The One Who Cares

The Two Devil's Temptation

You walked to the familiar door of your best friend's house. The door that you thought would never come back to again. You rang the doorbell and waited, but no one answered. You guessed no one was home. You sighed and sat down on the cold marble floor, resting your head on your knees. You waited for hours till midnight, and the cold was freezing every cell of my body but you continued waiting.

It was what seemed like years of waiting when you finally heard the elevator open and the loud shuffle of shoes coming near.

"_________?" Seunghyun asked, slightly taken aback. you looked up and smiled. Seunghyun's shocked expression changed to an angry expression when he saw your puffy face and red eyes. He quickly rushed to your side and picked you up bridal style.

"W-what are you doing? Seunghyun, put me down!" you freaked out, but he didn't listen, and opened the door to his apartment. He walked all the way to his bedroom and put you down on the middle of the bed.

"What happened?" he asked, his eyes piercing through yours. You couldn't help but look away, it felt like you were so vunerable under his gaze. He climbed onto the bed on top of you, which made you lean back. His face was inches from yours, and you could feel his minty cool breath on your face.

"Tell me right now," he said, and you couldn't take it anymore. You broke into a sob and hugged him for dear life. He didn't say anything and just your hair softly. Once you calmed down, he wiped your tears away from your face and looked at you in concern. You inhaled deeply and said told him the whole story and waited for his response. He went rigid for a long time like he turned into stone, and his face turned red as each second ticked by. You could tell he was pissed. Extremely pissed.

"That ing bastard. I will kill him right now," Seunghyun snarled and charged out. You frantically chased after him, knowing that right now in his position, he couldn't be seen by anyone. Especially Junhyung.

"Seunghyun, please don't!" you pleaded helplessly behind him and grabbed his arm. He flung it away and continued opened the front door. You panicked, knowing that once he was out that door, you wouldn't catch up to him in time. If he found Junhyung, he would be dead and it would be too late.

"SEUNGHYUN! They'll kill you!" you hugged his back sobbing and clung on for dear life as you felt his muscles tense.

"I DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANOTHER PRECIOUS PERSON IN MY LIFE! I DONT WANT TO LOSE YOU" you continued to sob into his back, and slid down on your knees.

It was true. You didn't know why, but you knew that he was the only one who truly cared about you besides your brother. He was the one who cheered you up and stayed by your side when your brother left for America. He was the one that comforted you when you couldn't handle the pressure that your cold father gave. His apartment was the place you always escaped to when you ditched your private lessons, and it was the only place you called your santuary. And he was the angel that saved you in your darkest days.

The day where he confessed to you, left you shocked indeed, and confused. But you were blinded by the shock, because he was your best friend.

But now you understood. You just didn't realize how important he was till now.

You had always loved him.

Seunghyun was speechless because he never thought those words would ever leave your mouth. He softened and sat down on the ground. He hugged you and hushed you to stop crying. He took your hands away from your face and made you face him.

"_______, I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. I'll protect even if it costs my life," he whispered.

Your heart fluttered at his words, and you felt warmth rush all over your body. There was this strange feeling in your stomach as you looked at his flawless face. It was the first time you saw that his eyes this close, and you discovered they were actually brown instead of black. You noticed his sharp nose and those perfectly shaped pink lips, the lips that were tempting you to touch them with yours.

You slowly leaned in, pecked his lips and looked at him. His eyes were wide of shock as he just took in what you just did. He looked at you, and you saw the longing and lust in his beautiful eyes.

He crushed his lips against yours with no hesitation, and lifted you off the ground. You automatically wrapped your legs around his waist as he walked to his bedroom and put you down while he was still on top. He broke away the kiss, leaving you gasping for air.

"Oh baby, we are going to have one hell of a night and you better be prepared for it," he growled ily as he slowly ed your blouse.

You just giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck to kiss him again, and at that moment, you felt like your heart truly belonged to him and wondered why you never realized it.



Hello subbies!

I realized that writing in 'I' was kind of awkward because it didn't really fit in some parts. So I changed 'I' to 'You'. Hope it doesn't affect the story too much! Sorry!

Cheers! ^^

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alicheungmss #1
love this fic
alicheungmss #2
hope you update soon:)
pikka21 #3
Chapter 14: The chapters need to be longer :/
It's about to go down!
Holy ! Things are going to go down LOL
I really hope big bang kicks beast's (i have nothing against beast) keke
tokiyoona #6
This story is getting hotter and hotter. Love it! Update fast :)
TOPLover69 #7
TOP! Gettin' some!<3
TOPLover69 #8
Why no update?
TOPLover69 #10
Wow. My dad is an . Nichkhun seems like a really good brother in real life(: