5 There's something about HER?

I hate you yet I love you...

It was another beautiful summer day, Shin Hye decided to enjoy walking around Han River earlier that morning to enjoy the fresh air which she hadn't done for quite sometime. She loves being there not only to enjoy the scener but also, the buzz of people just like her walking along or excercising. She wanted to bring her bicycle with her but she decided to give one of  her beautiful dogs a walk there. She chose Bonji out of the two as Nori was sleeping at that time. Bonji yelped with excitement as she brought him out of her car. 

"Matta Bonji! I love the air as well, it' so fresh here."  She told her dog, Bonji yelped again as if it understood what was said by its owner. Thinking she had Bonji's leash tied to her hand, she put it down as she was about to grab her bag pack which contain things she needed to enjoy her time there. Bonji smelt food as someone was passing by. Without Shin Hye realization, Bonji's leash slipped of her hand and Bonji followed that person.  As Shin Hye locked her car, "Kaja Bonji," She said to Bonji who had already ran away following the person with food on his hand.  She then realized she could no longer feel the leash on her hand. "Bonji?.. Bonji?" She said trying to attract its attention wondering if it was nearby. 

Bonji trailed the smell of the food, nobody was aware that he was a lost pet. Everyone thought that he belonged to the man whom he followed. When the man chose and found a spot, he sat down on the ground. Bonji excitedly ran to his view and wagged his tail and yelped as he saw the man opened his mouth to eat the fried fish on the stick.

"Are you hungry lil fella?"Asked the man to Bonji. Bonji yelped as if he understood what the man was saying to it. "I guess so..." He then took a bit of his fried fish and fed it to Bonji. Bonji ate well. "Such a cute dog and well groomed too. I bet you belong to someone and that someone is looking for you? Yes?" He talked to Bonji. Bonji yelped twice and it made the man smiled. "You're such a good doggie." Upon hearing the term, 'Good Doggie' Bonji wagged his tail. "We'll eat first and then we'll look for your owner yes?" The man told Bonji of his plan. Bonji again as if he understood yelped. After they finished eating, the man took Bonji's leash and so that Bonji wouldn't run away. He then held Bonji in his arm and looked at his collar to see if there was any identification available. "So, nice to meet you Park Bonji. You either have a dad or a mom. I am hoping for a youja owner and is your owner hot and y?" He asked Bonji. Bonji looked at him and yelped again. "Matta!!! Of course it is a hot and y owner. Let see if she has a phone number?" He then read again the tag attached to the collar. "Miss Park. Hm .. Hm.. Hmm.." He was just humming the number and then took out his phone to gave her a call. While pressing the number on his screen, what seemingly a habit, he hummed her number. 

"Yobuseyo?" Answered a panic voice.

"Yobuseyo?" The man said. "Are you the owner of Bonji Park?" He asked.

"Neh!! Neh!! You've found him!!!! Thank goodness." She said sounded relieved.  "Where are you?" She asked impatiently. 

"Eo? Oh, let see, I am somewhere around  the flower beds not far from the bridge." He explained. 

"NEh? Alright! I'll be right there. Just wait please. Gamsa Hamnida yo." She thanked him quickly and ended the conversation.

"Your owner sounded very worried. Are you always this naught Bonji?" The man asked Bonji. Bonji again yelped and then panted at him excitedly.

"BONJIIIIIIIIII PARKKKK!!!!!!" A loud shrill could be heard. Both Bonji and the man looked at Park Shin Hye.  The man's eyes widened in disbelief. Was he really seeing who he was seeing? 

"Park Shin Hye-ssi?" As Park Shin Hye got closer to them, he blinked a few times in order to confirm his sight.

"Yah! Bonji! You're giving me a heart attack!" She scolded the dog ignoring the man who had just recognized her presence. She took Bonji from the man and hugged it tightly as if she hadn't seen him for a very long time. She was kissing his face while Bonji her face excitedly because he was finally reunited with his owner. After the dramatic reunion, Shin Hye finally came back to her senses and turned to the man and bowed to him. "Gamsa Hamnida for keeping him safe and contacting me." She said thankfully. 

"Park Shin Hye-ssi?" The man said again trying to confirm her.

"Neh?" She retorted and then focused her sight on the man. "Ommoooo... It's you?!!" She laughed happily after she recognized who he was. "Ill Woo-Ssi...." She said. "I can't believe it! Gomawo yo for keeping uri Bonji safe!" She couldn't stop thanking him as she jumped next to him and patted his back. "It's been a long time since we met!" She said excitedly which she rarely show to people except those who were closer to her. "Yah! Hyung! What are you doing here?" She asked as she held Bonji tightly and Bonji her face.

"Kenyang! Just enjoying the view. I have some free time." He answered as he looked at her beautiful face.

"I see... Mine will soon be engulfed with our new drama." She told him. 

"So.. That's why I haven't seen you at the gym... Matta! Min Ho will be your partner right?" Ill Woo asked.

"Errr.. Yeah!" She hesitated a bit answering that part. "Are you still free? Let's catch up and have a walk around." She offered him.

"Yeah, sure!" Ill Woo agreed. Shin Hye put down Bonji and secured his leash on her hand. 

"Kaja, Bonji!" She told her dog to start moving. Bonji understood her and started to move excitedly. "By the way, I want to show you my gratitude. Let's have lunch together after this?" She asked him.

"Well, I can't say no to that!" Ill Woo smiled charmingly at Shin Hye.

"Call!" She sealed the deal.

After their walk, Shin Hye offered Ill Woo that she would drive him instead of using separate cars but because of his commitment in the afternoon, they used their own car separately and just meet up at the restaurant. Shin Hye made a quick stop to send Bonji to her home first and then met him up at Grillz Restaurant.

Ill Woo arrived earlier than Shin Hye. He chose a spot where it was less obvious. Their life as famous celebrities had it limitations especially when it came to freedom of going anywhere. Soon, Shin Hye arrived, she took off her cap and put it on her side. She could easily walk freely among the public as he image changed drastically when she was out for events and when she was on her own time. People who knew her would describe her as the Queen of Night and Day. 

"Sorry, did you wait long?" She asked cheerfully as she sat down.

"Nope, I ordered as we discussed earlier so that we won't have to wait." Ill Woo informed her. "I haven't ordered your drink though." He passed her the menu. Everything looked tantalizing to her. The waitress came to attend Shin Hye. She ordered promegranate juice. "A beauty secret..." Ill Woo said as he heard her.

"Yeap... I've got to make some living too." Shin Hye answered him cadidly. Ill Woo laughed at her statement. "So what's your next project?" Shin Hye asked him.

"I am still browsing through." He answered her. He was about to talk more when his phone rang. "One second," He excused himself. "Yes, Min Ho?" The name 'Min Ho' stirred Shin Hye a little bit. Ill Woo noticed her reaction. "Yeap... I'll see you later. Na?" He looked at Shin Hye who was now staring outside the window waiting for him to finish his conversation on the phone. "Kenyang.. Lunching with a friend." He answered Min Ho. "Dugu? Ah... Shin Hye." He seemed to answered Min Ho. "Ah.. Neh... Alright then." He ended the call and smiled apologetically at Shin Hye. "Sorry, he was just confirming our dinner meeting later on." Shin Hye smiled bitterly and nodded. "And.. Uh... He said hello."

Shin Hye raised her eyebrows as she was surprised that Min Ho was a bit braver than she thought. "You guys meet often?" Ill Woo nodded and smile. "Of course you do, you guys are best friends." She answered her own question. "Will Kim Bummie be there later?" She asked.

"Yeap" Ill Woo answered and smiled at her.

"Waeeee?" Shin Hye felt a burning sensation on her face as she noticed Ill Woo had been smiling and staring at her.

"Kenyang... I just notice how pretty you are." He said it honestly. She made a face at him showing that she didn't like such comment. "Ara.. Ara... I won't say it anymore." He apologized. 

Their food arrived soon after and both of them enjoyed their food as they chatted away updating each other and teasing one another. Ill Woo certainly enjoyed his company and so did Shin Hye. As Ill Woo drove to his agency to prepare himself for a meeting, he couldn't help smiling by himself. 


"What's with the silly smile on your face?" Kim Bum asked Ill Woo. Ill Woo didn't realized he was smiling by himself as he was remembering what had happened earlier that day when he met Shin Hye again for quite sometime. Shin Hye showed her bubbly and happy self which could rarely be seen by others especially men. Ill Woo enjoyed the time he had spent with her and they promised to make time to meet again. 

"Eo? Na?" Ill Woo pretended to be innocent of his action.

"Yah!" Kim Bum threatened. "We've been friends for a long time. So who is she?" Kim Bum got closer to Ill Woo who seemed couldn't help but smile more. 

"Waee?" Ill Woo tried to avoid the topic.

"Come on....." Kim Bum tried to coerce him.  "I need this little bit of romance thingy. Mine was over... come on.. pleaseeeeeee....." Kim Bum pleaded as he got really close and could almost kiss Ill Woo's cheek. 

"Yah!!! I hope he is not the reason you broke up with your girl friend.." Min Ho interjected as he saw his two best friends in a rather questioningly position. 

"Ani... Someone is not telling WHO he is interested in..." Kim Bum said spitefully as he pouted at Ill Woo.

"Yah!!! This man..." He pretended to hit Kim Bum and then they both laughed it off. 

"So... let's order up our dinner. I am sooo darn hungry." Min Ho told them. After they ordered, they chatted updating about one another.

"I heard you're acting with your previous cf co-star," Kim Bum raised his eye-brow. "Twice should mean something right? Fate is not leaving you two behind." He kidded.

"Well... Yeah... but I heard from Ill Woo she can be difficult to work with..." Min Ho voiced out his frustration.

"Yeap.. She gave me quite a hard time but don't worry... You'll grow out of it. She'll tone down as time passes by.You'll notice how nice it was to spend time with her." Ill Woo adviced Min Ho based on his experienced. 

"Whoaaa... Someone is interested..." Kim Bum teased some more. 

"Aish.... This punk!" Ill Woo locked Kim Bum with his arm. Min Ho laughed seeing them two still being themselves.

"Alright! Let's get serious..." Kim Bum said straightening his shirt. "Be honest!" He said, "Shin Hye is one of the prettiest girls in our industry, it would be a lie if you won't find her attractive at all." Both of them looked at Kim Bum with eyes wondering further than where they were at. "Matta!!! You both are interested in her!" He thought he found his answers.

Min Ho and Ill Woo looked at each other and smiled.

"Sulma...' They both whispered in their heart. 

After Kim Bum left as he had to have an early flight the next day, Min Ho and Ill Woo were left behind and feeling a tad uneasy towards one another. 

"So.. Are you excited with this coming drama?"Ill Woo tried to break their awkward silence.

Min Ho nodded slowly and put up a smile, "Yes..." he answered briefly.

They were sitting in silent again.

"Let's just talk it out ya?" Min Ho said not wanting to be in that situation anymore.

Ill Woo exhaled nervously and nodded as well, the air was getting tense between the two of them, "Sure.." He said quietly.

"Are you interested in Shin Hye?" Min Ho asked straightforward.

Ill Woo shrugged. "To be honest, it could just still be superficial." He said honestly. Min Ho nodded to his answer. "How about you?" He asked Min Ho. 

Min Ho pressed his lips together tightly. He was suddenly reminded of the incident he had had with SHin Hye back during their cf shooting.As a habit whenever he was nervous, he would scratch his head while thinking of an answer. He was about to answer but ended up bitting his lower lip.

"You wanted to talk it out remember?" Ill Woo reminded him. 

Min  Ho exhaled and finally opened his mouth, "This is something I have been keeping to myself Ill Woo-yah but I really hope it won't change your feelings towards her." He said with a heavy feeling. Ill Woo became alerted. "I am not sure if I should really let this out." Min Ho contemplated. 

"It's alright. We have been friends since forever. I promise you I would not let what you say after this to affect my decision." Ill Woo said honestly. 

"Arata..." Min Ho agreed. "It was back during our first meet for etude cf...." Ill Woo listened attentively to what Min Ho was saying. 

