12 Love is blind?

I hate you yet I love you...

The days of their filming were long over. The people's suspicion about their relationship towards the end of the filming rose up. They were becoming closer and happier. Jin Hyuk was one of those people who felt really happy about the two of them as Min Ho often updated him about his love live with Shin Hye. Another reason was so that Jin Hyuk would be aware that his relationship with Shin Hye was budding and getting stronger.  People were smitten how Min Ho and Shin Hye would play around during filming, it was as if they had given them their blessing. 

The rumours about Min Ho and Min Young died throughout the time. People weren't bothered as much as there was never a confirmation from both sides. Min Ho had met Min Young and explained things properly and things ended properly for both party. 

Things between MIn Ho and Shin Hye got really well and the medias were heated with the assumption that they were dating which both agencies had to deny in order to protect them. Min Ho was being adamant to announce it but Shin Hye stopped him as she needed more time to prepare. 

"Waeeee?" He nagged her as he followed her to her room. She stopped him at the door and glared at him. He loved it how short she was than him so that he could look and stare into her beautiful bright eyes.

"Oppa! We are not even confirmed yet together," She reminded him as she folder her arms still staring at him who was smiling like a silly boy in love.

"Whose fault is that?" He incited.

"You!" She pointed her finger at his chest and Min Ho quickly caught it and held her hand. "Yah!" She tried to fight it off. Busunsuriaaaa?" She screamed.

"Are you kids at it again?" Her father just entered their home as he took off his shoes.

"Jungmal! Uri daughter is really giving a hard time to her namja chingu," Her mother came in as she greeted Mr. Park. Mr. Park shook his head at Shin Hye which only made Shin Hye became angrier at Min Ho. She tried to fight with Min Ho so that he would release her hand but ended up making both of them fell on the floor with him on top of her.

Her parents just ignored them both as it seemed that it had become a nomalcy since they had gotten closer.

"Yah! Get off me!" Shin Hye tried to push him but Min Ho deliberately pretended not to listen as he enjoyed feeling her body below him. "Yahhhh!" She kicked him in the on his sides which made him scream.

"Yahhhh!!! Are you namja or youja?" He was squirming in pain which garnered Shin Hye's feeling guilty and pitying at the same time. She felt bad for kicking him so hard but he would always annoyed her and raised her temperament for no reason. She came closer to him.

"Does it really hurt?" She asked softly this time. "Where is it? Let me massage it." She then started to massage him where he was massaging. Min Ho smiled. Everyone had said that he managed to bring out the feminine side of her to emerge. A lot of people had commented how beautiful and glowing she had been. He loved that. He couldn't help feeling that day by day his heart was about to burst with his love for Shin Hye. 

"Shin Hye yah... stop..." He held both her hands which massaged him. He then looked at her who was looking at him back. He smiled warmly at her. "Thank you." He said.

"Eo?" She asked feeling a tad confuse as to what he was thanking her for. "Wae?"

"Thank you for slowly accepting me." He told her gratefully.

"Dega? Eonji?" She joked. Min Ho widened his eyes. "Ara... But like I said, you need to control yourself. Stop making it too obvious outside in the public." She advised him slowly. She let Min Ho played with her hands as it had become his habit recently. At first, she didn't like it as she was not used to it but throughout the time she didn't mind it.

"I know.. But I can't help it. Even seeing your picture excites me." He admitted. Shin Hye laughed at his confession.

"Then you can just date my cardboard." She teased.

"But the real thing is much better... ani... more heavenly.." He said as he got closer. 

"Yah! What are you thinking?" She asked annoyed with him.

He pucker up his lips and raised one of his eyebrows asking for a kiss.  Shin Hye smiled and said, "Close your eyes first." 

"No way! The last time that happened..." He demanded. He remembered when she just ran away laughing at him puckering up with his eyes closed and took a picture of it. He looked silly and she had printed it and put it up at her dressing table.  Shin Hye laughed happily remembering what she had done to him. "You're driving me crazy." He said sulking. "When are we ever going to kiss?" He demanded.

"Yah... I only kiss my boyfriend.. not a friend.. Do you think I go around kissing all my boy-friends?" She debated.

"Park Shin Hye... What do you mean boyfriends?" Min Ho glared at her pretending to be angry. "Who are they? Tell me! I will kill them one by one." He said out loud. 

