6 Let the race begins...

I hate you yet I love you...

Min Ho sat at the sofa in his living room, he recalled his conversation with Ill Woo. How could it be? How could they be fated in such ways?

"Arghh... Ill Woo has an advantage. Shin Hye won't kick him to the side like she would to me... Although... at that time after the gym session... She seemed a bit tone down... Should I give it a try?" He asked himself. He then shook his head, "Anya.. anya... I shouldn't force her... I should be patient." He told himself to calm down. 

"What were you talking about?" His mother appeared from the kitchen carrying a plate of fruits. She then handed him a dessert fork so that they would share.

"Kenyang this and that..." He said to her.

"I heard the name Shin Hye. Is she of interest to you? I thought you were seeing Park Min Youngie or Go Hye Sun?" His mother asked him as she gobbled a fruit into .

Min Ho felt that he was caught, he hated to lie to his mother but at the same time, he hated that his mother would think of him being a paramdungi."Oh.. It's Park Shin Hye, my co-star. I thought of getting in touch with her before our drama filming." He explained as he also forked a fruit and put it in his mouth.

"Ah-del.. This year you are going to be 28. Any thoughts of settling down?" His mother asked.

"Hmm.. Too early and my career is picking up... I don't want to be blamed of not taking care of my wife properly." He explained.

"Well... I am here and I can help to take care of her for you." His mom continued.

"Omma... I think maybe after my enlistment, I would think about it." He told his mom.

"Arasso then... I hope you won't take too long. Omma feels lonely and I want grandchildren." She told him. Min Ho smiled at his mother.

"Omma... I am still a baby... You don't want to have too many." He joked and then snuggled his body to hers.

"Aish.. this big baby!" His mother smiled knowing that her son would always be a choding.



Ill Woo: Are you up for the morning walk? Brunch my treat... ;)

Shin Hye: Hyung.... You see....

Shin Hye: I need food :D 

Ill Woo: Hahaha Of course, you do! See you at 7 tomorrow. Same place.

Shin Hye: Hyung, are you sure not too early for you?

Ill Woo: Or is it you?

Shin Hye: >< 7 it is :P


"Omma, I'm going to the gym!" Min Ho called out to his mother. It was nearly 7 in the morning and he felt like getting up and sweating. He was usually a person who would cherish his sleep whenever he has no schedule but that day, he felt like it.  If he was to just sit at home, he would be driven by the thoughts of Ill Woo and Shin Hye or whatever were they doing at that instant. 

After a hearthy work out, he texted Ill Woo.

Min Ho: Yah, Odiya? Let's meet up for brunch.

Ill Woo: Mianhe Min Ho-nie, I already have a brunch date. 

Min Ho: Really? Dugu? (His heart pounded and he prayed hard that Ill Woo better be with someone else, not Shin Hye.)

Ill Woo: Mianhe Min Ho-nie, I hope you don't mind. Shin Hye. 

Min Ho: Ani... No worries. I miss you chingu.


Ill Woo enjoyed his brunch and especially he was accompanied by someone who is extremely beautiful in his eyes and cheery, he was even happier. Min Ho text messages were a bother to him earlier and then he recalled that they have decided to be fair to one another and not to affect their long life friendship. Shin Hye was definitely enjoying her choice of salad and toasts accompanied by her black coffee.

"Is it good?" Ill Woo asked. Shin Hye looked at him and smiled as was full with her food. Ill Woo smiled and couldn't help but smitten by Shin Hye's candid and cute actions.

Right after she swallowed her food, she asked him, "How about your food?" 

"Mine is good." Ill Woo said. "You've got a little bit of sauce on the corner of your lips." He showed  on his corner which was actually her reflection. "Ani... Here..." He stood up a bit and leaned over. Shin Hye was startled but didn't react instead she let him wiped it off her.  As Ill Woo sat down and again smiled at her, Shin Hye blushed.

"I need to go to the toilet." She suddenly stood up. "I... I'll be right back." Her face was getting warmer and more reddish.

"Gwenchana?" Ill Woo was a bit affected by her sudden action. 

"Gwenchana. I just ... well.. you... wait." She gestured both of her hands for Ill Woo to sit and wait for her as she moved to the toilet. 

