4 Past.... Reminisce...

I hate you yet I love you...

After they went their separate ways, Shin Hye went straight home. Her parents were away for a business trip. The house was empty and she wished she would have a sibling but then again, they might just ended up having endless world war as she imagined. Spending the time with him again made Shin Hye walked down the memory lane... The day she and him first met.


"Guess what?" her manager said feeling very excited. 

" What?" Shin Hye asked back  caught up in the excitement as well.

"You're one lucky youja!"  her manager himted.

"Me? Waegare yo?" she asked him questioningly.

" You've got a cf deal.Your partner will be one of the up rising male star," he hinted.

"Yong Hwa?" she guessed. Well, the only safest bet she had in her mind so far. Eventhough she was an aspiring actress, she was quite outdated when it came to the latest heat of who the was the hottest and who was not. "You know, acting is acting, you just enjoy the process. Choosing is essential but to me if you are willing to work well with one another, I think it can produce an explosive chemistry on the screen. That's how you repay your viewer." Shin Hye said.

"Yah! I understand your philosophy. Anyway, does it have to always be Yong Hwa?" Her manager asked.

"Fine then, who?" Shin Hye asked to end her curiousity.

"Seriously! You need to update yourself. Any young actresses of your age would squeel like crazy to be paired up with him." Eonnie Chunnie interjected in as he brought in his make up kit and accessories for Shin Hye to use.

"Okay.... Now.. Before I go squeeling like a crazy hyenas at this so called hottest man on this earth, you have got to do something with my hair." She whined at Eonnie Chunnie, who after settled his things then attended to Shin Hye and tried to figure out how he was going to style her beautiful luscious hair. 

"I am so in love with your hair that I could just go on a date with it," Eonnie Chunnie said as he gathered ample of them and smelt it. 

"Ewww... That's just creepy." Shin Hye said feeling a tad irked and amused. "Eonnie! Why do you have to say such odd stuff." She pretended to scold him.

"That's because...." His voice got deeper and darker, "I am a rainbow person." He winked. Shin Hye laughed her head off. She loved how entertaining her stylist could be. "Yah.. Miss Hyena... Do you know who your partner to be is?" He then went back to his business mode as he combed Shin Hye's hair. 

"Aniyo! To be honest, I could care less. I will be friend him just like any other." She said innocently.

"Well... Miss I-could-be-friend-with-anybody. Let's see if you would fall in love with this one. You're 20 years old already. I think you should try to eye some potential men, my dear." As Eonnie Chunnie started to work on her hair.

"Arassoyo... Let it be, it's the work of God. I can only do so much." She said humbly. 


'Why am I so nervous meeting this person? She's younger than I am. She has been in the industries way more than I do,'Min Ho thought in his head. He tried to calm himself, he gulped another drink of water.

"Why are you so nervous? Relax," His manager said as they sat in the meeting room. "It's just another girl that you are going to shoot cf with. What's the big deal?" He continued.

"You're right hyung... She's just another person. " Min Ho agreed. But, why was he so nervous still. He remembered asking Kim Bum as Kim Bum had worked with Shin Hye before.

"Woah... You gonna work with her? Cool man! She's a fun girl to work with." Kim Bum told him over the phone. "She's serious with her work and yeah... easy on the eyes. If you know what I mean. She's a beauty. Innocent one too. I wouldn't dare to get too close to her as well, I'm scared I might taint her."

"Aish... crazy Kim Bum!" Min Ho cussed under his breathe.

"Neh?" His manager looked at him. Min Ho smiled and just shook his head as if nothing was uttered out of his mouth. 

*Creak - Doors opened*

Min Ho gulped his saliva well as he saw a very beautiful person glowing with sheer radiance of health walked politely as she bowed to everyone in the room. Min Ho's eyes were glued on her. He had been with so many beautiful actresses or idols but this one is just different and on a higher level of charisma and confidence. She was breath taking. Her youthful looks matched up with her mature attitude. Those qualities went beyond of what people had praised her about.

Soon, the project manager also entered and greeted everyone. Moreover, it seemed that the project manager was a fan of Shin Hye as he kept on praising how good most of her work were. Min Ho felt a little bit underleagued but he told himself that it was a challenge for him to do a whole lot better and work harder.  He kept on stealing glances at her. She was focused listening to the project manager's briefing and even jotting down what he was saying now and then. What he found odd was, normally his other partner would steal a glance or two at him or at some point were mesmerized by his handsome look but this one seemed to act as if he wasn't even around the room. "Maybe she's not interested in a person like me. I am still on the rise and she is already making her name in this industry. Indeed we are of different level." He said to himself. He lifted his eyes unable to avoid but once again wanting to look at the beautiful angel sitting right in front of him. He was startled as his gaze caught hers and she presented him with a smile that seemed to shine bright in the room. "So beautiful..." He managed to say. 

"Yes, she is! Unbelieavable isn't it? Beats nothing than seeing her here live." His manager whispered to him. "If I was single I would like to court her."

"Yah! I think she needs a way better man than you are." Min Ho snapped back feeling a bit territorial over his new partner. 'What is it with her? What's her attraction? Why do I feel like I need to protect her?'  He whispered in his heart. He liked it nevertheless but was he ready for a relationship at that time? Would it be a good idea?


They didn't really have much time to warm up to one another but Shin Hye was a cool person and she did her job well and followed instructions sharply. She cheered everyone whenever she was around. Her playfullness reminded Min Ho of his puppy. She didn't really come over to him and talked like he hoped so. He was shy whenever she was around and it seemed that she noticed it and didn't push her presence to him despite the fact he wished that she should have.  He, then, decided to make an initiative. He walked over to her who seemed to be reviewing some scripts probably for her drama.  She was pouting her lips as she nodded while she read her notes which accompanied the scripts.

Thinking it was her manager coming over to her without even lifting her head, "Yes, Oppa?" She asked as she continued to read her scripts.

"Neh?" Min Ho startled with her calling him Oppa when they were not even that close yet. 

"Arassoyo... Just give me a minute. I'll be up for the shoot." She said as she waved her hand showing her index finger indicating she needed a minute. 

"Erm..." Min Ho stammered. 

"Ara... Ara... I'll get up then," She still didn't looked up at the clueless Min Ho as she ed her hand asking to be pulled up so that she could stand up. Min Ho without any hesitation took her ed hand and pulled her up, he was using too much force that Shin Hye ended up flung to his body.

"Ommayaaaaaaaaa kyaaaa...." Shin Hye shrieked. When she opened her eyes, she was about to shout at her manager but her eyes went wide when she saw the person that she landed on.

With a sheepish smile, like any fan boy would, he experienced the feeling of excitement having to hold and even in a way hugging the body of a beautiful angel, he didn't move nor say anything but just stared and drowned into Shin Hye's beautiful eyes. She blinked a few times, not able to believe what had just happened. She tried to move away but Min Ho some how with a swift move held her in that position again. She was speechless and at the same time scared as none of her partner would have dared to do such a thing. Realizing that SHin Hye was probably feeling extremely awkward, Min Ho loosened his grip and tried to help her up. 

"Erm.. Sorry... I didn't mean to hold you that way or disrespectfully but, I was scared your dress might get dirty." He said giving his reason as he stood up.

Shin Hye was nervous, her eyes darted somewhere else, unable to reply him. 

"I hope you didn't think that I was taking an advantage of you." He sincerely tried to make things right.

"Er... A-Aniyo..." She was finally abled to utter something. "S-sorry that you had to catch me. And now your clothes are dirty."

"It was my fault... I was trying to befriend you, you've mistaken me for your manager. I didn't know how to react or what to say, so when you ed your hand, all I could think was to help you up but I must have been nervous that I pulled you up with too much force." He explained. Shin Hye smiled and blushed and then giggled which joined by Min Ho.

"Thank you for your kind thoughts... erm.. Min Ho-Ssi..." Shin Hye said shyly.

"I don't mind if you call me Oppa from now on, after all you are three years younger than I am." Min Ho asked. He had always been surrounded by people who are either of his age or older than him especially in terms of photo shooting partner, he found that being paired with Shin Hye was a novelty that he knew he would love to remember till whenever. 

"I told her so, see she's smitten with that boy!" Eonnie Chunnie said after he saw the incident as he was straightening out Shin Hye's clothes for her shooting and smiling happily knowing his little girl would evolve into a lady in love soon.


"Did you pack everything?" Asked her manager as Shin Hye went through the list of things to bring. She was perkier than usual and happier too as they were going to leave for Thailand any moment soon that day to continue with their shooting.

"Someone is happy," Whispered her manager to Eonnie Chunnie who was also busy packing things needed for the trip.

