Mixed Feelings

The Two Devil's Temptation

It has been a week since Seunghyun last came to school. He never disappeared like this for so long before.

Is he sick?! Wait, who is there to take care of him when he lives all alone?! Oh my god. What if he died?!

Wild thoughts popped into my head as I sat frozen in my seat. This is no good, I'll take a look to see if he is still alive even though I shouldn't see him.

I watched anxiously as the clock needle slowly ticked away. 5 more minutes, please be okay Seunghyun.

As I watched the clock tick 2:59pm, my cellphone suddenly vibrated in my pocket. It was a text message from Junhyung. The message read:


Hey babe,

I'm sorry. You haven't talked to me in days now so please forgive me! :(

I missed you so much, please come back to meee! T_T

Btw, I'm waiting at the front of your school right now.


Your sweet and cute Junhyung <3


I couldn't stop myself from reading his cute message. Yes yes, I forgive easily, and I'm a er for cuties. I can't help it. Hmm, but I need to see Seunghyun...I guess I'll have to see Seunghyun tomorrow then.

The bell rang and I started packing my things away in my bag. Dara came up to me and asked, "Hey ______, wanna go with us to the newly opened cake shop down the corner?"

"Sorry Dara! I can't cause I need to see Junhyung today, I'll go next time!" I apologized.

"Oh...okay..." Dara said, clearly disappointed. She didn't look surprised that I forgave him so easily and chose to hang out with him instead. It was the thousandth time that I've done this now. Gee, I'm such a great friend.

I watched Dara make her way back to Bom, CL, and Minzy. They looked bewildered and half angry that I'm seeing him again. They always hated it when I hung out with him, but what could they do?

Before they could say anything and nag me again, I quickly rushed out the classroom door to the crowded hallway. Whispers and fingers pointed at me as I walked by. Since all the rumors about me two-timing Junhyung leaked out onto the internet, most of the girls in my school turned against me. The guys in my school started bothering me constantly, asking if I wanted to go on a date with them or if I broke up with Junhyung yet.

Now that the rumor has spread to Junhyung's ears, they were sure that he and I were going to be over soon. They were of course scared of Junhyung, because of his wealth and scary influence in the country. He is the second son of the Samsung company's CEO, so if he disliked someone he could just squish that person like a hopeless bug. Since they haven't seen him come by the school in ages, they were sure their assumptions were correct. Which is, in fact totally false.

Although I agree that my once healthy relationship with Junhyung is going downhill, we still love each other. At least I still do.

The disgusting erted stares were really getting onto my nerves now, as the guys stare hungrily at my legs and my chest as I ran to the front gates. They should at least wipe the drool off their faces.




Hello everyone, I know you were all waiting for to Junhyung appear in the story!

Here he is! More Junhyung and possibly some rated scenes in the future chapters, hoooray! Enjoy!

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alicheungmss #1
love this fic
alicheungmss #2
hope you update soon:)
pikka21 #3
Chapter 14: The chapters need to be longer :/
It's about to go down!
Holy ! Things are going to go down LOL
I really hope big bang kicks beast's (i have nothing against beast) keke
tokiyoona #6
This story is getting hotter and hotter. Love it! Update fast :)
TOPLover69 #7
TOP! Gettin' some!<3
TOPLover69 #8
Why no update?
TOPLover69 #10
Wow. My dad is an . Nichkhun seems like a really good brother in real life(: