1 Have we met before?

I hate you yet I love you...

"Arghhhhh! I am so dead tired! Eomma!!!! I am going to shower first!" She called out to her mother as she walked into their apartment after her satisfying session of body jamming. Shin Hye being the only child in the family enjoyed the idea of her having the space and her parents' attention all to herself. She was truly a dotted daughter to the point where her parents would support her in just about anything she pursued. 

"What did you say?" Her mother hurried out of her room as she didn't hear her daugther's yelling earlier. She was busy in the toilet. "Aish... This girl!" She hissed as she headed to the kitchen to prepare for dinner. After preparing the ingredients, she decided to check on someone.

She knocked on the door opposite to Shin Hye's room to check on her guest which she didn't have the chance to inform her daughter yet. 


"Is everything alright there dear?" She called out to her guest.

*Creak* The door creaked as it opened.

"Yes, Eomma. Why are you asking?" Shin Hye's voice boomed out loud behind her mom.

"Ahhhhh Kamjjagya!!!" Her mom said out loud startled by her daughter's voice. She massaged her chest as she turned to face Shin Hye who was smiling playfully as she saw her mother's reaction. Mrs. Park couldn't help but hit her daughter as she said, "Aigooooo!!!! Aigoooo!!!! This girl!!!!" 

"Yahh.. Eomma... Waegereeeeeee?" Shin Hye tried to defended herself. 

"Why do you have to shout out like that?" Mrs. Park scolded her daughter.

"Was I?" Shin Hye asked. "That's my normal voice." She said straight out.

"Yah..." Her mother said as she pushed Shin Hye into her room and close the door. Shin Hye was confused by her mother's reaction. Mrs. Park looked left to right as if she was checking out for anyone to spy them. THis made Shin Hye smiled. She loves how her mother can be so innocently cute. "Wear something decent. We have a guest and he will be joining us for dinner. AND BEHAVE! Who knows, this could be your husband to be!" She whispered aloud.

"EOMMAAAAA!!!!" Yelled Shin Hye loud. Her mother immediately covered Shin Hye's mouth as Shin Hye was about to explode and gestured Shin Hye to keep it down. 

"Yah! I told you we have a guest!" Her mother warned her as she widened her eyes trying to discipline her only daughter. Shin Hye knew how serious her mother could be at times so she agreed and nodded. Her mother released her hand from and Shin Hye pouted in protest and rolled her eyes as she began to undress herself to prepare for her shower. "Cheabal... Just be a girl for once!" Her mother told her before leaving her room.

When her mother closed her door, Shin Hye in her bathrobe stuck her tongue out protesting more to her mother. She then sat on the edge of her bed having some thoughts. "I am a girl mom!" She said but not too loud. "Such double standards!!!" She then flopped herself to her bed and grabbed a comic book on her bed that she left the night before and started flipping the pages.


What happened earlier that day...

"Neh.. Gwenchana Chakgya... So, I will see you at dinner? I'll prepare your favourite food then, drive safely later on." Said Mrs. Park sweetly to her husband as she headed to her car. 

*Phone ringing*

"Yes, my princess?" She answered the call, it was her daughter, Park Shin Hye. An aspiring actress, quite well known in the industry. 

"Eomma, I will just come home for dinner later. I have meetings and I want to have some good exercise at the gym." She informed her mother.

"Arasso. Eomma will just ask your aunty to meet me up for lunch then. Your Appa is also busy. Aish.. I should have more children." She said regretfully. 

"Eomma!!!! Andwe! You're mine only!" Shin Hye said territorially. She hated the idea of having siblings as she loved being the only dotted daughter in her family.

"Arassooooo!!!!" Mrs. Park entertained her dotted daughter. "I'll wait until you get married and I will adopt your children!" She teased some more as she went into the car.

"EOMMAAAA!!!!!" Shin Hye's voiced could be heard loudly through her mother's phone. "That won't happen anytime soon! Life's too good for me now!" She told her mother.

"If it's too hard, we'll just ask Yong Hwa to marry you!" She said laughing as she anticipated her daughter's reaction.

"AISHHH!!! That's it! I am not talking with you anymore!" Shin Hye said feeling annoyed with her mother's constant teasing about marriage that lately. 

Mrs. Park had a big smile on her face. She loves her daughter so much and especially teasing her about her most uncomfortable zone in life, marriage and dating. It was not that Shin Hye was not interested in men but it was more like she wanted to enjoy her life so much and she had a bad experience when she was in her being a junior in high school having a relationship to a narcissistic boy. 

'Guess what he said Eomma,' Shin Hye opened up to her mom after a series of broody days. She told her mother that she was trying like what other girls were at her age, having a boyfriend. Shin Hye was courted by the most handsome boy in her school. A senior of hers. Being pressured by her peers, she accepted him and being brain washed by her peers of how a girlfriend should be, she tried but Shin Hye was an intelligent girl, she sensed something was not right. She knew better than to act as a weak and hopeless woman. 'He said that girls shouldn't be agressive, we should just be sweet and listening to men. I was like... WHAT THE HEY??? That was not right at all!' Shin Hye ranted. 'Tomorrow I am telling him I have three black belts on three different martial arts. He can choose which one he would like for me to beat him with his senseless idiotic thoughts! Oh, by the by, he said that girls shouldn't have higher qualificiations in education since we are just going to end up feeding our man. AND GUESS WHAT!!! He told me to start taking cooking class with his MOM since he only eats his mother's cooking!" Shin Hye's eyes widened in anger. "HE WAS INHALING FIVE SANDWICHES on our first date for GOD's SAKE!!!" She was worked up. 

"Sigh...." As Mrs. Park recalled her daugther's first experience of being in a relationship. 

Mrs. Park met up with her sister at R complex which had a restaurant that she loved. She had a nice chat with her sister whom she had not met for quite sometime. They updated one another about their life and children. As time passed by, they bid each other good bye and headed to their own ways. She was heading to drive out of the complex, the basement parking looked as if it was after flooding. There were puddles of water here and there. Mrs. Park didn't see one of the puddles as the basement was quite dark. She splashed it to a sorry being who was walking by. The person seemed in shock and distress as he seemed to check his clothes which were wet from the splashing of the puddle. Feeling guilty as someone who had a strong conscience, she stopped her car to the side and ran to check on the person.

"I'm so sorry! I am so sorry! Gwenchanaseyo?" She asked as she checked the person. "Omooo.." She said, "I am so sorry, I have ruined your clothes." She felt utmost guilty since the clothes looked really expensive and branded.

"It's okay,"Said the young man as he tried to wipe off the dirt from his coat and jeans. 

"Please let me be responsible." She told him.

"Gwenchanaseyo Ommoni..." The young man said politely as he tried to refuse her offer. 

"Are you meeting someone here?" She asked looking worried. "I'll buy you some clothes."

"Neh? Aniyo... I am heading out actually after a meeting. It's okay. I'm just going home." He told her with a smile.

'Omoooo Such a handsome young man and polite too.. Uri Shin Hye would look nice with him.' She schemed in her head. 

"Please... Why don't you come to my home, I want to repay back. I will clean your clothes and dry them and I will cook dinner for you as it would make my guilty heart feel better." She told him. She didn't seem to recognize the young man that she was talking to.

Feeling obliged and being raised properly by his parents to be respectful to older people, Min Ho had no other choice to agree with the arrangement and it hurt his feelings to know that a nice old lady would feel burdened by him. So, he entered her car and they went to their home. 

"My name is Jang So Ra or Park So Ra. My husband is Park Jung Ill. I have a daughter named Park Shin Hye. You can call me Mrs. Park. I used to teach in an international school so the name Mrs. Park is stuck with me and I like it. " She explained to the young man. "What's your name dear?" Her very amicable manners suit her personality as a teacher and her inevitable character of being friendly led her to no problem interacting with people.

"Oh... My name is Lee Min Ho, Ommonim." He answered briefly feeling shy to a stranger. Usually he would not agree to get into a car of a stranger but somehow he felt rather comfortable with this lady called Mrs. Park. 

While she was focused driving, Min Ho just realized what an expensive car she was driving. He was admiring it. And he was further astonished when she pulled into a building known only to have very rich and famous people living in its apartments. 'She must have married a very rich man,' he tried to steal a glance at her. She is very pretty too for her age, he complimented in his thoughts.

"Wae? You must be wondering why would a teacher live in this expensive area, right?" As if she could read his mind, she asked him.

"Erm.. It's embarrassing and very unmannered of me to do so Ommonim but I am curious." He admitted as he smiled.

"Don't be dear. Gwenchana... My husband is an aspiring business man and I am grateful to God that he is doing very well," She answered him.

"But are you still working? As a teacher?" He asked feeling warmed up to her.

"I just retired a few months ago but I funded some private school as I still like to get involved in education field." She answered passionately.

Min Ho nodded feeling very impressed with the lady. They got out of the car as she parked it in the basement and headed to the elevator. All the way to her apartment, Min Ho prayed he wouldn't stumble upon any other celebrities as he would love to enjoy the moment of being treated as a normal person. 

"Here we are." She said cheerfully as they entered her very well furnished apartment. "Wait here, I'll go get my husband clothes for you to change into." She instructed him as she hurried towards her bedroom. Not long after that, she arrived with a set of sports attire, a towel and a small basket. "You can change into these, put your dirty clothes in this basket and put them outside the room so that I could clean them up. You can use the shower to clean up yourself.  " She instructed. 

*House phone ringing*

"And, use that room," She pointed on the right as she hurried to answer the phone. Min Ho followed her instruction. As he entered the room, he was greeted with comic books, sports instruments, three different kinds of martial arts attires hung crisply on the side and he remembered Mrs. Park told him that she has a daughter.

"Is this her room?" He asked himself as he thought that Mrs. Park only had a daughter. He saw a huge closet not far from the toilet of the room. He opened it just out of curiousity. He found out most of the clothes were not that womanly. "Mrs. Park seemed like the kind who would wear dress and I thought her daughter would be into girly stuff." He inspected. He saw an impressive selections of caps and some of them were what he wished he would purchased. He saw her collections of sneakers and a few heels. "Wow... She must not be into girly stuff." He nodded.  

He then took off his clothes and wrapped himself with the given towel. He then put the basket out. He went to the toilet and found out that everything was neat and it was super clean. "She must be a neat freak as well," he thought. He took his shower and then ensure to make very little disturbance to her things carefully. He then went out of the bathroom and dried himself up. He wore the given clothes when he heard a woman's voice shouting to Mrs. Park and heard her footsteps closing to the room. He panicked as he saw the door knob turned and ran to the closet and hid in there. 

He heard her dumped her sports bag on the floor. She went to her computer to check something. Min Ho still couldn't see her face. From the silhoutte of hers, he could determined that she was rather tomboyish from her heavy walk. She had long hair and slender body. She then stood up and headed to the door of her room and heard her entire conversation with Mrs. Park. 

'What? I am being lured into a blind date?' Min Ho thought to himself and he felt laughing as well as he found it rather amusing. He listened more and it dawned to him that he was in the wrong room. 'Ottoke!!!!' He hit his head, he recalled where he was supposed to go but he remembered clearly he was instructed to go to the room on the right as she pointed out earlier. After Mrs. Park and Shin Hye talked, Min Ho noticed that Shin Hye had undressed herself. He saw a beautiful figure of hers, she wasn't completely as she still had her brassiere on and her but he could see how y her body was. He gulped as he had never seen such beautiful being. He then remembered when he toured her room, none of the indication showed she likes girly things. 'That is such a waste...' He thought to himself. She wore her wardrobe. She then sat on her bed and lied as she picked up her comic book and started to reading them. He could hear the occassional snorting. Her face was still not clear to him. He really wanted to see her face. She then sat up and stood. She stretched herself which lifted her bathrobe a bit and presented Min Ho with her fair and creamy thighs. "Woww..." he whispered, afterall he was still a namja. He gulped at the beautiful sight. He still couldn't comprehend why would a beautiful being like her loves manly stuff,it just didn't add up to him. He tried to reason to his logic in so many ways but he couldn't comprehend still. He waited for her to enter her bathroom so that he could snuck out quickly. 

"Finally!" He said as he saw her entered her bathroom. He slowly opened the closet door and tip toed his way out of the closet and slowly closed the closet. He ran as lightly as possible but he didn't see a roller that rolled out from where it was kept and step on it. 


"Ouch!!!" Min Ho massaged his bottom as he fell right on the floor.

"Who's there?" He heard a loud voice from the bathroom. He could hear her in frantic probably trying to check out what was happening. He tried to quickly stand up but his bottom hurt so badly and his entire body ached. "Eomma?" Shin Hye opened the door and checked. Her eyes widened in horror when she saw who was on her floor. 

"Shin Hye yah... What happened? I heard a loud sound..." Her mother opened her bedroom door and eyes widened to see Min Ho on the floor looking in pain. 


Hey, you! Beautiful girl!

Have I seen you before?

I felt that I have meet you before,

You are probably THE ONE for me.


P/S: My first gift to all of you. Pardon for my shortcomings in this chapter. I was in a hurry to type it. I will try to correct and add what I feel need to be added. It's 3.15 a.m. here, and at  7 a.m. I'll be leaving for a long journey. Thank goodness I'm not driving but this zombie will just sleep in the car later smiling happily as she gets to write again. <3<3<3 Love u all. 


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Chapter 13: Love this minshin fanfic.....thanks for writing authornim
avrylle #2
Chapter 2: re-reading this....ahahahaha...one tough cookie!!!
Chapter 13: Gosh,what a lovely & touchy ending!It's really seems real. Hoping much,kekeke.thanks much for this story writer~nim~_~
Chapter 8: I really love this story,thanks writer-nim!^-^
rjjr57 #5
Chapter 12: Why does it feel so so real?.... I love the story and thank you Elexia for sharing. I missed them......
avrylle #6
Chapter 13: Thank you for this MinShin story...be bless
gi_cebu07 #7
Chapter 13: Thank you for sharing minshin stories like this to us...i love it!
i just hope & pray that our minshin will be ended in church exchanging vows to each other someday..:)
more minshin ff stories soon!
Chapter 13: Thank you for writing this beautiful story....
Chapter 13: thank you chingu.. totally sweet and fluffy.. the story ending perfectly.. we really hope that minshin couple will truly ended like this.. ^^
Chapter 13: thanks for the story :) congrats for completing another ff. hope to read more from you :)