Shin Hye splashed her face with water. "What was that?" She asked herself. "Shin Hye-yah!" She scolded herself. She was never affected by any kind of romantic moves made by men before and usually her reflexive action would be scolding them or giving them the 'Do-you-want-to-die-?' look but she was not expecting this from Ill Woo. 

Ill Woo was a gentle and friendly person. She remembered during the days of their cf shooting, she gave him a hard time that it was hard for him to acted out the actin asked. The cf director actually had to shoot a lot of their scenes separately and use CG generator to put them together until the last two to three days of their shooting where Shin Hye finally cooled off. "Anya... Anya... You were just shocked that's all. Act normal Shin Hye!" She whispered to herself as she went out of the toilet and headed to their table. 

"Everything alright?" Ill Woo asked looking worried as Shin Hye looked pale as a ghost.

"Eo?..." she stared at him first and then blinked a few times.

"Are you alright?" Ill Woo asked again and he looked worried and concerned.

"Neh! I am... I suddenly felt dizzy." She lied and forced a soft giggle. "I am fine now." She nodded looking hard at her food instead of Ill Woo. 

Ill Woo let out a breathe of relief as he was worried that he would drive her away by his gentile treatment. He was really hoping that Shin Hye would react positively in his interest towards her. 'What was that?' She giggled... She looks more feminine and... beautiful.' He whispered to himself. He noticed that she was blushing and acted more like a girl would be which made his heart beat faster and... "I need to go to the toilet." He stood up immediately as he hold his chest with one of his hand.

Shin Hye was startled by his sudden action, immediately lifted her head to look at Ill Woo who was standing up. "Neh? Gwenchana?" It was her turn to worry about Ill Woo. Ill Woo's face was red and looked weird. He immediately walked to the toilet. 

"Oh... What's wrong?" Ill Woo looked up at his own reflection as if he was asking it. His heart beat faster and harder, he could hear it. "Why am I affected?" He asked. "Cool down Ill Woo! Cool down!" He told himself as he inhale and exhale. When he felt calmer, he washed his face and dry it with a tissue. "Keep calm and enjoy the moment." He told himself as he checked out his image in the mirror. When he went out, Shin Hye was on the phone talking to someone. She noticed him and nodded and smile then continued talking on the phone. Ill Woo checked his phone as well while waiting for her to finish talking. 

He checked their LINE group, 'The three muskateers'.

Ill Woo didn't notice that Shin Hye had already finished talking on her phone and as she was sipping her coffee. She was also observing Ill Woo snickering and texting.  "It must be a youja that you are texting." Shin Hye tried to warm up their awkwardness.

"Neh?" Ill Woo's attention was immediately taken by her soft voice. "Ani.. It's just them." He said and set his phone on the table. 

"Ah... Kim Bum and..." Shin Hye tried to guess.

"Min Ho." He blurted out. "They were just wondering when all three of us can hangout." He explained.

"Ah... Kere..." Shin Hye nodded. "Well, thank you for feeding me. I guess we'll go our separate ways." Shin Hye smiled gratefully at Ill Woo. 

Ill Woo wanted to spend more time with Shin Hye but he had a meeting with his agency so he had to bid Shin Hye good bye. He wanted to ask her where she was heading but he didn't want to suffocate her and risk her going further from him. They hugged each other briefly and went their separate ways. 


Min Ho sat on the bench under the tree with his hood on. Luckily, the citizens around that area seemed to understand not to crowd a celebrity when they seemed to need the time of their own. He was his vanilla ice cream as he was replying texts with both of his buddies. He was quite frustrated to know things seemed to be doing well with Ill Woo and Shin Hye. He felt hurt deep inside but he knew better that respect between friends would last forever. He should be happy for them both.

Down the street right where he was sitting, there was a mini market going on.  He thought of going there by himself. Something interesting might pop up or cute to buy for his mom. He finished eating his ice cream and wiped his hand with tissue and threw them into the closest rubbish bin. He began to tread the mini market which was filled a lot of people from different ages. Min Ho loved how he had chosen to dress inconspiciously so that he would be able to enjoy his time. 

He stopped at a table which sold cute hair pins. He thought of how he said in one of his interviews that he would love to buy someone special a hair clip or pins so that he could give her one.

The sale woman let him stood in front of her table as he was staring at the designs to choose one of his mother. He didn't realize someone was standing next to him smelling sweet. He saw her beautiful and long luscious hair as she bent further to get a beautiful lotus flower hair clip and her beautiful slender arm stretched to grab them. He couldn't help notice some sort of familiarity, he followed her hand as she clipped her hair with the lotus flower hari clip.

"Awh... Yaputta...." complimented the lady as the girl checked herself out on the mirror. 

Min Ho eyes widened as he saw the reflection of the girl on the mirror. His heart thudded and it felt like it had stopped as he was breatheless all of the sudden. She was really beautiful and especially added a decorated piece on her beautiful hair.  Shin Hye seemed to notice the man next to her was staring, she snapped to look at him but the man quickly diverted his attention to look at the choices of hair pin available on the table.

"Ahjeommonni... How much is this?" She asked nicely as she gave her a generous smile.

"15,000 won." The lady as she signalled her left finger with one and the other with five.

"Ah.. Deh.." Shin Hye said as she looked through her bag to get her money and then paid the lady. She was stading at the mirror for a bit as she was deciding whether she would use her cap or put on the hair clip. Min Ho used the advantage of his big sun glasses to stare at Shin Hye's every movement. She had her feminine side which was very attractive to Min Ho. Despite the fact that she was wearing quite a sporty attire, she still looked very sweet and endearing to him. He pretended to still choosing between a beautiful rose hair clip and a butterfly hair clip. 

Shin Hye decided to take of her cap, she shook her head to loosen up her beautiful hair, Min Ho felt like watching a live shampoo advertisement as her beautiful hair sway from one side to another. Shin Hye then took her hair one side and she clipped the beautiful hair clip on her head carefully. She looked like an angel which had fallen right in front of him. Min Ho didn't realized he was gaping with his mouth slightly opened impressed seeing a beauty right in front of him. Shin Hye noticing this, turned around and gave him a sweet smile.

'Did she just notice me?'  He pondered as Shin Hye looking quite seductive walking closing in to him. As she was right, facing him. She picked the rose hair clip and slowly reached for his face. 'Oh my! She's going to scratch my eyes out with the hair clip.' Min Ho panicked, he gulped loudly. Suddenly, that beautiful angelic face turned into an evil scheeming expression as she presented him with her loopsided smile which showed that she was preparing to do something to him. He closed his eyes tightly. 'This is it! I am so deaddddddd!!!!'  

"Ahjussi~~~~ I think this rose looks cute on you! Kyeopttaaaaa~~~~" He heard her melodic voice said as he felt her pushing the clip on his right side of the hood as she touched his sunglasses to correct them. She then gave him a playful smile and winked as she back off and then turned to walk away. Min Ho was speechless. He watched her as she treaded into the flow of people her hair swaying beautifully as if dancing to a happy song.

"Are you getting that one?" Asked the sale person breaking him from his trance being bewitched by apparently Shin Hye's happy hair. He turned to her and nodded that the would purchase the rose hair clip. 

"15,000 won." The lady said. Min Ho quickly grabbed money from his pocket as he tried to glance back to where Shin Hye was but she disappeared from his sight. He paid the lady 20,000 won and ran away. He heard the lady calling to him to give him back his 5,000 but Min Ho turned around quickly to wave telling her to keep it. Without realizing he hit someone and they fell. As he fell, his hood slid off his head, showing the rest of the citizens around that area who he was. 

"Gwenchana?" He helped the lady that he bumped into. 

"EEEEKKKK! It's Lee Min Ho!!!!" Cried one of the girls. The lady immediately looked at him and joined the excitedment. Within seconds, he was crowded with women. He wanted to escape from the sea of ladies' voices calling him 'Oppa!' He fought hard to escape them and when he found a tiny space for him to escape, he bowed quickly and started to ran away again but the fans were adamant to chase him. 'This is it Min Ho!' A training for you to run just like one of the scene later on in US. He ran as fast as he could, he stopped a little bit panting when he thought he had lost the crowd chasing after him. He heard their scream from afar, they had joined forces to look for him like a lost deer being hunted by a thousand huntsmen.

He was about to run again but someone grabbed his hand from a shop nearby. He didn't see who it was but he was quickly helped out with a big trench coat and a hat. He wanted to turn around to see the crowd but the person cupped his face so he wouldn't look back until the crowd passed by. He closed his eyes praying really hard that they would believe him as one of the mannequin which seemed to share almost similiar height and skin tone. 

