Chapter 9

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 9


Joon, Thunder, Seungho, and G.O waited patiently in the meeting room as Alexa and Mir got ready for the ball. G-Dragon and T.O.P walked in not long afterwards. 

The 4 MBLAQ members were all standing up so GD and T.O.P took their seats on the nearby couch. "I wonder what those two are going to look like?" G-Dragon wondered aloud as he tilted his head to the side thoughtfully.

T.O.P leaned back into the couch in a very relaxed manner. "Who knows what Alexa is doing to Mir right now. Hopefully it's something-"

Right then he was cut off as they started hearing some commotion from the quiet room next to theirs. 

"KYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! What is that?!"
"AISH!! Sit still you babo!"
"Where are you planning on sticking that?!"
"Up your if you don't SHUT UP!!!"

Joon and Thunder held onto each other laughing as G.O and Seungho looked at each other before bursting into laughter as well. GD leaned onto T.O.P in laughter. They had no idea what was going on in there but it sounded hilarious to their ears.


About an hour later, the door opened and someone began to walk out. All 6 guys in the room straightened up. Who was it? Alexa or Mir? Curiosity filled the air as everyone turned their heads in the same direction.

Just then, the person walked through the door entirely and everyone's reaction was about the same. Shocked. 

"WHOA!!" Joon exclaimed.

The guys turned to look at him incredulously. "Don't tell the other guys about that WHOA!"

The reason for his sudden outburst? Mir's NEW look. He was dressed from head to toe in black and he was holding a suit jacket over his shoulder in a very model-like fashion. His black button up shirt was sleek and had the top 2 buttons undone. His black pants were accentuated with a studded belt and some rocker boots. His hair was gelled up (A/N: think Crazy MV) and his eyes had a smoky look to them.

He looked good and he knew it too as he flung the jacket over his back and slipped it on with ease. He popped the collar back before letting it settle on his shoulders with a satisfied smirk. The maknae actually looked really cool. In his hyungs eyes, he didn't look like much of a maknae anymore.

G.O's mouth dropped. "Yah! Are you a model or a PIMP?"

Mir broke out into a huge grin before turning and yelling over his shoulder, "Alexa! It's a good thing if a bunch of straight guys check me out right?"

Seungho looked like he wanted to break Mir's neck.


About 10-15 minutes later, the door opened again. Mir had a knowing smile on his face as he turned to look towards the slowly opening door.

Seungho tried his best to hide his anticipation but his fellow members knew him better than that. Thunder nudged Joon in the arm as he pointed out the look on their leader's face. Joon broke out into a huge grin before whispering something to G.O. 

G-Dragon and T.O.P both had understanding looks on their faces. Just because they weren't in MBLAQ, doesn't mean they don't know what's going on. They weren't dumb.

The door opened all the way at last and Alexa began to walk out slowly.

*OC (Alexa's POV)*

Not gonna lie, opening the dressing room door was one of the HARDEST things I've ever had to do before in my life. I know it sounds ridiculous but I mean come on! There were the MBLAQ guys which makes 5 and the 2 Big Bang members that I heard walk in earlier. That's seven men in ONE room, all waiting to see a dress.

The dress itself was gorgeous. Thunder and I went on several online shopping websites to find it. He paid of course, such a gentleman. He also told me to NEVER EVER mention the price to Seungho. I don't blame him, the price was kinda....well okay veryexpensive. And if I know their leader like I think I do....yeah, enough said.

It was a beautiful champagne color that matched well with my skin tone. It was bedazzled here and there with mini gemstones to accentuate the design. It was long and flowed out at the bottom. It wasn't too frilly or ruffly or poofy. It was sleek and light or "just right" as I put it. It was also strapless with a corset that tied in the back, that was my favorite feature. Thunder liked it too, I kept asking for his opinion every time I saw a dress I really liked. 

My hair was in an up-do and my makeup was simple but elegant. I was the ONLY girl in this place after all so there wasn't much to work with. However, Joon and G.O had given me the hair products and makeup as a "gift" which was very sweet of them. 

Even though Thunder helped me pick out and buy the dress, Mir was the first person to see me actually wearing the dress because he was the one who helped me tie the corset. I wasn't too worried about his reaction because of that. It's Seungho's reaction that I'm getting worked over about. 