"I am as well as we are about to embark to my mothership. Hahaha.. she's a puppy in love. Ler her be. The girl's been working too hard nowadays. She barely enjoy her teen life and now she's an adolescent." Eonie Chunnie elaborated his point of view. 

"The boss isn't going to be happy if she decides to have a relationship." Manager Jon Won anticipated.


"Yayyyy waterrrrr!!!!" Shin Hye shrieked happily as she ran into the water of the warm beach.

"Yahhh!!!! Be careful! I just did your make uppppppp!!!!" Shouted her stylist.

"Awh...." Shin Hye stopped before she submerged herself into the water.  She was very much tempted to do so. She looked at Eonnie Chunnie and pouted her lips trying to get his approval but it didn't seem to work.

Min Ho from afar was smiling foolishly seeing her cute and adorable action. He felt warm and happy inside just by looking at her. 

"I don't think it' a good idea..." Interjected his manager as he watched Min Ho enjoying the scene of a beautiful person enjoying the nature. Shin Hye was playing on the beach and talking self-photos with Eonnie Chunnie and the rest of her crew."You are on the rise at the moment so don't even think of creating a scandal." 

"I'm not. I am just enjoying the scenery." He lied. His mood was dampened suddenly.

Not long before they left for Thailand, their boss held a meeting and lined out regulations for Min Ho. He felt that they had detected his interest on Shin Hye.He was reminded of their meeting at the agency of how proud his boss was of him when he managed to climb up the stairs to stardom. He was also reminded that from then on, he belongs to his fans and any scandal of having a relationship might hurt his reputation henceforth he was asked to steer away from the love department in his life for the time being.  He then, turned around and headed back to his room. He decided to just bury the feelings he had for Shin Hye. No matter how much he wanted to spend time with her as he would imagine since he first saw her during their first meeting, he had to be strong to ignore such feelings. "Sleeping it off would help." He finally decided.


Shin Hye being her usual bubbly self, sat with her dinner and chattered away with the people around her table. She didn't seem to be affected by Min Ho's cold treatment. She seemed to choose to just accept how he was towards her, in front of the others. He would use the shooting to carry out his feelings and then quickly shut it off whenever they were done. Eonnie Chunnie noticed this and he hated the fact that Min Ho made Shin Hye looked like someone who was desperate to gain his attention. His guard was awaken. Shin Hye was like a daughter he never had, eventhough he insisted to others that she was like a little sister of his but deep inside he had developed a paternal instinct or in his case maternal. He knew Shin Hye developed some feelings for Min Ho and he saw that initially he was the one who started it and now it seemed that he had gotten bored or uninterested.

"Uri Shin Hye is perfect! What is wrong with him!" Eonnie Chunnie thought out loud as he was packing his things. He seemed to be taken by Min Ho sudden change of temperament. He was getting suspicious of Min Ho's intention to Shin Hye. "That's it. I better warn my baby," Eonnie Chunnie said as he dumped his newly bought outfit next to his luggage. Eonnie Chunnie went out to look for Shin Hye who was not in her room. "She must have gone out," He told himself. 


Shin Hye decided to take a walk at the shore of the beach after dinner as it was the last night of their visit in the beautiful tropical land of Thailand. The temperature was warm but nice. She wished Min Ho Oppa would be there as well but she felt that he had changed a little bit as well. He suddenly was withdrawn from her. He would smile and that was just the extent of their greeting in comparison to when the incident of her landing to him was. She felt at loss of how could he changed so drastically. Wasn't he was the one who initiated it? "Aniya... Aniya... Let's just be positive. Maybe he's shy in front of everybody else." She reasoned herself.

"BOOO!!" Scared a person.

"Ommaaaaaaa!!!" Shin Hye shrieked. Upon her reflex action, she immediately turned around and tried to kick the person behind her. Luckily, the person had a quick reflex and jumped backwards to avoid her kick.

"Whoaaa!!! Shin Hye -yahh!! It's me.. Min Ho Oppa..." Min Ho admitted.

"Min Ho Oppa?" Shin Hye repeated as she squinted her eyes trying to ensure that it was really him. "Yah!!!" She said cutely. "Waegereee?" She asked him. Min Ho smiled seeing her. Her very presence made him feel light and happy. 

"Shin Hye ... Do you have the time?" He asked her.

"Well! I have a date with..." Before Shin Hye finished answering, Min Ho suddenly pulled her into his embrace. Shin Hye was shocked. She felt as if they had something going on but she never thought it would be developing that fast. Her heart fluttered and she was ecstatic. Without realising, she too hugged him back and inhaled his refreshing smell. After, quite sometime, they broke out from their hugging. Shin Hye felt really shy and she was blushing.

"Who were you going out for a date with?" Min Ho tried to break their silence as he held her hand. 

"Eo? Neh... I have a date with the nature." She answered cheerfully as her feet treaded through the warm welcoming water of the beach.

"Shin Hye - Yah... I have a confession but... I am also scared to say it but I just think that, I want an honest relationship with you..." Min Ho sounded very serious all of the sudden.

"Eh? Wae-yo?" Shin Hye asked in shock. She felt half happy and the other half of her felt nervous. 

"Let's sit by the rocks over there?" He suggested.

"Okay... Let's go then..." Shin Hye agreed quietly. MIn Ho helped her up as they climbed the rocks and they decided to sit side by side. Shin Hye smiled at him and then looked at the beauty of the nature. The moon was round and bright. There were stars flickering around the sky. The atmosphere became very romantic and calming. 

"Shin Hye.. I hope you won't take this wrongly of what Oppa want to say..." He opened the conversation. 'Let's just get this over with.'  He thought to himself. 

"Huh?" Shin Hye responded. She was getting more anxious.

"I think... I started to like you..." He braved himself. Shin Hye kept quiet. "In fact, I developed a deeper feeling for you. Everytime, I see you with other men, I felt very jealous and if I see you get hurt, I want to run to you and protect you but..." Min Ho inhaled deeply before he could continue what he wanted to convey to her.

"Oppa... Kege..." Shin Hye wanted to say something. Her feelings suddenly became very heavy and uncomfortable. 

"Erm... Shin Hye... I really like you so much... I think I am so much... in love... But..." Min Ho had trouble to say what he wanted to relay to her.

Shin Hye exhaled and turned to face him and smiled. Min Ho thought that she was so innocent in the area of falling in love. It hurt him so deeply that he was about to break her heart. He inhaled deeply trying to find the energy deep within him. 

"Oppa... Let's not bring this up anymore. I don't think I want to hear it. While we are still friends or acquiantance if we ever go distance, let's just save it that way." Shin Hye said diplomatically. "I think I better go now, Eonnie Chunnie might be looking for me to go through my airport fashion." She lied. She was holding back her tears.  She stood up and tried to smile at Min Ho and bowed to Min Ho as a respect. She tried to control her walk as much as she wanted to run to her room as fast as she could.

"Don't run away from me!" Min Ho immediately caught on her and hugged her from the back. "Please don't hate me... You may not understand this now... I just don't want to hurt you... I don't want to lose you..." He cried.

Shin Hye tried hard to hold her tears but it was slowly rolling out on to her cheeks. "Please... Chaebal... Oppa..." She pleaded.

"Andwe... I.. I.. L.."He wanted to confessed to her but Shin Hye broke his hug and turned towards him. 

"Don't say it.. You have to mean it. I will hate you if you become one of those men who don't honour their words. So, just forget it. I need to save my heart. It's not going to be easy for me." She confessed. "Especially, when I thought you and I..." She broke down immediately. "Pabo Shin Hye!" She cursed herself. Min Ho was hurt that he was the reason why she was crying. 

"Shin Hye... You're not stupid... I am the one... I am a coward... I don't want to hurt you... I should have just stopped myself from confessing to you..."Min Ho tried to subdued the situation.

"Aniya...I let of my guard... I was shameless... Please... Let me go... Let's just forget about this." Shin Hye tried to loosen her hand from Min Ho's grip. Min Ho held her hand tightly, he didn't want to let her go like that, he wanted to make things right.

"Let her go!" Shouted a male voice. It was Eonnie Chunnie. He was glaring in anger at Min Ho. "She said let her go." He insisted sternly at Min Ho. Instead of letting go, Min Ho hugged Shin Hye's arm. Shin Hye was just looking downwards as she was ashamed to be witnessed in such conditions.

"I.. I.. Mis.. Chunnie.. We... we..." Min Ho was at lost. He didn't know how to react.

