
Our Relationship Isn't Brotherly

Before Yongguk can even make it halfway to the stairs, he overhears Daehyun offering to do the dishes.

That little-! What a damn brownnoser. I’ll deal with that little er later.

He really had that summer work to finish because the new school year was going to start soon for the both of them. Not only was this new brother of his going to be living in the same house and sharing the same parents, but they’ll even be attending the same high school. It’s like there is no escape for him. He is stuck with this kid for the rest of his life…


“I’ll do the dishes, mother!” Daehyun nearly shouts as he rises from his seat to prevent Hyejin from picking up the dishes from the table.

“You just got here sweetie, you shouldn’t have to do the dishes. I can handle it.” Hyejin respons with her signature smile.

“No, no, I insist! I mean it’s the least I could do. The dinner was amazingly delicious and just what I needed after starving in the truck with Mr. Sung for like ten hours.” Daehyun half teases the lawyer while seriously trying to talk Hyejin into allowing him to help out.

But before Hyejin can answer him, Mr. Sung speaks up, “Hey! If you were hungry all you had to do was ask me to stop somewhere! I would have stopped! No need to try and get me in trouble with Hyejin, you little rat. Plus, it wasn’t ten hours. It was more like half that.”

The four of them all laughed at the absurd and childish behavior between the two of them.

And then the playful scolding began; rushing over to Daehyun’s side and cradling his upper body like a mother comforting her hurt child, she bagan, “Aww, poor Daehyun! Did Mr. Sung starve you?” Playing along, Daehyun nodded. “Yah! Jo In! How could you starve our precious Daehyun?! You wanna get hurt?! I’ll destroy all that you love if you deny him food again; he’s a growing boy!”

Yongcheol was also laughing at the crazy situation. He felt that Hyejin took a liking to Daehyun rather quickly. Maybe it was a mistake to keep him hidden for all those years. Would she have been so accepting of him had his mom not died? She most likely would have. She’s always been this big ball of light that just shined on everyone and if she could, she would embrace the world in her loving arms. He should have trusted her and the reason he fell in love. The one night stand was indeed a mistake made by a drunken fool bragging about a surgery he preformed. Now seeing his wife and son together, he regretted ignoring his existence for sixteen years. Though he had a hard time showing affection, he would try and give his youngest son anything he needed and wanted. He would be a better father for Daehyun.

Continuing to half laugh and half talk, Daehyun interrupted his father’s thoughts, “Mr. Sung is a meanie! But I’m a good boy, so I’ll be doing the dishes mother. No objections.” He stood up gathering the empty plates in his hands, while continuing to talk, “I want to help you and show my appreciation for the wonderful meal…and for being so welcoming and making me feel like I’m part of the family.”

With that the situation got a tad more serious. The two men just looked on fondly and admired the young boy for being so honest.

Watery eyes began to grace the brown orbs that belonged to Hyejin, “Thank you, Daehyun. You are a part of this family now, so I want you to feel welcome and like an actual part of the family. We all love you and will always love you. You’re our son and you belong here.” She walked over to the boy and hugged him.

To lighten the mood, Mr. Sung added on, “Yeah, Dehyun, you’re a part of the family now. You should probably start calling me differently. Mr. Sung feels so old. You could call me hyung! Yongguk calls me hyung too, so you should do the same now.”

“Thank you, Jo In hyungnim.” Bowing along with the dirty plates, Daehyun thanked the older man.

“Now, get to washes those dishes, you little rascal!” the lawyer playfully messed up Daehyun’s hair and called to Yongcheol. “Let’s go to the living room; we still have some things to discuss before we call it a night.”

“Ah, yes! Let’s go! Thank you, Hyejin, for tonight’s dinner. And thank you Daehyun for being with us. You’re now a part of the family, so don’t ever feel the need to thank us for loving you.” With that, Yongcheol and Jo In walked out of the dining room.

Daehyun spoke up before Hyejin could, “I really am grateful, so please let me help out around the house when I have time. I always helped my mom around the house, so it won’t be any different now. I just want to show my appreciation anyway I can.”

“Alright, I couldn’t refuse you even if I wanted to.” Smiling, she patted him on the shoulder, “I’ll be with Jo In and your father in the living room if you need anything.”

“Yes, mother!”

It took about half an hour for Daehyun to get the dining room and kitchen cleaned, put away the leftover food, and go bid his good night wishes to his father, mother, and hyungnim. After that he decided to head up stairs to his bedroom.

Before he could even twist the doorknob to his bedroom door, someone came up from behind him, turned the knob to his door, and pushed him in the room. Daehyun realized what was happening as soon as he laid his eyes on his hyung.

There stood Yongguk right in front of him, practically pressed to him, with anger written all over his face.

