Challenge Accepted

The Two Devil's Temptation

Suddenly, noises rose in the hallway, and a student opened the door out of breath as he said, "THE JJANG OF CHUNGSOO HIGHSCHOOL IS HERE WITH HIS GANG!"

All the students chattered nervously as questions rose and students glared your way. "Gee, so much for that over there," Hara exclaimed.




You glanced at Seunghyun nervously, and he looked rigid and and angry at the same time. I knew coming here was a bad idea.

Junhyung appeared at the doorway with his gang, BEAST, and the class immediately fell silent.

"WHERE IS MY GIRL?" Junhyung shouted furiously as he pushed past students.

"Y-you, where are you from? We are in the middle of cla-"

"SHUT UP, YOU OLD GEEZER," Junhyung shut the homeroom teacher up with his deathly glare. He looked like he was ready to kill somebody.

"I'm over here," You called out to Junhyung, who whipped his head back to you. You were tired of running away from him, and this was the last straw. He was going too far as to barge into your school like it was his own. He strolled over to you in two quick steps with his long legs and grabbed your arm in a steel grip.

"You are coming with me, you ," Junhyung snarled through his teeth. What did he just call me? ?

"We are over, Yong Junhyung," You snarled back.

"What did you say?" Junhyung asked, slightly taken aback. Students whipped out their cellphones and started taking pictures and videos. He looked around the room and grabbed you again, "Come with me,"

"I SAID WE ARE OVER, YONG JUNHYUNG!" You screamed at him. His face flushed with anger as you noticed his shaking fists were balled up so tight that his knuckles were white. You winced as you saw him raise his hand and come down, and you closed your eyes, prepared for the pain. But that pain never came. You peeked in front of you as you saw Seunghyun standing in front of you, holding Junhyung's raised hand.

"That's enough, Yong Junhyung. Get the out before I beat the hell of out you," Seunghyun threatened.

"HAH, that should be my line. You should look at the mess you are in before you worry about others. I see that you are still alive, huh?" Junhyung spat. "I know you two stayed together last night. What, did you finally show your true colours, you ? I can't believe you choose that bastard over m-"

Seunghyun punched Junhyung hard in the stomach, and Junhyung buckled down, grunting. It felt like a million knives just pierced through your heart as those unbelievable words were directed to you. And not to mention it was from the man who you once loved, the man who was once gentle and kind. Why am I so stupid to even fall in love with that kind of guy?

BEAST surrounded Seunghyun, getting ready to tackle Seungyun down. You were about to call for help as they slowly closed in on him, smirking.

"It's 6 vs 1, Choi Seunghyun."

"Not anymore." a voice called from the doorway.

Bigbang came into the classroom, and stood beside Seunghyun. "HYUNG! How can you not contact us for weeks?! Good thing I found out you came to school today!" Seungri whined. The rest of the Bigbang members chuckled lightly. Seunghyun smiled as he pet the maknae's head.

"It's 6 vs 5 now," Seunghyun said.

"Are you challenging us?" Junhyung smirked.

"Challenge accepted," Oh no.

"Very well, meet at the Sanyang construction site at 1am tonight. Winner gets ________" Junhyung said as the BEAST members left the classroom. "See you later, if you even survive past tonight, that is," he called out as he walked out of the classroom. Students chattered noisily as they exchanged the information with the classes next door.

You slapped Seunghyun's arm as you glared at him angrily. "YAH! Do you want to die?! You know he's after you!" you yelled. Seunghyun smiled and reassured you everything was going to be fine.

"Please don't do this, Seunghyun..." you pleaded.

"Don't worry, I know what I'm doing," Seunghyun said as he walked back to his seat. You knew there was nothing that could stop him from going, but you also knew that he was going to his death if he went. Junhyung is not going to let us off so easily.

Everyone was quiet as they returned to their seat as the homeroom teacher returned back to his normal self.



I hope everything is going to be alright.




Hello Everyone!

Another chapter for you all~

How is your summer break so far? As for me, summer school starts next week, so my summer break is gone :(

I finished writing this chapter, and as I was about to click save, my laptop crashed! I had to start all over again in a rush, so it wasn't as detailed as before cause I forgot most of what I wrote ;(

Anyways, hope you are all doing well and hope you enjoy the chapter ^^

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alicheungmss #1
love this fic
alicheungmss #2
hope you update soon:)
pikka21 #3
Chapter 14: The chapters need to be longer :/
It's about to go down!
Holy ! Things are going to go down LOL
I really hope big bang kicks beast's (i have nothing against beast) keke
tokiyoona #6
This story is getting hotter and hotter. Love it! Update fast :)
TOPLover69 #7
TOP! Gettin' some!<3
TOPLover69 #8
Why no update?
TOPLover69 #10
Wow. My dad is an . Nichkhun seems like a really good brother in real life(: