Chapter 10

Daily Life

lattest :

        Kim Kibum held tightly to his trunk with sweaty palms. All items he was carrying had been packed neatly in the suitcase. He looked sadly at 2NE1's apartment. Then sighed,

He could not convey this news today. It would only make her sadder. And he does not want it to happen.

  'Bom-ah I'm sorry, I must go', he thought.

      And immediately his eyes narrowed sharply,

'but before that, I must do something!'.



                  Park Bom slowly opened her eyes, dizziness. She saw to around without turning her head. This is... her room?.

"Ouch!", Bom get up and winced as her head felt like being stabbed.

"Unnie! You're wake up! ", Minzy suddenly came and hugged her tightly, very closely.

"Minzy? What happened? ", Bom asked with confused.

"Unnie overnight drunk, and behaving strangely. It takes effort to make unnie asleep. ", Minzy explained, with the forward lip.

"Mianhe", Bom sighed.

      And short-haired girl smiled,

"It's okay Bommie!. As long as you have recovered, it's not a problem ", she said.


"It's ok. Although we got surprised because Kibum Oppa lifted unnie who was wriggling in the middle of the night "


     Minzy turned her eyes,

"Unnie, answer honestly ..." she whispered.

"If ... if there is something special between you and Kibum Oppa? I mean 'more' than just friends?. ", she said.

          Park Bom then laughed so hard, she even hit the surface of the mattress. Then when all of a sudden stop when the pain returned.


"kaencana ...", Bom raised her left hand.

"But really, I was surprised by the question. I mean ... are you kidding me? ". she looked at seriously.


"Impossible!", Bom laughed again.

"I and Kibum-ah only a friend. just it ... no more ", she explained.

"Ohh ... I think-"

          Minzy's talk interrupted when Dara slammed the bedroom door, brush teeth with toothpaste foam still stuck in .

"Did you have heard the news!?", She cried, startled.

       Park Bom and Minzy looked at each other, then they both saw Dara.

"What news?"



All eyes stared at him, he knew.

All those whispers behind him, he knew.

Everyone stares at him with pity, some are disappointed, he also knows it.

                                   Jiyong walked with as quickly as possible into the YG studio. Glasses he was wearing size twice as big and black, to cover the blue arch between his eyelids. He could feel the entire body ached, as if all the bones had turned from a place where they should be. Small bruises clearly visible tip of the right side of his mouth, no, there was bruising in almost all parts of his body, even his stomach. And he felt numb nose, or maybe his nose had been completely broken.

     He cursed, ''. After he took pains to avoid any journalist who wants to highlight his handsome face which had sunk behind the bruised and purple bruises, even atmosphere in the building was same. There harassing gaze, there is also a pity stares. And he hated all of that look.

       He did not need all of that ...

"Jiyong!", Seungri ran quickly approaching Jiyong, gently slapping his cheeks.

"Are you alright?", He asked, worried. And Jiyong just nodded weakly.

"I'm ok", he said.

"What really happened to-"

"Seungri!, Please. Don't Ask me about that now, " he begged, began to walkagain with a slight limp.

"I'm sorry, but-"


   Seungri sighed,

"Alright", he said desperately when the elevator doors open.

           Jiyong and Seungri came into that  narrow place, and Jiyong looked up to see up. There's a camera, so whenever possible he should stay down his head. he sighed as he felt the elevator moved.

    And he's coming back to remember.



          That man at the door of YG's building, was leaning on the wall, yes, he, a man who 'ever' make him jealous. He, a man who always looked 'cute', 'kind', etc. but he does not care. To be sure, was what the man was standing there?. wait for Bommie?. Well, impossible. 2NE1's not coming back here after the last fan meeting. of course Bommie too.

            Jiyong sighed, his heart pierced when remembered that woman's face. And the pain as he realized she might be angry with him now, or may hate him. He was not caught Bommie, because suddenly he was summoned to the YG Studio for a reason. And he just finished with his current job, the hours of 2 am. Dark. So, what's he done here?.

    The man, Kim Kibum.

"Hey", Jiyong approached him and greeted him with a smile. And he turned, without a smile. Jiyong felt his eyes sharp. Then, with the incidence of rapid-Jiyong felt a very hurt feel on his cheek, his eyes widened. What the hell, was he punched me?.

"!", Kim kibum issued harsh words when he punched his face once again. And without a fight back from Jiyong because the man was 'still shocked' by what happened.

         This time he did not punch his face, but his switch to his stomach. The pain was piercing through his chest, made Jiyong came out of his 'shock'.

"HEY," he began talked, annoyed.

Kim Kibum punched his stomach again. Interrupted him.

"Damn!", Jiyong who finally getting angry reply to the man of action, hitting him hard. "What the hell are you doing to me, Bad Guy!?, Why You Punch Me LIKE THIS!?", He snapped.

"You made ​​her cry!", Kim Kibum punched the face in front of him once again.


"You made bom-ah cry!", Kibum Kim pulled the collar of Jiyong and kicked his stomach and then punched his right cheek in less than five seconds. Made the poor man bouncing and falling to the left, with the blood began to flow on his left lip.

      He got to sit down and wiped the warm blood flows with his right hand. And this time he was silent while the other blows struck him several times. 'Bommie, cry?. Because of me? no'.

-End of FlashBack-


            Jiyong draw a deep breath and sighed a long-term. Seungri looked at him, very worried.

"It hurt?", He said.

"No, it is not hurt anymore", he answered with smiled. Before he felt the vibration in the pocket, and he grabbed it. Staring at the  handphone screen.

                     YG Chairman calling...

He sighed again,

"This time I'm really in trouble"



"What happened to him?", Park Bom tilted her head to glance at the existing landscape in the YG's room.

"It looks like he been in a fight", Sandara Park said, looked very sad.

"Fought? Jiyong? That's impossible ", Bom wrinkled, a face in disbelief.

         Dara took a short breath,

"I hope something bad does not happen to him", she said, worried. Park Bom understand if Dara has feelings to the Big Bang's leader, she knew her friend had a special concern to him.

"I'm sure he's okay, do not worry", Park Bom calmed her and smiled,

"Let's go to exercise room, before Chaerin angry at us"

                 they both turned and walked casually into their practice room. During the walk they do not talk to each other, they both fell silent, busy with their own thoughts.

'Jiyong ..... ', bom looked at her feet with a vacant look.

'What happened to him?. I hope it's not because I just left him yesterday ', she thought as she returned Jiyong voice echoed in her ears.

    'I had Kissed you.... Bommie ...' And 'Not ... on lips ... '

Bom's face was flushed and heated up from the previous one. she then shook her head. 'Jiyong kissed me?. Does he like me? ', Park Bom shook her head again,

Her anger came again,

  'no, no matter why, he has been stealing my first kiss!'.

"bom? What is wrong? ", Dara asked with worried.

"Nah!", Bom shook her head for a third time before she smiled broadly.

"So. Dara, Tell me ", she raised one eyebrow," what last night I was really drunk? "

"uhuh drunk. drunk severe"

"Do you mean?"

       Dara reached into her jacket pocket,

"You're drunk, and not be silent. You always want to destroy everything that you see if you're raging, "Dara said.

"...", Park Bom bowed her head.

"bom, do you have a problem?. If you have, you can tell me ", Dara asked.

      Park Bom shook her head,

"Nah. I'm ok ", she said. Dara and sighed, she knew a friend in front of her was being lied to her.



                         Does not feel it was dark again, 2NE1 is preparing to return to their apartment. Their clothes already looked shabby and their faces paled, they were fatigue.

"I wanted to get to sleep", Minzy yawned.

  "me too ...", Dara put the car keys in the lock.

"friends ... you guys go ahead, I want to see Kim Kibum first. I want to thank him ", Park Bom took the phone from her bag before pressing a few numbers.

"Uh, unnie. To be honest with us if Kibum oppa and unnie dating ", Minzy winked, flirt.

               Park Bom snorted, "aniyaa. what are you talking about?. Do not talk nonsense. We're just friends. Just f.r.i.e.n.d. Friend. Araso? ".

             Minzy huffed, and then get into the Dara's car. Today they had been promised to return with her car. Chaerin waved off the bench beside Sandara Park sat "If so, be careful unnie, we go back first".

"Huum ... Gomawo. Be careful too guys ", Park Bom waved back.


"Ne?" Bom glanced to see the driver window opened. Dara's face looked serious. she Provide cues to her to approaching. Park Bom walked over to her before she gave the seductive whisper.

"After you back, tell us whatever happens between you and kibum, kay?. EVERYTHING. Araasooooo? "


                      Sandara Park and the others laughed before quickly drove away. Park Bom muttered, rolling her eyes. Before her attention back on the handphone screen and pressed few buttons.

'his Number is not active?', Park Bom's brow furrowed. Very rarely kim kibum lethal his handphone . It is very rare. Whether it might be better to see him at his home?.



             Painful sudenly came, throbbing in her heart feels a little heavy at the voice of it. Without turning, she tried to organize her feelings.


"Noona, we need to talk", she felt the voice was coming directly at her.

"Should we?"

"Ne. we should. ", after said that, there was a hand pulled her left arm, making it inevitably turned to face him. showed his face, a face that somehow covered in bruises. And somehow he also made ​​no attempt to conceal it.

                    Jiyong pulled her to walk towards the car park. Bom a few times tried to break the grip of his hand. But then she realized if few people looked at her, she cleared and let him pulled her. pulled her to a very cool red car near them. He opened the door and then push her to the seat beside driver seat.

"Hey!. What the hell is this for? ", Park Bom little squealed, but in vain. Jiyong closed the door and ran to the driver seat and sat on there.

"Can not you pull me reasonably Ji-ehh eh!", Jiyong leaning towards her, bom had felt her heart would jump out. But then she realized Jiyong just pulled her Seatbelt then put it. Then he put his own and then start to drive the car.



                      Half the journey was so quiet. Jiyong just stared straight ahead while Park Bom looked at the window beside her while occasionally glanced at the men next to her. if she gave more attention, more visible bruises and paled bruises there . 'Does not that hurt?'.

                   Park Bom scratched her right cheek softly, confused with what actually happened. And somehow she felt now. Confused, angry, embarrassed, excited, scared, worried, everything came in turn. Bom finally decided to remain silent until she found his car parked on the side of the bridge that overlooks the beach, exposing the leaves moving in the wind and the dark sky starless night.

      They both remained silent for several minutes before Jiyong began to talk, made the Park Bom almost jumped in surprise.


"N-ne?", Bom looked out the window, tried not to stare at the people beside.

"Noona, mianhaeyo", Jiyong sighed, she turned to him reflex. Seeing the young man bowed his face down with blankly eyes. "Mian. For everything. For Everything That I have done wrong to you Bommie. Mianhaeyo ... "

            Park Bom did not take her looks from a face full of regret at her side, to feel once again he sighed. They both fell silent again for a few minutes.


                 Bom could see he jerked, depicted on his shoulder as she called him. But she ignored t and began to shift her gaze back out the window. "May I ask something?"

"Ukh. Ung ... "

     silent again.

                  Park Bom sighed, then looked down. Saw both her legs began to pale from the cold. "However, I must ask you this." she was silent for several seconds before returning to ask, "why did you kiss me?".

                  Park Bom felt the silence enveloped them again. except The sound of wind blowing and the sound of moving objects because of the wind. Very quiet.

"Jiyong-sshi?" ", Park Bom asked again. she then turned to find Jiyong was staring at her deep. "Eh?"

"Noona.", He said curtly. "Why did I kiss you. Noona really want to know? ", He said. Park Bom could feel her heart pounding and her face flushed. She nodded slowly, "ne".