The oldest boy had been waiting for Daehyun to finish up downstairs, and now that he had, he was going to let this kid have it.

“I played nice at dinner, but it’s like you want me to get mad at you.”

Being the smartass he naturally is, Daehyun doesn’t back down from the spawn. Instead he replies with, “I don’t know what you’re talking about hyung. I thought we were having a lovely family dinner. Did you not?” He ended with an innocent yet knowing smile.

Upsetting Yongguk even more, he grabbed Daehyun by his hair and yanked his head back so that the younger would look directly into his eyes when he spoke again,

“Oh, don’t around with me. I knew what you were doing. You knew what you were doing. Why put on this fake act even for me? The curtains are closed, Daehyun.”

Slightly wincing, but trying to fight the pained facial expression begging to make an appearance, Daehyun spits back,

“Fine, you don’t want to around anymore? Then let’s get real. You’re the one with tha actual problem here. As soon as I got here you were hostile. I hadn’t even met you! How were you the one allowed to be angry? I was the one brought here without reason to object. This was my only option. I had no one besides my mom!”

“That’s not my problem now is it?! You don’t ing belong here! This is my house! My family! My everything! You can’t just waltz in the place like it’s yours. That’s not how works around here!”

Scoffing, Daehyun tries to yank himself free from Yongguk’s grip, but instead, the grip tightens even more. This time Daehyun does indeed let out a pained whimper.

Hearing this, Yongguk smirks, “Stop playing house, Daehyun. If you were really a part of this family, I’m pretty sure my dad would have introduced you to us, hmm, I don’t know, maybe sixteen years ago?” Seeing the pain and hurt in Daehyun’s eyes, this encourages him to deliver his final blow, “Plus, you’re kind of missing the key element,” if Daehyun thought it was impossible for Yongguk’s grip to get any tighter, he was dead wrong, “a ing family.”

Letting go of Daehyun’s brown locks, he patted his hair down somewhat fixing it. He even fixed Daehyun’s wrinkled , and in an eerily calm voice, Yongguk began speaking again, “You should stop ing around while you’re not in too deep. I’m not one that should be taken lightly, and I always get what I want. No matter how I get it, in the end…it’s mine.”

Yongguk walks out of Daehyun’s room and goes back to his own as if he didn’t just threaten him.

Daehyun doesn’t even move himself from where Yongguk left him until he hears the click and lock of Yongguk’s door.

Daehyun wasn’t sure what to do. Should he continue to fight and try and get under Yongguk’s skin? Should he ignore him and hope for the best? Should he tattle to Hyejin? At this point, nothing sounded like a good idea. He was beginning to feel at a loss, but then he thought back to a few minutes ago when Yongguk said something about being hidden from them all his life. If he was able to win over Hyejin and Jo In hyungnim, surely he could win over his father. Maybe he would even get Yongguk to tolerate him? ! All this was just too much for him right now. He was still pretty exhausted from the long drive earlier and needed to shower and sleep because he had to wake up early the next day to unload his stuff from the truck and officially move into the Bang residence. His new residence.

that spawn of Satan! Daehyun didn’t need to take his ! He would fight back. Plus, Yongguk could off and go build a bridge and get over it because Daehyun is a part of the family now whether he likes it or not. He’s there to stay. And if that was too hard for the older boy, then he could just go get himself a ing life that has less psycho in it. That twofaced weirdo.

Falling back on his bed, Daehyun continues to gather his thoughts. Staring blankly at the ceiling, he remembers that he still needs to actually look around his new room.

Sitting up, Daehyun quickly eyes the room.

It’s pretty bit. It has a large window facing the city. He can’t see as much as the third story window, but the view is still nice.

He next notices the desk. It’s made from wood and looks incredibly sturdy. With a comfortable looking leather rolling desk chair, he already wanted to sit and spin on it. However, those plans were ruined once the slight throb in his head reminded him that he probably shouldn’t be giving his head too many quick movements before his headache went away. Stupid Yongguk and his violent ways.

 His eyes then shift to a dresser with an iPhone and a stereo dock. Was that his? Was it a gift? Did someone forget it while they were setting his room up? He would ask Hyejin about it tomorrow.

Lastly, his eyes noticed a door near his bed. He went over to the door and opened it. In there was nothing but a big empty space. He now had a huge walk in closet. I don’t even have enough clothes or shoes to fill this up! Nevertheless, it was still pretty cool to say he had a walk in closet. Not too many people did…well at least not the kinds of people he was surrounded with.

Overall, his room was basic, but comfortable. He didn’t need anything more. His own things he brought with his from Busan would fill in the space and make it comfortable. He was actually really glad he didn’t need anything because he sure as was not going to ask Yongguk for anything. He may have given the suggestion a tiny bit of consideration before, but not after the last twenty or so minutes, he wasn’t going to ever ask that guy for anything!

