
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

LONG unedited chapter ahead! Also, read the blue font in the AN!

“I know you haven’t met him, but it would only be for two days – really less than that since I would be leaving today and returning Saturday night. I’d be back home on Sunday. Promise.”

Daehyun had asked Hyejin is he could stay at Junhong’s house tonight and most of tomorrow. He wasn’t sure how she would take the reason for his wanting to stay at his friend’s house, so he left that bit out. But hey, he was sixteen already, he could have some secrets.

He saw the skepticism plastered on her face with eyes drowning in askance. He figured he wasn’t being as convincing as he could be, but being vague was the only way he could keep himself from lying to her. And he didn’t want to do that nor was he going to. If she had miraculously asked him if he was going to a party, even if it was teasingly, he knows he would have spilt all the beans. Like every last one of them. Lying was not on the list of activities he wanted to partake in today, tomorrow, or ever.

“Fine, but come Saturday night, your better be in that bed upstairs.” She finally relented as she pointed up towards the ceiling. “And I want to meet him. You’ve been over to his house, but I have yet to see him here. I want to meet your friends, Daehyun.” Sternness was riding the sound waves emitting from her red lips, but there was also kindness. Daehyun knew she just wanted to meet his friends as she had done with Yongguk’s. She seemed to want to take some part in their lives, which was something he found admirable. She didn’t have to care or treat him well, he knew she didn’t; but she did. And Daehyun didn’t want to ruin the relationship they were establishing together – especially not because of some party he really wanted to go to. “Soon, mister.”

Daehyun was so excited for her caving, that he completely forgot he was going to ask Yongguk for the ride to Junhong’s house. He was planning on heading over after dinner, but he completely forgot about that too. “Great! Can you give me a ride to Junhong’s house? I can introduce you to him then! He’s really great and smart. We study together and do our homework together sometimes at lunch.” He was going to go on but a soft, gentle laughing took his attention. When he looked up Hyejin had a smile.

“You must really like him. I’ll be happy to give you a ride to your friend’s house. Just let me know when you’re ready, sweetie.” She gave his hair a ruffle before she began making her way towards the sitting room.

He looked after her with a huge grin on his face, “great! I’ll go get my things!” And without waiting for a reaction, he ran towards the stairs to grab his things. He was excited as a child on Christmas day getting ready to rip open their presents.


“So that’s your mom?” Junhong said. He wasn’t really asking, more just filling the silence, so the response he got was unexpected.

“Stepmom actually. My real mom passed away, and I moved in with my biological father and his family. So now I have a stepmom and a half brother.” He spoke with a smile because it wasn’t that hard talking about his mom with Junhong because he was a friend now. And he wanted the other to know more about him, just as he wanted to know more about Junhong.

“Oh, I’m sorry, but I’m glad you’re settling in. I mean, I don’t know much about your home life, but you look happy?” Junhong quickly corrected his original thought. The taller between them really wasn’t sure of what went on at his house, but he was being honest when he said that Daehyun seemed happy because he did. And he loved seeing the smile on those tan cheeks and those large brown eyes shrink as they hid behind fluffy cheeks.

Daehyun laughed at Junhong’s uneasy expression, he looked cute and sounded cute too. His voice had a slightly worried tone and it made Daehyun want to and play with him. “It’s fine, Jun. I really am happy. I mean, at first my brother wasn’t very nice, but he’s getting there. He treats me better now than what he did weeks ago. And I’ve never been close to my dad so things are a bit awkward between us, but I know he’s trying. And as for stepmom, she just started off really nice. Like incredibly so. I had a small doubt that she was just pretending to be nice because she wanted to look good in front of me and her family, but she’s genuine. She’s naturally a welcoming and kind person. Without her, I would have probably hated living there.”

Another smile was offered to Junhong, and his legs felt like they were going to give way. His smile was one that could melt hearts or heat up bodies. Maybe even both because that smile was making Junhong feel lots of pleasant things. The butterflies were fluttering around in his stomach and his face felt like it was heating up. But he hoped it wasn’t because Daehyun continued to stare up at him and his heart was doing weird skipping that couldn’t possibly be healthy.

Concerned eyes called for that smile to drop as Daehyun leaned closer, “Jun are you okay?” It was that nickname again. The second time in a few minutes that he heard it and it did nothing to stop his feelings from having a party within him. “You look a little flushed. Are you warm?”

“What? Yeah, sorry! Just feeling a little warm. Want to head up stairs and watch a movie or something before the party?” He just needed a distraction. He didn’t want to watch any movie in particular, but he did want to clear his thoughts of Daehyun before he had an accident.

“Okie dokie! Let’s go!” Excited as always – Daehyun led the way as if he had spent years visiting rather than this being only his second visit. He grabbed his things and headed upstairs to Junhong’s room. Said boy brought a hand to press over his heart as if he could will it to beat normally again and took a deep breath in before he followed his friend up to his room.


Finding images of trees and deformed dogs in his ceiling was just another way for Yongguk to think. He had a lot to think about lately. His big thing at the moment was about his feelings. He was getting closer to accepting that he might have a small thing for his younger brother.

Okay, if her were honest with himself, he would admit that the small thing was really a small crush. But it was small! Just a small crush. Nothing to be too worried over. At least for right now. And he wished he could see into the future to see where in the hell his feelings were going because this was going to give him white hairs and stress lines if it became more than he could take. And that was the direction he felt this going in. And it worried him to a certain extent. But a small piece wanted to embrace the thought of this crush, to embrace Daehyun.

However, before he could fall in deeper into his thought pits, he heard his mom call out to him about dinner. He quickly jumped off his bed and walked out to the hall. When the older didn’t see or hear Daehyun, he knocked on his door, but failed to receive a response. He knocked once more a little harder, but got the same thing. Titling his head to the side, he shrugged his shoulders and continued down the stairs towards the dining room.

Without his permission, his eyes searched for a certain sun-kissed boy, but when they failed to locate him, he pouted and furrowed his eyebrows. He sat down in his usual seat and noticed only two spots were set at the table. His dad was working the late shift again, so his lack of dishes was excusable. But Daehyun’s was not.

“Where’s Dae? Is he not feeling well?” He tried to hide the concern in his voice at the thought of Daehyun being sick and sad upstairs, but failed to do so when he heard his mom’s response,

“Don’t worry sweetie. I dropped him off at his friend’s house earlier. He was going to have a sleep over. Isn’t that cute?” The smile on her lips made her look years younger, but Yongguk found it hard to return her smile with one of his own. Not only was Dae not home anymore, but he was also going to be spending the night at a friend’s house. And it bothered him. Dae hadn’t even mentioned going over to his friend’s house. He knew Daehyun didn’t have to report every single thing to him, but he thought he would at least get something like that mentioned to him.

Yongguk nodded to let his mom know that he heard her, but didn’t talk about it. He changed the subject by telling her he actually wouldn’t be home tonight.

“Chan’s having another party, and the guys are going, so-” He didn’t even need to complete that sentence because he knew his mom would understand immediately.

“Ah, he finally got you to go? Good. Try to have some fun, would you?” She laughed as she picked up more spaghetti on her fork and slid it into .

“I know how to have fun, mom. It’s just that a crowded place with loud music and wasted teenagers isn’t really the ideal evening for me.” Everyone knew it. His friends and his parents all knew that parties weren’t his thing, but that didn’t stop his friends from inviting him or his parents from pushing him.

“When I was your age, I had so much fun at parties. You’re such a stick in the mud!” She teased good naturedly once all the food in had been swallowed. She always had fun teasing Yongguk, but then again, so did everybody else because he was always just so serious.

“Yeah, yeah. I’ll be sure to drink loads and drive back home completely wasted and bang on the door at exactly four am for you or dad to come and let me in. Then we’ll see whose laughing.” He teased right back. The day any of that happened would be the day dogs grew wings. What would really happen that night would be his drinking water or juice and coming home no later than two as he used his own house key to come inside.

