume to the party, but he barely remembered when his best friend’s birthday was.

He was in a rush when he barely remembered his friend’s birthday and party were on that Saturday, but he only remembered a measly two hours before it was starting! It is safe to assume that Daehyun did not remember to buy his costume. He had to turn up to his best friend’s party in one of the lamest costumes he’s ever had the displeasure of wearing. It was put together in a rush from the idea of his mom. Superman…no, not Superman actually. He showed up to his best friend’s tenth birthday party of Clark Kent. He wasn’t even actually Superman! His mother told him to wear his suit and tie he wore to his mom’s friend’s wedding last year. She said she would give him an old pair of glasses that he could just pop the lenses out of. He’s never felt so uncool before in his life. He felt so lame arriving to a party where all his friends and classmates had actual costumes and he was wearing a suit. He was 10, not 45! Who wears a suit to a birthday party?!

You would think that something like that would force Daehyun to keep better track of dates, details, objects, and everyday normal tasks; but nope. He was still just as forgetful today as he was yesterday and the days before that.

Knowing his memory was crap is what led Daehyun to fearing that he would one day forget the most important person in his life. He could not forget his mother. No way. No how. It wasn’t going to happen. As he packed up things to remind him of her, he vowed he would never forget her. He took things like her favorite dress, her pillow, her blanket, her jewelry box, her books, her favorite hairpin, her journal full of her thoughts and writings, and most importantly he took every photo of her and them he came across; he would not be forgetting her any time soon.


True to his word, Mr. Sung came back a few days later. With him was a moving truck to haul all of Daehyun's things to Seoul. Daehyun had been finished packing up all the things he was taking with him last night. He spent the morning cleaning up and throwing out trash.

He greeted Mr. Sung warmly, “Good morning!”

“Morning, Daehyun,” Mr. Sung smiled, “Did you finish packing yet?”

“Yes, I’m all packed. Now it just needs to be moved into the truck and we can go. But what are we doing with all the things I’m not taking?”

“Oh, I arranged for a donation service to come and pick up all the things you leave behind. They’ll take it to homeless shelters and what can’t go there will go to needy families.”

“Really?” Daehyun smiled before continuing, “That’s really great. At least some people would be able to use what I won’t anymore. Good to know it’s not going to waste.”

“We should get to it. It’s a long drive to Seoul.”


With that the two began making several trips to the truck, filling the truck with all of Daehyun’s things.


They were finished in less than two hours having worked as quickly as possible. Mr Sung left Daehyun alone in the truck while he handed over the keys from the apartment to the complex manager. Daehyun was glad he didn’t have to do it, he never liked that guy. He was always giving Daehyun dirty looks when his mother wasn’t around. He was glad he would now be rid of that grumpy old man.

Mr. Sung returned to the truck; as he the ignition he turned to Daehyun with a chipper, “Let’s get you to your new home!”

Daehyun kept silent and just smiled back. He didn’t want to be rude or give Mr. Sung a hard time. He had been really nice and helpful these last few days. But no matter how kind he was, Daehyun wasn’t going to a new home. He was leaving his home, and traveling to a new house.  A home is made up of love and a family you care about. The ‘new home’ didn’t have that. It had a man who was his father, a woman his father married, and their son. Daehyun may not have known them, but he wasn’t going to be calling them his family just yet.

No, that would take some time. He wasn’t necessarily against having a new family, but the thought of having to meet new people, live with them, and call them family was a bit much to take on immediately. He just needed some time to get used to it.


Making small talk with Mr. Sung along the way and sleeping some allowed for the trip to feel like less time than it actually was. In no time at all it seemed that he was already in Seoul, and within a few minutes he would be in his new ‘home’ and new ‘family’. He would meet him father for the first time in his sixteen years, and he would be meeting his stepmom and half brother. He was getting more nervous as the pair got closer.

Noticing Daehyun clench and unclench his fists over shaky knees, Mr. Sung began, “Hey, there’s no need to be so nervous. The Bang’s are really great people.”

Turing to look at the lawyer, Daehyun tried to offer a reassuring smile, and began, “What if they don’t like me? Will they kick me out? Am I supposed to be hidden from others? Am I a secret? How am I supposed to call them or act around them?”

Feeling as he just raised the younger’s discomfort and nerves, the lawyer tried again, “You’re a great kid, I’m sure all of them will like you. And no, you won’t get kicked out. Believe me, Yongcheol legally cannot kick you out even if he wanted to. He and your mother signed a contract that stated he would raise you in her stead if anything happened to her while you were underage.”

Daehyun’s tension began easing after he heard his father couldn’t kick him out.

Mr. Sung continued, “Plus, you’re too big to be hidden. And why would they want to hid you away. From what I hear, you’re a top student and have a great personality. The latter having experienced myself, I agree. You’ll be fine.

“Don’t worry, with time you’ll be able to figure out how to call them. They might even help you and tell you how you should call them. Just try and be comfortable around them and in that house. After all, they’re your new family and that’s your new home. Relax and try and be happy. I know it’s a lot to take in all at once, but with time it will get easier.” He patted Daehyun’s shoulder and gave him a smile.

Feeling a lot better Daehyun thanked him with a genuine smile and less shaky limbs.

Another five minutes of driving and Mr. Sung pulled into a neighborhood with amazing houses, no scratch that, amazing mansions.

While Daehyun was lost in his thoughts, Mr. Sung made a phone call.

“Hey, Yongcheol, we just pulled into the neighborhood…yeah, we’ll be there in a few minutes…Um, he’s a bit nervous, but that’s to be expected; he’ll be in a new environment soon…okay, we’ll see you all soon.”

He ended the call and quickly glanced over at Daehyun. The boy didn’t seem to even notice that he had made a phone call. He figured that the kid was just being spacey and looking at his new environment.

Daehyun was certainly lost in his own thoughts.

These houses were huge! They were big and impressive. It was a bit overwhelming thinking that Daehyun would be living in one of these mansions soon. He was excited to see inside. Daehyun loved his apartment with his mom. It was the perfect size for them and it always felt like home. But now Daehyun would be spending the time he spent outside of school in this new house - a house easily ten times the size of his apartment.

Distracting Daehyun from his awe and thoughts, Mr. Sung announced that they had finally arrived.

Immediately looking out the window while simultaneously unbuckling his seatbelt, Daehyun stare in awe of the place he would be living it. It was surly too big for just three people. The house seemed to have two stories. It was white in color with a huge front yard; Daehyun could only imagine how big the backyard would be.

Stepping out of the truck, Daehyun almost failed to realize there were people standing outside in front of their front doors.

His breath almost stopped, this was them. This had to be them! His new family was staring back at him and Mr. Sung.

The man he figured was his father was a tall man. He had a defined jaw line with dark eyes. He seemed to have this serious air around him. It was kind of intimidating to be honest.

Mr. Sung walked over to him first to greet him, “We finally made it back!” Turning back towards Daehyun, Mr. Sung called out to him, “Daehyun! Don’t just stand over there, come and say hi!”

With a quick nod, Daehyun ran over to the four of them, nearly tripping over his own foot. Feeling a bit flushed from the jog over or the almost fall, he wasn’t sure but one thing he knew for sure was that he needed to exercise more. No way should a short run leave him this breathless. He needed stamina. Anyway, back to the main topic…

“Yongcheol, Hyejin, Yongguk; this is Daehyun! Daehyun, this is your father, his wife, and their son.”

As a response, Daehyun gave a 90 degree bow.

His ‘mom’ was the first to give her greeting to Daehyun.

She was gorgeous. She had such pale skin; it made Daehyun think that she must have stayed out of the sun any chance she could. Her smile was amazingly bight and contagious. She had this charm about her that made him feel welcomed and comfortable. But why would she be so happy to meet her husband’s secret child? She couldn’t be so accepting of an illegitimate child, could she? Isn’t it weird to accept the child of the woman your husband cheated on you with?

Hyejin began, “Hello Daehyun! It’s great to finally meet you, but I wish the circumstances would have been different. I’m really sorry to hear about your mom. I sure she was a brave and strong woman. I just hope that you feel welcome and comfortable here. I would hate for you to hate being here, so please make yourself comfortable. Oh! And I know it’s weird calling someone else mom, so please feel free to call me whatever you want and whatever you’re comfortable with. Okay?”

With a smile and a nod, Daehyun turned back to his father.

“Hello, Daehyun.” After Daehyun bowed once again, there was an uncomfortable silence for a bit before he continued, “Like what Hyejin said, it’s going to be uncomfortable here at first, but I’m sure one day you’ll be able to call this your home and us your family.”