"Just stand still!" Said the lady's voice and she was moving his hands and arms as if setting him for a new collections to be displayed. He heard the loud screamed outside of the shop and the lady pretended to fix his coat and his hat as well as his pants and shoes, pretending to be very busy so that it wouldn't attract any suspision from his fans. 

As the crowd subsided and after ensuring that they have totally diappeared,"Alright! They are gone." Min Ho slowly opened his eyes to look at who she was, he first saw a huge afro hair with a huge bow clip. He then continued to look at her face.

"Shin Hye?" He called her name in confusion. "Ottoke?" He blurted out. She had a huge afro wig on her and a huge set of spectacles on. She looked adorably cute and to cover her sporty clothes she put on a huge creamy coat. She looked like a character from manwha that he usually would read. He smiled relieved that he was saved from the wave of his fans and to miraculously found the person he thought he had lost the sight of. 

"Sigh!!! You have trouble spelt all over you." She said as she went to the counter. The owner of the shop quickly instructed her assistants who were in trance staring at Min Ho handsome face to put back the mannequin on the spot where Min Ho was standing. Min Ho like a lost kid, followed Shin Hye, as she took off the wig and big spectacles and put them on the counter. "Jenny yah! Gomawo chingu!" Shin Hye called out to her friend who was busy telling her assistants what to put on the mannequin.  Shin Hye took off her coat and placed it on the counter. "Jenny, I want this coat." She told the owner who then appeared at the cashier machine after finish instructing her assitants. Shin Hye acted as if Min Ho wasn't there. Her friend, Jenny noticed that and was uncomfortable and she eye-balled Shin Hye. "Oh, you can put the coat and the hat here so that they can put them back for display." She told Min Ho. 

"Eo? Neh... Erm.. Wait.. I'll buy these. The least I could do for helping me out. " He said. 

"Eo? Gamsahamnida!" Jenny bowed thankfully for him purchasing her design. 

"THis is Jenny PS. She is actually..." Shin Hye tried to introduce them cooly.

"An actress..." Min Ho ended her sentence. "I watched you in one of your recent drama." He said remembering it was actually his mother who watch it but he would just tag along whenever he was free. 

"Neh." Jenny said excitedly. 

Min Ho looked around her boutique, she had quite a good selection of clothes that he thought he would be interested in. "You've got really good taste in clothes." Min Ho complimented. 

"Oh... Gamsahamnida Lee Min Ho-Ssi!" Jenny said excitedly. "How about taking pictures and signing a frame?" Jenny suggested. 

"Neh! Sure! Anything for my saviours. " Min Ho said. The assistants immediately ran up to the counter to join their manager, Jenny pulled out her instax camera and handed it to Shin Hye as she gestured Shin Hye to take picture. Shin Hye looked a tad annoyed but she lazily put her purchase aside and stomped her feet to take picture of them. She didn't even indicated that she would take picture of them and just clicked it. 

"Yah! Shin Hye!" Jenny scolded her. Min  Ho just smiled at her childish reaction.

"Ara.. Ara... Okay then... get ready!" But before she took a picture, "Min Ho -Ssi how about holding the shopping bag to show your support?" She suggested.

"Matta... You're right Shin Hye-Ssi," He replied spitefully polite. Jenny quickly grabbed the bag for Min Ho and handed it to him. Then, they all posed to get ready to take a picture. "Hana... Dul... Seh..." Shin Hye clicked and slowly the instax film appeared. She non-chalantly took it out of the camera and fanned it so that the image would appear. Min Ho could not took his eyes of Shin Hye all the time. She didn't realize that she still have her hair clip on her hair. She looked very cute to him despite the fact she tried so hard to act tough in front of him. Jenny then brought the empty frame with a selection of coloured paper for him to choose and sign on. 

"Do you have a ride to go home?" Shin Hye asked as she put her things inside the shopping bag. 

"My car is around the gym area far back..." He told her.

"You can't walk out there or you would be stamped to death by your fans." Shin Hye said. Min Ho nodded and thought of solution.

"I'll send you there, my car is right at the back of this shop." Shin Hye said as she took out her car key from her bag. "Jenny-yah~~~~ I'm going now. Gomawo Chingu~~~" Shin Hye said bubly which Min Ho definitely had missed to look at. Min Ho followed her to her car.

They kept quiet on the way to the gym. Min Ho smiled all the way as he tried to recall every single moment when he saw Shin hye at the hair clip table seller. He cleared his throat. Shin Hye looked cool with her flowy long locks and put on her rimless sunglasses with a very beautiful intricate design on its handle. She looked like she was on a photoshoot for sunglasses. Somehow, the road was stuck.

"It seemed that something was going on. Maybe the search for you is still on." She said to him breaking the silence. 

"No way! I think it's something else. Why does it have to be me always at fault?" He asked her back.

"Because, everywhere I go and whenever you are there, there will definitely be something interesting happening," She answered cooly. 

"Yah! Jugule?" Min Ho kid.

"Yah! Jugule?!" Shin Hye replied back. Min Ho smiled. 

"Thank you for saving me today, Shin Hye." He expressed his gratitude towards her. 

"It's nothing." She answered softly.

"Were you with Ill Woo today?" He asked.

"Neh. We had brunch together." At the mention of brunch, Min Ho stomach grumbled. "Have you not eaten yet?" Shin Hye somehow sounded concerned.

"I had ice cream earlier." He answered as he looked at her face who was focusing on the road.

"Yah! Stop looking at me like that!" She scolded him. 

"Ah.. Sorry... That's how I talk." He told her. 

"Do you want to stop for food?" She asked him somehow as she swept her hair and tuch them behind her ear.

"I don't want to burden you." He said, "Besides you've eaten with Ill Woo." He tried hard to cover the sound of his stomach grumbling.

"Aigooo.... Let's eat then. I can just watch you." She then turned her head to him and gave him a scary grin. "Kidding!" She then chuckled.

"I don't mind if it's you!" He blurted out teasing her.

"Yah!" She scolded him. "Let's go to somewhere nice. Your treat!" She said.

"Arasso!" Min Ho agreed. 'Finally, a chance with you...'  He smiled happily all the way. "How about a hotel restaurant?" He suggested.

"I am not going to sleep with you!" Shin Hye protested.

"Ani!!! I meant we can book a room where no one could see us." He explained his reason of his choice. "I'd really like to spend some time with you in all honesty." He confessed.

"Aigoo... Why all of the sudden I feel like I am going to regret this?" Shin Hye said as she exhaled. Min Ho was a tad disappointed to hear that but he thought that he might be pushing it.

"Well, if you are not comfortable with it... you can just send me to the gym." He felt defeated by her action.

"Let's just try to get along. Why don't you book the place and which hotel would it be?" she sounded like she was sincerely trying to make an effort.

Min Ho tapped his phone and used online booking. He then within seconds received a confirmation. "Done. Grande Hotel" He said briefly trying to avoid ticking her. 

Sensing the heavy air, somehow the feeling of guilt dawned inside of Shin Hye. She felt that she was being too much but whenever she remembered what had happened back then, she felt the fire of anger burnt in her heart. 

"Look... Just bear with me..."She said softly as she took a left turn.

"It was my fault. I was a coward." Min Ho opened up as well.

"Ahm... I ... Let's not talk about this.. I am not ready." Shin hye told him the truth.

"Arasso..." Min Ho agreed not pushing her further.


This feeling... re-birth?

Do I dare to re-visit?

I don't think I could spare the pain of getting hurt again.


P/S: Writing took off the stress... sighh... I can't avoid it... Just keep sailing! Jik Jin! <3<3<3

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Chapter 13: Love this minshin fanfic.....thanks for writing authornim
avrylle #2
Chapter 2: re-reading this....ahahahaha...one tough cookie!!!
Chapter 13: Gosh,what a lovely & touchy ending!It's really seems real. Hoping much,kekeke.thanks much for this story writer~nim~_~
Chapter 8: I really love this story,thanks writer-nim!^-^
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 12: Why does it feel so so real?.... I love the story and thank you Elexia for sharing. I missed them......
avrylle #6
Chapter 13: Thank you for this MinShin story...be bless
gi_cebu07 #7
Chapter 13: Thank you for sharing minshin stories like this to us...i love it!
i just hope & pray that our minshin will be ended in church exchanging vows to each other someday..:)
more minshin ff stories soon!
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing this beautiful story....
Chapter 13: thank you chingu.. totally sweet and fluffy.. the story ending perfectly.. we really hope that minshin couple will truly ended like this.. ^^
Chapter 13: thanks for the story :) congrats for completing another ff. hope to read more from you :)