“You do that sweetie. Now stop talking and start eating. You have a super fun party to go to!” The teenager rolled his eyes but did as he was told.

Nearly three hours later, and Yongguk was in his car and heading towards his friend’s house. He left after he had completed all his homework and even took a shower. He managed to leave the house just after nine. He would be early no doubt, but at least he would arrive before it became chaotic or the partiers got too drunk.

He spotted Yixing locking his car and hocked to get his attention. As one of the party thrower’s best friends he gave himself the privilege of parking in their long driveway. He motioned for Yixing to move the cones that Chanyeol had probably placed to block the driveway. With a knowing smile, Yixing did as he requested and parked his car behind Chanyeol’s

“’sup President?” Yixing greeted him with a dimpled smile. Yongguk rolled his eyes as he nodded in return.

“You just get here too?” He asked his friend. Usually Yixing came hours before the party started to help Chanyeol set up.

“Course not. Had to help Chan set up like usual. I was just grabbing my charger because my phone wants to give up in life. Battery’s at fifteen percent.” He ended his words with a pout as he shook the charger in one hand and his phone in the other.

“But all your friends are here anyway. Why would you need to use your phone anyway?” He smirked as he teased the shorter male. That smirk earned him a punch to the chest and a grunt of air escaping his lungs. “ Xing, that hurt. Control your strength next time.”

“Yeah, well control your mouth and I won’t hit you. But why you in such a good mood? You hate coming to our parties.”

“I know, but I might as well enjoy myself since I’m already here.”

Yixing nodded his head as he felt his answer was acceptable. The two boys continued on into Chanyeol’s house where the music was already thumping along the walls.


“Wow, their house is so big! Are you sure we’re not late?” Daehyun asked his friend for the nth time that night. It was a quarter until ten and Daehyun kept looking at his watch every other minute to see if the time changed.

And as Daehyun checked his watch, Junhong checked out him. But who could blame him? The tight jeans he wore left little to the imagination. The tailored pants that their school uniform consisted of should be either praised or destroyed for hiding him so well. They were black in color and looked like a second skin over his short, but toned legs. His looked like it was squeezed perfectly and well rounded, and his front, while the front of his jeans were like a wonder of the world. He had no idea how his jeans hadn’t exploded off his body from either the front or the back. And the smooth, white tank he wore under the heather grey cardigan looked wonderful. It was almost sheer, Junhong had noticed it when they were in his foyer and the light hit him just right. It was loose in the right places, but when he opened his arms, the cardigan fell open and allowed for slivers of beautifully tanned skin to tease his eyes. To say Daehyun looked amazing would have been an understatement because he was jaw dropping and looked absolutely divine. Junhong was dying for just a small taste.

“Dae quit worrying. No one goes to a party early anyway. It’s like a rule. We’re right on time, look.” He said as he pointed at all the people just arriving mere moments before them. Girls and guys were stepping out of their cars and walking towards the door and entering the house without stopping to know. Everyone was dressed to impress it seemed. Girls wore as little clothing as they could get away with while the guys dressed well, but comfortable. Even Junhong looked amazing. His long legs made his jeans look fit enough for a model and the plain navy v-neck made his prominent collarbones peak out if he leaned a little too much to the side or a little too forward. The pale skin flashed his eyes every so often and it was a pleasant sight to steal glances at.

“Okay!” He cheered as he grabbed Junhong’s wrist without thinking and led him in the same direction as everybody else. The taller of the two was hoping that the heat he felt on his face was not because he was blushing. That would be embarrassing, but he didn’t want Daehyun to let go.

They were only there for maybe forty minutes before Junhong started feeling as if he was being watched. But knowing Minah and her friends, it was probably one of them trying to look for the best time to interrupt his fun and bother him. But he was having such a great time with Daehyun that he didn’t want them to come and ruin it. So he gently grabbed Daehyun’s elbow and led him in a different direction to lose whoever it was that was staring at them. He didn’t want to mention it to Daehyun because he wanted the other to have a good time and not have to worry about anyone bothering him or making him uncomfortable. He would make sure to stop that this time if it did happen.


He wasn’t expecting to see him here. He was told that Daehyun was sleeping over at a friend’s house. He wasn’t told that Daehyun would be here at the party as well. At first he wasn’t sure if that was really him. He had never seen Daehyun dressed like that before. He looked like y and sin personified in one body. And Yongguk wanted to hide him away so no one else could see him looking that gorgeous and irresistible. He wasn’t even sure how Daehyun had heard about the party, but then he looked up and saw the tall blond kid standing much too close and leaning down to whisper things into Daehyun’s ear. And he felt heat rush to his face, but not because of anything pleasant.

No, watching Daehyun and the kid he knew was Junhong talk so closely and intimately was enough for his skin to boil. That kid had no right to be so close to his Dae. He had no right. He didn’t need to be so close. Yongguk was able to hear all his friends talking and they weren’t whispering into each other’s ears or leaning in much too close. There was no reason Junhong had to do that to Daehyun.

He was startled from his thoughts when he heard his water bottle crunch loudly as his grip had tightened without his knowledge. He quickly let it go before his friends noticed his change in behavior and asked him about it.

But his eyes failed to leave Daehyun and Junhong alone. Everywhere that Junhong led his Dae, he saw. Junhong wasn’t going to be the one to hide or shield Daehyun. No, that was a job that only he could do. Daehyun didn’t need Junhong to be his knight in shining armor. He only needed Yongguk. And that’s what Yongguk repeated to himself as he willed his jealousy to go away. He turned his attention away so he could focus on his friends and the conversation they were having. He didn’t need to be jealous of Junhong. He wasn’t a threat. He was just Daehyun’s friend – his only friend. But Yongguk got to see him all the time. He didn’t need to be worried about Junhong taking his place. Yongguk smiled to himself as he relaxed and joined his friends in talking about something Chanyeol had caught some drunk kid trying to dump in his pool.


It is nearing half past one when Yongguk caught sight of Daehyun and Junhong. Both boys were clearly drunk. The flush on both of their faces told him that they drank much more than they could have tolerated. And the fact that they were leaning so close to each other was driving him up the wall. They had stupid smiles on their faces and Junhong has his arm wrapped securely around Daehyun’s waist. It was probably being kept there to keep the shorter upright, but Yongguk only saw red right now. And he wanted to stomp over there and carry Daehyun over his shoulder and take him home, but not before punching Junhong’s pretty little face in a few times.

But when Himchan called for his attention, he turned and was distracted for at least two minutes. Within that short time span, he had managed to lose both Daehyun and Junhong. He strained his neck trying to catch one glimpse of either of the drunken boys, but he failed to do so.

He then guessed that they had probably already left. Left together back to Junhong’s house where he could no longer keep an eye on either of them.

His head began creating scenarios that he could do nothing but think about them because he had no way of interfering. He had no idea if they would even come true, but he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know if they did.



♦READ THE BLUE FONT FOR SURE PLEASE!  Everything after is me rambling.

Let me remind everyone that this is tagged as which means BangDae is going to happen. I haven't decided how mature the content will be, but you need to know that they will share a relationship that exceeds brotherly affection (it is in the title). It will happen. The build is slow, but inevitable. Also, is going to hit the fan! Like I am gonna with you guys within the next few chapters. Your emotions will be Nana's play things. I hope y'all are ready. *smiles evilly*♦

Guess what? - this story is 3rd in the unrated section! - sandwiched between two stories that I absolutely loved and enjoyed reading (go drown in the BangDae tag! Its a beautiful place!). I am extremely thankful that you guys like the story.

Now to thank voters 64-68: lalalananalalala, carrot_19, minidino, lynndae, and Jellymints!

Also, a BIG thank you to the 300+ wonderful readers/subscribers! Without you guys, this story wouldn't be here.

Please do continue to drop me comments! Comments make me incredibily happy. Shower me in comments!! 

-Nananananana NANA

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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10