8 Right... there...

I hate you yet I love you...


Min Ho: Wanna go out for a bit?

Shin Hye: Nope but do you want to build a snowman?~~~ (she teased)

Min Ho: Well, you have to go out with me for a bit.

Shin Hye: Wae? Ask the others...

Min Ho: I'm only close to you... Chaebal?

Shin Hye tapped her fingernails on her table in her trailer as she re-read Min Ho text messages. She was doing good so far avoiding him and trying hard to tell him through her action that she just want to have a neutral friendship with him and take things slow. 

Shin Hye: Fine then...

Shin Hye changed her outfit into her favourite jeans and shirt and then she put on her jacket. Autum was almost over.


Min Ho: I parked accross your trailer. The rest are still filming so they won't know. 

Shin Hye then put her mobile phone into her pocket. She slipped some money at the pocket of her phone just in case she might need some. She texted manager Han that she would be out with one of the kids to buy drinks and food. Manager Han okayed her. She snuck out of her trailer quietly and then walked quickly to Min Ho's car and entered.

"Gwenchana?" Min Ho asked as she buckled her seatbelt.

"Mm.." She nodded, "Gwenchana." She looked at him who was also looking at her. "Wae?" she asked. 

"Nothing... I just need a friend to talk to." He told her.

"Don't you have loads?" She retorted blankly as she looked outside the window as he began to drive.

"Outside? Yes... Here for now on, there's only you." He answered as he pressed his lips together. "I'm going to stop at the mini store there to grab drinks and food. Want anything?" He offered.

"Hmmm... Your treat?" She teased.

"Sure!" Min Ho answered chirply. "Namja always takes care of Youja." He added.

"Yah! Not all the time!" Shin Hye protested. 

"Ara.. Ara... What do you want?" He tried to let her focus back.

"Get me oxy water and Kimbap if they have any." She told him. 

As soon as he reached the mini store, he grabbed his wallet and went out of the care. Shin Hye exhaled freely. She was holding her breathe as she was trying to maintain her cool. 

"What does he want?" She asked herself. "Hmmm.... Ani Shin Hye.. Maybe he just want that friendly chat. Ara.. Being a celebrity can be very lonely at times." She told herself. 

Not long after that, Min Ho entered with a plastic bag filled with her food and his. He handed it to her and then he sat on his seat and buckled the seatbelt. "Kajaaa..." He said softly.

"Op..." Suddenly she felt shy to call him that but she forced herself to say what she had in mind, "...Pa... Can we play some music?" She asked. She always loved to play good music whenever she was on the road. It added the feeling of the surrounding.

"Sure, here, choose what you'd like to hear." He handed her a case filled with CD. Shin Hye took it from him and started to flip through and she saw JUNIEL, one of her favourite singers. "I can't believe you have JUNIEL.." She said excitedly. 

"A fan gave it to me, so I just put it there. I haven't listened to any of her songs yet but I heard you liked it." He pointed out.

"How did..." She was surprised as she looked at him who was looking at her smiling warmly. She smiled back.

"Min Hyuk told me." He told her.

"Were you asking stuff about me through him?" She asked as she pulled the CD from the case and handed it to him.

"I try to be... but usually they ended up joking around and I never get the answer I wanted." Min Ho explained as he put the CD into his high-end stereo.

The song started to fill in the air of the car and Shin Hye smiled and moved her shoulders to the cool tune of the song 'Lovefool'. Min Ho heard a male singer's voice which Shin Hye sang to. 

"Wow.. This song is cool... Love fool huh?" Min Ho said as he started to drive. 

"Yeap.. That's Yong Hwa!" Shin Hye continued to sing the song as they drove. "I love his voice and most of their songs. Especially CNBLue. " She told him smiling happily.

Min Ho felt a bit jealous knowing Shin Hye praised Yong Hwa. He hoped that they were not as they were rumored to be dating. If she was, would she havw gone out with him?

They enjoyed the songs all through the way until they reached the destination that Min Ho intended to bring her to. They settled on at a park which seemed empty as the night was late. Min Ho parked his car which was not far from a seating area where they could settle in. Shin Hye loved the view. She loved nature and enjoy spending time with it.

"I love the view!" Shin Hye said happily as she looked at the wonderful view in front of her. Min Ho couldn't help but stare at her enjoying the view, she looked really tranquil and beautiful. She looked very calm unlike the listless Shin Hye he used to know. "I could stare at the stars forever." She said as she looked up at the clear sky.

"I'm glad you like it." He said quitely.

She then turned to look at him, "So, what's up with you?" 

Min Ho looked at his fingers thinking of what he wanted to say, "Nothing... I am just missing someone."

A pang of painful stab stung her heart, was he going to ask her consultation about his relationship? "Okay... I am not good with relationship advice but I could probably try to lift your mood by makin puns out of it." She laughed adorably and snorted in between. He could sense it was just a forced and bitter laughter and she just wanted to avoid the topic. 

"I miss you." He said straightforward to Shin Hye who was still laughing at her own joke.

"IU?" Her eyes widened looking at him. "Like wow! Eonji? Didn't know you dated her? Eo? Wait? Isn't she with Eunhyuk?" Shin He speculated. Min Ho his inner cheeks trying to calm himself down. 

"You!" He said.

"Dega? Wae?" She asked confused.

"I said I miss you." He corrected her.

Shin Hye blinked her eyes a few times and drew her attention to the scenery before her. She kept quiet not knowing how to respond to him. 

"Shin Hye yah..." MIn Ho tried to break the silence.

"Oppa.." She cut him, "Please remember what we promised..."She reminded him. As she fixed her eyes to the scenery and bit her lower lip.

"Ara.. but I miss your presence." He insisted. Shin Hye showed signs of feeling uncomfortable as she fidgeted a little bit. "I mean.. you promised me we could be friends but you avoided me most of the time." He pointed out.

'There's reason to that pabo!' She smiled bitterly and looked at him, "Kege... Erm... You know after that rooftop kiss, some of the crews came and asked me if we are dating. You do know our agencies wouldn't like the idea and especially yours. So that's why I try to limit our meet ups. I don't want any unnecessary scandal popping out." She explained calmly. 

"Is it really?" He asked as he looked into her beautiful eyes. "But I like having you around. It calms me down but all I see is that you are always with the other." He complained. "We were good when we were in US. We even went out for dinner with the staff and freely talk." He continued. "As soon as we reached Korea, it's like Eun Sang avoiding Kim Tan. I feel depressed about it." He inhaled in after he let out his feelings. 

"Oppa... Another reason is, I am also studying so whenever you are free, it was my scene and my free time just so happen to match the others more. Beside, if you see me with them, do join us." She offered. Although, she knew the real reason was she really was avoiding him. 

"Shin Hye..." He was suddenly at lost of what to say. He wanted to express his feelings to her but he knew better not to as that would have driven her away further. 

"Look Oppa..." Shin Hye walked closer to him and stood in front of him. "Whatever have had happened back then, I already threw them away and I do not wish to repeat the same thing again. I feel at peace now between us and I appreciate that. I like talking to you like a friend does and let's keep it that way. Ara?" She smiled warmly. 'I wish it could be more but I am just too afraid.' She whispered inside her heart.

Min Ho looked at her beautiful face and it seemed she would stick to what she had said, he smiled bitterly at her and nodded to agree. 'It's better than nothing, Min Ho.' 

They spent the time talking about the rest of the casts and things happening in the scenes they were acting as they ate and drank. Then, after relaxing, they decided to go back before people started to get suspicious.


"Warghhh!!" Shin Hye yawned out loud inside her trailer as she entered. "That was a relaxing trip." She told herself. She tried to ignore the budding warm feelings inside her by making herself busy immediately. She tied up her hair into bun and headed to the toilet. She grabbed her tootbrush and put the paste on to it and put it into and brushed her teeth. As she brushed her teeth, she looked at herself in the mirror inspecting her face.


'Aish.... this must be Jon Won Oppa. Can't he brief me in the morning?'She whined in her thoughts. She walked lazily to the door and opened it. "Waeee?" 

"Erm... Eonnie..." It was Kimmy G knocking her door.

Shin Hye took off her tootbrush and swallowed the rest of the paste. She used the towels he placed around her neck to wiped the residual foam around .  "Yes, how can I help you?"

"Can ... Can I come in?" Kimmy G asked for her permission. As much as Shin Hye didn't want to, she hesitantly invited her in.

"Have a seat first. I need to wash my face." She told her.

Kimmy sat on the embedded sofa and saw the table with books properly arranged. Shin Hye was studying when Min Ho asked to accompany him. "Wow.. Eonnie is really a neat person."Kimmy sounded impressed.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Shin Hye asked appearing from the bathroom as she wiped her flawless face.

"Anything is fine." Kimmy G told her. Shin hye went to the mini kitchen and grab a glass and then went to the mini fridge to get some orange juice and pour it for Kimmy.

"Here." She handed the glass to Kimmy. Kimmy took a sip. "So what's up?" Shin Hye asked.

"I hope I am not disturbing your study time. I needed some pointers." Kimmy told her.  

"Ah.. Gwenchana... I was taking my break as well." Shin Hye smiled. "So what sort of pointers do you need?"

"Since tomorrow afternoon we will start moving to our new location for the camping filming, I wonder how best can I execute this particular part." Kimmy opened her script that she brought over to show her sunbae. Shin Hye took the script and read it first. It was about their fight where Rachel found out Eun Sang was calling Kim Tan. 

"You know, I love Rachel's character. I actually wanted to take that part but our writer said she had me in her mind as Eun Sang." Shin Hye explained. "So, if I  were you I would make a cool presence first, coz Rachel in this story is someone who would analyze her situation before she reacted until she sees the proof. So, she would first make a speculation about it and investigate it. So, at first, when she couldn't get through Kim Tan, she would just look speculative until you meet me here and you saw the guilt on my face, then only you expel out all the rage you have got." Shin Hye explained as Kimmy G listened to her attentively. 

After their discussion on how they would execute their acting, Shin Hye warmed up to Kimmy G, they had small talk.

"Eonnie, the staff couldn't stop talking about you and Oppa." Kimmy told her.

"Ara, let them be. Our acting really had made Kim Tan and Eun Sang really live that's why." Shin Hye answered not interested in entertaining their speculation.

"Would you date him Eonnie?" Kimmy's question caught Shin Hye off guard. 

She smiled first before she answered, "I don't know what the future hold. I usually like men who make the moves. If he showed interests and if I feel we are compatible, maybe but for now, we both are focusing on our careers." Shin Hye gave a diplomatic answer. "You and him look compatible too, would you date him?" Shin Hye asked as she watched Kimmy's reaction.

"For me, I don't know either Eonnie. But I do know at this moment, I look up to you and would love you to mentor me." She said in all honesty.

"Awh.. That's sweet of you but my knowledge is rather limited. You should look up at our sunbaes. Learn a lot from them. They are the best of the best." Shin Hye adviced. "Don't be shy to ask them questions." She encouraged her. 

"Thank you Eonnie, I feel a lot better." Kimmy G said feeling relieved. "I will leave you now to rest. I see you tomorrow." 

Kimmy G left Shin Hye's trailer feeling happy getting the help from the person she adored. She met Hyung Shik on her way to her trailer.

"Where were you from?" Hyung Shik being the friendliest among them asked as he was heading to his as well.

"I met Eonnie Shin Hye just now for some tips on the next scene." She answered him. "She has always been ver helpful."

"You sound like you know her for a long time." Hyung Shik deducted.

Kimmy G nodded and smiled. "She was my sunbae in high school." She revealed. "I don't think she remembered me though.She has always been free spirited back then and a top student too but I think towards her sophomore year she had to be home schooled as she was acting a lot of the time. Do you know she has three black belts?" Kimmy G told him excitedly.

"Wah... Really Noona has three black belts. She can do anything!" Hyung Shik exclaimed in awe. "Super Woman!"

"She is indeed! She's down to earth, helpful, kind hearted, positive!" Kimmy G added to the list. 

"If I don't know you better, you sound like a fan girl."Hyung Shik pointed out.

"Kere! I am I guess. I am sure you look up to some of your sunbaes." She replied him smiling giddily from talking about her sunbae.

"Well, I do now. Shin Hye noona it is." Hyung Shik said smiling charmingly. The both of them had a hearthy laugh together.


"Finally!!! Sleep!" Shin Hye said as she yawned out loud.

*Soft knocks*

"What now?" She whined as she walked sleepily to her door. She opened the door as she rubbed one of her eyes. "Yes?" 

"Sorry to disturb you. " said a deep, thick voice.

"Eo?" Shin Hye opened her eyes wide. "Jun Hyuk Oppa?" 

"Neh. You must be on your way to bed." He smiled at her.

"Neh." Shin Hye nodded sleepily. " How can I help you?" She asked forcing a smile.

"Ani.. I was going to ask you for a walk." He said. "But since you are tired, maybe next time." He seemed disappointed but he tried to hide it with his smile.

"I'll go, " she smiled sleepily.

"Are you sure?" Choi Jun Hyuk asked for assurance.

"Yeap. A good excercise will give me a good sleep. Let me just get my coat." She went in to get her coat as he waited outside her trailer. "Kaja.." she said cheerfully.


