
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

It was almost ten in the morning when Daehyun finally woke up. He slept well; beyond well actually. His whole body felt relaxed and he woke up really chipper despite the few seconds he took to remember what happened last night.

Yongguk had tried to put him in his place. It had almost worked, but then Daehyun decided to take it as a challenge. He was still willing to be a brother to him because they were stuck together for the rest of their lives. They were blood after all. Plus, that's just how Daehyun was. He was genuine in everything he did and believed in. No reason to hide from or lie about anything. His mom taught him to be honest and true in all that he did so that if something didn't work out the way he wanted, at least he gave it his best.

This included playing and challenging Yongguk right back. Sure, he probably shouldn't be stooping down to his level, but if the elder wanted to play then Daehyun would play. But if Yongguk ever decided that he had enough with whatever this attitude problem was, then Daehyun would put it all behind him and start a relationship around the fact that they are brothers and should act like it.

Still laying under the covers and body sprawled all over the huge king sized bed, Daehyun continued thinking about all that has happened and all that might happen.

He groaned when he remembered he still had to unload all the boxes from inside the truck, unpack all his things, and then find places for them inside his room. There was lots of work ahead of him, but his thoughts were interrupted with a knock on his door.

His mind immediately jumped to the thought that it was his hyung.

Damn, it's too early for me to have to deal with the spawn.

With a huff, Daehyun uncovered himself and walked over to open the door. To his surprise (and relief) the one at the door was not his brother, but his stepmom.

"Good morning, Daehyun! Did you sleep well?"

Smiling at her smile and greeting, Daehyun answered her, "Morning, mother. I slept well, thank you. The bed is twice the size of my old bed so all I did was roll around and spread as wide as I could." He ended with a slight chuckle.

"Oh, that's good to hear. I only came by to make sure you were up. We still need to get you fed and then put to work on unloading the truck and unpacking."

Daehyun nodded in understanding while Hyejin continued talking.

"Don't worry though; you won't be doing it alone. Your father and I were going to help you, but we have a few last minute errands to run before the dinner party tonight, but Yongguk kindly volunteered to help you unload and unpack after you had a late breakfast. He said that he already finished the majority of his summer work, so he would take a break to help his little brother. Aw, you two are going to get on just fine; I just know it!"

Daehyun smiled once again at his mother, "That sounds great. I'm sure we'll get it done in no time at all."

She patted Daehyun's head and smiled one last time before heading downstairs and half shouting as she did so, "Come down when you're ready to eat, Daehyun! Sunmin will make you whatever you want! So hurry your little downstairs, mister!"

Laughing, Daehyun yelled out an okay back at her before closing the door. Walking back to his bed, he fell back on it.

Kindly? - he kindly volunteered? Does he feel bad for being a jerk yesterday? Does he want to act his age and like an actual human being? Is he done playing spawn of Satan yet?

Laughing at his own joke, Daehyun continued thinking,


Maybe he wants to make it up to me by helping me?


Before Daehyun could get too happy, he had to keep himself grounded.


Please, does he think I’m stupid?


What if this was all a setup? What if he planned on burying him under all the boxes? Or pushed him off the truck to fall two feet to his death (or sore cheeks)?


 “Ugh! Forget this! I’ll just wait and see what happens.”

With that he got up off his bed and headed to the duffle bag he had placed on the floor the night before. Pulling out a pair of comfortable jeans and a basic v neck, he once again headed towards his door.

Popping his head out, he looked around to check if Yongguk was near. Seeing no one in sight he headed towards the bathroom. He got halfway there when he saw a shirtless Yongguk open his door and make it a foot and a half from Daehyun before he lifted his head and noticed him.

Before Yonnguk could say or do anything, Daehyun ran to the bathroom and quickly shut and locked the door.

Walking over to the mirror and sink, Daehyun placed all his toiletries and clothes on the counter space. He wanted a quick shower to wake himself up, but first he brushed his teeth. Acting like a child, Daehyun started making faces at the mirror and even pretended to be a rabid dog because of the foam the toothpaste was creating. Laughing then choking from the laughter, Daehyun quickly spit it all out and rinsed his mouth a few times trying to regain his composure from nearly choking to death.

Daehyun then began undressing and slipping into the shower. He turned the water on and nearly jumped out once he felt the cold water hit his freshly woken and warm skin; he really should have waited for the water to warm up before stepping in but at least he was wide awake now.

Quickly washing up, he stepped out and dried his body and got dressed. In less than 15 minutes he was back in his room grabbing some slippers and heading downstairs.

Once in the kitchen, his eyes landed to a petite woman who was maybe in her early or mid thirties washing the dishes. She was a light tan color and had long black hair that was braided down her back. He assumed this was either Sunmin, the maid and cook, or some random stranger in the house washing the dishes. He went with the former. Thinking about how to grab her attention, his eyes soon noticed something else – or rather someone else. At the kitchen island sat his hyung. Yongguk was sitting on the third seat which meant that he had a perfect view of Daehyun, but Daehyun’s eyes first landed on the woman at the sink rather than the boy at the island.

Being at a loss of what to do or say, Yongguk was the one to speak first and break the silence, “Oh, good morning little brother! Did you sleep well?”

Being a tad shocked at the chipper tone the elder was using and the misplaced smile on his face, made Daehyun feel a bit uncomfortable. Who was this guy and what did he do with the jerk face he was first introduced to yesterday?

Before he could form any sort of response to his hyung, the woman he assumed was Sunmin, turned around so that Daehyun could see her full face rather than just her profile. She looked extremely gentle, or was it fragile? Daehyun was unsure. But there she was, and Daehyun waited for her response as he saw her open to speak.

“Hello Daehyun, Mrs. Bang mentioned that a new son was to join the family yesterday. I apologize for not having enough time to greet you before you ended dinner. I had to get home yesterday earlier than usual. Welcome, my name is Sunmin. I cook and clean this house for the Bangs.” She ended her short introduction with a small smile.

“It’s not a problem at all! I’m not really a big deal.” He chuckled lightly as he continued, “I’m Daehyun and yes, I am the other son of Bang Yongcheol. It is a pleasure to meet you.” He ended with a smile and a hand stretched out towards Sunmin.

The latter quickly wiped her almost dry hands on her apron and shook his hand.

“If there is anything I could make you for breakfast, please just ask.”

Glancing over to Yongguk, he caught the elder starring at him. After more than two seconds, the elder did not seem as if he was going to look away any time soon, the younger broke the eye contact. Looking down to what was in front of his brother, Daehyun noticed he was eating what looked like cereal.

Looking back to Sunmin, he pointed down at Yongguk’s food.

“I’ll just have some cereal too. Could you point me to the bowls and silverware, please?”

“Of course, Daehyun. I’ll grab you a bowl and spoon right away.”

Daehyun felt uncomfortable allowing someone to do something so easy for him, but not wanting to offend her, he kept silent. Instead, he watched where she went so that he would be able to make his way around on his own with time.

The younger boy took the seat farthest from Yongguk. Now there was a seat between the two brothers. The younger wanted as much distance that looked acceptable for siblings.

After a few seconds she placed a white bowl with what looked like cherry blossoms scattered around the edge. It was a beautiful bowl that looked expensive and fragile.

Leaning over to the right, Daehyun reached over and grabbed the box of cheerios. Honey Nut, heck yeah! It was Daehyun’s favorite cereal, and the younger could not hide his enthusiasm as he smiled wide showing nearly all his teeth in the process. Pouring a very generous amount into the bowl, Daehyun then looked around for the milk. Sitting to the right of Yongguk’s hand was the small pitcher of milk.

With a knowing smile, Yongguk looked over at Daehyun. He was waiting for the younger to ask him to pass the milk. He wanted to see the younger need him for something even if it was just to pass the milk. He liked having the upper hand. Still looking at the younger, Yongguk was beginning to grow inpatient. It was already maybe a minute after Daehyun realized where the milk was, why wasn’t he asking for it?

With an inner huff, Yongguk spoke up, “Ah, Daehyun, here’s the milk. Let me pour you some.”

Looking at the elder skeptically, he allowed for Yongguk to pour some milk into his bowl. Eyeing him once he finished, Daehyun hesitated before speaking, “Um…thank you… hyung.”

Lifting himself up off his seat just enough to reach the younger, Yongguk reached over and ruffled Daehyun’s hair and said, “No need to thank me little brother. What’re brothers for other than to help their younger siblings out?”

Confusion. Pure and utter confusion is what Daehyun was feeling. Seriously, who the is this guy? Where the did the spawn go?

Not wanting to ruin the kindness the elder was showing, Daehyun thanked his brother with a nod and a small smile. He then began eating, while Yongguk went back to finish up his bowl of cereal.


After breakfast, Yongguk disappeared upstairs. Daehyun figured he was going to visit the bathroom after he had beaten the elder into it this morning.

Getting off his seat, Daehyun went to the sink and tried to wash the dishes he had just dirtied. However, Sunmin stopped him before he could even turn on the water.

"I'll wash those. You just leave these and go ahead with your day."

"Oh it's fine! I can wash them myself!"

"With all due respect, this is my job. I get paid to do this, so please don't trouble yourself with something I'm supposed to be doing." She ended with a smile as to not make Daehyun feel uncomfortable or angry with her for being blunt. Much to her surprise, Sunmin received a different reaction.

"Ah! You're right! I probably shouldn't be meddling or getting in your way! It won't happen again! Sorry for troubling you. Have a great day. I'll see you around Ms. Sunmin." He smiled and half waved on his way out.

Smiling, Sunmin turned back towards the sink and started doing both Daehyun's and Yongguk's dishes.

She laughed when she remembered a similar situation that had taken places years before when Yongguk was younger and she was just hired. He too tried doing his own dishes. When she confronted the young boy, he too admitted his fault and still smiled.

Guess these two really are brothers.


Daehyun first exited the kitchen and instead of going to the right which would lead back to the living room and stairs, he took a left. He walked until he saw another room. This door was wide and was half open. Peaking inside, he noticed it was a screen on the wall. Feeling intrigued, he pushed the door open even more so that he could go inside.