Shin Hye smiled, "Hm... 1. Kim Tan.... 2. Go Jun Pyo .... 3... 4...." She named all his characters in his previous dramas which made Min Ho smiled. "Lastly,... there is this very annoying man who bother me everytime!" She said.

"Who is he?" Min Ho demanded as he thought she would mention a person who actually had bothered her in real life.

"If you go to the mirror there, I have etched his name on the side of the mirror." She explained looking rather serious.

"Yah... Why would you etch his name there?" He said as he stood up walking to her dressing table to check her side of the mirror.

"So that I would remember and.... Did you see it?" She didn't finish explaining her reason as she saw him standing right in front of the mirror.

"Nope.. where...?" He asked blankly.

"You see, that person in the mirror.. he is the ert who always disturb me!" Shin Hye said as she laughed at him. 

Min Ho turned around with an annoyed look that Shin Hye had gotten to trick him again. "ert?" He repeated. His facial expression turned dark. Shin Hye was still busy laughimg. Min Ho came closer to her with a meaningful look.

"Y-yah!" She stammered noticing Min Ho's sudden change. She readied her feet up indicating she would kick him if he would come any closer but Min Ho knew better on how to avoid her kick as he had finished his martial art lessons not long after their drama had finished.  His agility had improved a lot since he had been training non-stop and he managed to dodge her kick and got hold of her feet as she began to use the other feet to kick him to release her but he caught it. He pinned both her legs between his knees. She wanted to fight with her hands but he caught it as well and pinned them up. He was towering her at that moment. Shin Hye squirmed trying to release herself. Min Ho looked serious as he was closing in to her face. Before she knew it, she could feel his minty breathe next to her cheek. He stared at her flawless face, Shin Hye closed her eyes tight. She was embrasssed. Never a man came that cloae to her, Min Ho was the first. Min Ho smiled seeing her timid reaction to him. He liked that she was showing him her feminine side that not a lot was allowed to see. Noticing that Min Ho didn't move nor kiss her as she anticipated she slowly opened one eye and turned to his side. Their lips brushed together and her eyes widened in surprised. Min Ho felt her seft lips brushed on to his and when he saw her blushed with eyes wide feeling startled by what had just happened, it made him want to kiss her further but he was patient enough to hold back. He stared deeply into her and she stared deeply into him.

"Saranghaeyo... Oppa.." Shin Hye blurted out suddenly. Min Ho was surprised he released her hands first and she slowly put them around his neck. It was a pleasant surprised indeed for Min Ho. He placed his hand around her waist and brought her closer. She smiled shyly at him.

"YAHHHHHHH!!!!" Min Ho screamed. Shin Hye went for a blind attack as she locked his head with her arms. She smiled at him mischievously. "Waegereeee???" Shin Hye could see that he was frustrated that he didn't get what he was hoping for. She quickly gave him a peck on his cheek and scrambked out of the room. MIN ho was shocked with her spintaneous peck on his cheek that he was frozen for a bit. He slowly carved a smile on his handsome face with a dreamy look engraved on it.


"Eomma... Obojii.... " Min Ho said to both of his parents. He wasn't even looking at them. He kept his eyes down as if he had done something really bad like he did when he was young. His father looked at him expectantly and so did his mother. " I have something to confess..." His voice was getting shaky.

"What is it ah-deul?" His mother said as she sipped her tea and looked at him.

"Erm..." he stammered.

"Yes?" His father asked trying to fish it out from him. Mim Ho's face was getting red. "What is it son?" He asked amicably.

"I....I..." he stammered. He was really nervous about his confession. 'Woukd they take this well?' He wondered. 

"Oh.. Take your time. Gather your thoughts well. " His mother advised.

Min Ho gulped. He was thinking to himself.

"By the way, son. Are you up for a blind date?"His father asked non-chalantly.

"Eo?" Min Ho's eyes widened. He was about to tell his father about him and Shin Hye and he had to face this. "B-Blind date?" He repeated.

"Neh..." His father nodded confidently.

"But oboji... I have someone right now." He finally told them.

"Eo?" Both his parents responded. They were looking at one another smiling feeling quite pleasant.

"Neh. I have a person of an interest now." He admitted. "I want to be with her if possible." He said softly while his mind was thinking of Shin Hye. 

"Who is she?" His mother asked impatiently as she placed her cup on her saucer.

"Er... Ermm... P-Park..." He stammered nervous informing his parents.

"Park Min Youngie?" His father guessed. "I thought you broke up? So the news is correct?" His father continued.

