3 The beginning of a friendship?

I hate you yet I love you...


Ill Woo: You crack me up!

Shin Hye: What are you jabbering about?

Ill Woo: That was cool! Min Ho was totally shaken! LoL

Shin Hye: He deserved it :P

Ill Woo: You're a crazy Cookie! Go easy on him will ya.

Shin Hye smiled after reading the conversation she had with Ill Woo. She remembered the day she scared Ill Woo as well during their commercial shoot. She made him looked awkward and she was enjoying every moment when Ill Woo had problem on how he would react with her. It was almost ten in the evening.

*Phone rang*

"Yes, Jon Won Oppa!~~~" She tried to sound cute.

"That's just weird kiddo!" Her manager snapped at her. Shin Hye laughed whenever she gave a creep at him. He was the most patient person to entertain her antics. "Anyway, don't forget that tomorrow we have a conference for all casts. The boss wants to see you before the conference."

"Aye! Aye captain!" Shin Hye said lazily. 


"What in the world are you wearing?" Screeched Eonnie Chunnie. Shin Hye looked blankly at him and then she inspected her clothes and looked back at Eonnie Chunnie and shrugged.

"It's clothes," She answered nonchalantly.


"Ouch!" Shin Hye said out loud massaged what was left of a stinging sensation after being smacked on her bum by Eonnie Chunnie. 

"Yah! You're a youja for God sakes! Be like one!" Eonnie Chunnie took some clothes from the van and tried to match them for Shin Hye. Shin Hye just stood there uninterested as usual. She was wearing one of her baggy t-shirts and tucked in front only of her skinny jeans with her favourite sports sneakers. Her hair was let loose with a cap to decorate it. Eonnie Chunnie certainly had a nightmatre of his own working on this girl. "I gave you tips over and over again. Why can't you follow any of them?" He said. 

"It's comfy this way." Shin Hye protested.

"Baby! If you wanna be comfy stay at home and be  a pro-gamer. While you dream to be on the screen you have got to maintain your reputation and looks. Be presentable" He spoke as he placed a cream long sleeves top and black pin skirt with a pair of pumps. "Okay, you're set for the conference." He handed her the set of clothes for her to change. Shin Hye reluctantly grabbed the clothings and the shoes as she rolled her eyes at Eonnie Chunnie and stomped her feet  as she headed to change at their agency's dressing room. "I saw that young woman!" Eonnie Chunnie yelled at her. 

Shin Hye stopped and turned around, she then bowed to Eonnie Chunnie and said, "Aye Aye Madam!" And turned around again walking to the dressing room. "Aishhhh... Such double standards!" Shin hye hissed as she took off her clothes and change. After she changed, she went out of the dressing room and hurried to hand out her unworn clothes to her stylists. 


"Ouch!" Uttered a sweet voice.

"Ouch... Yah," Shin Hye's  immediate reaction was to scold the one opposite her. "Watch where you're going!" She said feeling annoyed but she stood up and helped the other person up. "Gwenchana?" She asked.

"Gwenchana sunbaenim!" Said the girl.

"That's good then." Shin Hye said without even looking at the girl. She then started to walk away."Wait!" The girl said and held Shin Hye's wrist. 

"What the...?"Shin Hye turned around to see a beautiful petit girl smiling at her. "Yes? How can I help you?" She said to the girl. 

"Ah... I just want to say that it is nice to finally meet you." The girl bowed at her. Shin Hye bowed back. "I am new in this agency, I am Kim Ji Won or you can call me Kimmy G." She said politely.

"Ah I see, look! I'm sorry if I sounded rude but that's just me being myself." Shin Hye confessed.

"It's okay Sunbaenim. I hope you can guide me and take care of me." Kimmy G said.

Shin Hye non-chalantly nodded, "Ara... Don't worry, I will help you out. I'll see you around." Shin Hye headed to dressing room to have her final touch up and then went off to enter the conference room.


"Good morning sajangnim," Shin Hye greeted her boss curtly. The younger and petite girl whom she met earlier was sitting accross her flashing a friendly smile and waved excitedly at her. Shin Hye  gave a wave as well and a brief smile. 

"Good Morning Park Shin Hye-Ssi. You look very pleasant this morning and we hope you can continue the effort to be such a good model to our citizens." Their director said and Shin Hye just nodded plainly to whatever he was spewing out to her. "Try to minimize your free-spirit a little bit when you are out in the public." He continued and Shin Hye just nodded not interested in the remindert that her boss had just told her. 

"We would like to welcome our new actress signed to our agency." Everybody clapped joicing the new member and welcoming her. "Miss Kimmy G or Kim Ji Won-Ssi." The petite girl stood up and bowed to everyone.

"It's nice to meet you." Kimmy G said and bowed to everyone. 

"Okay, today's agenda is about the upcoming drama. Park Shin Hye-ssi and Kimmy G-Ssi, you two are requested by the famous writer and Park Shin Hye-ssi, you have read yours and you are taking the role. You will be the female lead with the male lead, Lee Min Ho-ssi." As the name was mentioned, every woman in the room got excited and kept on mentioning how lucky she had been to be beside the most famous and hottest actor in the world. Shin Hye's reaction was indifferent as if she was not excited or interested at all. Her manager nudged her and signalled to her to at least look excited. Then she smiled as if she was excited about it. 

*Phone vibrated* Shin Hye received a text. 

Manager Jon Won: Yah! At least look excited! You don't want this spot to be taken away. Stop being like that.

Shin Hye:Ara! Ara! Aish... It's not like he's paying me to act next to him. :P

Manager Jon Won: If he did, would you?

Shin Hye: It depends, if he is willing to accept me as who I am. LOL. Just joking yawwww!

Manager Jon Won rolled his eyes at Shin Hye. He knew she would always be that playful and he knew deep inside, she was a good and kind hearted person with tough exterior. 

"Kimmy G-Ssi, you are also casted as the fiance of Lee Min Ho-ssi. Have you reviewed the script?" Their boss looked at Kimmy G direction and Kimmy G nodded smiling feeling excited being casted into one of the most sought after writer in their industry and in addition to that, acting with Lee Min Ho, the best and fought over male celebrity in their world. "So I hope both of you need to do your best and I am very sure you will do your best as we all are professional and you both choose to be actresses and show them who you are!" He said filled with motivation. "Don't forget tomorrow is the script meeting and be on time. Although, Shin Hye since you've decided to continue with your study and tomorrow would be your meeting with your professors, I have told the directors you will be a little bit late." Shin Hye nodded and thanked him for his considerate effort.The meeting was short and crisp, both Kimmy G and Shin Hye were given different vans as they had different events to attend. 


Shin Hye's signing event was successful and she enjoyed interacting with her fans. They were all complimenting her beauty and kindess. Despite, her abrashness, deep inside, she enjoyed being told how pretty and nice she was. It was just that she didn't like showing them too much. She felt that woman should be strong and independent and not just girly girl squeeling at every walking handsome narcissists. 

"Where do you want to go?" Asked her manager after the event. 

"I think I want to go to the gym." She answered him as she changed her clothes in the van.

"Yah! For goodness sake! I am a man you know." His manager said as he found out she was shamelessly changing her clothes. 

"Not worried! You do know that I have three black belts. You're welcome to try. " She said relaxingly as she slipped into her baggy shirt. She tied up her hair and put on her cap. 

"Yah.. seriously... don't go on saying stuff like that to random guys!" Manager Jon Won told her as he parked outside her gym.

"Gomawo Oppa! Mwahs Mwahs.." She blew air kiss to him as she went out of the van. 

Manager Jon Won just shook his head and smile and he drove off. 

As she entered, she was greeted by the receptionist as she took her locker keys from her. She then went to her class, she loved the body jamming session as it helped her to work out her excess energy. 


"This is the gym that I like so far," Ill Woo told Min Ho as they reached the entrance of the gym. 

"Is it? It looks daebak!" Min Ho looked in awe. The gym was huge and welcoming too. The fact that he was someone very famous added the personnels excitement to greet him. The manager even came out to attend to him. Min Ho had asked Ill Woo earlier not to leave his side, so Ill Woo stayed to accompany him. The manager was very friendly and helpful to any questions that Min Ho had.

"Do you provide privacy here?" Min Ho asked the manager as he read the form and filling in them.

"Yes, we do. We have private elevator that leads to private floors for your session. We don't mix you with others, unless you want to. As you can see from the the form, for privacy, the payment would be different and we provide extra securities. We do warn people if you ever decides to join the normal account. They all are aware of the existence with celebrities joining in our gym." Explained the manager to him.

"I see. Aside, Ill Woo, any other celebrities here?" Min Ho tried to fish out.

"As you can see once they signed we are bound to keep the secrecy. You will bump into them later on, sir." The manager pointed out.

"That was just a test. Thank you for staying true to your job." Min Ho smiled. "I will go for private account for safety and peace." He said as he filled in the form.

"Very good, Sir. What drinks can we get you? Please select from this menu." The manager said.  After choosing their drinks, the waited for ship to be processed and soon after their drinks came. "I think I am going to enjoy my time here," Min Ho said as he checked the surrounding.

"Here's your membership card and we will bring you to tour the building, sir." said the manager as he handed Min Ho ship card.

They started off with the ground level of the building.