"Wow... Is that the reason why she behaved as such nowadays?" Ill Woo speculated.

"I think so too, I can't help but blame myself." Min ho admitted. "I wished I could turn back time. I wish I was brave enough to just go through everything with her. I miss her most of the time." Min Ho confessed.

"Yah.. You can't blame yourself all the time. She is mature enough to decide how she wants to be. I am sure she is aware of that." Ill Woo reasoned. "I think she behaved such away is because she wants to avoid any men closing in to her. She's just scared. I believe one of these days when she meets the ONE, she will open up." Ill Woo told Min Ho honestly.

"Who knows it could be you?" Min Ho said but in his heart he was hurt as he secretly wished it was him.

"Don't lie... I can see that you are hurting..." Ill Woo said reading his friend's expression.

"Ani.." Min Ho lied.

"Come one.. We have been together for al ong time. I understand your feelings." Ill Woo consolled Min Ho. "Whoever she may be with.. that's her decision and we shall remain respecting one another." Ill Woo said and Min Ho agreed. 

"Well.. I doubt she would see me any differently..." Min Ho said. "But I won't give up on her. I will try." Min Ho said finally.

"Aratta!!!" Ill Woo said, "That's what I want to hear!" He smiled.

"Okayyy! So let's make this as my challenge then..." Min Ho said.

"Are you sure that you are up to the challenge Min Ho?" He asked. "I will give you two hints. One, PERSERVERE. Two, she's not at all as who you think she is. When I told you it's a challenge, you will get challenged by her." He smiled at his friend.

"Arasso... It will be..."Min Ho agreed. "How about you? Do you think you can handle her?" Min Ho asked to foresee if his opponent had plan.

"Honestly, I met her this morning coincidentally." Ill Woo decided to tell Min Ho. "Remember I told you how difficult she was back when I did my cf with her. Luckily, our photos turned out good. But, she somehow was different this time, she was more relax and toned down and she attracts me in some ways... Even back then when we were working together, there was something about her, as I tried to get really closer to her, she would let this defensive part of her out and she would try to ensure that I wouldn't be attracted to her. But, today... I just don't know... She was nicer and different.." Ill Woo said remembering their calm walk that morning.

"What actually happened?" Min Ho dug deeper, he felt a stinge of jealousy.

"I just wanted to enjoy my free morning by myself so I decided to go to Han River park. To cut the story short, she lost her dog which followed me since I had some food with me. So, yeah... after that, she was really thankful and we decided to meet for a lunch today."

"I see..." Min Ho said softly, he inhaled deeply. "I wish you all the best." Min Ho tried to sound gentlemanly. 

"Like wise my friend," Ill Woo replied. 



You... tried to hide your true colours,

They shone...

They attract me and him...

Let your true self come out....


I am already attracted to you...

P/S: Phew... This chap is hard for me to compose. I had to go back and forth to modify them... I hope I delivered what I intended to...  I might not be able to update as much. My grandmom is really sick, the doctor told us they couldn't do anything more as she is really old. So... yeah... I hope you will appreciate your family members while they are still around. Have a beautiful day my lovelies!!!


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Chapter 13: Love this minshin fanfic.....thanks for writing authornim
avrylle #2
Chapter 2: re-reading this....ahahahaha...one tough cookie!!!
Chapter 13: Gosh,what a lovely & touchy ending!It's really seems real. Hoping much,kekeke.thanks much for this story writer~nim~_~
Chapter 8: I really love this story,thanks writer-nim!^-^
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 12: Why does it feel so so real?.... I love the story and thank you Elexia for sharing. I missed them......
avrylle #6
Chapter 13: Thank you for this MinShin story...be bless
gi_cebu07 #7
Chapter 13: Thank you for sharing minshin stories like this to us...i love it!
i just hope & pray that our minshin will be ended in church exchanging vows to each other someday..:)
more minshin ff stories soon!
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing this beautiful story....
Chapter 13: thank you chingu.. totally sweet and fluffy.. the story ending perfectly.. we really hope that minshin couple will truly ended like this.. ^^
Chapter 13: thanks for the story :) congrats for completing another ff. hope to read more from you :)