
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

Yongguk was upset.

He was upset for a few reasons.

One, he felt that his own body had betrayed his trust. Two, he felt his mind was playing games with him. Three, he wasn’t thrilled about the dinner with the Kim family. Four, he was struggling to focus. And five, Daehyun. In fact, all of Yongguk’s current problems and the reason for his current state of being upset, all came back to one thing: Daehyun. His brother was the source of all his problems. Daehyun’s smile and laughter made his body react. Daehyun made his mind race with thoughts of his smile and laughter. Daehyun was the reason the Kim family was coming over for dinner. Daehyun was running circles around his mind, stealing his focus. Daehyun was his problem.

It is not like Yongguk wanted to think about his brother, especially not in that way. No, Yongguk hated thinking about Daehyun at all. If he could, he would ship that pretty pipsqueak to another country without a return address.

The dinner was only hours away, but Yongguk couldn’t wait for it to be over. The deep voiced male wanted the dinner to be done and over with because he knew as soon as the Kim’s met him, they would love him. Even Yongguk could admit that Daehyun was charming. Not to him, but he certainly found a way to charm most of those around him; well at least he had a way with the adults.

However, people his own age were a different story it seemed, if the lunch where he was yelled at and embarrassed was anything to go off of. But that wasn’t Yongguk’s problem that was Daehyun’s. If that little wanted friends, then he would have to make them. Yongguk had no intention of lending a hand to him, even if his friends thought that he should.

Here was Yongguk trying to enjoy his lunch period with Himchan, Chanyeol, and Yixing; however, he had no idea what the others were even talking about. He was here physically, but mentally, he could have been on another planet with that big lipped alien invading his thoughts. Yongguk really didn’t want to think about Daehyun anymore, and thankfully Yixing pulled him from thinking about his dreadful situation.

“You gonna eat that?” Yixing asked while pointing at Yongguk’s untouched hamburger.

The boy in question followed the long finger and looked down at his lunch tray that had remained untouched even when lunch had started ten minutes ago. “Huh, no take it.” Yongguk let out.

“Sweet! Thanks, Guk!” Yixing cheered happily while reaching across the table and grabbing Yongguk’s hamburger.

“Give me half!” Chanyeol shouted as soon as it was in Yixing’s possession.

Yixing turned his head towards Chanyeol and gave him a look of disdain, but relaxed once he saw his friend’s brown eyes wide with eagerness and happiness,

“Ugh, fine!” Yixing responded, which made Chanyeol smile, satisfied at getting more food.

Himchan observed his friends while haphazardly munching on his baby carrots. He rolled his eyes at his always hungry friends before turning his attention to Yongguk.

“Yo, Guk? Are you not hungry?”

“No, not really. Why?”

“I don’t know you tell me. You on a diet or something?” Himchan asked teasingly.

“Diet? Look at him, Himmie. The boy definitely does not need to be on a diet.” Yixing offered his two cents in before Yongguk could even think of a response.

“Then why are you two hogs eating his food?”

Chanyeol felt the need to comment on the jab, “Hey, I am a lean, mean eating machine. He wasn’t going to eat it anyway! At least we didn’t let it go to waste!”

“Oh, how thoughtful.” Himchan rolled his eyes.

“I’m still sitting right here guys. And I’m not hungry anyways. Sunmin made us a proper breakfast today since she came in early. And no, I’m not on a diet.” Yongguk clarified while sitting back in his seat now looking at his friends.

“Huh, if you say so. So what’s got you all distracted?” Yixing asked Yongguk the question that was on the tip of Himchan’s tongue.

“Distracted? I’m not distracted. Why would I be?” Yongguk denied the accusation the best he could. He wasn’t sure how his friend’s would take to ‘my little brother gave me butterflies while he was laughing’, so the best route would be to deny and change the subject.

“You remember about tonight’s dinner?” He asked Himchan.

“Hey, how could bring up something we’re not even invited to? Don’t you have a heart?” Yixing asked with mock hurt.

Himchan still had his mouth hanging open to answer Yongguk’s question, when Yixing had interrupted his attempt, “Xing, you really got to learn how not to in when the grownups are talking.” He then turned his attention to Yongguk with a contented upturn of lips in a smirk, “Yeah, my mom said we’re heading over around 5:30, so I’ll just go straight to your room when I get there. Sound good?”

Nodding his head in agreement, Yongguk let out a short, “Yup, sounds like a plan.” He then turned his attention back to the two uninvited dinner guests, “I said I’d get you guys next time. Quit acting like dinner at my house is something special.”

“Ouch! And here I thought it was a special dinner because I was invited.” Himchan grabbed his chest to fake a breaking heart from the comment, “You really are heartless.”

The three laughed as Yongguk just rolled his eyes at his friends’ horrible acting skills.



Sitting alone at lunch had become his new thing. Occasionally, Daehyun would sit in the cafeteria, but when he did, he was on the receiving end of one too many glares from his personal bully. Min Yoongi had made it his personal mission to give Daehyun dirty looks. Not only glares, but he would trip or nudge Daehyun’s shoulders with enough effort to make him stumble. Daehyun had no idea what he did to him, but he would rather not start a fight that he didn’t think he could win; especially since no one at that school seemed to be on his side. Not even his own brother seemed to pay him any mind. Daehyun was both thankful and annoyed at that. It would be nice to have his brother stick up for him, but he didn’t want to look weak in front of Yongguk.

In order for Daehyun to escape the glares of his bully, he took to eating outside. The field where he spent most of his free period hardly had other students.

The plump lipped boy looked at the time on his phone, “Ah, I should probably head to my locker already.” He spoke aloud to himself. He had a little over ten more minutes until his next class started, but he had nothing else to do. He removed his ear buds and placed them in his bag so he could get going. Much too quickly, he made it back inside the school building only to be greeted by none other than Yoongi.

 “Ah, look who it is.” There was mock happiness in his voice, and Daehyun resisted the urge to roll his eyes. Ignore him and he’ll leave you alone. Just ignore him.

Instead of playing along with Yoongi’s game, Daehyun continued to interchange things between his locker and book bag, completely ignoring Yoongi’s presence.

Said boy did not take being ignored well, so Yoongi thought he should make sure Daehyun realized how much he actually disliked the new boy.

Yoongi stepped closer to Daehyun and harshly pulled his shoulder to spin the latter around to face him.

“You know what I hate the most, Daehyun?” The pale boy asked with cold eyes, “Being ignored. And that’s exactly what you’re doing. I hate it. So when I talk to you,” he hurled a closed fist into Daehyun’s stomach before continuing, “you talk back. Okay?”

Daehyun lost the air in his lungs when the fist made contact with his body, but Daehyun’s pride didn’t give Yoongi the answer he craved. Instead he kept his lips tight and eyes closed.

“You think I’m playing with you? Think I’m a joke or something?” Out of fear, Daehyun shook his head. The grip he had on Daehyun’s shoulder tightened tenfold and Daehyun winced in response. “You should know by now that I really don’t like you. It’s in your best interest to avoid me, or else you just might be sorry.” Yoongi removed his hand from Daehyun’s shoulder before he moved it to the quiet boy’s eye. He pried open the closed eyelid with his thumb and index finger and smirked before he began speaking again, “I’m feeling generous today. Consider yourself lucky.” He took one step backwards and away from Daehyun. “We all get one free pass, and today you got yours.” He pushed Daehyun into the wall of lockers behind him before he walked away.

Daehyun let out a heavy sigh as he stood there in the same spot for a few seconds. His eyes were still closed, so they failed to notice the tall boy standing by the exit Daehyun had just entered through. Daehyun also had failed to notice that a certain tall boy would be up in the tree watching Daehyun sit alone.

Junhong hadn’t done this on purpose. It started out as a coincidence, but that soon changed; he would even sometimes skip lunch to get there before Daehyun. He would either sleep up in the tree or stare down and observe Daehyun. Something about Daehyun made him curious and he wanted to know more about him, but he didn’t want the shorter boy to know. And because he was now in Daehyun’s shadow, he saw Yoongi bothering Daehyun. A different feeling stirred inside of him when he saw him punch him and act roughly with him. He wanted to go and pull Yoongi away from Daehyun and maybe even hit the pale red head a few times for making Daehyun hurt. A small part of him wanted to protect Daehyun. But a much bigger part of him made Junhong stay put and not go to the shorter boy’s rescue. Watching was the only thing Junhong seemed to be capable of when it came to the sun-kissed boy.

And that’s exactly what he continued to do. He watched as Daehyun sighed and opened his eyes as he rubbed his stomach where Yoongi had just hit him. He watched as Daehyun turned around to face his locker, grabbed his things, and walked away from him.



Hyejin had become busy with her own work, so Yongguk started to drive them to and from school. Both boys pretended to be happy with this on the outside when she mentioned it, but both had different feelings on the inside.

Yongguk hated having to be around Daehyun. It was really uncomfortable. They didn’t speak, and the radio was the only thing that killed the silence. Yongguk also hated the fact that he would steal side glances at Daehyun. He hated that more than the silence. The way Daehyun would stare out the window as his hands rubbed his thighs nervously. And the way his lips never closed completely, but were left slightly opened in a soft pout.

Daehyun hated the car rides just as much as Yongguk did. He hated the way Yongguk would dance his thumbs to the beat on the steering wheel. He hated that Yongguk would bob his head and mouth along to the words of the song. The way he could smell his faint, yet alluring, cologne that smelled of citrus and jasmine. He hated how nervous his brother made him feel just by being so close to him.

As they got home, Yongguk went to his room, while Daehyun went straight to the kitchen for a snack. Daehyun only had a granola bar and a banana for lunch because he avoided the cafeteria and didn’t pack an actual meal.

“Hey Sunmin!” Daehyun greeted the lady with a smile and wave.

“Ah, Daehyun; welcome home. How was your day?” She asked with genuine interest.

Not wanting to tell her about his situation, he just avoided the complete truth, “Um, it was okay. Same old same old: classes and homework. How about your day, Sunmin?”

“Oh, I went grocery shopping. I bought you something!” She said cheerfully as she remembered.

“Really? What is it?” Daehyun’s eyes were wide like a curious child.

“I saw these and remembered you had mentioned enjoying them,” she talked as she searched the pantry, “so I picked out two of every flavor!” She returned to Daehyun’s line of vision with the fruit rolls he loved in her hands. “I wasn’t sure which flavor you preferred.” She smiled at the taller boy before her.

Daehyun had a huge smile on his face showing most of his white teeth. He mentally counted the lot as he thanked Sunmin, “Thanks! I haven’t had these in months! I used to eat them so often my mom would hide them from me!” He laughed at the memory, “Thank you, Sunmin!” He offered her a fond smile.

“Which is your favorite, so I know what to get you next time?” She asked with a straight face.

“I love them all, but strawberry is my favorite. Oh, not grape! I hate grape!” His smile was exchanged for a serious expression.

Sunmin laughed at how serious he became before snatching the grape out of the pile, “We’ll just give these to your brother then!” She loudly whispered.

Daehyun laughed at her playful nature. When he first met Sunmin, he would have never thought they would become close or that she was very playful. He enjoyed her company and her food.

Without missing a beat, Sunmin became an adult again, “Now, off to your room, mister! You have homework to finish, and you should do so before dinner. I don’t know how long the Kim’s will be over tonight.”

He pouted with a frown and furrowed eyebrows, “Fine, but I’m taking these with me!” He snatched a handful fruit rolls before running away with a giggle startling Sunmin.

“Don’t ruin your appetite!” Her command fell on deaf ears as Daehyun was much quicker than he looked and was already climbing the stars.


Yongguk heard the doorbell sound as he looked at his watch, 5:20. Of course. Himchan was always early, even when he was the one who decided the meeting time. Just a minute later there was a knock on his bedroom door and it immediately opened not even allowing enough time for Yongguk to invite the guest in.

“Sup? Miss me?” Himchan asked without caring for the answer.

“Not one bit.” Yongguk teased.

“Liar, you know you did.” The pretty male commented back.

Yongguk rolled his eyes, “You finish your homework?”

“God no. I’ll just do it when we get back. All I did was watch TV when I got home. Did you?”

He shook his head, “I only started half an hour ago. I spent the first hour tidying up and being lazy.”

Himchan nodded his head in understanding, “Well, put that away, I’m here now. Let’s play God of War for a bit before dinner.”

Yongguk huffed; he grabbed his book and notebook before the two walked out to the lounge area the second floor housed. Himchan noticed and asked, “Are you really gonna do homework?”

“Of course. You know I hate that one player game, I’ll make sure to watch you play. Don’t cry.” Yongguk smirked.

“Ha Ha.” He rolled his eyes as he looked around and noticed the door that must have belonged to Daehyun. “You’re brother home?”

Yongguk stopped and turned around to face Himchan, “Yeah, why?” He answered skeptically with narrowed eyes.

“No reason.” Taking the answer at face value, Yongguk continued walking forward. He failed to notice that Himchan wasn’t behind him anymore. However, a loud knock on wood answered his unasked question.

“What are you doing?” Yongguk quickly asked in a hushed tone.

“Um, knocking on a door?” Himchan provided the obvious answer.

“I can see that, but why-” The door opened before he could finish his question.

There stood a wide eyed and confused Daehyun, “Um, yes?” He questioned hesitantly.

“Hey, I’m Himchan, Guk’s best friend!” He waved at the shorter boy.

Daehyun gave a small smile as he said his name.

“Want to hang out with us?” Daehyun could hear the eagerness in the older male’s voice. He wasn’t sure how to say no, so he just nodded his head. “Great!” Himchan grabbed at Daehyun’s wrist and dragged him to the lounge. He began talking again as he pulled the younger along, “I was gonna play God of War, but that’s only for one person. How about we play Super Smash Bros?”

Yongguk roller his eyes, Himchan hadn’t even offered him a choice. Typical. He watched as Daehyun opened his mouth and gave a shy ‘okay’. Once the game was set up, Himchan and Daehyun sat on the floor while Yongguk sat behind them on the sofa.

“You gonna play, Guk?” Himchan asked.

“No, I’m good.” Yongguk said with faked contentment.

“Suit yourself! Dae, have you ever played?” Daehyun was surprised at the shortened name, but managed to shake his head.”

“It’s really easy. Just pick a character and fight me!” He laughed before continuing, “Just push random buttons, that’s what Guk does.”

Daehyun turned around and gave his attention to his brother. Though Yongguk noticed the action, he didn’t dare let his eyes meet the other pair. “Hey, I’ve managed to kick your ; my method works!” He half shouted.

At this, Daehyun let out an almost silent laugh as he looked down. Yongguk turned to look at his brother. His heart was doing it again: beating just a tiny bit faster. Yongguk quickly gave his attention back to Himchan, “You should teach him.” Was all the oldest in the room said before he turned his attention to his homework.

Himchan taught Daehyun how to play and the two began their fun. For a beginner, Daehyun was doing quite well. It pleasantly surprised Himchan; he loved a good challenge. Yongguk was just too easy an opponent.

As the two continued to play round after round, Yongguk would look up every time he heard that sweet chuckle. It was such a melodic sound, especially compared to Himchan’s deep sounding, raspy laugh. Yongguk was finding it hard to focus on his homework because that laugh was too much of a distraction.

Yet another round ended before Hyejin walked into the room, “Dinner’s ready, boys! Wash up and come downstairs, okay?” She headed back to where she came as the three boys stood up and walked into the bathroom to wash their hands.

“Did you have fun, Daehyun?” Himchan asked with hopeful eyes.

Said boy looked up to meet Himchan’s eyes with a grin, “Yes, I did! It was a lot of fun actually!” He said with such happiness that Yongguk felt a pang of jealousy.

“Next time we can play some more!”


Dinner continued late into the evening. Himchan’s parents took a great liking to Daehyun. Yongguk wasn’t surprised. The younger boy really was a charmer, and so smart. He knew how to talk to adults and was incredibly witty and knowledgeable. Honestly, Yongguk was a tiny bit jealous. Daehyun was smart and he knew that it all came so naturally to him. It irritated him a bit, but he didn’t want to seem petty, so he ignored the irritation.

Around nine, the Kim’s bid their good nights before they left the Bang residence.

“Aw, Daehyun, they loved you!” Hyejin wrapped her arms around Daehyun’s shoulders and hugged him. “A real charmer.” Yongcheol added with a pat to Daehyun’s shoulder before walking into the sitting room to read his paper.

Daehyun smiled shyly at the compliments, “I’m glad they liked me. They mean a lot to this family, so I wanted them to like me.” His eyes met Yongguk’s, but the older turned and walked up stairs with a ‘good night’ called over his shoulder.

“Night, sweetie!” She called before giving her attention back to her younger son, “Well, they loved you. It’s hard not to love you, Dae.” Hyejin reassured him. “Have you finished your homework yet?”

Daehyun nodded.

“Good, go shower and get ready for bed.” She kissed his forehead, and she walked into the dining room to clean up the mess and put the food away.

Daehyun entered his room and fell back onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling.

Today wasn’t so bad. Well, besides Yoongi. Yongguk’s friend was really nice. Maybe he’ll come around again? He smiled to himself as he let out a content sigh. He closed his eyes and nested his hands behind his head as he relaxed into the mattress.

Yongguk exited the bathroom when he noticed his brother’s door open. He causally stepped closer and saw Daehyun with his eyes closed and plump, pink lips open. Seriously, his lips are never closed! He mentally yelled out, and he couldn’t help but notice how soft they looked. How kissable they looked.

He unconsciously his own lips, but mentally slapped himself before quickly going over to his own room and nearly slamming the door shut.

Daehyun woke with a jolt before he grabbed his clothes to get ready for bed. His eyes met Yongguk’s door and he stared at it with a small longing. A part of him was jealous that his brother had Himchan while he had no one.

He let out another sigh before he walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.




Hey, long time no see! Been over a month...do you guys ever remember me??

Wow. 41 votes? I never thought so many people would read this - let alone give it a vote. Seriously, when I first started this story, I did it because there was severe lack of BangDae. I am not a writer, nor do I consider myself creative. I know this story has its faults and is not even close to being anywhere near great; however, so many of you gave it a shot. I am very undeserving, but am incredibly grateful to every one of you. Not just those who voted, but everyone who reads it. Thank you.


Kay, my coeur-a-coeur is done. 

A very special thank you to voters 38-41: VIXX_STARallenleePinkmoe, and DaeYoyaku!

Thank you for reading, commenting, and subscribing!


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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10