
So Close and So Far

Heechul's POV.

I can't believe any of them. I know I don't remember anything before I turn 5 but that's normal no kid remembers that. I need to call home an find out the truth. I now umma and appa will tell me the truth we've had a strong connection since I was young. I need my parents now. 

I took out my phone out and look for my parents phone. As I hit call my heart was beating so hard I was afraid it would burst. I waited for it to ring. 


"Umma, I need you." I said

"Hee baby what's wrong?" Ask umma with a worry voice. 

"Am I adopted?" I ask hoping it wasn't true. If it was true was my whole life a lie?

"What are you talking about?" Ask Umma, "is something going on? Do you need me and Appa to come."

"Yes Umma, I am starting to get confuse." Said Heechul in a desperate voice.

"Okay baby, will be there in a couple of hours just send me the address." 

"Okay umma, said Heechul and hung up. Heechul couldn't understand why his parents would lie. He had an amazing relationship with them. Even if he was adopted he wouldn't be mad. He would be thankful for having such understanding parents.

As evening came to an end and the morning sun rose Heechul had not slept. Soon a knock was heard thru the house. Heechul rose from the couch and ran down stairs. He had made sure not to see Hangeng or anyone all night long. He wanted to get answers and make up his own decisions without interference. As he approached the door he saw that Mithra had open the door and treated his parents. They smile at him and walked inside. Heechul could see his mother and father be on alert. He didn't understand why.

"Umma, Appa!" Heechul yelled from the third stair.

"Baby girl, how are you?" Appa ran to Heechul, "umma tells me you have worries." 

"Yes Appa, I need to know the truth about everything." Said Heechul looking into his fathers eyes.

"Is there any place quite were we can talk?" Ask Leeteuk 

"Yes, In my Master's study. Please Follow me." And with that Heechul and his Parents follow Mithra.

Heechul soon inside kick Mithra out and lock the doors. He then close all the blinds and sat down on the sofa in between his parents. He took a deep breath and counted to 5. "umma, Appa what is my organ? Am I adopted? Are my Parents dead? What is the truth about me." Heechul said holding onto each of there hands. He fear that onces he learn the truth his parents would disappear.

"Why don't we begin with the beginning?" Ask Umma. Heechul shook his head up ad down. "Well Me and Kagin have been together for a long time. We met each other in elementary school. When we got to Middle school my parents pass away leaving a huge sum of debt. I was then sold to an aristocrat. I became a maid for the family. I still wheat to school and even was allowed to have a childhood. When my Master die he put in his will that I would be his Daughter's right hand. His daughter's name was Jaejoong. We became friends immediately. We did everything together." Leeteuk pause and Kagin Stated.

"As Leeteuk has said we knew each other from elementary but we never talk to each other. I was always getting in trouble no matter what. When we got to middle school my family disowned me. I had no were to live I was on the streets. That's were I met Yuhoo. He help me out he brought me to his house. The was the son of the Japanese Mafia King. He was very close to everyone but me. We would do everything together. I was part of the family. I was considered the second son. His parents died when we enter High School so Yuhoo took over."

Leektuk began, "well Jaejoong was a very gentle kind person. Some what a diva deepening on who you talk to. She would always have her way. If she had a plan in her mind she would do it no matter what. Well in one of her crazy ideas of ditching class, me been dragged alongside her, we meet Kagin and Yuhoo. I could immediately tell she had her eye on him. There was just one problem."

Kagin smile remembering his best friend, "Yuhoo is what you would call a playboy. He always had a new girl. He never was in a committed relationship. Yet when we ran into Jaejoong something in his eyes change. He was headed over heels for her. It was love at first sight. He would try to accidentally bump into her just to see her each day. One glorious day Jaejoong was been yell by a teacher for wearing a skirt to short. Yuhoo came in and distracted the teacher in other for Jaejoong to get away. Well because of that Yuhoo told Jaejoong that she owed him."

"Well let's just say Jaejoong was not happy. She did in fact get him in trouble and then help his get away. That way she didn't own him anything. Even though she like him a lot she never admitted it till Yuhoo fiancé came to town."

"Yuhoo was to marry a girl from China in order for the gang to have security overseas. Well Jaejoong found out and was very upset. She wouldn't talk to Yuhoo at all this broke his heart. He loved Jaejoong and didn't know what to do. He went and confronted her. He told her if she loved him then they should get marry the next day."