Min Ho went blank by his father's non-stop questions. "A-Aniyo! N-Not her." He came to his senses.

"Why are you always attracted to the girl named Park?" His mother as she took a biscuit from the plate the she served her husband and her son.

"Are you serious about this girl?" His father asked seriously.

"Well.. I am... She still needs more time." He explained. 

"Does she love you?" His mother asked feeling rather curious.

"I think so..." Min Ho answered timidly worrying his parents might have different view about Shin Hye.

"You think so? What kind of girl is she playing with people's heart?" His father sounded stern. 

"Aniyo! She's not like that. She's just being careful father. She's very conservative when it comes to relationship." Min Ho tried to convince his father.

"Ani! What have you done to make her feel that way about you?" His mother asked further.

"Well.. It's hard for me to tell you. Can I just tell you when I feel ready to tell?" He asked. 

"Up to you, son." His mother just shrugged. "Keunde... Who is she?"

"Erm... Park - Shin Hye..." He said shyly.

"DUGU?" His mother nearly spewed her tea at him. 

"Who is she son? From which family?" HIs father asked as he wiped some of the tea spewed out by his mother on his arm. 

"Yah! Chakgya.. It's the girl he is acting with." His mother informed his father.

"Tu?!" His father claimed. "IN your last drama, you also dated that girl." His father pointed out.

"Ani.. Chakgya. They are not the same person." His mother corrected his father. 

"Wae Park Shin Hye?" His mother asked.

"I like her very much." He said smiling happily whenever he heard the mere mention of her name. 

"Ah-Deul... still if she can't trust you to accept you... for a long term relationship it won't be good." His mother stated her concern.

Min Ho kept quiet at her statement. There was some truths to what she had said and he had himself to blame for that. 

"That's true son. The basis for a relationship to work well is to trust one another." His father added. Min Ho nodded in agreement.

"I will work on that." He finally voiced out. 

"Since you are not confirmed with her yet, why don't you just go out for a blind date? It's the daughter of my friend." His father suggested. "He's my old friend. You don't have to really be serious. Just be friend her. That's all." He insisted. 

Min Ho was quite hesitant he inhaled deeply as he leaned back to his chair.

"Chakgya.. I don't think he wants to." HIs mother pointed out to his father. 

"Oboji... I don't want a misunderstanding with this girl. I really like her. I see that I want to get married with her." Min Ho voiced out his feelings. 

"Ara... It's just that I have promised my friend that you would go on for a blind date with his daughter. Just go and meet her then that's it."His father said.

"That's not fair for her oboji. I don't want to hurt people's feelings. And my agency wouldn't like it if it's leaked out." MIn Ho explained.

"I see..." HIs father nodded. "I understand."I won't force you into something you don't want to."


"APPAAAAA!!!!" Shin Hye called out to her father out loud. "Busunsuria?" She flung a post it note that her father stuck on to her door. 

"I told you it was  a bad idea!" Her mother warned her father. Her father closed his eyes getting himself mentally ready to face his daughter's wrath.

"Appa!" She stood next to him and flung the post it note again. 

"Waeeeee?" Her father gave up trying to ignore her.

"Busunsuria?" She stomped her feet like a young kid would be when protesting their parents. 

"Wae? Wae? Waeeee?" Mr. Park smiling. He knew she would protest at such request but he didn't want let his friend down. "Aish... This girl. Just help me out attend the blind date. You'll scare the son probably within one minute." Her father said loosely. Her mother hit him on his thigh as he wasn't being that helpful to sooth Shin Hye' dark mood at that moment. 

"Why would I? Why should I?" She protested further.

"You're single anyway." Her father said. 

"Yah! She's with that boy..."Her mother pointed out to her father.

"Aigoo! But aren't they just friends?" He asked her mother avoiding Shin Hye's burning stare at him. 

"Appa! I know he is just my friend but I don't want this blind date arrange marriage thing!" She put the post it down as if she was setting foot on her decision.

"Yah! I didn't say you have to marry him. Just be friendly." Her father said sternly trying to adamantly send her for the blind date. 

"Aishhhhh!!! Eommaaaaaaaa~~~" She whined  at her mother. 

"Aishh... Ottoke... just do it this once. Let's help appa to honour his promise. Just this once." Her mother tried to persuade her. Shin Hye pouted in frustration. 


"So, you're going?" Min Ho asked a tad enraged at the idea that Shin Hye was arranged to have a blind date by her dad. He parked his car in front of the park they used to meet during their drama shooting. 