"Aishhhh.... " Min Ho was annoyed that he couldn't get his eyes to sleep peacefully. His mind toiled on what had happened earlier with Shin Hye. He smiled at the thought of her agreeing to have a drive with him. He recalled how serene she looked. He got up headed to his work table. He eabted to go online and check the news when he saw a black cap with S H written on it

"Matta! She forgot her cap. Is this too late to give it back?" He wondered as he held the cap in his hand. His instinct was strong to return her cap back to her. Since he was not staying in a trailer, instead the agency booked him a hotel nearby as a reason for safety and easier to meet his sponsors for business purposes. He changed back into his jeans and put on his leather jacket and a cap to hide his face. He went out of his room quietly and drove back to the scene site where most of the casts had their trailers placed. 

As he walked excitedly to her trailer while holding her cap, he saw a silhoutte of a person heading towards her trailer as well. Min Ho saw Jun Hyuk headed to Shin Hye's trailer. He eas holding her cap in his hand as he wanted to return it back to her. He hid behind the big tree closer to her trailer when he saw him approaching. He spied from the tree as Jun Hyuk knocked on her trailer's door. He saw her opened the door and being greeted by Jun Hyuk happy smile. She seemed to respond and went inside her trailer and then went out to walk with Jun Hyuk. She seemed small against his tall and big build. She looked  well protected by him. 

Without thinking much, he didn't realized that he was following them quietly from a far. He felt a pit in his stomach. He wasn't sick but he felt nauseated as he watched them walk together. They seemed to have a quiet talk together. He could heard once a while her beautiful laughter. Jin Hyuk-hyung seemed to be very animated with his hands at times moving as if explaining something to Shin Hye. He bit his lower lip. 'Why am I feeling like this? Didn't we make a deal to just be friends?' I can't take this." He thought. He then felt a vibration in his pocket, he took out his phone, he saw the name which he hadn't heard or seen for quite sometime. 

"Yobuseyo?" Min Ho answered.

"Neh... Are you free?" She answered.

"Wae?" He inquired carefully.

"I need a friend to talk to..." She told him. "If you are busy, it's alright then." She sounded really depressed. Min Ho being a very caring person was bugged with the tone of her voice.

"Let's meet up then." He decided. "Usual place?" After they hung up, he walked back to her trailer and hung the cap on the knob carefully. He then walked quickly to his car and drove to meet her up.


"Thank you for accompanying me Shin Hye." Jin Hyuk said gratefully. "I had a good time." He told her.

"Me too Oppa." Shin Hye admitted. "I enjoyed your company. Alright then, I'll see you around." She said. Jin Hyuk walked back to his trailer as Shin Hye watched him leave. She took her keys out of her coat and when she was about to put in her key into the key hole, she was surprised to see her cap outside her door. She looked around but saw no one. She remembered she wore it when she went out with Min Ho. She smiled at the thought of him coming back returning her cap.

"The little thing like this is what I am scared of Oppa..." She whispered as she held her cap and then entered her trailer. 


I want you so much..

It's beyond me... 

I want to have you...

But I am scared I might chase you away..

I don't want you to be taken away...

I know you are mine...


I have to be careful...

Am I being too careful?

Mainhe Cheman Oppa...

Give me time...

In time, when it's right I'll be yours and you're mine...


P/S: Huwaaa... Come on Min Shin.. just announce that you are together already!!!!! Oh My Shipping heart!!!!

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Chapter 13: Love this minshin fanfic.....thanks for writing authornim
avrylle #2
Chapter 2: re-reading this....ahahahaha...one tough cookie!!!
Chapter 13: Gosh,what a lovely & touchy ending!It's really seems real. Hoping much,kekeke.thanks much for this story writer~nim~_~
Chapter 8: I really love this story,thanks writer-nim!^-^
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 12: Why does it feel so so real?.... I love the story and thank you Elexia for sharing. I missed them......
avrylle #6
Chapter 13: Thank you for this MinShin story...be bless
gi_cebu07 #7
Chapter 13: Thank you for sharing minshin stories like this to us...i love it!
i just hope & pray that our minshin will be ended in church exchanging vows to each other someday..:)
more minshin ff stories soon!
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing this beautiful story....
Chapter 13: thank you chingu.. totally sweet and fluffy.. the story ending perfectly.. we really hope that minshin couple will truly ended like this.. ^^
Chapter 13: thanks for the story :) congrats for completing another ff. hope to read more from you :)