                Jiyong turned his gaze back to the fore, before he stopped about two seconds. "Why did I kiss you. Why I pulled you here. Why do I have to behave like this. Is noona really do not know it? ".

           Park Bom looked at Jiyong who stared straight ahead. "It is clear enough, noona. sarang. "

"Saranghaeyo. Obviously, It's all because of love. I love you noona ".

"Eh?", Park Bom stared in disbelief.

 "Saranghaeyo, noona. Saranghaeyo ". Jiyong turned his head to look at surprised face at his side. "Saranghaeyo".

"Nn-nae?", her heartbeat grew louder as her eyes stared at the man in front her, who was looked at her seriously. Park Bom did not realize her bag had fallen from her lap. Her brain couldn't think because of shock, too stunned even to realize he had release his seatbelt and his face closer and closer to hers, making them both too close. And when bom began to realize from the shock, the surprise came again when she realized Jiyong had pressed his lips to hers. Make her face pushed slightly backward.

              Jiyong, her friend, her YG friend, who she admired, expressed his feelings to her, and even kissed her again now. Kissed her. Kiss?. again?.

            Park Bom said 'eh' slowly in his mouth. Paused in surprise, letting Jiyong putting his hands welling. As if to hold her face so as not to move away, nor to avoiding his kiss.

"Lee Park Bom", Jiyong far away his face, but not far enough to make their lips apart. "Saranghaeyo", he said, before kissed her again.

  And for some reason - once again, for some reason-, Bom felt a surge of warmth through her body. And she closed her eyes, kissed him back. Jiyong felt jolted again, before both ot them dissolved in their warm kiss.


what the shortest chapter.

what the oddest chapter.

what the lattest updated chapter.

what the baddest grammar.

what the stupidly authors.


Mianheeyoooooo............. i am too busy busy busy busy with my school activity. and my computer broken so i just can borrow my mothers. and sorry sorry sorry for the looonnng time to update this chapter. sorry >______<.

But then, i promise, when i have free time -and free computer of course- to update this. i'll do earlier than before. promise promise promise x(.

nb: have you listen bigbang's 'BLUE' song?. i fall in love again with Bigbang's song xD. oppa oppa oppa saranghaeyo~~!!


- editted -

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Chapter 11: aren't you going to update this? Y^Y
topbom_gbom #2
Chapter 11: why do i have a feeling that dara ain't going to be happy about their "relationship" and then Bom breaks up with GD cos of Dara. I mean that's what hapens in most movies right? :/
bomxalijah01 #3
hii.. im your new reader.. will you update this story again? i love reading it.. update soon k.. actually im gbom shipper.. :)
Yahhh!!Bommie Yeshhh you like Jiyongie too~~ :))
Update soon author-nim<3
Phi_333 #6
@butterfly_fly : Thank you soooo muuuchhh.... when I write this I have always thought it was weird with the word "unnie". I was ever hear Minzy and CL said "unnie" but I never felt Jiyong said it.
once again thank you soo much~ ~ I love youuu xDD -LOL-

@readers : I love you guys too~ thanks for reading <3
I am liking the story but only one thing,
In korea a male calls a older female as NOONA(nuna)
So here Jiyong orother Bigbang members should call
call Bom and Dara as noona!!
Its like somewhat ummm...what we call
ahhh...jiyong is a girl since he keeps addressing
Bom as unnie!!
So,please make unnie to noona!!
And thank u for the update^^
I hope u will update soon!
Thanks for the nice story. Seriously i LOVE to read Gbom story. Go Gbom!
jiyong you cannot run from it or hide from it... do not deny it! haha jiyong loving bom is the best!! cant wait for moree! thank you for sharing!
BooMBooMPaW #10
love it!!! jiyong soooo in love with bommie... can't wait for the next chapter.. I think bommie want to ask about what happen 'that nite'...kekekeke..hwaiting!!!