
It Was Raining (hiatus + early ending coming soon)
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{Chapter Five}


Min Ah stared at Jin for awhile. "What just happened?" she thought. Jin continued to glare at her and complain.

"This guy is so tacky, look at this outfit, hair," complained Jin. He scoffed, "That explains why you're here. A tacky girl for a tacky guy."

Min Ah remained dumbfounded at Jin's behavoir, "Um Seokjin.."

Jin cut her off, "I'm not Seokjin! I'm Jin." Min Ah backed away.

"I'm sorry, JIN are you okay? Is something wrong with your head, ? she asked. Jin raised his eyebrow.

"I'm sorry Min Ah, you must be startled because this is the first time you've met a model. I'm sure you're confused," said Jin. Min Ah covered her face. She felt to stupid and embarassed for not realising right then; Seokjin is the famous model Jin. "I'm such an idiot, but it still doesn't make sense."

She removed her hands from her face and stared at Jin, "No, this is not the first time I've seen a model." she lied. He acts so different from the Seokjin I know from like what 8 hours ago. Wow my thoughts are sarcastic.

"Oh please, a girl like you, you hate me don't you."

"W-what," she stuttered.

"Let me break it down soomeone as stupid as you can understand. Feel special because this is the first time I've ever told anyone," snapped Jin.

"I feel so special, thank you so much for making me feel like I matter in this world," said Min Ah sarcastically. Jin didn't seem to get a hint at the sarcasm.

"You're welcome," he gloated.

Wow, so he's arrogant AND stupid, thought Min Ah. Jin cleared his throat.

"Anyway, I'm not that loser Seokjin, I'm Jin. J-I-N just in case you didn't know how to spell." he said. Min Ah scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"We have the same face but different personalities. So don't ing mix us up for future references. That's the only thing that pisses me off in this world, along with annoying girls."

Min Ah felt heat rise up in her. How could one person be so annoying and rude?

"Where's my house, you take me there," Jin demanded. Min Ah rolled her eyes. I must've killed someone important in the past, I'm now repenting for my past lives' sins.

"Sorry Jin, I'm too stupid to take you home," Min Ah laughed. She stuck her toungue out at him and turned around.

Jin spun her around and walked towards her. Just his hand was enough to make Min Ah sweat. He began to move toward her, while Min Ah backed up at the same time. She found herself trapped infront of a wall.

Jin put his hand right next to her head on the wall. He leaned in and whispered into her hear, "Min Ah, realize that I'm not Seokjin, anything I do will affect his life here. you wouldn't want that would you?"

What Min Ah wanted was Jin to back away from h

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This story has been up for almost three years but I've been working on it for almost two. :( (1/11/15) was when I started :/


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Chapter 16: I'm back re-reading my favorite part! :)
Chapter 20: Definitely means that Jin likes her too! hehehe. i love your story please update soon! and when is the webtoon going to be up ? omo i am so excited!
Chapter 20: Obviously she was talking about Jin liking her too lmao
I'm so happy you updated ^_^
Chapter 18: Aww, it's getting so good! Don't stress out, and take your time! :)
Chapter 17: Hi! I'm new to this website and this is the first fanfic I've started and it's amazing!!!! You're a very good writer! I can't wait to read more!! Thanks for writing such a nice story for us. <3
Chapter 17: Poor Jin. I really want Seokjin and Min Ah to get together, but then what will Jin do? I like him too. >o< Ahhhh, author-nim, you're killing me here! I love this story. XD
Chapter 16: Squealing so hard cos yaasss Min-Ah kissed him! But Jin tho... sigh poor guy.
Chapter 4: Wellllll . Ngl When jin appeared, segi's voice appeared in my head haha i'm such a kill me heal me trash xD and I love your plot authornim btw. :))
beautifulady #9
Chapter 15: Ehem, mark and jin ae
Chapter 12: Yay I'm so glad you updated it live this story