KIm Kibum. Key.

When the ice fell in love with the fire

When I reached the science lab, I see a guy sitting at the corner of the class. And just then the teacher came in.

"Ahhh... our new student, sit sit. Hmmm, I think you should sit with Key. You know him? I think you know, your brother is his hyung right? So lucky. HAHA, ok, go go now!" The teacher told me.

I walked to the place where key sits and sat down. 

"Annyeong." He said.

"Uh, annyeong." I replied without looking at him.

"You're Onew hyung's sister eh?"

"Uh, yea."


Onew hyung's sister. She's cute but she don't look happy? I remember Onew hyung saying that she don't talk to people frequently and I know why...

-End of Key's POV-

Ding Dong Ding Dong. I rushed out of the lab. 

Soon, hours and hours had past, I saw the SHINee members later again the day. I ran to the school gate and saw my oppa. 

"How's your day?" Onew oppa winked at me.

"Jinki oppa... can I transfer back? please." 


"I don't like it there, it's scary."

"Well... did the SHINee dongsaes treat you well?"

"They did, they did. But, I don't like it there."


"Oppa, please."

"Mianhae Hae... I can't..."


"Well, I promised mum, I will try to make you more well... Friendly."

"I don't need people's help ok! I really don't need! Jinki oppa you should know! You're my oppa!!!"

I opened the door and walked out. Onew oppa stared at me as I walk off without saying a thing. I walk down the streets thinking why am I like that? Is it because our dad's not here and I don't feel secure? I've been neglected all along by my mum... And I get abused by her all the time... My heart... It just can't seem to open to everyone. 

After a several kilometres, I heard a roaring sound behind me. I turned and saw a motorcycle parked behind me. That stature... It looks familiar. The motorcyclist slowly removed his helmet... 

Key. It's him. 

"Need a ride home?"

"Uh... No need, thank you."

I continued walking.

I felt a thug at my hand, and turned back. He's holding me.

"Get on, you can't possibly walk back like that."

He passed me a helmet and signal me to get up the motorcycle. 

After a silent trip, I reached my house. It looks big, but empty. Onew oppa is waiting for me outside... I knew he would be worried...

"Thanks Key," Onew gave a slap on Key's back.

"Nah, it's my duty, hyung."

So, it's him. Key, he's kind. Will he be the key to my heart? To my locked heart...

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update please
ILoveLuhan #2
found your story through random story, update soon!
Update soon :D
saranghaejkhyun #4
I'm surprised that you still read my fic! Hahas, thanks for reading :)
brainyjs #5
saranghaejkhyun #6
Haha, I'll :)
Its painful when the one u love isn't beside u...Update soon:)
brainyjs #8
awww???<br />
><...!!!!<br />
poor jonghyun... he must feel extremely devastated now...:(<br />
saranghaejkhyun #9
Updated only one chapter :( I'll update more next time :)
saranghaejkhyun #10
I'll update soon :)