
It Was Raining (hiatus + early ending coming soon)
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{Chapter Thirteen}


Jimin and Min Ah went back to Min Ah's house. Jimin closed the door behind them. He started to act strange. Jimin began to pace back and forth in front of Min Ah. Min Ah took a deep breath and went to her bathroom to take a shower. She walked to her bathoom and locked the door behind her. She peeled off her clothes and entered her shower. 

The hot shower steam filled the room and Min Ah's head filled with thoughts. She began arguing with herself as the hot water fell on her face. 

"Jimin's been acting strange. Does he know-

There's no way. I haven't talked to him for awhile now. 

Why is he here? What is wrong with him?

He knows something, doesn't he? This is his second time visiting me and the first time was when I first arrived at Shindong." She thought to herself. She became filled with worry of her brother. For a few minutes she kept battling thoughts.

"Why does it matter if Jimin knows I have genophobia?" she muttered to herself as she turned off the shower. Min Ah knew why it mattered. 

Her mom. 

Jimin would tell her mom.

Jimin had always been close with their mom. It hurt Min Ah to even think that it was "their" mom. Jimin had always been close with his mom. He changed his last name to Park when her parents divorced. When he did, Min Ah chose the believe it was because of his career and that Park Jimin sounded cooler than Oh Jimin. But what she chose to believe wasn't true. 

Jimin preferred his mother over his father. And Min Ah didn't know why.

☂   ☂   ☂   ☂   ☂ 

Min Ah came out of the bathroom in legging and a white shirt with a minimalist beach that read Complete Beach.  Her hair was still damp so she kept a small towel with her. Jimin was snoring on the couch with the TV on. 

She turned the TV off and put a blanket over him. A clock near her read 9:42 a.m. It was still pretty early and Jimin wasn't really a morning person. She grabbed her phone and started texting. 

Min Ah/ 9:44: I'm really sorry 

She put her phone down while expecting a reply within 5-20 minutes but she got one within one minute. 

Seokjin/ 9:45: Why are u sorry?

Min Ah/ 9:45: There are a lot of reasons

Seokjin/ 9:47: Like?

Min Ah bit her lip. There were two reasons why she was sorry. Jimin and Jin. 

Min Ah/ 9:50: I should've listened to you and not went on a date with Jin. That was so stupid of me. It was the first time someone has asked me out on a date and I sort of panicked. So I'm sorry. And I'm sorry that Jimin was being an to you. He means well but he's very ..overprotective.

Seokjin/ 9:52: It's ok, I thought it was cool that I got to meet Park Jimin. Also I should be the one saying sorry. 

Min Ah/ 9:53: Why? 

Seokjin/ 9:56: Even though you didn't listen to me, I shouldn't have shaken you up like that. I made you faint. And it was my fault your bro found you at my house. 

Min Ah/ 9:58: You don't have to be sorry

Seokjin/ 10:00: Can we talk in person? I really want to see you.

Min Ah's heart fluttered a little bit after reading his text. She knew he meant he wanted to talk face to face. It felt strange to read that over text. To Min Ah it felt like a deeper meaning.

She shook her head and texted back. 

Min Ah/ 10:04: I'll walk over. My brother is sleeping right now. Which gives me an hour or two. 

Seokjin/ 10:05: Ok :)

Min Ah turned off her phone and tiptoed passed the snoring Jimin. 

☂   ☂   ☂   ☂   ☂

Seokjin stared at the messages he had sent to Min Ah for a few minutes. I really want to see you. He felt like an idiot. Why does he act so stupid around Min A

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This story has been up for almost three years but I've been working on it for almost two. :( (1/11/15) was when I started :/


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Chapter 16: I'm back re-reading my favorite part! :)
Chapter 20: Definitely means that Jin likes her too! hehehe. i love your story please update soon! and when is the webtoon going to be up ? omo i am so excited!
Chapter 20: Obviously she was talking about Jin liking her too lmao
I'm so happy you updated ^_^
Chapter 18: Aww, it's getting so good! Don't stress out, and take your time! :)
Chapter 17: Hi! I'm new to this website and this is the first fanfic I've started and it's amazing!!!! You're a very good writer! I can't wait to read more!! Thanks for writing such a nice story for us. <3
Chapter 17: Poor Jin. I really want Seokjin and Min Ah to get together, but then what will Jin do? I like him too. >o< Ahhhh, author-nim, you're killing me here! I love this story. XD
Chapter 16: Squealing so hard cos yaasss Min-Ah kissed him! But Jin tho... sigh poor guy.
Chapter 4: Wellllll . Ngl When jin appeared, segi's voice appeared in my head haha i'm such a kill me heal me trash xD and I love your plot authornim btw. :))
beautifulady #9
Chapter 15: Ehem, mark and jin ae
Chapter 12: Yay I'm so glad you updated it live this story