
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

Trying to keep his leg from shaking in anxiousness was proving to be a difficult task. He wasn’t nervous about what was to come after school, but more excited about fixing Daehyun’s problem. Yongguk had a meeting to attend before he could take care of the little , but he didn’t care that he was going to make him wait. And if that red head thought about ditching Yongguk, he would definitely regret ever coming into his life.

The bell finally sounded and Yongguk had to keep his legs from jumping out of his seat. The routine meeting would take at least ten minutes, so rushing would not make much of a difference. He planned on letting Himchan lead it or cancel it after ten minutes if it wasn’t over.

However, the need didn’t arise. Their secretary had to skip the meeting early, and without her, they didn’t have their note taker. Barely bidding Himchan and the other members goodbye, he practically dashed out and into the emptying hall. His feet took him to those doors that would lead to the open field he so desperately needed to get to. As soon as those doors revealed the outside, his eyes immediately fell to the science building and a smirk found its way onto Yongguk’s handsome face.

There you are, Min Yoongi.

Yongguk took in a deep breath to steady himself and to calm the slowly rising anger. He really wished he could race up to the shorter and connect his fist with the other’s jaw. But he couldn’t. He had a plan to stick to.

His steps were slow but calm. And as soon as Yoongi noticed the other, he perked up and straightened his blazer.

“Hello, Student Body President Bang.” He said with a bow in Yongguk’s direction.

Said boy sneered as he watched the red head’s crown come into view. As he lifted his face, Yongguk made sure to hide his distaste. He wrapped a heavy arm around small shoulders and guided Yoongi further behind the science building. Again, Yoongi just followed the other, and didn’t put up any resistance.

When Yongguk decided they were a good distance away from any potential eyes, he stopped their walking and pushed Yoongi against the wall. To say he was satisfied at the air being pulled from Yoongi’s lungs would have been an understatement. He was ing happy that the little was so surprised that the air was knocked right out of him. this bastard. He doesn’t even deserve air.

“You know,” Yongguk started without even glancing at the boy less than a foot away. “I don’t think you understand the world.” There was vagueness in his words and he knew that he would confuse the little , but he need not worry. Yongguk was there to teach him a thing or two.

Smirking to the open sky above him, Yongguk soaked up the sun with his lightly tanned skin. Finally giving Yoongi a look over, he realized that he was wide eyed like a scared little child about to get beat up for his lunch money. Well, it seems as if his expression was half right.

“You see, when certain people,” he narrowed his eyes at the shorter boy in front of him, “mess with things that aren’t theirs, other certain people can become quite upset.” He removed the furrow from his brows, and offered a complete one eighty in expressions as his thick lips thinned out into a smile that looked almost kind. “And you, Min Yoongi, have been messing with what you shouldn’t be.” Again his words were vague, but he was enjoying teasing and confusing the other.

Taking a pause, he took a step back and began speaking away from the other. “Do you have any idea what I’m talking about, Yoongi?” He took on a tone that was assumed sweetness, but by this point, Yoongi was pretty sure Yongguk was genuine in his dissatisfaction.

When he failed to receive a response, he turned around to face the other. He saw Yoongi flinch and move his face back, but this only encouraged Yongguk to creep in closer. “I think I asked you a question, Yoongi. You should answer when someone asks you a question.” He gave an unstressed tilt of his head and stared into the brown, nervous eyes before him.

Again, the younger, scared boy refused to open his mouth. Feeling his nerves being pricked, Yongguk stepped even closer. “Answer me.” The order was given in a clear voice, one laced with vexation and authority.

“I-I don’t know what you-you’re talking about, P-president!” His confession came out stuttered and unruly, but he couldn’t help it. Yongguk was too close and too alarming.

“Not what, who.” He finally used this chance to clear the indistinct noun. “You messed with the wrong person.” He straightened himself and took another step closer to the timid boy under his gaze. “But that’s okay that you’re confused. Because I’m going to make this really clear for you.” He brought his large hand to Yoongi’s collar and gripped it with such force, the boy straightened onto his toes and Yongguk’s knuckles turned white. He used his anger to push the other further into the wall and when he heard the other wince, but he just pushed him a bit more.

“Daehyun.” He simply stated and read the recognition on the red head’s face. Good, at least you won’t play stupid. “I know you’ve been ing with him. Don’t.” He said as he stabbed a long finger repeatedly into Yoongi’s chest. “Don’t get me wrong.” He chuckled lowly, “I’m not going to beat you, silly. So don’t be so tense.” He playfully shook the younger to get the nerves out of his hard body. Then without missing a beat, he tightened his free hand into a fist and connected it straight into Yoongi’s stomach. The action was repeated a second time for good measure. He then felt Yoongi’s weight shift downwards, but he prevented him from falling with the grip that remained on his collar. The whine of pure pain was like a euphonious symphony to his ears. Using the hand that had just taken the breath from Yoongi, he gripped said boy's jaw as tight as his strength allowed, bringing it up so he could look him in his eyes. And with a dark, sinister smile, he uttered his next few words into Yoongi’s range of hearing, “This is your one and only warning, Min Yoongi.” Don’t with Daehyun anymore. He left those words unspoken, but he was positive that Yoongi heard his message loud and clear. Feeling satisfied, he allowed for Yoongi to fall to his knees as he walked away.


The teacher held both Junhong and Daehyun later than usual. The teacher had wanted to ask Daehyun a question about tutoring a student from a different period. He asked Daehyun since he was the best student even with his short time there, and Junhong stood there waiting anyway since their destination was the same whether he left before Daehyun or waited on him.

As soon as everything was sorted out, Daehyun quickly walked to his locker and grabbed the books he needed for that evening’s homework. He was super excited. He was going over to Junhong’s house today. This wasn’t his first time ever going over to a friend’s house. But it was his first time here in this new city. His first friend invited him over. He had a friend.

Once all his things were grabbed, he practically danced his way to Junhong’s locker. Not having the other’s attention, he stared happily up at the other boy who was currently swapping books between his bag and locker.

Satisfied with his new assortment, Junhong closed his locker and was about to walk over to Daehyun’s when said boy appeared in his line of vision startling him. He gasped and widened his eyes, the action caused Daehyun to laugh out loud and smile brightly.

“Sorry.” He apologized after his laughing was over.

Junhong pouted at being startled and laughed at, but gave in much too quickly because Daehyun’s smile was apology enough in its dazzling form. Refusing to verbally acknowledge that he was even scared, Junhong ignored the apology and skipped right into comfortable conversation,

“Ready to get going?” He asked the shorter boy with a small smile etching its way onto his pink lips.

“Of course!” Plump lips cheered in such enthusiasm that was contagious. It led Junhong into another smile and equally enthusiastic,

“Let’s get going then!”

The two boys disappeared down the bare hallway and headed towards the exit. From a distance, Yoongi watched and listened to the exchange. He fought the urge to rush up to Daehyun for a number of reasons. One, Junhong was there. Two, his stomach hurt like a . Three, Yongguk proved to be scary. However, the fact of Yongguk’s involvement baffled him. He had no idea why Yongguk would even take it upon himself to defend the new transfer. From what he understood, they didn’t even know each other. He had never seen Yongguk even talk to him. Defending him made absolutely no sense. But that wasn’t his current problem. His problem lied in the fact that the two were once again together and going to his Junhong’s house. He had warned Daehyun time after time to leave Junhong alone. More than Yongguk’s abrupt involvement, he was more baffled that Daehyun was clearly ignoring his warning.


The two rode in Junhong’s driver’s car for what seemed like a little over ten minutes before they arrived to a house that was big. It looked as big as Daehyun’s father’s home, if not the same size. It was clear that Junhong came from a wealthy family.

 “Wow, your house is amazing!” Daehyun complimented as he closed the door behind him and gape at the abundance of windows indicating either a large space and/or plenty of windows. It looked straight out of a magazine. It was white and had beautiful trees and flowers lining the surrounding front yard and driveway. The double doors were much taller than Junhong and that was saying something. The wood was thick and looked strong. The inside was even more beautiful than the outside. Wooden flooring as far as his eyes could see and glass everywhere in the form of vases and tables and chandeliers. But what really stood out were all the paintings. The walls were littered with them, each more abstract and impressive than the last. Vibrant colors were only seen on the paintings. Everything else was either a neutral color or glass. It looked intimidating to say the least. Daehyun had only been in one other rich person’s home and that was his father’s.

The look of awe didn't leave his face until he heard Junhong say something he didn’t quite catch.

“Huh?” He asked without the elegance this house emitted by just existing.

Junhong laughed and his eyes shrunk into adorable crescents as he repeated his question,

“Are you going to follow me into the house or stay in the foyer?” The teasing was evident and it made Daehyun torn between being embarrassed or happy at being teased by his friend.

“Sorry.” He smiled shyly and Junhong smiled even wider right back.

“Come on! We can grab some snacks and then take them up to my room!” Junhong cheered. Happily, he led the shorter boy through the dining room that was well off to the side of the foyer, and through a door that blended in quite well into the paneling on the wall. Said door led right into a kitchen that was the largest he had ever seen. It was full of stainless steel fixtures and appliances with almost black dark wood cabinets and cupboards lining the walls and hiding away all sorts of things the eye couldn’t see. He watched quietly as Junhong opened a few and pulled out chips and trail mix and candy – his long arms wrapping around the food without any problem.

“Dae, come over here for a second!” The tallest in the room called. Daehyun’s heart jumped in excitement because Junhong had just given him a nickname without even realizing it. He rushed right over and looked up expectantly at Junhong. “Open the fridge and grab us some drinks!” He ordered with a giant smile to mimic his giant body.

Daehyun quickly turned in the direction Junhong’s head nodded in before pulling the door open. “What do I grab?” He asked as his eyes landed on a mix of waters, sodas, and juices.

“Whatever you like. Bring four for the both of us!”

Daehyun grabbed two waters and two bottles of orange juice. He could never resist orange juice. His much shorter arms were hugging the bottles tightly as to not drop them as he used his hips to close the door behind him.

“Let’s go!” Junhong cheered the happy demand for a second time. He led Daehyun through a different door and headed towards the stairs. The steps leading to the second floor were impressive. They looked like they wrapped around each other. The way to the top was impressive. The steps felt like they continued on and on with the weight on his back and in his arms, but Daehyun didn’t allow for his smile to fade into a frown. He was much too happy to be hanging out with Junhong.

The hallway the stairs led to was wide. Twice as wide as the ones he had grown accustomed to. Soon, Daehyun was led to a large blue door which he assumed to be Junhong’s bedroom door. His suspicion was confirmed when he heard his friend announce their arrival, “Come in!” He cheered as he popped the door open.

Daehyun thought his room was large, but it was nothing compared to Junhong’s. He had a large bed in the center of the room and a nice desk that had books, a printer, and a laptop on top of it. Books though, they were everywhere. It seemed that Junhong really enjoyed reading. There was an area that had a few bean bag chairs and a rather large television. His room was large but modest. He didn’t have a ton of things he would barely use, but he had what he needed to live comfortably. Daehyun thought he wouldn’t feel comfortable being here, but that simply was not the case. His existing elation of being over at a friend’s house could have something to do with that though.

“You’re room is huge! Way bigger than mine!” Daehyun happily confessed as he stared in awe at everything.

“Maybe I could see it sometime?” Junhong casually dropped in.

“Of course! We’re friends now, right?”

Junhong loved the sound of that. He quickly nodded his head as he smiled innocently, looking younger than his actual age. He was really glad Daehyun finally noticed him that day when he was caught asleep in the tree.

The two boys sat on the floor and began doing their homework. Both were very studious and wanted to get their homework done and over with so that they could comfortably hang out with each other.

Junhong bravely asked Daehyun lots of questions and talked about himself plenty,

Do you have any siblings?

Yeah, an older brother.

Ah, lucky! I’m an only child. It’s so boring here.


Where did you transfer in from?

A high school in Busan.

Whoa! That’s so far away! I’ve never been there before.


What’s your favorite color?

Hmm, maybe gray?

Mine's blue!

Ah, that explains the door and walls and bean bags and comforter set!


Do you like going to school?

I do now!

Sorry, I wasn’t very nice at first. I don’t like talking to new people. And I didn’t want any friends there.

It’s fine! We’re friends now!


They talked back and forth all while doing their homework. Soon enough dinner was ready and the two hopped down the stairs to feed their growing bodies. Daehyun thought he would finally meet Junhong’s parents, but was surprised when only two places were set.

“Where are your parents?” Daehyun asked as he pulled out the chair Junhong wasn’t going to sit in.

“Business trip.” He stated a bit more deflated than he intended.

“Oh? What do they do?”

“They’re both art dealers and collectors. They’re opening up a new gallery in Rome, so they’ve been there getting things settled or started or something.”

“Art? That explains all the fancy and expensive looking pieces on the walls.” The thick lips spoke the obvious.

“Yup, years of their lives on display.” He said as he started eating his food.

Daehyun could tell he wasn’t as happy as he was just two minutes ago. He also just realized what the other had said. He looked at the walls and true to what Junhong said nonchalantly, was there on display. Paintings were everywhere, that much was obvious, but there were no photos framed or on display. Not feeling it was his place to mention it, Daehyun changed the subject and the two began a more pleasant conversation.

An hour later it was time for Daehyun to get home. Junhong had tried to get Daehyun to agree to his driver taking him, but he had already texted his brother the address.

“It’s fine, Junhong; my hyung is already on the way.” He reassured the taller friend with another smile.

The only reason Junhong agreed so easily was because he was going to see Daehyun’s hyung. His new friend didn’t mention what his name was or how old he was, but now that he was going to pick him up, he became curious.

When Daehyun felt his phone vibrate, he checked his new message. It was a text from his hyung indicating his arrival.

“Ah, he’s here! It was really fun hanging out with you today, Junhong. We should do it again. Maybe you could come over instead?” He asked with wide, hopeful eyes.

A large smile made its way to Junhong’s face before he started nodding his head. He walked the shorter male out the front door, and saw what appeared to be his friend’s brother’s car.

“Wanna meet him?” Daehyun asked, but Junhong politely declined. He didn’t want to meet his brother just yet. He was too shy. But that was okay with Daehyun. Besides, had he and Junhong became friends his first day at the school, he wouldn’t have wanted him to meet his brother anyway. But right now, Yongguk was being really nice and tolerable.

“Okay, next time.” Daehyun smiled, “I’ll see you at school tomorrow!” He sang as he ran to his brother’s car. Quickly closing the door behind him, he waved out the window at Junhong until he fell from his line of vision.

“Did you have fun?” Yongguk broke the silence.

“Yeah! Junhong’s house is huge and his room is really nice. His favorite color is blue, so there’s blue everywhere!” He explained animatedly as if he were a child not actually a teenager.

“That’s good.” The response was simple, but to be honest, Yongguk didn’t want to hear Daehyun talk about the other in such a cute and happy tone. He wanted Daehyun to talk about him like that – talk to him like that. However, Yongguk knew that was wishful thinking especially with their current relationship. He still needed Daehyun to get closer to him because right now they were pretty awkward, and it was only Yongguk’s fault they ended up like this.

“Yeah, he said next time he would come over. I’m really glad he talked to me.” Daehyun willingly confessed to his brother.

“Did you finish your homework?” Chastising himself for sounding like his father, he regretted asking the stupid question. But Daehyun just kept going on and on about his fun with Junhong and how great Junhong was. Jealousy was a feeling Yongguk hated. He hardly ever felt it before Daehyun moved into his life. Daehyun was to blame for the new feeling, but Daehyun also was to blame for other feelings that Yongguk didn’t quite mind so much.

“Yeah, we did that as soon as we got to his house. We hung out afterwards and then had dinner.” Briefly outlining their events, he shared what he and Junhong got up to.

“That’s good. Mom will be glad you’re so responsible.” Daehyun chuckled awkwardly at his brother’s comment before staring out the window. Sensing his brother was uncomfortable, he should have left it at that and continued home. But Yongguk didn’t want to. He turned the opposite way and when Daehyun looked at him confused, he simply said he needed gas. It wasn’t a lie. His tank was a little more than halfway. Filling up his tank wouldn’t hurt him or his car.

As he pumped his car with the odorous liquid, Yongguk tried to think of conversation topics that would allow him to carry a successful conversation. He had yet to accomplish that. One of them or both would just become awkward and a silence would fall over them.

What can we talk about? – Anything but Junhong, really. Why is this so difficult? I’m his hyung; I should be able to talk to him like a normal brother. Except you’re not normal, Yongguk. You’re a weirdo who allows for Daehyun to make your heart race. Yup, definitely not a normal brother. God damn it. What to do? What to say?

Over and over Yongguk beat himself up. He was becoming desperate with the need to talk to Daehyun. He wanted the younger boy to talk to him and act like a friend. If they acted like friends, he wouldn’t feel so weird about how he felt about Daehyun. Not that he had admitted to anything more than a slight, almost nonexistent interest in the other. All too quickly the nozzle let itself loose, indicating that it was finished. He had yet to come up with a topic to talk about so he slowly made his way back to the car.

In a panic, Yongguk blurted out the first thing he thought of,

“What to get dessert?”

“Huh?” Daehyun asked with complete surprise before he laughed out loud at the sheer oddity that was the question and his hyung.

“Dessert. Don’t you have a sweet tooth? Don’t all teenagers have one?” The plump lips were beginning to pout and Daehyun thought Yongguk looked really adorable when he did that. He wanted to pet him and coo at him for being surprisingly cute.

“Do you have a sweet tooth?” He shot back with a grin.

“Well not really, but sometimes I do. And right now is one of those times. So, do you want dessert?” His brows were at an incline, as was his head; waiting for the boy beside him to answer the question.

“Sure, let’s go get some.” This was the response that Yongguk wanted to hear and as soon as he did, his lips broke out into a smile that was more than pleased and happy. This time, Daehyun felt he was more than cute. His hyung looked really handsome at this exact moment and his heart began racing faster than he wanted to admit. But he didn’t hate it. If anything, it excited him.



Oh. My. Goodness. I am so sorry. I took me two months to update. 

Thank you to TroubleMaker1797Shadowtimebaconeggmuffintiggerlover97cherry-cutie1lelo9899WannaBeAsian1, and yLittleAngels for votes 50-57!

Oh yeah, I feel like I should mention this story is no longer beta'd. I think I stopped sending them to Reina91 after chapter 10? I do 'edit' it before I post, but if you see any mistakes, feel free to file them in the complaint dept (comment section). I read and reply to all of them.

Don't forget to comment! Any feedback is good feedback for me. <3

Thanks for reading!


PS Nana is my real name, so if you ever feel the need to call my name, use Nana haha (unfortunately, Bang is not my last name - I'm just delusional)


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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10