experiencing class A-1

Is this love at first sight?

now its finally time to call myself a class A student. 

Even though I haven't been in this school for long, it just feels good to be part of this class but somehow ever since me, Zelo, and Mark got in the classroom the "smarties" were acting very distant almost like how class A-2 was during there bad day but it was slightly different I just couldn't put my finger on it. 

Anyways, the classroom was like any other class but somehow it was special, we had air conditioning. You may wonder, " why is that so special? " well, first years experience a school year with no a/c which is torture but it wasn't on purpose though, somehow they broke a cord that controlled all the a/c's in the first year building and since the class A students are in another separate building from everyone else, we have air conditioning but I hope the first year building gets there air back on but I heard that they have installed another cord and now all they have to do is install it underground and BAM there done. But back to what's so special about the classroom. Since our building was made out of pure unbreakable-no-matter-what-you-use-to-break-it glass that looked almost like a castle, it was placed far away from the other building and placed in the far field circled in with a forest of nothing but trees. And there was a trail to the building so we wouldn't be going in circles and the inside looked nothing like the unbreakable glass but was like a normal school building which was just a beautiful sight. Our classroom was closed in with black glass which made the class look awesome and our desk was just like regular desks but our board was a whiteboard instead of a blackboard which was a huge privellige because the teachers would scratch there fingers on the blackboard and the blackboard would always look cloudy because of the amount of writing is on it and the lack of cleaning the board off. 

This building was... MARVELOUS!! *o*

the "smarties" better watch there mouths!

have they ever heard of SHUT THE HELL UP or wait? That's not good enough! Should I add the big F word in that sentence then? I'm going to cut off there tongues if they keep on talking smack!

woah there guys, what happened to you guys? And what did the "smarties" say?

ugh, don't even get me started! I swear one more word that comes out of there mo-

shhh, calm down Mark. But Jackson I'd strongly advice you to shut those ugly-heads up or else! Did you not hear them!

i can not shut them up if I didnt hear them. Remember? I came in here later than you guys because the teacher wanted me for something.

well, let me tell you what happened. 

~ flashback to what happened ~

well look at the transfers. The wannabe class A students that barely passed to be in this class just from help from the one and only class A-2 wait, or should I change that to bipolar class.

And if it isn't for the pimple heads and uglies wait? Oh I forgot isn't that you're name? "Smarties"? So you're named after some candy? LAME!

you're excuse was stupid! And there NOT a bipolar class! You need to fix what you just said.

but what we said is only the true FACT and nothing but the truth. And whoever came up with "smarties" should fix that up.

are you blind or what? You're named that because you're nothing but nerds!

but nerds get the girls don't they?

look here Mr. I-think-im-better-than-everyone-and-anyone you're nothing like class A-2 and you'll never be!

says the people that only been in here for 5 minutes and now you're at the top of our school. 

says the people that fangirled over class A-2 and cried when you found out they planned a party for our hardwork.

WHAT! Don't bring that up ever! You're going to regret you said that later on!

boo hoo! I'm gonna cry because you threatened me! What's next? You're going to bash class A-2 over some stupid ed up of yours? Pssh, I hope not.

i'd pity them because you made some up in front of them trying to create the school year as hell.

ugh, now you're going to really regret you said that! (ಠ益ಠ)

and you're going to regret you even said that if you don't get out of my face!


run away and cry like an annoying baby while you're at it!

theres plenty of corners in this building for you to curl up in if you want?!            ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞


~ end of flashback ~

damn, intense.

But, I heard in that story that they well bash class A-2 for being bipolar? What do they mean by that?

some dumb made up that lord knows what it may be.

pretty much what Mark said. And if class A-2 gets humiliated then what will happen to them! Will the quit school because of what they may say?

i hope nothing serious happens. Because if BamBam looks sad and depressed then I'll be sad and depressed. Ugh, the created a stupid fight for no reason But to only make fun of us and make us riled up.

after they calmed down and school was over, we went to class A-2 to of course walk together and we were all going out for some bubble tea and pasterys. Sounds fancy right? 

My liking for BamBam turned into a I-just-fell-in-love-with-my-friend thing and now we've been hanging out a lot. It's now like, who's place should we visit everyday to just hang out with each other. 

But I'm still thinking. What will the "smarties" come up with? Will it be true?



i thought I'd just get this chapter over with and now I started some drama with the "smarties" which is going to lead to a possibly great chapter and soon awesome ending. But I have school to go to next month and I'm just like ugh! Because not too long ago I finished summer school in Japan so now I'm a second year and I wonder what classes I have. But BYE~!!

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OK, well I know you guys are wondering where is my next chapter but, I did say this was going to be the longest chapter so I'm still working on it. it'll be out


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goteat7 #1
Chapter 20: Nice... so am I, I want Jackbam author-nim
ReaderX #2
Chapter 20: lol sorry.. but i want jackbam more jackbam......
Kpoplover4646 #3
Chapter 9: Worser isn't a word its worse