"You don't have to say anything." Eonnie Chunnie said strictly. He climbed up the rocks so that he could get closer to Shin Hye who was just standing there as stiff as a rock. "I don't want anyone to hurt my baby." He stood in front of Min Ho as a man who was about ready for a rumble.

"I don't want to hurt her either." Min Ho spoke softly. "I care about her deeply..." He confessed to Eonnie Chunnie.

"IF you do, she won't be like this." He sneered as he grabbed Shin Hye and took her away from Min Ho. Min Ho was at lost once again and tears rolled out of his eyes. 

"Shin Hye-Yah... I'm so sorry..." Min Ho apologized. 


"Yah! Min Ho!" His manager kicked him in his leg as he was on the floor of his room looking rather reckless. "This boy, he knows that he couldn't handle the alcohol. Why in the world was he drinking?" His manager ranted. He pulled out his phone and called his assistant, "Yah! Come up, I need help to clean up." He instructed. He took a glass and filled it with water. He then splashed it to Min Ho's face. Min Ho jerked up.

"Waeeee????" Min Ho whined as he wiped the water from his face.

"Yah! We are about to leave in one hour and I have to find you in this mess?" His manager scolded him.

"W-What?" Min Ho was still confused. He looked around him. His room was in mess.

"Omo.... Ottoke?" Entered his assistant as he looked how badly the room was. "He must be having a party..." Speculated his manager's assistant.

"Aish... I was just by myself. Ara.. Ara.. I'll get ready now." Min Ho stood up and headed to the toilet. "What time is our flight?" He popped his head out. 

"Around 11 a.m." HIs manager answered as he was packing Min Ho things up while his assistant straightened out the room. 

"Does he have a girlfriend hyung?" Asked the manager's asistant as he lifted something from under one of the pillows scattered on the floor. It was a couple's bracelets. 

"I don't think so," His manager tried to remain cool. His suspicion was answered by the bracelets. "It could be for his parents." He reasoned. "Just put it inside the bag."

They arrived at the airport and there were some fans waiting for Min Ho already. He was escorted by the hired body guards as they went to the VIP section to wait for their flight. 

"Phew... That was good." Min Ho said as he sat down. "Hyung... how come Shin Hye and her crews are late?" He asked him.

"Yah! Why should you care about her?" He scolded Min Ho.

"Waegere yo? Aren't we supposed to be in the same flight?" Min Ho asked.

"They went for ealier flight. There was a major change in her schedule." His manager explained as he popped a chewing gum into his mouth.

Min Ho was out of words. He pressed his lips tightly and gulped. 'Shin Hye... Oppa Mianhe...'  Min Ho forced himself to close his eyes. He wished he could turn back time but he knew it was too late...


And... Just like that... their short lived romantic story ended... He remained the same but in the end, she changed...

Shin Hye put aside the album she had when they were in Thailand. She put it neatly in a box and put the box underneath her bed. She stood up, showered and cleaned her face. She put on her facial need. She stared at herself.

"Shin Hye- Yah... You are strong! Protect your heart!" She vowed to herself.

She then laid on her bed and stared in the dark until she fell asleep. 


I truly like you...

I truly love you...

I know I need you...

But the situation I was in made it hard for me...

I didn't mean to hurt you at all...


I like you... I really do...

I love you... I really do...

I need you... 

But... You hurt me in the end...




P/S: I hope everyone is in good health and life. Live happily and healthily. Do take care of yourself and enjoy life while you can <3<3<3

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Chapter 13: Love this minshin fanfic.....thanks for writing authornim
avrylle #2
Chapter 2: re-reading this....ahahahaha...one tough cookie!!!
Chapter 13: Gosh,what a lovely & touchy ending!It's really seems real. Hoping much,kekeke.thanks much for this story writer~nim~_~
Chapter 8: I really love this story,thanks writer-nim!^-^
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 12: Why does it feel so so real?.... I love the story and thank you Elexia for sharing. I missed them......
avrylle #6
Chapter 13: Thank you for this MinShin story...be bless
gi_cebu07 #7
Chapter 13: Thank you for sharing minshin stories like this to us...i love it!
i just hope & pray that our minshin will be ended in church exchanging vows to each other someday..:)
more minshin ff stories soon!
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing this beautiful story....
Chapter 13: thank you chingu.. totally sweet and fluffy.. the story ending perfectly.. we really hope that minshin couple will truly ended like this.. ^^
Chapter 13: thanks for the story :) congrats for completing another ff. hope to read more from you :)