
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

Two and a half weeks had passed since the dinner with the Kim family.

Daehyun was still very much alone. Completely ridding himself of the cafeteria, he spent all his free time sitting under his favorite tree.

And Junhong always secretly joined him.

Well, that was the case until that Wednesday.

As Daehyun stared up into the sky, something huge caught his attention. Realizing it was a person, he immediately stood up to get a better look.

There up in the tree was a sleeping Junhong.

Daehyun felt both excited and confused. He wasn’t sure when the beautiful boy got there, but it had to have been before Daehyun himself had arrived. He was staring up at him, and as he took a step backwards to get a better look, he lost his balance. He yelped out as his elegantly landed on a rock.

Just then, Daehyun looked up and caught the brown orbs of his taller peer.

“Um…hi?” Daehyun gave a half wave and half smile towards a wide eyed Junhong.

Failing to receive a response, Daehyun tried again, not wanting to waste this opportunity to make a friend,

“Um, sorry to wake you. You can go back to sleep if you’d like. I won’t bother you! I promise!”

Again, Junhong just stared down at the plump lipped boy causing said boy to feel a bit awkward.

“Well, I’m just going to continue what I was doing…” He spoke as he crawled back to the tree to rest his back to the bark and began playing with his phone to pass the time.

Above him he could hear rustling and assumed it was Junhong getting comfortable once again. What he didn’t expect was Junhong to appear before him and crouch less than a foot away at eye level.

Daehyun turned his face to give Junhong his full attention. And his breath hitched. He forgot how beautiful Junhong actually was. He could feel his cheeks turning warmer and warmer with every passing second. And Junhong did nothing but stare at Daehyun; unspeaking.

Feeling false bravery, Daehyun asked a question,

“Could I help you with something?” He tilted his head to the right.

Junhong mirrored the head tilt, and shook his head.

“Well, is there a reason why you’re staring at me?” Daehyun asked with eyebrows that showed the beginning of a furrow.

Another shake of Junhong’s head gave Daehyun his answer.

Feeling even more awkward and flustered, Daehyun pursed his lips,

“Well stop staring at me! It’s weird!” He said loud enough to sound like a shout in their close proximity.

At the cute angry face Daehyun was making, Junhong broke out into a laugh that sounded like it came straight from Junhong’s gut. He sounded so genuine and happy; it surprised Daehyun as he dropped his mouth open and stared on with wide eyes.

He watched as Junhong laughed some more before wiping a single tear from his left eye.

The shorter boy’s face still continued to look very puzzled. He honestly had no idea why Junhong was laughing, but it was starting to get on his nerves. He hated being laughed at.

“Could you stop?” He demanded with an irritated scowl.

The laughing slowly died down as Junhong asked his question, “Stop what?”

Daehyun narrowed his eyes, “Laughing at me!”

“But you looked really cute!”

Both boys stared at one another with shocked faces. Junhong hadn’t meant for that to come out of his mouth, but it was too late to take it back judging by the equally surprised expression on the beautiful boy across from him.

“I didn’t mean to say that!” He made to get up and run away, but Daehyun grabbed at his wrist before he could.

“You think I’m cute?” He asked with a shy smile.

Junhong wasn’t sure if he should respond or yank his wrist and continue his hasty escape. But before he could choose, Daehyun continued speaking,

“I don’t think I’ve ever been called cute before.” He let out an innocent chuckle that sounded like a melody beating onto Junhong’s delighted eardrums.

Again, Junhong had no idea what he was doing. This wasn’t like him. He never said anything he didn’t mean, nor did he ever compliment others. That just wasn’t his thing. But ever since Daehyun came around, he’s felt different. He wanted to do things that he never would have chosen to do had the shorter boy not come into his life. It stemmed from wanting to protect him to wanting to talk to him to wanting to kiss him. Daehyun made him want things that were extraordinary.

So instead of running away, he sat in front of Daehyun with his long limbs crossed underneath him. The two boys sat in uncomfortable silence before Junhong surprising broke the spell first,

“Um, I’m Junhong.”

Daehyun chuckled softly, “I know. And I’m Daehyun.”

“I know.” Junhong began nibbling on his bottom lip.

The awkwardness decided to make itself comfortable just a little longer before Daehyun looked at his watch. They only had five more minutes until the bell would sound.

“Oh, I should go. I need to pay a visit to my locker.” He started packing his things, when Junhong spoke up,

“Ah, me too! I’ll join you! Um, I mean, if that’s okay?” He sounded shy and that made Daehyun’s heart beat just a tiny bit faster.

“Yeah…okay. I’d like that.” His smile was wide as he looked down trying to block Junhong’s view, but taller caught a glimpse before it was completely hidden. Junhong smiled softly to himself as he grabbed his bag and followed Daehyun’s shadow.

They stepped inside and went to their respective lockers. As Junhong finished first, he wasn’t sure if he should walk to class or walk to Daehyun. However, it was as if Daehyun read his mind because he smiled up at Junhong, and in doing so he encouraged Junhong to walk towards him.

He towered beside Daehyun in the near empty hall. He smiled down at the top of Daehyun’s head, and failed to notice a third person with glaring and confused eyes watching from a distance.

There in the hall, behind a corner, stood Yoongi glaring holes into Daehyun’s head with his clenched fists hanging by his side.

Why is Junhong with HIM? Why is he smiling at that ing loser? Yoongi was more than confused and upset. Why is Junhong with that dark ? When in the did they become friends? Daehyun has no right being with Junhong! He doesn’t belong by HIS side!

Yoongi bit his bottom lip to keep from lashing out at Daehyun. Instead of bothering him like he had originally planned, Yoongi turned around and left the hall and the two boys alone.

As the bell sounded, Junhong and Daehyun walked to class together and took their respective seats.

By the end of the day, Daehyun felt like he was on cloud nine. He finally made a friend. At least he hoped he had. Junhong didn’t declare their friendship, nor did Daehyun ask him to. Just Junhong’s offering of smiles and a few words was more than enough to make Daehyun’s heart soar.

Daehyun went to the library to do some homework as he waited for Yongguk to finish with his extracurricular activities. It was ten ‘til five and Daehyun decided to pack up his things and head to the student parking lot to wait beside his brother’s car.

Walking at a leisurely pace, Daehyun was halfway to his destination when he was yanked from behind. He was caught off guard and would have lost his footing had he not roughly hit the exterior wall of the building.

Looking up to find the source of the rough pull, his eyes met a cold pair belonging to his personal bully: Min Yoongi.

“Do you think I’m a joke?” He asked harshly with a disbelieving smirk.

Daehyun had no idea how to reply, so he stood there paralyzed.

“Didn’t I tell you that we only get one free pass in life? Did you forget you already used yours, or are you trying to piss me off?”

Daehyun was hit with question after question. He had no idea what he did to anger Yoongi, so he bravely fronted his thought,

“Wh-what did I do?”

“Daehyun, I know you’re not stupid. Don’t around with me! I’m not your ing toy!” He spat with malice. He fist was itching to make contact with Daehyun’s body. He wanted to knock some sense into him. He wanted to hurt him. Be the cause of his cries and pain.

“I really ha-have no idea what I did…” Daehyun braved again.

One strong punch to Daehyun’s stomach had him crumbling to the hard ground. The wind was knocked straight out of him as he groaned out in pain.

“I told you not to play with me. If you insist on acting stupid, then I’ll make it clear for you. Leave. Junhong. Alone.” He clarified as he gave one last glare at Daehyun before he his heal and left the area.

As much as Daehyun hated getting hit, he hated the thought of being alone again even more.

Junhong was the first person to show an interest in him. There was no way he was going to leave him alone. He originally gave up on the idea of making a friend, but now he was determined more than ever to make Junhong his friend. If getting hit a few times meant he would have a friend full time, then Daehyun was willing to make the sacrifice.

He stood up and dusted his pants before he continued on his way to the parking lot. He only waited for five minutes before his brother appeared in his line of vision. He was with Himchan. And it was said boy who first noticed Daehyun.

He stopped midsentence to wave and shout Daehyun’s name. Yongguk followed Himchan’s line of vision and noticed his brother. He had a huge smile on his face that mirrored Himchan’s own. Yongguk felt the compulsion to smile and wave at his brother so that smile would be directed at him, but he caught the twitch in his right hand before it moved on its own. Instead of waving or smiling, he kept a straight face and continued after Himchan.

“Daehyun! I haven’t seen you in forever! How are you?!” Himchan happily shouted as he grew closer to Daehyun.

The shorter boy let out a laugh as he responded,

“It’s only been a few weeks, hyung.” He smiled at Himchan.

Yongguk’s ears perked at the familiarity and comfortable nature that Daehyun used. It irritated him more than it probably should.

Himchan pouted at the answer,

“So you didn’t even miss me? How mean!” He crossed his arms like an angry child.

Daehyun laughed again, and Yongguk’s heart clenched at the sound. Why doesn’t he laugh like that with me? Probably because you treat him like , idiot. The oldest mentally chastised himself.

“Of course I missed you!” Daehyun shyly admitted.

“Good!” Himchan uncrossed his arms as he turned his attention back to Yongguk. “I gotta get going, but I’ll see you tomorrow, Guk.” He clapped a hand on his friend’s shoulder. “I’ll see you around, Daehyun!” He waved one last time before he walked to his car.

“Okay! Bye Hyung!” Daehyun shouted before Himchan drove off.

