The Chase

Secrets are meant to be kept

Taking measured steps towards the practice room, Seunghoon was literally holding his breath to see if Byul was still there. Before he opened the door, he could hear Mino's loud guffaws and Jinwoo's distinct snorts. Then he heard Byul's hearty laughter and he broke into a toothy grin. Seunghoon would give anything to hear that laughter every day.

"Hyung! What took you so long?  Took a huge dump?" Leader Yoon asked uncharismatically.  Seunghoon narrowed his eyes at his dongseng's lame joke and proceed to sit on the floor with the rest. There were slight creases on Seunghoon's forehead when he realised Byul became very quiet and cold the moment he returned to the room. She just sat there with a blank expression, showing little or no interest in what was going on. Seunghoon recognised this iciness anywhere. It only solely happened when he, Lee Seunghoon, was within earshot and the line of sight of Han Byul, the biggest pabo ever known to mankind. Seunghoon chuckled and grinned like a Cheshire Cat. He was no longer gonna fall for this. He kept sneaking glances at the tattooed girl with short cropped hair and multiple piercings. Never would he know that one day he would fall for someone like her.

My heart sank deeper into the recesses of my inner turmoil and I struggled to keep a straight face on. I could almost feel the heartache physically and tears threatened to spill at any moment.  I’ve gotta go soon and be all alone again. No more YG family, no more pesky Winner monkeys, no more Park Jini and, no more Lee Seunghoon. Half of me screamed for mer to stay in Seoul but I know better than anyone else that it would be best for me to leave now since I was causing Seunghoon to be frustrated and confused. Why would he be frustrated and confused by me in the first place? He was confusing me more with his bi-polar antics, swinging left right and all the way upside down at times.

"Imma gotta go now. Perhaps we will see one another in Japan someday or maybe not. Anyway thank you for bearing with this overbearing manager," I looked at my 5 monkeys and pursed my lips, "Will wait for your debut. Like Jini said, you guys will be daebak. Winner hwaiting!" I shouted a tad louder than I intended to and started to put my hands down awkwardly. The boys looked shocked at my sudden outburst but soon collected themselves to return my well wishes. And yes, even prissy Nam Prince.

All except Seunghoon.

I could almost sense his intention. Almost. After years of observing him from afar and near, I could always recognise that expression that states "I'm gonna do something" anytime. It was a sign as clear as a flashing neon signboard for me to get the hell out. Hurriedly, I stood up, took my bag and made my way towards the door, all while waving goodbye to the monkeys.

"Bye Byul! Hhhmmmfffff mmmmmmm...." Mino made weird crying sounds while burying his face into Taehyun's shoulders. The mark of irritation on the maknae's face was priceless. Jinwoo and Seungyoon waved goodbye a little too enthusiastically and blew dramatic farewell kisses towards my direction.

Lee Seunghoon just sat there, staring intently at me as if daring me to take another step away.

"Alright, bye guys! Stay healthy! “and with that I scooted off to freedom .

"I'm gonna go out to get something from the store.  Be back soon." Seunghoon stood up abruptly seconds later and took the same route as Byul. Taehyun folded his arms and smirked lopsidedly and Jinwoo's face was awashed with concern.

"Where did she go?" Seunghoon frowned, "How could something so short move so fast?" He scanned the outside of the building with his small silted eyes. There!  He spotted Byul dragging her feet in the direction of Hapjeong station. Then she turned around and looked at the building, as if to say a final goodbye to the company.

Seunghoon took off like a rocket.

"Han Byul! Wait!"

Some squeals of "Seunghoonie oppa" could be heard followed by the fast and furious clicking of cameras.

A chill went down my spine as I recalled those horrible comments from the previous incident. No way in hell I would allow that to happen again. Why was Seunghoon so dumb?

So I bolted, as fast as I could. Soon, I reached the entrance of the subway station and scurried down the stairs, not bothering with the weird looks ahjussis and ahjummas were giving me. I must have looked like I was chased by a wild animal or debtor.

Swiftly taking my card out, I tapped on the turnstile and gained access to the trains. I dashed through the closing doors of the first train I sighted and stooped to catch my breath. Every passenger in that carriage were giving me severe judgmental looks. I slowly looked up and heaved a loud sigh of relief.

"Were you on the track and field team?"

I froze. I could recognise that voice anywhere and I could almost make out his scent which was not a good sign.

Turning around, I stared at a panting Seunghoon with wide-opened eyes and a gaping mouth. “Wh… what are, are you doing here?” I yelled involuntarily.

“Woah, wassup with the lion’s roar? Just wanna talk to ya that’s all. Why did you run away from me?”

“Are you that dumb? Your fans will take pictures of us talking to each other and post them online. Remember what happened previously? YG will kill me! I might lose my job!”

“What’s wrong with pictures of us talking to each other? We are just co-workers. You, manager, me Winner member. That’s all right?” I couldn’t help but notice a small smile creeping up on his cheeky face.

I closed my eyes in irritation and opened them with renewed determination, “Yes, we are nothing but co-workers, but those keyboard warriors will not leave it alone and stories will start. I’m calling Dong Goo hyung.”

I took out my phone and scrolled through my contacts for Winner’s new manager. “You are just so dumb. I will get Dong Goo hyung to fetch you back from the next station. Wait.”

Seunghoon pouted and panicked. Once the call is through, it’s over. He will not see Byul for days, weeks or even months.

“Wait,” Seunghoon said sharply while snatching Byul’s phone away.

“Hey! What are you doing?” I shouted instinctively and my words attracted the attention of our fellow commuters.

“Shh… you want people to notice us!”

I calmed down and hid my face in my hands.  Cute, Seunghoon thought.

“What do you want?” I was totally defeated by his unpredictable actions.

And nothing could have prepared me for his reply.



I stared at Seunghoon and he repeated his singular word that caused my heart to stop beating, “You. I want you.” He made it sound like he was ordering a cup of coffee.

Stunned, I took a few steps back and shook my head as if I could clear it through this silly action.

Cute, Seunghoon thought again and smiled to himself.

“Give me back my phone. I’m going. Go back. Don’t follow me anymore.” I muttered weakly while facing the ground and putting my hand out for my phone.

Soon, I felt the cold metallic phone pressed into my opened palm. And the warmth that was coming from Seunghoon’s hand that was lingering a bit too long on mine. Seunghoon grinned at me and my heart palpitated like a bullet train.

“So good to be in love and young right yeobo?” An elderly ahjussi chuckled to his wife seated next to him. “Don’t tease the young ones,” the elderly lady replied lightly while smiling from ear to ear.

I jolted back into reality and placed my phone in my pocket hurriedly. Why wasn’t the train at the next station?  Seunghoon shrugged his shoulders and stood quietly beside me. I was still too stunned for words and stared at the reflection of the both of us standing side by side. What was going on?

Thankfully, the train announced the arrival of the train at the next station.

“Bye,” I said curtly and proceeded to escape through the opening doors. Then Seunghoon grabbed my wrist and dragged me back into the carriage. I tumbled backwards and he caught me just in time. And I soon found myself enveloped in a back hug. Seunghoon placed his head on my right shoulder and whispered, “Where are you going? You are not going anywhere without me.”

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Laurestine #1
Chapter 17: This is so cute and beautifully written. I love how the chapters are short so it's easy and enjoyable to read. And winner's individual and distinct characters... I really really like it! Especially Mino's mischievous self and Taehyun's divaness. I really don't like reading fics with OC but this made me curious. I didn't regret doing it. You made me laugh (mostly because of the members' antics) and made me feel giddy with their romantic gestures. Seunghoon is one of my favorites and gosh, I can empathize with Byul! He may not be handsome as Jinwoo but he just has that distinct charm, you know? A man with overwhelming charisma... like a model! Sometimes, I can't take my eyes off of him. Anyways, I really love the fic! This is so nice!
How areee youuu?? Wont you continue this story?its already a year you didnt update. I miss this story
leepid #3
Chapter 34: Well. That was intense.
Omg! Im so excited you're back!
unniegzb #6
Chapter 32: Thank you for continuing instead of deleting! Sometimes we kinda drift from our stories haha so I'm glad you came back to it :)
kangtaehyun #7
Chapter 33: waaaahhhhh!! cute! cute! cute!... that all i can say.. it was really cute.. hanbyul x hoonie...hihihihihi... finally you update it..thank you very much... i thought i will never get this update anymore.. i glad it still on... i looking forward for next chapter author nim.. hope you will update it... FIGHTING!!
Chapter 32: Omg you want to delete this sweet story??????
Pleaseeee dont delete it

love seunghoon byeul they're very sweet!
trapinlove3 #9
Chapter 32: I love your story, seunghoon is cute. Aww please update soon. Im waiting
leepid #10
Chapter 32: thank you so much for the update>_< ive been waiting for this. dont delete this story plsss keep updating it >____<