Sneak Attack

The Two Devil's Temptation

"I can't believe you are still dating him," said Bommie in disaproval. She never liked Yong Junhyung, my handsome and rich boyfriend. Not to mention he is the jjang of Dongin Highschool, my rival school.

"At least he treats her well," Dara added, even though she dislikes your relationship with Junhyung, she knows she can't do anything about it because you love him so much.

"Treats me well my ," I looked up from my homework. "We had a fight again yesterday, over something so stupid. He thinks I dress too revealing nowadays. I don't even know what is wrong with him these days," I puffed and continued writing my essay.

"Huh, he is moody these days...Do you think it is because of Seunghyun?" Bommie hinted, and looked over to where my ex-bestfriend, Choi Seunghyun was sitting, in the corner of the classroom with his hoodie over his head, listening to his iPod. He looked up and I quickly glanced away, heat rising to my cheeks.

Honestly, I was avoiding him since last month, when he walked me home in the rain and suddenly kissed me. He told me how long he waited for me, and how much he loved me. That was when my relationship with my boyfriend started to go downhill.

Apparently, one of the girls that went to Dongin Highschool passed by, and took a snapshot of our kiss. She put the picture online, where the gossips spreaded like wild gunfire, and eventually Junhyung found out.

He was furious at Seunghyun, and wanted to kill him. It took all my pleading and persuading to stop Junhyung from declaring a war between our rival school, but since then he became all overprotective and overreacted with everything. Even a glance from a stranger would cause him to beat the hell out of him. We argued at least twice a week about small matters, which in fact, caused us to give eachother the silent treatment. I'm still on bad terms with Junhyung, and I'm not planning to make up with him soon yet. Not until he changes that stupid jealousy of his.

The afterschool bell rang and I quickly packed up my things and rushed out the door. It was my usual routine now, always running away right after the bell rang and not giving Seunghyun a chance to talk to me. Whenever he tried to, I would pretend I didn't hear him or simply just walk the opposite direction that hes coming from. Someone lightly tapped my shoulder.

"Hey ______, I'm sorry but can you switch afterschool duties with me? Its my anniversary with my boyfriend today and I promised him to go on a date," my classmate pleaded with her head bowed down.

"Sure, no problem. Have fun on your date!" I smiled. I guess it'll save me some energy from running away again cause Seunghyun would usually be at the front gates waiting for me.

"Thank you so much, _______! I promise I'll treat you next time," she shouted, running down the hallway. I sighed and walked back to the classroom. My body went in shock when I noticed a familiar figure sitting in the corner seat of the room, now with his head rested on the desk while listening to his iPod. Now I remember, he was the other helper that has afterschool duties today!

I slowly tip-toed towards him, and stared at Seunghyun's beautiful flawless face. The breeze lightly ruffled his silky brown hair. He was breathing steadily with his eyes closed. I didn't notice I was leaning closer, lightly poking him on the cheeks. I gasped in surprise when his hand suddenly shot out, catching my wrist.

"I got you now, Kim _______," Seunghyun smirked. 


Uh oh.

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alicheungmss #1
love this fic
alicheungmss #2
hope you update soon:)
pikka21 #3
Chapter 14: The chapters need to be longer :/
It's about to go down!
Holy ! Things are going to go down LOL
I really hope big bang kicks beast's (i have nothing against beast) keke
tokiyoona #6
This story is getting hotter and hotter. Love it! Update fast :)
TOPLover69 #7
TOP! Gettin' some!<3
TOPLover69 #8
Why no update?
TOPLover69 #10
Wow. My dad is an . Nichkhun seems like a really good brother in real life(: