Warm Smile

You're The One I Love
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Sulli POV

''  You must be crazy , Jinri !'' I lean against the door after I shut the door. I dont even notice that  Heechul oppa is sitting at the living room.

''  You crazy , Jinri ? '' He ask me while close the newspaper he read.

'' Ah, no oppa.'' I smile widely.

'' Where are you from Jinri-ah ? You even dont told me. '' He look at me seriously.

'' Oppa, I am really tired. Can I go inside my room first ?'' I said avoiding his question.

'' Okay then.'' He sigh.

'' By the way , Jinri. Tonight,  I am disable to be at home. Neh ?'' He stutter a bit. I know he must really guilty to me.

'' Its okay oppa. I go into my bedroom, okay.'' I paste a  fake smile on my face. He only nodded.  

Once I close the door, I let my body free. Now I can feel whole muscle in mine is stabbing me. It must be as I force myself during the practice.

' Now let yourself suffer, Jinri.' I said to myself. 

' Ah , it so hurt.' I fell like want to cry. But I stop as I remember things Kai said to me before.


'' Sulli, you want to know a secret ?'' Kai said to me.

'' What secret?'' I said back.

'' I need to whisper to you '' He said . I nod and he come closer to me.

'' I think I love you.'' He said slowly.

'' Are you sure ?'' I stutter as he whisper to me. My face surely blush lika tomato now.  He then walk to the car without looking me. I know his face also blushing.

'' Bye Sulli-ah.'' He wave to me and I reply. He then drove off. My face still blushing.

'' Yasss !!! '


I brought back to reality as I heard a knock at the door.

'' Jinri-ah. Oppa  Kaike (I dont know the spelling ' go'). '' I heard Heechul oppa from outside. I dont reply.

'' Ah, Jinri-ah. You are lucky ! Dont let yourself dissapoint. '' I said  slowly. 

'' I think I should buy some plaster at the pharmacy.'' I wake up slowly and straight to bathroom.

'' So, should I take a cab or just walk there ?''  I look at the sky. 

'' Wah! The stars will accompany me then.'' I start walking to the pharmacy although it was night.



'' Ah, I forget to tell her to put some ice on herself. Aish'' I said to myself.  My mind is full with Sulli now.

'' I should call her then , but I dont have her number.''

'' Ah,  Suho hyung must have her number.'' I dialed Suho hyung number.

'' Annyeong, hyung. May I request something.''

'' ...............''

'' Sulli' phone number.'' I said slowl

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I want to wrote more story !


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Chapter 23: I love happy ending,kailli is so sweet! fighting authornim :)
Hanbinnie98 #2
Chapter 23: ohhhhhhhhh sweet couple kailli I really really love your story authornim I hope next time you make sesul fanfic too I aslo love sesul too I will wait for your new sulli fanfic ^^ fighting authornim and I always support you ~~~~~~~~~^^
sulkai #3
Chapter 23: What's your next sulli fanfic? I really miss her :')
Chapter 23: Happy ending
Chapter 22: Update soon ~~~
Wow, they agree Kailli realationship
Chapter 21: Finally, they know true !!
Chapter 20: They are so sweet ;D
Chapter 19: Mr Kim so kind
I hope KaiLli will be together again
Chapter 18: So sad
Heechul oppa talk to Kai Oppa for avoid Sulli
Poor them
sulkai #10
Chapter 17: Why you use "love" world too much? Hehehe sorry, but thats annoyed :D