"This is the general floor where the basic membership goes." There were some of the people exercising there recognizing Min Ho as he toured and waved excitingly at him and he waved back. They then used the VIP lift to go up a level. "As you can see here, this floor is the swimming pool floor. The private swimming pool is on the left and can only be entered by VIP membership card such as yours. Please have a look."Min Ho toured with Ill Woo who explained about the facility. Ill Woo was excited telling his friend as he would have a partner to exercise. They then moved to another floor, "This floor is dedicated for yoga classes, aerobic classes and dance classes while private classes will be on those six rooms right at the back so that you can exit right at the back door which will lead to another private lift for you to go up and down." The manager explained as he led them to the private room. "As you can see this one is booked by one of our vip customer." He explained showing a woman doing her body jamming practice with her instructor. They stopped for a while to watch and were captivated by her sharp moves and activeness. She then did a turn and Min Ho squinted his eyes to verify who it was.

"Is that Shin Hye?" Min Ho asked Ill Woo. 

"I think so," Ill Woo answered. 

"Yes, that is she." The manager confirmed with them. "She has been our loyal customer. She normally comes here when her schedule is free." Min Ho nodded as he enjoyed watching her happily doing her excercise. 

They then continued to tour around the gym building so that Min Ho can get acquainted with the area. 


Shin Hye had another exhausting yet satisfying excercise, she wore her most inconspicuous clothes as she wanted to stop by at the cafe to eat her favourite cakes and drink. As she stopped a little bit outside the entrance to watch people passing by, someone approached her from her back. "Waiting for your ride?" She heard that voice before, she turned to see who it was. 

"Oh! It's you again." She said a tad annoyed seeing his face.

"Again? I just greeted you," Min Ho said excitingly.

"I just saw you earlier gawking at me during my session." Shin Hye said as she made her move. Min Ho followed her. 

"Gawking? I was inspecting."Min Ho defended himself. 

"Inspecting? Right! I didn't know you had another job." Shin Hye tried to shake him off but clearly Min Ho followed her still. She stopped and turned around, "Okay... Are you lost?" She asked him looking straight to his eyes. 'Why do all jerks have to be good looking!' Shin Hye thought. 

"Well, no.. but I thought since we are going to the same gym and about to film the drama, we might as well exist in peace." Min Ho  explained extending a friendly gesture. Shin Hye stared at him still as if she was not comprehending what he was saying.

"My experience says, men and women can't be friends for so long." She then turned around again and started to walk. "Stop following me, I hate having people flocked on us later on when they discovered who you are. I want a peaceful alone time." She said to him hoping he would just be offended and walked away but Min Ho still followed her. 

"No one is following me or you. So, I'm good." Min Ho said cooly. 

"Fine! Be a good boy now." Shin Hye said as she walked and Min Ho tried to catch up with her and they walked together. They arrived at the cafe and the hostess there knew Shin Hye, so she sent them to her usual, quiet and hidden spot. "Why are you following me?" Shin Hye asked Min Ho as she started to feel suffocated as in for a long time, nobody had done that to her. People normally would steer away from her, especially men because she would give them cold shoulders or cold treatment. The only man so far who would stick next to her was Yong Hwa her old best friend. 

"Kenyang..." He answered non-chalantly."I thought I'd like to get on your good side."

"Why should you?" She asked him as she checked her phone trying her best to ignore him. 

"We are going to work together and as lover in our drama, I'd like to bring the chemistry into our drama. I mean if we are at least friends, it would be less awkward." Min Ho explained to her sincerely. "I noticed from your previous dramas, I know you are good friends with most of your lead like Geun Seuk and Yong Hwa as well as Yoon Shi Yoon." Min Ho elaborated further. 

"Hmmm...." She answered while her eyes still glued to her mobile phone.

"Alright... I get it. You hate me. I'll give you your space." Min Ho gave in. Shin Hye finally lifted her beautiful eyes to look at him. 'That is one beautiful stare.'His heart skipped a beat. Shin Hye pursed her lips as if she was considering whether or not she should let him stay or let him go. Detecting that she was weighing his leaving, Min Ho took the chance to make her waver, "But, before I go, I need to know how did you text me yesterday without having your mobile phone with you?"

Her pursed lips turned to a diabolical smile. Min Ho sat again, Shin Hye cleared . "That's a magician's secret." She kid as she chuckled. 

"Yah! What do you mean by that?" Min Ho asked.

She inhaled deeply before answering him, "Well... You were as stiff as a board, you didn't even looked at me and you were more focused on the texts from the unknown 'me', whenever I felt that it was safe to text you I got my phone out and put them on my side where you couldn't view it." She then shrugged her shoulder at him and gave him a cynical smile and then winked.

"I see," Min Ho said feeling a bit foolish. 'Gosh, why is she this tough to get through and why is she cute.'  Min Ho thoughts. 

' He looks confused. Aish... Why is my heart beating fast!' Shin Hye scolded herself. Part of her wanted him to go away while part of her wanted him to stay so that she could just get to know him. As Min Ho was standing up, she couldn't believe herself saying, "Sit. Since, you're here let's just eat first." Min Ho had a surprised look on his face, not able to believe what he had heard. Min Ho followed what she said and sat down smiling at her. Shin Hye tried to offer a genuine smile which later she would just pressed her lips and moved her attention to her phone again.

"You must be a busy person." Min Ho tried to break their silence after their order was taken. Shin Hye looked at him briefly and nodded. "Or are you just playing games?" He tried to fish for her attention. Shin Hye looked at him again and shrugged not giving him any definite answer. "I see... What games are you playing?" He insisted.

Shin Hye stopped whatever she was doing with her phone and put it on their table and pushed it towards him. He saw a puzzle game called, 'The Block'. She was stucked at level 150 as the timer stated she has been trying to solve it for 15 minutes which was the time since they sat there together. Min Ho smiled. He felt that he was getting through her a little bit. "Can I?" Min Ho asked if he could solve it for her. Shin Hye just shrugged and gestured that he could give it a try. With a few swift moves, he managed to move the blocks and solved the problem. He had a big smile of accomplishment which unintentionally made her smile as well. 

"You did it!" She said excitingly. It was a first for Min Ho to see her genuine excitement and her face glowed beautifully. "Thank you!" She said sincerely. This time Min Ho was startled as he had never seen that side of hers. 

"You're pretty when you smile and get excited." He said honestly to her.

Her facial expression changed back to her usual unexcited and uninterested expression. "I don't like it when men compliment me." She told him. 

"Oh, sorry!!! I don't mean to..." Min Ho was ar lost of what to say. "I am sorry... I didn't know..." Min Ho apologized.

"It's alright... " Shin Hye saod quietly. "I am just not used to it."

"Ahhh ... But you do know that you are referred as one of the top ten most beautiful actress right?" Min ho informed her.

"Ara but, I'd like to keep my head down." She told him as she finally offered him a warm smile. 'Waeeee... Why am I feeling like this again? Why does it have to be him who makes me feel warm inside????' She exhaled as she tried to shook her thoughts. 'Be careful Shin Hye... You don't want to be in this situation again. It hurts... and it was with him remember?' She warned herself. 

"You were different back then..." He recalled their cf shooting nearly five years ago.

"Yeap... people change." She started to feel uneasy and her defense was building up. 

"Erm.. Sorry... I didn't mean to bring it up." Min Ho flustered as he noticed her voice sounded hostile when he brought up their past. 

"Good! Don't, if you want to be in my good list then. " She warned him. Min Ho once again felt that he had wronged her. Not only the day before that but also back in the past when they first met.


I was happy to see you again...

You used to be as shining as the sun...

Your smile used to greet the rainbow...

You've changed...


I was the reason why...

I'm sorry... 

It's my fault...


You asked me how did I change...

The answer lies within you...

It seemed that you forgot we had a past...

I was weak I almost gave away my precious heart...

To only be hurt in return for my very own carelessness...

I rather be alone than hurt...

Why do we have to cross path again...


P/s: Sorry this one takes such a long time to release... Work piles up and I intend to reduce it first so that I can focus properly and then, I have family affairs which I have to tend to. Be patient my lovelies. I will try to update as much as I can. I miss you all. Forgive me for my short comings on this one. As a friend claimed recently, I've become a scatter brain lately. >< Not feeling so good about me self atm esp. in terms of delivering my work. :/ <3<3<3

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Chapter 13: Love this minshin fanfic.....thanks for writing authornim
avrylle #2
Chapter 2: re-reading this....ahahahaha...one tough cookie!!!
Chapter 13: Gosh,what a lovely & touchy ending!It's really seems real. Hoping much,kekeke.thanks much for this story writer~nim~_~
Chapter 8: I really love this story,thanks writer-nim!^-^
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 12: Why does it feel so so real?.... I love the story and thank you Elexia for sharing. I missed them......
avrylle #6
Chapter 13: Thank you for this MinShin story...be bless
gi_cebu07 #7
Chapter 13: Thank you for sharing minshin stories like this to us...i love it!
i just hope & pray that our minshin will be ended in church exchanging vows to each other someday..:)
more minshin ff stories soon!
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing this beautiful story....
Chapter 13: thank you chingu.. totally sweet and fluffy.. the story ending perfectly.. we really hope that minshin couple will truly ended like this.. ^^
Chapter 13: thanks for the story :) congrats for completing another ff. hope to read more from you :)