Daehyun responded with yet another bow and, “Thank you…father.”

His father gave a quick upturn of his lips and a soft pat to Daehyun’s shoulder.

However, once Daehyun let those three words out of his mouth, a second later he heard a barely audible scoff. That’s when he looked up to meet the dark and cold eyes of his older brother.

Bang Yongguk.

He was just as tall as his father if not taller. He was surely taller than Daehyun. He had strong arms; no he had a strong body. Well that’s what it looked liked. He was well dressed so he wasn’t sure how he actually looked. But his eyes; there was something behind them. They looked like they could kill you if he willed them to. Cold and dark, and the only emotion they looked like they held were anger, hate, and irritation. Daehyun assumed all of those emotions were directed towards him. Who else?

He wasn’t sure how he was supposed to address the elder (or the situation that was currently taking place). Feeling the pressure to give a good first impression, Daehyun was the first to break the silence and greet Yongguk as the three adults talked off to the side.

“Hello, my name is Daehyun. I’m your younger brother.” He bowed his head in Yongguk’s direction. To Daehyun’s surprise, another scoff was heard. Daehyun immediately lifted his eyes to meet the same cold

Yongguk was just staring, well glaring, at the younger before he spoke barely above a whisper, “You,” he pronounced with such disgust, “are not my brother. I don’t know you, but I don’t like you. I don’t know who you think you are showing up here, but don’t forget your place. You are nothing but an annoyance. The only reason you’re here is because my dad felt sorry for you. Do me a favor and try not to get too comfortable with my family.” After one last glare, Yongguk turned and started walking towards the three adults.

Stunned and wide eyed, Daehyun had no idea why anyone would be so mean to someone they just met. Sure this was Yongguk’s family and house, but why would he be so…rude! How dare he make this seem like Daehyun was just begging to be here. His mom died and he had nowhere else to go! If it were in his hands, he would still be enjoying his mother’s company in Busan, his real home! If his stupid hyung was going to be unpleasant, then Daehyun would ignore him and stay away from him as much as he could.

With that final though, Daehyun too made his way to the talking adults. Once there, he was greeted by smiles from Mr. Sung, Hyejin, and his father. His stepmom talked first, “Oh Daehyun, I hope you’re hungry! I have dinner almost ready. We’re having pot roast with vegetables and mashed potatoes with gravy. We’ll also be having cheesecake for dessert. I hope this pleases your palette.”

Avoiding the almost glare from Yongguk, he smiled widely, “Of course I’m hungry. Mr. Sung didn’t stop along the way. And the food sounds delicious, thank you…err”

“It’s okay, call me whatever you feel comfortable with.” The woman said with her signature smile.

“Could I call you…mother?”

Daehyun decided to ask this for a number of different reasons. One, he was sure it would piss off her son. Two, he figured she would appreciate it, even if it’s not ‘mom’ it’s close. Third, it would help him better ease into his new family. And four, what else was he going to call her?

With an ecstatic smile, giggle, and nod, she happily agreed to it. “Oh, please do Daehyun, it would make me really happy!”

And then she shuffled them all inside because “dinner should be ready by now”.

Finally food. Daehyun was about to start heading inside, when he felt something, or rather someone, grip his arm. “I know what you’re doing. You’re either crazy or stupid, perhaps both, but just know that I’m not.”

“Could have fooled me!” Daehyun spat back before continuing, “I suggest you let go of my arm before I start screaming because yes, I am a bit crazy when I want to be, but don’t think I’m stupid. My brain is something I take great pride in, hyung.” He jerked his arm out of the older’s grip and started walking towards the front door where the others had already passed through.

Once at the door, Daehyun gave a shout towards his hyung loud enough for the adults to hear, “Come on, hyung! Mother said dinner was ready, aren’t you hungry?” Throwing a quick knowing smile at Yongguk, Daehyun disappeared into the house.

Yongguk scoffed at the younger’s audacity before marching in after.

“Two can play this game.”




Don't worry, these most likely will not be concurrent, but more random.

Also, yay for 33 subscribers! This is like a billion for me!

Also also, thanks to Palabra_viva for being my first upvote! It made me super happy!

Thanks for reading, everyone! 


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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10