
It Was Raining (hiatus + early ending coming soon)
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{Chapter Ten}


The waiter came back around with their check, "Your check tonight, I hope you had a wonderful evening ma'am," said the waiter with a smile on his face toward Min Ah. He avoided eye contact with Jin and walked away.

Jin blew his hair out of his face, "That waiter was an to me--" Min Ah cut him off in order to calm him down.

"Easy there, it's not a big deal. So how are we going to deal with this check," asked Min Ah. At the same time they both blurted out different answers.

"Let's split it," said Min Ah while Jin said, "I'll pay for it." They both pressed their fingers on opposite sides off the check.

"I said let's split it," mumbled Min Ah through her teeth.

"It's a first date, I'll pay for the check," growled Jin. Te hey both eyed the check and continued to fight over payment.

"I don't believe in that bull, it's fair and better to split it," snapped Min Ah. She pulled the check towards her.

" to because I do, and I'm going pay for it all," said Jin while pulling the check back towards him.

"Oh yeah, you and what money?" asked Min Ah as she snatched the check towards her again. "I could just pay for the whole thing, wouldn't I be the first"

"I have my own money," said Jin as he grabbed back the check. "I'm a model remember."

"Oh so it's not Seokjin's money," questioned Min Ah as she attempted to reach for the check. Jin held it above him and slipped a credit card in. He held it up higher than Min Ah could reach. She leaned foreward but her efforts were fruitless.

"No, we share money since we share a body," said Jin with a smirk on his face. Min Ah glared at him. "Don't. You. Dare." she mouthed.

Jin had a sly look on his face and called the waiter over. Min Ah watched as the check came into the waiter's hand and moved away.

"Wait," she called, but the waiter didn't notice her. Min Ah turned back around in her seat and slouched. Jin straightened his collar while tapping the table. "I'm awesome at this gentlemen crap," he thought.

Min Ah glared at him, she saw right into his mind, "Oh don't be so proud about paying for a check."  The waiter gave Jin his credit card back and they both left the restaurant. Min Ah paced herself in front of him.

"Oh come on, you can't be mad over a check," asked Jin. Min Ah stopped walking and turned around. She had wiped the frown off of her face and put on a smile. 

"I'm not mad, forget it," said Min Ah. "Where to next?" she asked. Jin ran up with her.

"Just follow me," he said with a grin. Min Ah blushed. A fear overcame her. As they were heading toward there next destination, Jin eyed Min Ah's hand. He watched her arm sway back and forth after every step. He wanted to grab her hand or wrap his hand around hers. Maybe even interlock fingers and laugh about it. Sadly, that wasn't going to happen.

Min Ah watched him as he stared at her hands without him even knowing. She knew what he wanted. It was an innocent request and she felt bad for indirectly denying it. She moved her arms and crossed them in front of her. Jin sighed without intending too.

"Jin where are we going?" asked Min Ah while rubbing her arms. The cold was getting to her. Jin noticed her shiver and took off his jacket and wrapped it around her. He shoved his hands in his pocket and walked in front of her.

"Just somewhere," he replied.

Min Ah blushed the jacket was warm but she felt more warmth from the person in front of her rather than the jacket. She felt bad and wante

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This story has been up for almost three years but I've been working on it for almost two. :( (1/11/15) was when I started :/


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Chapter 16: I'm back re-reading my favorite part! :)
Chapter 20: Definitely means that Jin likes her too! hehehe. i love your story please update soon! and when is the webtoon going to be up ? omo i am so excited!
Chapter 20: Obviously she was talking about Jin liking her too lmao
I'm so happy you updated ^_^
Chapter 18: Aww, it's getting so good! Don't stress out, and take your time! :)
Chapter 17: Hi! I'm new to this website and this is the first fanfic I've started and it's amazing!!!! You're a very good writer! I can't wait to read more!! Thanks for writing such a nice story for us. <3
Chapter 17: Poor Jin. I really want Seokjin and Min Ah to get together, but then what will Jin do? I like him too. >o< Ahhhh, author-nim, you're killing me here! I love this story. XD
Chapter 16: Squealing so hard cos yaasss Min-Ah kissed him! But Jin tho... sigh poor guy.
Chapter 4: Wellllll . Ngl When jin appeared, segi's voice appeared in my head haha i'm such a kill me heal me trash xD and I love your plot authornim btw. :))
beautifulady #9
Chapter 15: Ehem, mark and jin ae
Chapter 12: Yay I'm so glad you updated it live this story