Yongguk was already sitting in the driver’s seat, and upon noticing, Daehyun hurried into the passenger seat. Yongguk noticed the happiness on Daehyun’s face. Why is he so happy?

After five minutes of silence and a permanent smile etched onto the younger’s face, Yongguk voiced his question,

“Why are you smiling so much?”

Daehyun’s smile immediately faltered at the tone. And Yongguk immediately felt guilty.

“I didn’t mean for it to sound so harsh. Sorry.”

Daehyun was confused. One, Yongguk was talking to him. Two, he apologized. Three, he seemed genuinely interested.

“Um, I think I made a friend today. And I was happy to see Himchan hyung again.” He timidly expressed.

“Oh,” was all Yongguk verbalized. A friend; who befriended you? Yongguk wished he could ask, but he knew it wasn’t his place, nor should he even have such an interest in his brother’s personal life.

The rest of the ride home was quiet except for the songs the radio played.

Friday came quickly, and Daehyun was finally enjoying school. Junhong had spent his lunch with him and had actually talked to him a bit during class. It not only surprised Daehyun, but also his peers. Junhong was voluntarily talking to someone. That was rare. Junhong never wasted his time on the people around him. However, no one dared to voice their opinions out loud. They let Junhong and Daehyun be without disturbance.

The teacher of his last class asked him to stay behind, so when Daehyun made it to his locker fifteen minutes later, the halls were mostly empty. Mostly empty besides the one student who lurked near Daehyun’s locker.

There stood Min Yoongi. Daehyun sighed inwardly as he reluctantly, yet bravely, approached his locker. He opened it while trying his best not to look scared or acknowledge Yoongi’s presence.

Quickly catching on to Daehyun’s plan, Yoongi let out a mocking laugh,

“Didn’t I tell you I hate being ignored?”

Daehyun tensed at the question, but nodded anyway.

“Then why are you ignoring me?”

Daehyun didn’t answer.

His tormentor let out a sigh, “Oh, Daehyun, why don’t you learn? Why do you insist on bringing yourself trouble? It doesn't have to be like this.” Daehyun wanted to scoff. “I hate being around you. I really do.” Daehyun wanted to yell at him to leave then, but he once again held it in.

“I told you to leave Junhong alone. Didn’t I tell you?” He titled his head and rested it against the locker as he stared at Daehyun’s profile.

He closed his eyes as he nodded at Yoongi’s questions.

Yoongi wrapped his dominant hand around the back on Daehyun’s neck, digging his nails into the warm flesh. Daehyun’s eyes tightened at the slight pain. “All you have to do is leave Junhong alone, and I’ll leave you alone. Isn’t that easy? I think it is. Why can’t you do such a simple task? Are you a masochist or something? Do you enjoy this?” By this point, Yoongi was laughing at Daehyun, mocking him.

Daehyun held his tongue, but shook his head as much as he could with the tight grip preventing him from enthusiastically denying the accusations.

The grip was removed as Daehyun heard more words,

“Don’t make this become ugly. I really hate touching you. You’re disgusting. Not worth my touch, nor my time. It boggles me how Junhong could even stand you. You’re an eyesore. Really, you’re just so irritating.” He spat behind clenched teeth. “Stay away from him.” And with that, Yoongi left Daehyun alone.

For a second, Daehyun thought about leaving Junhong alone and going back to his lonely high school days, but the thought of Junhong being friendly and smiling at him allowed him to toss that idea out the window. He continued gathering his things. He was going to be even later now since Yongguk didn’t have his afterschool activities today.

In his haste, he failed to notice a tall, well built guy standing just around the corner. Those eyes having seen everything that transpired, but his lips and legs remained planted and unmoving.

Yongguk had ventured into the building in search of Daehyun after having waited over fifteen minutes in his car. He saw what that little red headed bastard did to Daehyun. He wanted to go throw that er across the hall. Kick him until he was black and blue all over his pale skin. He wanted to hurt that for putting his hands on his Daehyun.

As soon as the pale er left Daehyun’s side, Yongguk quickly made it back to the parking lot. He was going to pretend that he saw nothing. That would be the best decision.

He got back in his car and some music to cool his head before Daehyun arrived.

Halfway through a song, the passenger door opened, and in came Daehyun with a mumbled ‘hi’.

Yongguk turned his attention to his half brother and his eyes immediately saw his reddened neck. Anger quickly invaded Yongguk’s body once again. He now regretted not doing something. He should have walked over to that short and punched him in the ing face and gave him some ing marks of his own. His fist would be his wet paintbrush, and that little er would be its canvas.

Right then Yongguk decided.

He was going to teach that little a lesson for hurting Daehyun.




Lightning update came like lightning! Only made you guys wait like a week before I spat out another chapter! Aren't I impressive? 

Gracias LadyBelle90, miss_ai, y Minyu623 por upvotes 42-44. 

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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10