"Ottokaji?" She shrugged. Feeling a tad guilty as well as she didn't want to hurt Min Ho's feeling since they were already in a good term. "I hate to disappoint my dad." She didn't want to look at Min Ho who was staring at her. 

"Na dul... Ottokaji?" He told her as he stole a glance at her who just nodded. "Are you okay with that?" Min Ho tried to fished out her reaction. 

Shin Hye just shrugged as she was thinking deeply of how she could escape the blind date that her fathet had set up. 

"I would hate it to tell you the truth..." Min Ho told her his true feelings.

"Neh?" Shin Hye looked at him.

"I wouldn't want you to go." He said as he reached for her hand. Shin Hye was already used to it so she just let him to hold her hand and played he played with it. "I was being greedy but I can understand your father's feeling." He said.

"Na dul." She admitted. "Honestly... To be honest, I hate this feelings that I am developing for you but I can't fight it anymore." She confessed further. Min Ho kissed her hand and smiled happily. "I would hate it if  you were to date other girl but we both..." She stopped at that as she was not sure how she would say it.

"Gomawo my love." He said thankfully. "Let's just get through with this meeting and end it cooly." Min Ho suggested. Shin Hye nodded agreeing as she was too lazy to think about it anymore.

"Oppa... Have you talked it out with Eonnie?" Shin Hye suddenly asked. Min Ho froze. "Yah!!! Oppa!!!!" She shouted filled with aegyo. That was a first Min Ho seeing her reaction as cute as that. He loved it. "You haven't?" She glared at him.

"Eo!" He answered seriously. Shin Hye wanted to take her hand off him but he held tightly and gave her a smile. "Of course I did! If it is for my queen, I would swim in the ocean fill with fire." He said charmingly. 

"Aish.... That won't do it!" Shin Hye said.

"Eo?" Wae?" Min Ho was a bit surprised with Shin Hye retort.

"Then I have to go through the painful process to find another boyfriend?" She questioned him with a mischievous look.

"Yah! Park Shin Hye! No way!" He shouted at her which made Shin Hye laughed. "Hajima! Don't you dare!" He continued. His car was filled with her laughter. 


Shin Hye was wearing the most undesirable clothing that she could find in her wardrobe. As soon as she got out, her father scolded her.

"Yah! Park Shin Hye! At least look like I could afford you a decent dress!" Her father stood in front of her. "Here wear this! Your make up artist will be here soon to help out with your make up." He said. 

Shin Hye didn't answer her dad back, she took the dress he bought and went back into her room to change.


Min Ho: You better not look pretty! 

Shin Hye: It's a double standard. You look good even wearing just a rice sack.

Min Ho: You look pretty in anything.

Shin Hye: Are you asking me not to wear anything?

Min Ho: Only if I am there...

Shin Hye: Yah! I'll look cute and aegyo a lot at him. 

Shin Hye threw her phone to her bed and changed into the dress her father bought her. She liked it when she saw how nice she looked in the mirror. When she picked up her phone from her bed she saw five messages from Min Ho.

Min Ho: Yah! Don't you dare!

Min Ho: Shin Hye! I will crash your blind date.

Min Ho: Odiega? Where's your meet place?

Min Ho: You're driving me crazy here!

Min Ho: I'll hunt you down.

Shin Hye laughed reading all of his messages. "Aish... He's gone crazier! Let him be! He should know better than trying to be a erted ahjussi!" She said as she checked her dress and put her phone down.

There was a soft knock on her door, she ran to it and opened. "Eonnie~~~~" She squeeled as she hugged Eonnie Chunnie. 

"Yahhhh!!! You'll ruin my dress. " He screamed at her. "Come on! Hurry up! Yong Hwa is already waiting for you outside." He hurried her to sit in front of her make up table. 

"Yong Hwa?" She asked confusely. "Wae?" 

"You father wanted to ensure you won't run away so he asked Yon Hwa to take you to the blind date." Eonnie Chunnie explained. 

"Aish... Appa!!!!" She dissed as she sat on the chair. "He's really thorough this time."

"Can you  blame him? You have serious case of running away from anything to do with meeting a prosprective son-in-law to be!" Eonnie Chunnie told her. Shin Hye pouted at him.

"Kaja, Yong Hwa!" Shin Hye said. She appeared with a cream dress that covers up until above her knees. It was hugging her body which showed her beautiful figure. Eonnie Chunnie did her make up well and she looked like and angel who just descended down from heaven. Yong Hwa's jaw dropped seeing Shin Hye that way. "Yah! Come on. Let's get over it." She said as she put on her shoes. 

"Appa! Eommaaaa! I'm going now." She called out to them who was in the dining room enjoying their tea.

"Okay! Be nice!" His father called out. "Yong Hwa! Thank you for being her chaperon." He called out to Yong Hwa. 

Yong Hwa finally closed his mouth which had turned dry,"N-Neh... Mr. Park." He answered back. 

They got into his car, Shin Hye entered without noticing that her best friend could not take his eyes of her until she turned to look at his side.

"Waeeee?" She asked as she buckled her seat.

"N-nothing! Y-you look different."He stammered.

"Waeee?" This time she acted cutely and hit his arm. Yong Hwa was in shock as she was never like that before to him or anybody else. After she hit him lightly, she started to punch him lightly on his bulging biceps.

"Yah! Seriously Shin Hye-yah... What a waste of God given beauty!" He complained to her. "Try to be a girl a little bit will you!" He told her. 

She simply just stuck her tongue at him and sit still as she smiled that she was able to annoy Yong Hwa as she always does whenever they meet.

"So, any info on this candidate?" Shin Hye asked Yong Hwa whom she presumed her father would tell.

"Ani... Your appa just said it's the son of his old friend. That's all I know." Yong Hwa answered. 

"Aishhh... The old man is playing it safe this time." She complained.

"Yah! Just be a girl for this once. Besides, you don't have a boyfriend yet. What's your worry?"Yong Hwa said.

"I... er...." She panicked at the word 'boyfriend'. Eventhough, she and Min Ho had not really stated that they were officially dating but both of them had that strong feelings and attraction towards one another.

"Are you dating someone behind my back?" Yong Hwa asked as he stopped for the red light.

"A... Ani... er... not sure... well in the future!" She stammered.

"What do you mean? You AREEEE!!!" He pointed at her. "You are, aren't you?" He demanded her reaction.

Shin Hye blushed. 

"I see...." He said smiling seeing his tomboyish friend behaving like a real girl for once.

"Yah!" She hit him again. 

"Is he someone in our industry?" Yong Hwa asked as he pushed the pedal to move his car. 

"Yes..." She gave up and answered him. 

"He is?" Yong Hwa got excited again. "Singer? Announcer? Actor?" He asked further.

Shin Hye kept quiet not willing to answer him. She felt like dying. She hated that her best friend would act excited. She hated the attention.

"Sulma...." He wondered. "Min Ho hyung?" Yong Hwa eyes' widened. "It's him right?" He insisted.

Shin Hye pretended not to hear and looked outside the window. 

"It's him? I thought you hated him?" Yong Hwa fished for more confirmation. Shin Hye just shrugged lightly. "Yahhh! Park Shin Hye!" He demanded her attention.

"Waeeee? Waeeee?" She snapped at him. "We're almost here now." She tried to divert his attention.

"Fine! You better tell me later." He asked her to promise him. "Call me when you're done." He reminded her as she went out of his car. 

"Ara!"She answered briefly feeling a huge relief. She waved him goodbye and walked into the hotel where his father said they had made reservation for the blind date. "Here we go!" She said as she entered.



After test....

To see how well we are coping...

Let see if we persevere no matter what...

You should know deep inside... 

You and I.. 

We belong together...



Park Shin Hye is getting more and more beautiful each day :D

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Chapter 13: Love this minshin fanfic.....thanks for writing authornim
avrylle #2
Chapter 2: re-reading this....ahahahaha...one tough cookie!!!
Chapter 13: Gosh,what a lovely & touchy ending!It's really seems real. Hoping much,kekeke.thanks much for this story writer~nim~_~
Chapter 8: I really love this story,thanks writer-nim!^-^
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 12: Why does it feel so so real?.... I love the story and thank you Elexia for sharing. I missed them......
avrylle #6
Chapter 13: Thank you for this MinShin story...be bless
gi_cebu07 #7
Chapter 13: Thank you for sharing minshin stories like this to us...i love it!
i just hope & pray that our minshin will be ended in church exchanging vows to each other someday..:)
more minshin ff stories soon!
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing this beautiful story....
Chapter 13: thank you chingu.. totally sweet and fluffy.. the story ending perfectly.. we really hope that minshin couple will truly ended like this.. ^^
Chapter 13: thanks for the story :) congrats for completing another ff. hope to read more from you :)