It's not love, it's just admiration.

When the ice fell in love with the fire

We sit in the coffee house, our coffee in front of us. 

"See this coffee?"

"Uh... yea."

He dropped the ice cube in it.

"I've finally realised you're actually full of emotions like this coffee.. but because of this ice... You tend to be cold to others... That time, when I first see you smile, I know you're not cold..."


"Sorry to hear that..."


"Your family..."

"Oh, that. I see. It's ok."

No fast pounding heartbeats.

"Uh... I got to go..."

"Wait, we just came here!"

"Sorry Key... I really have to go..."

I rushed out leaving Key behind me. So... I guess I'm not in love with Key, it's just admiration and grateful that he is beside me when I needed him though we just met for 3 days. So... Is that guy I'm in love with Jonghyun? ... He doesn't like me I guess... 

When I got home, I went straight to Onew oppa's room. 

"Hello, hello, nareum daero yongil naesseoyo... Hello, hello, jamshi yaegi hallaeyo... Hello, hello, naega jom seotuljin mollado... Who knows eojjeom urin jal dweljido molla..."

He's singing Hello again... 


"Hey Hae!"

"Sorry for the tantrum today..."

"It's ok, I told teacher too... Hope you won't mind..."

"I thought over it... It will be revealed sooner or later... So, why keep it? It's really nothing we should be ashame of right?"

"Woah, HAHA, since when you've become so... Optimistic?"



"Yea... He told me something about the cup of coffee and ice... I sort of know what's he is trying to tell me. And I'm grateful for that..."


"Oppa, why are you doing that?"

"Seems like someone's in love eh!"

"Oppa... I just admired him, I don't know why he knows so much about life... And how he can observe me in just 3 days... He's kind..."

"Yea, he's kind. SHINee's mum."


"It's true what!"

"Haha, okok, I'm not going to disturb you now. Nights oppa!"

"Night night Hae!"

I went back to my room feeling light hearted. But I still feel worried. I'm STILL in love. I still LIKE Jonghyun... Everytime I see him, my heartbeat will pound... To key, luckily, it's not love but admiration... Thank goodness, but still, I've lost everything in love... I don't know how to get it back...

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update please
ILoveLuhan #2
found your story through random story, update soon!
Update soon :D
saranghaejkhyun #4
I'm surprised that you still read my fic! Hahas, thanks for reading :)
brainyjs #5
saranghaejkhyun #6
Haha, I'll :)
Its painful when the one u love isn't beside u...Update soon:)
brainyjs #8
awww???<br />
><...!!!!<br />
poor jonghyun... he must feel extremely devastated now...:(<br />
saranghaejkhyun #9
Updated only one chapter :( I'll update more next time :)
saranghaejkhyun #10
I'll update soon :)