Chapter 2 : The Way We Started

Dear J

Chapter 2 : The Way We Started

“ Kim Jaejoong !!! Get the laundry, it’s going to rain !!!” Ana shouted from the kitchen.

“ Huft, why women really like to shout and bossy.” Jaejoong mumbled and got up from the bed.

   He walked still half-sleep to the backyard and started to collect the dry laundry in the basket. He passed the kitchen and greeted Ana who is so busy cooking breakfast.

“ What are you cooking?”

“ Kimchi stew. Do you want me to pack kimbap for lunch ?”

“ Hmm that will be great, thanks.”

“ Okay. Put them on the closet corner, I’ll arrange them later.”

   Ana stared at the man who climbed the stairs. He is plain as usual, like nothing ever happened in his life. Ana will never understand him.

   Jaejoong put the laundry basket right in the place she said. He sighed heavily, this is daily in this house. Life is plain as ever but he glad that finally this is the normal life he always wants.

   1 year ago, Jaejoong and Ana met coincidentally. Both get wet and left by the person they loved. 6 months passed as Jaejoong played around with many women and Ana sank deeply in her work. And after those 6 months they are introduced by their parents. They were getting married a week after.

   They kept their relationship cool. They acted as a normal couple. They lived together, ate in the same table, talked about their daily even slept together. But the feelings remain cold.

   Ana’s friends were envious towards her handsome husband. Ana just responded in smile. It’s true that she’s lucky enough to have such a good looking husband, not to mention how kind he is.

   Jaejoong’s friends can’t stop bothering him to introduce his pretty wife. They never hah a chance to see his bride since the wedding day. Jaejoong never talks much about his married life.

   The truth is both of them never know much about each other. Ana never asked about his personal life, neither did Jaejoong.

“ Jaejoong, I’ll be going home late tonight.”

“ Oh, overtime??”

“ No. I just wanna visit my parents. It has been long time.”

“ You’re not going to sleep over??”

“ No, they’re going to investigate me if something happened between us that make me visit them.”

“ Haha, parents are same indeed. Okay then. Do you want me to pick you up?”

“ It’s okay, I can take bus from there.”

“ But it’s far from here and night is dangerous. Just wait for me there, okay. I’ll get you once my work done.” He smile lightly.

“ Thank you.”

   Both of them left home to work in different direction. The line between them existed, there was a place where each other can’t reach.

   It’s 7 pm when Jaejoong arrived at his in-laws place. He only found his mother in-law. She told him that Ana left an hour ago. Jaejoong frowned, he clearly said to pick her up but she left in this heavy rain alone without telling him. He rushed to go back home.

   The rain stopped when he reached home. The room was dark and silent. Jaejoong walked carefully towards the main chamber and found no one. After changed his clothes, he went to the kitchen.

   There she was, sitting on the corner of that small kitchen, drenched and sobbed alone in the dark. Jaejoong shocked and stunned.

“ Ana…” He called her softly.

   Ana lift her head and met his gaze in the dark. The next thing he knew  Ana in his embrace, pouring all her pain on his chest. For the first time since their met, Jaejoong had an urge to know about this woman, what did she think, what did she feel.


Kinda short, I know TT TT

but I'll work harder in the next chapter

keep read, sub and comment please ^^~

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Keahun #1
Chapter 17: thanks, beautiful one
Hanifah #2
Chapter 17: I have just found out this story today, so I read it and I think it's really good :)
Hanifah #3
Chapter 17: I have just found out this story today, so I read it and I think it's really good :)
Darlovejae #4
Chapter 15: Ken is so cute.. He called Jae .. Appa.
Chapter 14: fighting!!!!
Chapter 13: Omoooooooo~~happy ending pleaseeeeee~~^^
Chapter 13: I want a happy endiiiiiiing
Chapter 13: I want a happy endiiiiiiing
Chapter 12: I want next chapter soooon
Darlovejae #10
Chapter 12: thing in mind for new story..?