
It Was Raining (hiatus + early ending coming soon)
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{Chapter Nine}


"Hurry up!" shouted Jin from the other side. It was slowly getting irritated to his extent. Min Ah on the other hand turned around to face the door.

"Jin Ae he's waiting for me," whined Min Ah. Jin Ae calmed her down.

"Quit acting like he's going to kill you, just try to have fun at least," coaxed Jin Ae. Min Ah nodded slowly.

"Just hand me my jacket and I'll go, I heard it's supposed to be cold tonight and I don't know what he has planned," said Min Ah while reaching her hand out.

Jin Ae smirked and shook her head, "You don't need it."

"Why not?" asked Min Ah. Jin Ae laughed with a sly look on her face. She opened the door and shoved Min Ah out.

"Bye Min Ah, have fun, bring her back before 11 and any funny move and I'll kill you," said Jin Ae while hinting a threat towards Jin. She closed the door on both of them.

Min Ah knocked at the door, "Wait Jin Ae, open--" Jin cut her off by coughing and straightening his voice in order to get her attention.

Min Ah slowly faced him and forced a smile, "Hey-y Jin. Sorry for the wait." She forced out a soft laugh. "Ha ha."

Jin covered his face while blushing. She looked stunning in front of him. Words couldn't explain how he felt.

"Y-you look really good," Jin blurted out.

Min Ah blushed and turned away. Jin looked like his modeling pictures except even more attractive. She felt really embarassed to be thinking that he's y.

"So do you," said Min Ah shyly. There was a short awkward silence but Jin brought up a conversation.

"You ready?," he asked.

Min Ah shrugged, "Yeah I guess. I don't know if you could tell but I've never been on a date before." They both started walking with a few inches apart.

Jin felt some confidence, "It's fine, neither have I."

Min Ah mouth gaped wide open, "You're kidding me?"

Jin rolled his eyes, "I'm violent not a douche. Besides do you think Seokjin would ever let me go on a date."

Min Ah quietely asked him a question, "Has Seokjin ever been on a date?"

Jin scoffed, "No, he's always afraid I'm going to take over his mind. He's the same as me in that case. We've never dated." Jin turned and looked at her, "But that's our only similarity, so don't start thinking of stupid things," he snapped.

"I wasn't," snapped Min Ah back. She stopped walking. Jin faced her, "Why did you stop walking?"

"I just can't believe you've never been on a date before. I'm sure you've done something right?" asked Min Ah. Jin sighed.

"I've played around with a bunch of girls at once so they'd get pissed at Seokjin," he admitted. Min Ah raised her eyebrows.

"Wow, so honest and cruel."

"Look, I'm trying to be 102% honest so you can see the real me. I actually want you to like me. Okay?" He furiously stomped away. 

"Wait Jin-" He ignored her. "Damn he's a fast when he's mad," she thought. She ran up to him.

"Hey." He kept ignoring her while walking. She called to him a few more times and stepped in front of him.

"Don't be like this okay? I won't get angry with you if you behave. Who knows this date might go well?" co

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This story has been up for almost three years but I've been working on it for almost two. :( (1/11/15) was when I started :/


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Chapter 16: I'm back re-reading my favorite part! :)
Chapter 20: Definitely means that Jin likes her too! hehehe. i love your story please update soon! and when is the webtoon going to be up ? omo i am so excited!
Chapter 20: Obviously she was talking about Jin liking her too lmao
I'm so happy you updated ^_^
Chapter 18: Aww, it's getting so good! Don't stress out, and take your time! :)
Chapter 17: Hi! I'm new to this website and this is the first fanfic I've started and it's amazing!!!! You're a very good writer! I can't wait to read more!! Thanks for writing such a nice story for us. <3
Chapter 17: Poor Jin. I really want Seokjin and Min Ah to get together, but then what will Jin do? I like him too. >o< Ahhhh, author-nim, you're killing me here! I love this story. XD
Chapter 16: Squealing so hard cos yaasss Min-Ah kissed him! But Jin tho... sigh poor guy.
Chapter 4: Wellllll . Ngl When jin appeared, segi's voice appeared in my head haha i'm such a kill me heal me trash xD and I love your plot authornim btw. :))
beautifulady #9
Chapter 15: Ehem, mark and jin ae
Chapter 12: Yay I'm so glad you updated it live this story