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It's almost lunch time and Eunjung can't wait to hear the word 'That's all for today class' on her teacher's mouth.. 

"Damn it!!" Hyomin suddenly muttred. 

"what is it?" Eunjung asked. 

"I haven't done with the other project and here he is giving us research paper to work on."

"it's okay.. I'll help you"

"Tchhh.. How are you supposed to help me? All you do is sleep in class" Hyomin nag her friend. 

"yeah.. I wonder how she passed last semester. She merely open her eyes when the professor is discussing something" Soyeon added.. 

Hyomin and Soyeon laugh at their friend. The professor who is sitting at the desk heard them. 

"Ms. Park what are you laughing about?" Mr. Lee ask her.. Hyomin look so afraid. Eunjung is laughing her off when she saw Hyomin's face. Soyeon is pretty lucky Mr. Lee doesn't notice her. 

"N-nothing sir.." Hyomin answer with fear.

The whole class turn thier attetion to her.

"You are laughing without reasons? You should see the doctor" Mr. Lee told her and the whole class laugh at her. Eunjung stick her tongue out on her bestfriend.. 

Mr. Lee who has a lazer eyes saw it.

"why are you sticking your tongue out Ms. Ham" It's Eunjung time to be afraid. Soyeon and Hyomin can't control their emotions and wanted to laugh at their friend.. 

"I- I'm just making sure that I didn't left it at home sir" The class starts laughing at Eunjung answer. Mr. Lee wanted to laugh at Eunjung but he contained it.

"Ham Eunjung-sshi." Mr. Lee called her in his calmest tone.

"Yes sir?" Eunjung answer attentively.

"Check your feet,, You must left it at home too." As fool as it sounds. Eunjunng checked her feet and look at Mr. Lee.

"No. SIr.. I-I.." Eunjung answer. She realized it just now how fool she look like just now. JUST NOW. She scrathed the back of her head and smlie awkwardly.. Mr. Lee just smiled at her. 

"Aigoo this child.." Mr. Lee said and get back to his desk. He wasn't a strict teacher just like the others. He's more friendly that he look like. 

The bell rang and the students fixed themselves.

"That's all for today, make sure you'll pass the preject on time." Mr. Lee said and got out of the room.

Soyeon, Hyomin and Boram who is controlling their laugh burst out.

"HAHAHAHAHA THAT WAS HILARIOUS DUDE!!!" Hyomin said in the midst of her laughter.

"I know right?" eunjung shortly answered.


Four girls is walking their way to the school cafeteria to have their lunch, 

"Eunjung, what's that?" Soyeon asked Eunjung while eyeing the box of cupcakes in her friend's hands.

"ahhh cupcakes.. Do you guys want some?" Eunjung offered.

"are you sure that you'll going to give us? we don't want to starve your love" her friend said.

"It's okay.. I brought cupcakes for everyone today.. I don't want to be unfair" eunjung answered. 

"well.. should I give this a bite?" Boram suddenly said with a smile upon her face. The little buddy loves sweet too.

"Go on Rambo" Eunjung answered her. While eating, Eunjung is looking around to find Jiyeon. She don't want to breka their pinky promise today. She will give the cupcakes to the girl but the girl and her colleageus is nowhere in her sight. Hyomin notice it and stop eating for a moment. 

"If you are looking for her, she'll probably at her class now. It's late, it's not lunch anymore" Hyomin voiced out. 

Eunjung look at her and defend herself.

"I'm not looking for her.. i'm just checking if we're not the only one here" She replied.. Hyomin glare at her.. she gulp..

"Fine... I'm looking for her -_- I just.. you know.." Eunjung said scammering her words.

"You should ask her out on a date dude. seriously.." Soyeon said making her friend's face turned in hot red. 

"I just don't get it.. It seems like she like you too. why don't guys date?" Soyoen added. 

"It's not easy as it sounds pal" Eunjung shortly answer.. she continue eaing with her frieds and decided to look for Jiyeon after.


Eunjung's POV

It's almost 3 in the afternoon now, I sneak out for my class for a while to look for Jiyeon.. I asked IU but she said that Jiyeon don't have class with them so, I just hav to find her for myself then..

"aigooo. where are you?" 

I already went to dance room and music room before class but she's not there. I wanted to class her but I don't even have her phone number. 

While walking my feet lead me to the school clinic, I heard a voice of a guy nagging a girl.. 

"Are you trying to kill yourself?!" 

"You haven't ate anything since yesterday?"

"Seriously? what is wrong with you?" 

But it seems like the girl didn't answer him.

I take a peek of them and then I saw Jiyeon sitting down at the clinical bed of our school.

'Is she sick?' I thought. I can't help but to get worried because of her.. The guy is not familiar.. I've never seen him before.. or I do?

I try to knock on the door but the guy started to talk again..

"I don't know what is wrong with you Ji.. I just don't get you.." he said with upsetting tone..

"Are you going to break up to me now?" Jiyeon suddenly muttered. Her voice is weak.. But I heard it.. I do.. Is this guy? is her boyfriend?

I feel my knees are getting weak hearing that word coming out from . I thought about it long time ago, that she might have a lover and I can't stood up against him. Seeing a guy that taking care of Jiyeon makes my heart felt the pain. How I wish I'm the one who take care of her. How I wish I'm the one beside her when she needed someone to lean on.. How I wish.. I am the guy in front of her.. 

"Are you okay miss?" The nurse outside the room notice me.. Tears.. tears.. no you can't betrayed me now.. not now.

"I-I I'm okay Nurse.. could you give this to the girl inside?" I told her and try to wipe my eyes that starting to get wet. 

"Are you sure? You look hurt." She asked me worriedly.

"right.. I'm hurt.. my heart hurts" I said and walk out.. I better get back at my class.. 


Jiyeon's POV

JB come all the way here from his recording schedule to look after me. I feel sorry for calling him. But I have no one to call to. I don't want to call mom because she's probably busy.. and I don't want my friends to get worry..

The nurse said that I collapsed because of lacked of food in my stomach.. I did starve myself.. I just don't feel like eating anything.. I'm tired of practicing everyday, I just sleep when I get home and no one will cook for me since I lived alone.. What a life..

"sorry.. I bothered you." I told him..

"it's fine.. I'm glad I'm the one you called. But please don't do it again Ji."

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Hi there CUPCAKES!! I already post the Chapter 11. I know you guys are waiting for it.. :D


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greenjade21 #1
Chapter 34: Missed this story! Still waiting! )
finna57 #2
Chapter 34: I still hope this story can be finish
whiteroze #3
Chapter 34: Hey authorssi i miss your story please finish this one
Earth_ #4
I keep hoping that you’ll finish this story so if you have some free times please continue this story author
greenjade21 #5
Chapter 34: I know it's more than a year but, I'm still hoping you'll update this lovely story! I really do missed this story of yours! Too awesome to just forget! Still hoping, @teemochi08 authorssi! Please?!
finna57 #6
Chapter 34: Please update this stosy. :(
ponyang #7
Chapter 34: Can you update the story??please....:~(
eezamj #8
Chapter 34: Dear author....everytime...everyday....check the latest update from you..hope you have a very good n enough space to finish your to the max your story...
eezamj #9
Chapter 34: Update please...! Hoping 'she' is jiyeon...
Mysn123 #10
Chapter 34: Update please....i bet she is jiyeon...