With a sigh, Daehyun went to his duffle bag that rested on his bag with a few things he needed like articles of clothing and cleansing things for the bathroom; just the basic necessities. Looking through his bag and grabbing his toothbrush, shampoo, and body wash, deodorant, and a change of clothing, he headed towards his door. Being cautious of the feral dog lurking in the room across from his, he carefully stuck his head out and looked around. Seeing that the coast was clear, he practically ran to the bathroom across the hall. Quickly entering and shutting the door while remembering to lock the door, he rested his back to the door and let out a sigh.

He really didn’t want to be hiding from him, but right now it was fight or flight and Daehyun chose the latter.

Once he gathered himself, he placed all his things on the counter and looked around.

There was both a shower area and a tub. The shower had a glass wall barrier like thing going on. It looked pretty cool and had a nice design. But then his eyes found the tub. That thing was huge! This family sure liked things done well and big. The tub could easily fit two or three people. It was impressive to say the least.

Deciding to shower, Daehyun turned his attention to the shower on the right of the bathtub. Undressing and gathering his toiletries and placing them inside, Daehyun the shower and let the water get to the perfect temperature before fully stepping in.

He had a long day. The hot water hitting every inch of his skin was doing wonders to him. He was beginning to feel really relaxed for the first time in days. He just needed to unwind and relax without interruptions. Just him by himself, and no one to talk to or be in front of. For the first time since his mom’s funeral, he just cried. All the pent up stress he had for the last few days of moving cities, getting a family, getting along with everyone, and dealing with Yongguk; finally were being released. He just cried it all out because that’s what his body was doing all on its own.

After a good ten minute cry session, he began to actually clean himself. He washed his hair and lathered the body wash all over himself. The scent filling his nose was comforting and reminded him of home. Another ten minutes and Daehyun decided he was done. He turned off the water and stepped out to dry off his body.

Quickly changing and brushing his fingers through his wet hair, Daehyun gathered his things and headed to the door. Forgetting to do the check before he entered the hall, Daehyun failed to notice that the hall was not empty.

Getting a small shock, Daehyun quickly calmed down when he noticed it was his parents.

“Ah, Daehyun, you showered. Make sure to get some shut eye. We have lots to unload tomorrow and lots to unpack.” Hyejin said while smiling.

“Yeah, I was going to head to bed right now. I just needed to shower first. It’s been a tiring day.”

Now his father was the one to talk, “Well, we’re all going to be helping you so it won’t be too bad. Just sleep well and we’ll get started when you wake up. Good night.”

“Yes, good night, sweetie.” Hyejin leaned in and kissed his head.

Blushing at the kind gesture, Daehyun bid them good night as well and as soon as they were headed upstairs, he too made a dash to his room. He wasn’t ready to face Yongguk yet.

Closing his bedroom door, he walked over to a hamper in the corner of his room and dropped in his dirty clothes. He then placed his things back in the duffle bag and placed the bag on the soft cream colored carpet. Walking over to the light switch, he turned it off and headed towards his bed. Crawling under the blankets and laying his head on the pillow, Daehyun let out a final sigh before closing his eyes and succumbing to his sleepiness.




A big thanks to aryadrottning, MystLyn, and RSparda for upvotes 10-12. It means a lot to me that you guys think this story is worthy of an upvote.

On a similar note, I love comments! Please do feel free to comment on the story! I love reading what you guys have to say. Anything is welcome, so please don't hesitate to comment! 

I also recently noticed I totally abuse exclamation points. I really do. But I'm happy when I use them, so that should cancel out the abuse, no?

Anyway, thanks for reading, commenting, and/or subscribing!


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Madbabybap #1
Chapter 16: Just found the story (too late unfortunately) but I love it!! Really hope you would update sometime :) Hope you are well!
Bang_Dae #2
Chapter 16: I hope you continute
Chapter 11: yoongi why are bullying the pup noooo
yongguk's mental breakdown about dae's lips so cute
Chapter 9: my biases bullying my bias lol
Chapter 16: Please updateeee
bangdaebak #6
Chapter 16: Okay, so I'm just gonna settle down in my grave while waiting for you to update. I never thought I'd put so much interest in reading but here I am lmao it's a guilty pleasure for real plus I just love bangdae too much. Thank you for writing I hope you update when time is right xx
J-hopearmy #7
Chapter 16: Wow wow wow!!! I love this story.... Update please...
Chapter 16: please update i am dying now !!!!!!!!!!
mahshidvip #9
Chapter 16: Omg cant wait for another chapter
caitxg #10