"Well let's just say that Jaejoong agree and they got marry the next day." Laughed Leeteuk 

"Wait my parents were crazy enough to just get marry out of the blue." Ask Heechul

"Yes, they pretty much did what they wanted. The were really outgoing. They lived for the moment. But just as surprised as you were we were too." 

"Wow, my mom and dad were crazy." Said Hee 

"No, not really just your mom." Said Leeteuk, "well a couple of years pass and your mom was pregnant with you. Everyone was so happy we couldn't contain our emotions. She gave birth to the most beautiful baby around they had a great party. While the party was going on they called me and Kagin to their private room."

"They looked worry, and asked us to look after you if anything were ever to happen to them. We agree to it. Not realizing that they had little time to spend with you. After the party they started buying properties in Korea under our names. We weren't sure why, but we just accepted it."

"One day they call us into there private room again and tells us to take you to Korea on Vacation they would meet us their later. They need to finish some work in Japan before coming to Korea. We were glad to take you and excited to had some relaxation. Your mom hug you and so did your dad. They handed us a letter and told us not to open it till a week form when we arrive in Korea. Again we really did think much about it. Since they were always doing silly things like this." Leektuk looked down on the ground.

Kagin smile and went on, "we arrived in Korea and went to the house that we live in now. After a week we open the letter." Kagin handed the letter to Heechul.

It read:

Dear Kagin and Leeteuk,

    We are terribly sorry for not informing you of the situation. We didn't want to risk our pride and joy. We need to make sure you and our baby were as far away as possible from us. You see we have had word from our friends in China that the Hans were killed and that they will be coming after us next.

    to tell you the truth we knew this was going to happen. We accept our faith, but we cannot accept our child's faith. We want him to live a wonderful life. Were he can be and do what he wants. Please take care of him and love him like your own. 

    I know that you will love him a ton since you guys always spoil him. After he turns of age it will be his decision weather he takes over the gang or not. Please don't pressure him. We love him and understand his choice, whatever it may be. Let him grow up without knowing about it or us. 

    he is special I can tell by looking at him. I hope he becomes just like his mama. Crazy and diva. You might have your hands full. We thank you for always having our backs and for caring for Heechul. 

    we love Heechul and our only regret is not being able to see him grow.

            love Yuhoo and Jaejoong 

Heechul cried after reading the letter. "We never met to lie to you. We love you and want the best for you. Sorry." Heechul looked at his parents. He knew his original parents gave they're live for him to live. He also knew his parents now left everything for him to also live. He was thankful for both. And loved them both. "No, thank you for always been here for me. I love you both an lot and also my biological parents. Your both my parents and I love you guys." Heechul hug them and both Leektuk and Kagin cryed. It was time for Heechul to make a choice. What would he do?

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Chapter 14: aww,heechul's life is so.dramatic
fighting my chul♥♥♥
Chapter 13: Omg kangteuk aren't his parents and he's the fiancé? Maybe heechul is older than he thinks, because I don't think they were engaged with 7 years difference.
Chapter 13: so dramatic here!!!
anyway hannie and kyumin will protect heenim
Chapter 13: wait !! this is moving too fast for me ... sooo .... heechul's parents are nor his parents right ? .. and heechul and hangeng used to be engaged ? is that it ? .. but why doesn't HeeChul know about this ? .... and how come HeeChul doesn't know about his parents not being his parents ? :p ... looking forward to the next chapter !
JaeYong_TY #5
Chapter 12: am loving this.
but please put more zhoury

and update sooon~
Chapter 12: Love it !!
update soon
Chapter 12: hanchul meet finally ♥♥♥♥
hannie is a mafia leader , dangerous but absolutely hottt
Hope hannie can convince hee and kyumin
Chapter 11: can't wait for hanchul times
shockingpink #9
Chapter 10: I really want to know what does happen if Sungmin sleeps with them ;D This story is reallllllllly interesting! Its definitely a story I should and will subscribe to! I'm looking forward to your next update!
amuse_otaku #10
Chapter 9: Hannie is so misterious in a point where I'm afraid he's out of the expectation to be a good prince for Heechul... Hopefully he is the real one!