Once inside he turned to his left to see seats. Theater seats. There was a small theater in this house?! The seating was for thirteen people. It had two rows of four seats in pairs of two with an isle separating them. The third row was made for five people. Immediately seizing the opportunity, Daehyun sat down in the middle seat in the last row and gazed up to the blank screen. It was really cool. Even though nothing was playing, just the fact that there was a theater in his house was something he never thought he would be able to say so he just sat there smiling like a fool.

After sitting relaxed for a few minutes, he got up and left the room closing it after himself. He headed a short distance more until he came across another open area. This area also had a huge sofa that faced the blinds and more books and pictures along the wall. He then turned his attention elsewhere. Facing what looked like a wall of blinds with an open area for two doors towards the right, Daehyun curiously walked towards them. Instead of going to the doors, he walked over to the blinds and peaked through a few. It was a window that showed a yard. He guessed it was the backyard. So he walked over to the doors and opened them and was met with a patio area. It had a grill and patio furniture. The patio overlooked a huge backyard. Half of that yard was what Daehyun guess was Hyejin’s garden. There were flowers everywhere, which littered the yard in several different colors.

Going back inside, he headed towards the foyer to slip on his shoes so he could start unloading the truck. Grabbing the keys before shutting the door behind him, he headed to the driveway.

He opened the back of the truck and looked at what he would have to unload. He then looked around for his brother. Nowhere to be seen.

Should I go ask him? Should I wait for him? Ehh, I’ll just do it myself and if he comes out that good enough. I didn’t bring too many things, so I can definitely do this myself.

Beginning, Daehyun hopped up into the back and started unloading.  After almost an hour he had the back of the truck empty and now all he had to do was haul all his things up to his room. Great. His arms and legs were already starting to feel like jelly. How was he going to get this up there without being sore for days?

Having some help would have really been nice. After an hour, his brother should have come out to help. Feeling slightly angry, Daehyun marched back inside and went upstairs to pay his brother a visit.

Knocking on the door, Daehyun waited for a response. A few seconds later the door opened to reveal his brother dressed in lounge clothes. A black wife beater that hugged his toned torso and dark gray basketball shorts that covered his lower half. To be honest, Daehyun thought he looked really attractive, but quickly erased those thoughts once he remembered that this guy was not only the spawn of Satan, but also his hyung.

Stuttering a bit, Daehyun looked at his hyung and began talking, “I- eh, I thought you were going to help me unload and unpack today? Mother told me that you volunteered because she and father had to run some errands before going to their dinner party tonight.”

“Mother? You mean my mom. Father? You mean my dad? Didn’t I just tell you last night to quit playing family?”

Stunned from the rude and angry tone, Daehyun just stared at him with round eyes before speaking,

“But I thought you were going to help me…”

“I just said that so my mom wouldn’t worry about it. You and I are not brothers. We may share the same dad and blood, but we,” he gestured his hand quickly back and forth pointing at himself and Daehyun a few times, “are not family, brothers, friends, or anything for that matter. We are nothing.”

Taking a step backwards, Yongguk continued,  “And if anyone asks whether I helped you or not, you better say I did. I wouldn’t want to have to punish you later for betraying your hyung.” Yongguk then slammed his door on Daehyun’s face indicating the end of the conversation.

Feeling nonplussed, Daehyun just stood there staring at the door.

What?  What the hell is his problem?

Not taking no for an answer, Daehyun banged on the door a few times with his weakening arm, to get his hyung to open the door.

“What the do you want?!” Yongguk hissed, but did not yell like he really wanted to. He had to keep in mind that Sunmin was still around.

“What do I want? Well one, I want you to stop being so mean. Two, I want you to act like a decent person. And three, I want you to help me haul my things upstairs. I’m not lying to mother or father, so if you don’t want to get into trouble with them, then you better be right behind me when I turn around and bring my things upstairs.”

On the outside, Daehyun probably looked cool, tough, and serious. However, on the inside, he was freaking the out. Part of him was actually kind of scared of Yongguk, but the other part was too upset to think rationally. He was really hoping the latter would not strangle him as soon as he turned his back on him to walk downstairs. Yup, Daehyun was damn near ting himself with fear at this point.

Gathering a last bout of courage, Daehyun his heels and started walking towards the stairs, he even had the audacity to yell over his shoulder, “Chop chop! Those boxes ain’t gonna lift themselves!”

With a loud scoff, Yongguk just stared at the younger’s receding back.

When the did that kid grow a ing pair?

Yongguk was pissed to say the least. However, having an image of 'perfect son' to maintain with his parents, he closed the door to his room and reluctantly made his way after Daehyun.




I know the pace is probably seeming very slow, but I promise things will start to happen in due time.

Also, a heads up, I plan on making this subscribers only once I hit the 100 mark. I'm assuming those who read this story are already subscribed, so it won't be too much of an issue. This is just a way for me to actually see how many people are reading the story. Sorry for any inconvenience.

A special thank you to death-noteLuhPark, phoenixminaj and shaxobyarm for upvotes 13-16!

Thanks for reading the story (and my blabber if you read this far of course)!

PSA 끝!


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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10