Who are you?

Secrets are meant to be kept

Seunghoon went into overdrive for practice.  He didn't know where this sudden urge of energy came from but all he knew was that he must use up this valve of energy before he explodes. "What's wrong with me?" Seunghoon thought as he stared fiercely at his reflection in the mirror. 

"Wassup hyung? You look like you could eat a lion or two." Seungyoon quipped while handing him a towel. Seunghoon nodded curtly in appreciation and wiped his brows that were full of sweat. "Yea hyung, you've been dancing non-stop for 2 hours. Take a break man." Mino sprouted while munching on bananas. Taehyun looked at Seunghoon with a smirk and got up from the floor. "Hyung. Are you angry with Byul?" 

That question hit Seunghoon like an oncoming truck coming out of nowhere. The maknae has a kanck for such sudden verbal awakenings. Seunghoon looked at his maknae and wondered about his question. "Am I angry with her? Why? Because she brought her girlfriend here?" Seunghoon's train of thoughts was interupted by Jini's incessant giggling coming from the corridor and he sighed loudly. Not again.

"You manager. Who said you can bring your friends in here? This is a workplace not a place for you to flirt and interupt our practice sessions," Seunghoon said coldly. I was slightly stunned by his sudden coldness but maintained my defiant act lesbian with my arms slung over Jini's shoulders. "What's that got to do with you what I do? It's a rest day today and I've got permission to bring Jini in for a small tour." I defended myself. Seunghoon turned away and set his lips in a straight line. "Seunghoonie means no harm. He's just uptight over the practice, choreographer's block ya see," Jinwoo said to me. After Jinwoo's words I took another look at Seunghoon and realised how tired he looked after all that dancing, and my heart panged ever so lightly. His shirt was drenched in sweat and his lips were so dry they could crack anytime. 

"Jini babe, why don't you go on home? You've got your autographs from Taeyang hyung."

"But I want GD's autograph the most! O...n....ppa! You promised!" Jini stuttered, nearly giving the game away. I scrowled at her and threw her bag to her. "Go, or else... you know what I meant." sending a mental message to her through my eyes. Jini scoffed and raised her little fist at me in that cute manner of hers. "Oppa I hate you!" and off she went with a huff and and puff. "Bye guys, have fun wih my insufferable boring boyfriend!" and the boys waved Jini goodbye. Good riddance was written all over their faces. Jini can be really cute at times but most of the time, she was just a bloody pain the neck. 

"Sorry about her, she's always like that."

"I didn't think that she was your type Byul," Taehyun drawled. 

"What do you mean not my type?"

"Well," he replied as he stretched on the sofa,"you detested all our fans who screamed our names and called us oppas... what's the difference between your girlfriend and them?"

Nam Taehyun hit the nail on the head. Park Jini was a shameless fangirl of all, I repeat ALL boy bands - Big Bang, Infinite, BAP, Beast, B1A4, Block B, EXO etc etc etc. You name it, she loves it. 

"She's just young that's all. Anyway, how's practice? You guys finalised the new choreograph for Go Up ? Seunghoon, you have to prepare your dance for the fanmeet too."

Seunghoon gave me a judgmental look and started to walk out of the room, not before giving me a slight shove on the shoulders on his way out. What's up with that fellow again?


"Ya Kang Jang Ta, it's me Lee Seunghoon." Seunghoon decided to call his childhood friend. He always does that whenever he was troubled in Seoul.  

"Ya Seunghoon, wassup dude?"Jang Ta mumbled while munching on spicy fried chicken.

"Dude, ya eating again? Why are you always eating when I call you?"

"Ya, a man's gotta eat when a man's got to eat. Wassup with the phonecall? Ya!  You should have enough money now that you are in this group... saw ya in a cf that day."

"It's not that. I'm getting stuck with a dance we have to perform soon. I'm not sure what's up but this don't happen to me."

There was a sudden dull clang over the line. "Ya you're drinking beer at 11 in the morning? "

"What's wrong? A man gotta have his beer with fried chicken."

"Anyway, I'm just stuck now and getting pissed off with myself. It's affecting the team too. I can feel how they are tippy toeing around me. Makes me feel worse."

"Hoon, ya know... this only happened twice before. Remember those times you were stuck planning out the dance for our team?"

"Yeah... I remember that but I got over it real quick, and we won!"

"Then do you remember how you got over it and came up with awesome choreography? "

"I just did so?"

"You seriously don't remember?"

"You are so not helping here."

"Yoojin, MinJea, ring any bells? "

Seunghoon opened his eyes and the only thing he could say was,"Oh."

"Ya oh... you managed to ask them out then you could craft the dance moves.  Lover boy. Ya having girl problems yet again? Ya you can't be dating now!"

"I'm not!" Seunghoon protested louder than he expected to.

Jang Ta clacked his tongue twice and said, "Well, based on past history, this is the only plausible reason why ya stuck. Which girl is making our to-be idol so flustered?"

Seunghoon thought about the words of the person who knew him the best.  What girl? There's no females around except for the coordi noonas, 2ne1 noonas and random make up artists.

"Ya Seunghoon,  why ya so quiet? You finally realise which girl? Pabo always falling in love when you don't realise it."

Seunghoon couldn't figure which girl he was obsessed with recently.  He knows he's the obsessive compulsive sort of guy when it comes to romance. But seriously,  there's no one. 

"Opso. No girl," Seunghoon insisted.

"That's what ya always say... anyway got to go back to work... call me ya."

All Seunghoon was left with was the tone of the phone and no answers. 


Seunghoon tugged at his hair in pure frustration.  What the hell was his chingu on about? He returned to the practice room and soon realised what his friend was talking about. He, Lee Seunghoon, liked someone who would never ever like him back. 


There she was, sitting on the floor sharing kimbap and tteokboki with s.  She was smiling while snatching food with Jinwoo hyung and reminding a very pouty Mino that he was banned from snacks in between meals. Seunghoon remembered how frustrated he wsa with cold stone Byul. He remembered the times he carried her and how frail she looked on the hospital bed and the baby lion keychain he gave her. He remembered how frantic she was after the x-ray. And all her past injuries. He remembered how he tried to get her attention in the club and in the hotel room. He remembered how nice she smelled as she wiped his face. Like strawberries.  He remembered how mad he was when he found out they were from the same high school and that she kept it a secret. And also how worried he was on the rooftop when her ankle gave her so much pain. He also remembered the surging jealousy and anger he felt when Byul proved with hard evidence (i.e. Jini) that she will never like men. 

Seunghoon stood defeated at the doorway with his shoulders slumped.

"Hyung! Come and eat before Jinwoo Hyung finishes off all the food," leader Yoon shouted from across the practice room. 

"Gwenchana. I'm not hungry. I'm gonna go to the recording studio," with that Seunghoon closed the door and left. 

"Does that mean I can have Hoonie hyung's share?" Mino gasped in anticipation. My heavy handed smack on his big head gave him the answer he hated. "Ah! This girl's got iron hands!" I glared at the pouty and childish rapper and sighed,"Ok ok... just one bite of each. One SMALL bite." Trust me, I have never seen a boy as huge as Mino so happy over two bites of food. 

"I'm gonna check on Seunghoon hyung, he seems out of sorts," Yoon leader declared but before he could get up, I stopped him. "You and Taehyun have to do the mixing right? Jinwoo you've got to practice and Mino, your lyrics are still half-baked. Finish up according to schedule.  I will check on Emo-dude in the recording studio." I caught Taehyun's sideway glance and gave him my signature stare. He returned it with a shrug and with his signature smirk. How I wish I could wipe that smirk off on asphalt.


I placed my hands round the cold door knob, wondering if this was a good idea. Steeling myself for the unavoidable, I entered the small recording studio where Seunghoon usually choreographs his dances. This was weird, no music, no footsteps. Soon I found Seunghoon at one corner of the room, all crouched up with earbuds in. I walked over quietly and bent down. He looked so peaceful, like a baby, slightly snoring and breathing in deep. I couldn't help but smile at the sight before me.

"Lee Seunghoon, you brat. It's been four years, when are you returning my heart? It feels so empty inside." I whispered to myself as I looked at the sleeping baby lion. 

"How do I return something when I didn't even know I had it in the first place?" Seunghoon's eyes fluttered open and he look straight ahead at my awashed face. I stood up and wanted to turn and run away when he caught my arm forcefully. "Who are you to make me feel such confusion? Who is the real you?" he screamed as he shook my arm. Biting my lips, I looked at the ground and tried to pull away but he was too strong for me.

"Why are you saying such weird things and doing such weird stuff? Is it funny to you? Are you making fun of me? How did I save you? How did I take your heart? Who are you?"


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Laurestine #1
Chapter 17: This is so cute and beautifully written. I love how the chapters are short so it's easy and enjoyable to read. And winner's individual and distinct characters... I really really like it! Especially Mino's mischievous self and Taehyun's divaness. I really don't like reading fics with OC but this made me curious. I didn't regret doing it. You made me laugh (mostly because of the members' antics) and made me feel giddy with their romantic gestures. Seunghoon is one of my favorites and gosh, I can empathize with Byul! He may not be handsome as Jinwoo but he just has that distinct charm, you know? A man with overwhelming charisma... like a model! Sometimes, I can't take my eyes off of him. Anyways, I really love the fic! This is so nice!
How areee youuu?? Wont you continue this story?its already a year you didnt update. I miss this story
leepid #3
Chapter 34: Well. That was intense.
Omg! Im so excited you're back!
unniegzb #6
Chapter 32: Thank you for continuing instead of deleting! Sometimes we kinda drift from our stories haha so I'm glad you came back to it :)
kangtaehyun #7
Chapter 33: waaaahhhhh!! cute! cute! cute!... that all i can say.. it was really cute.. hanbyul x hoonie...hihihihihi... finally you update it..thank you very much... i thought i will never get this update anymore.. i glad it still on... i looking forward for next chapter author nim.. hope you will update it... FIGHTING!!
Chapter 32: Omg you want to delete this sweet story??????
Pleaseeee dont delete it

love seunghoon byeul they're very sweet!
trapinlove3 #9
Chapter 32: I love your story, seunghoon is cute. Aww please update soon. Im waiting
leepid #10
Chapter 32: thank you so much for the update>_< ive been waiting for this. dont delete this story plsss keep updating it >____<