
It Was Raining (hiatus + early ending coming soon)
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{Chapter Sixteen}


| 9:23 pm at the bar| 

It wasn't even that late, but Min Ah was already beginning to feel a little tipsy. Tipsy not drunk. She hadn't drank in awhile so her body wasn't used to it. It couldn't keep up with her pace. What was she doing? She couldn't help but take a shot in every awkward moment. It was so apparent that even Jin Ae noticed. 

Jin Ae seemed to be getting a little bit tipsy too, well, in Min Ah's eyes. Min Ah put the glass down and stared at Mark. Who was this fire haired guy? 

"So Mark, I've never seen you before, are you new or something?" she asked. Mark smirked. They all took a shot.

"I'm hurt Seokjin, you haven't told your girlfriend about me," he laughed. Both Min Ah and Seokjin turned red. They took another shot. 

"We're not dating," they both blurted at the same time. Jin Ae and Mark giggled. Min Ah was probably bright red. In her head, she blamed it on the alcohol. She took another shot by herself. 

Mark raised an eyebrow, "I'm just as new as Seokjin, we met in one of our classes."

Min Ah smiled and said something in response so start a new conversation. Her eyes drifted towards Jin Ae, who had a blank-expression on her face. It seemed like a different person. "Did something happen to her with her last boyfriend, I haven't talked to her about it for awhile. I don't even know if she's still dating." ​Min Ah called Jin Ae's name. 

Jin Ae widened her eyes like she had been awoken from some trance. "Huh," she said startled. 

"You okay," asked Min Ah with concern. Both Seokjin and Mark turned to face Jin Ae. Her face felt hot out of embarrasment. Jin Ae took another shot. She forced a laugh and shook her head. 

"I'm fine, I think I'm getting a little bit drunk, no biggie," responded Jin Ae. She grabbed her glass and held it to her lips without drinking anything. Jin Ae started asking Seokjin and Mark questions about campus and boring stuff. Min Ah could really careless about the campus life. It was all gossip and crap anyway. Min Ah stared at Seokjin while he was talking. 

She picked out every detail of him. His eyes are really dark brown, almost black. His non prescription glasses covers his dark circles. His hair was a hazel brown color and they were messy in the perfect way. She noticed how he covered his mouth and squinted his eyes every time he laughed. Which was a shame since his lips were someone irresistible. She badly wanted to kiss him.

What was she thinking? She was being drawn by his looks again. "Min Ah pull yourself together, you can't even touch anyone, why do you want to kiss him so bad. Do you want to pass out in front of everyone?" she thought to herself. She shook her head and noticed how he had been starting to sway a little bit. What she didn't notice was that she was swaying even more. 

She was drunk. 

☂   ☂   ☂   ☂   ☂ 

Seokjin could feel Min Ah staring at him. Or maybe he was just really drunk. He was talking to everyone while she was swaying in her own world. He turned to the practically drunk Min Ah and began messing with her. He took two shots. 

"Hey maggot, are you okay?" he asked. She nodded.

"Are you happy?"he asked. She nodded.

"Are you completely wasted?" he teased. She nodded. Mark and Jin Ae laughed again. Jin Ae giggled while covering . "Oh Seokjin, she's really drunk. Normally she's fine, but today she must've dra

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This story has been up for almost three years but I've been working on it for almost two. :( (1/11/15) was when I started :/


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Chapter 16: I'm back re-reading my favorite part! :)
Chapter 20: Definitely means that Jin likes her too! hehehe. i love your story please update soon! and when is the webtoon going to be up ? omo i am so excited!
Chapter 20: Obviously she was talking about Jin liking her too lmao
I'm so happy you updated ^_^
Chapter 18: Aww, it's getting so good! Don't stress out, and take your time! :)
Chapter 17: Hi! I'm new to this website and this is the first fanfic I've started and it's amazing!!!! You're a very good writer! I can't wait to read more!! Thanks for writing such a nice story for us. <3
Chapter 17: Poor Jin. I really want Seokjin and Min Ah to get together, but then what will Jin do? I like him too. >o< Ahhhh, author-nim, you're killing me here! I love this story. XD
Chapter 16: Squealing so hard cos yaasss Min-Ah kissed him! But Jin tho... sigh poor guy.
Chapter 4: Wellllll . Ngl When jin appeared, segi's voice appeared in my head haha i'm such a kill me heal me trash xD and I love your plot authornim btw. :))
beautifulady #9
Chapter 15: Ehem, mark and jin ae
Chapter 12: Yay I'm so glad you updated it live this story