As soon as I stepped out of the dressing room, I had my head lowered down. I really didn't want to see ANYONE'S reaction at this point. I wasn't good when it came to being the center of attention. My PMS fiasco/shenanigans was proof of that. 

It wasn't until someone started coughing that I eventually looked up. Seungho was....choking? 

What the hell? Did he choke on AIR?

*Seungho's POV*

I just choked....on practically nothing. He couldn't believe himself. Yang Seungho choked on his own OXYGEN. He couldn't help it though, after seeing Alexa in the dress.

She was absolutely breathtaking. The color, the design, the length, everything about the dress matched her so well. He also liked the fact that it was floor length so no one would be checking out her legs.

Alexa was looking at him as if he had grown 3 heads. That's when he realized that EVERYONE else in the room was staring at him too.

Seungho gave off his signature glare which caused the guys to snap their heads in different directions and pretend as if nothing had happened. To add to the effect, G.O began to whistle.

The tune sounded very suspiciously like the wedding march.


After the moment between Alexa and Seungho, everyone decided that they needed to start leaving soon which broke the tension in the air.

Seungho looked like he wanted to say something to Alexa but every time he got near, one of the guys would go up to her to either ask her something or to remind her what to do. 

G.O noticed and tried his hardest to suppress a grin. Just be a man and say it already. He shook his head amusedly as he went over to Thunder to get the equipment ready for the van. Joon went up to Seungho afterwards and handed him his headset.

"Here hyung. Thunder just gave me this." He stated as he put his own headset on.

Seungho nodded and put his on too. He looked over at Alexa one last time before following Joon out the door. Looks like it will have to wait.


It was getting closer to the evening and the ball was about to begin. G.O drove the ordinary looking van up to a street nearby the SHINee mansion. Thunder was riding in the passenger seat and was looking out through some binoculars. 

He spotted the entrance to the mansion and saw 2 guards at the gates checking everyone's invitations. "Hey hyung?"

G.O turned off the engine and looked over at him. "Yes? What is it?"

Thunder turned to face him with a confused look on his face. "How are Alexa and Mir supposed to get in? They have guards checking for invitations."

G.O scoffed. "Aigoo! THAT'S what you're worried about? Dongho from the U-Kiss group managed to snag an invitation so they will be using it to get in."

Thunder cocked his head to the side like a puppy. "Really? How did he manage to do that?"

"Don't ask, don't tell." G.O stated as he held his hands up in the air, closing that discussion.

Just then they heard some static noise in the back of the van. "Oh! The communication station hyung!" Thunder exclaimed as he unbuckled his seat belt and took a seat in the back. They had several monitoring screens, computers, and radio devices loaded in the van.

"Yah, can you guys hear me?" It was Joon's voice on the radio.

G.O took a seat next to Thunder in the back. They both put some headphones on and listened in. "Yes, we can hear you hyung."

"What's your position?" G.O added.

"We are in the underground pipe lines system underneath the mansion. We're in the main electric circuit section that powers their place." Seungho's stated.

As he listened, Thunder began typing away on his computer. "I'm calculating a route now hyung. I just need to pull up some blue prints and I'll have you in the mansion in no time."

G.O looked over at him with a "I'm so proud of you" look. "Yah! You are the best son I could ever ask for!"

Thunder giggled before smiling brightly at his hyung. "Thanks appa!"

Joon's voice suddenly filled their ears. "If he's the appa then what does that make Seungho hyung?"

G.O and Thunder both looked at each other at the same time before bursting into huge fits of laughter. "UMMA!!!"


After hearing their answer on the headset, Seungho was sulking while Joon was smiling like an idiot. He was trying not to laugh but it was even harder trying not to smile.

"Just wait until we get home." Seungho mumbled in a grumpy manner.

"Hey hyung! I think I see the emergency elevator that maybe leads up to the mansion!" Joon pointed in the direction of the elevator with an excited look on his face.

Seungho noticed the emergency elevator as well. "Thunder, G.O. We just found an elevator. Where exactly does it lead to?"

He heard some rapid typing before Thunder voice filled his ears. "It's a security elevator for maintenance so it leads to the mansion's basement level where the main generator is located."

Seungho looked over at Joon and gave him a curt nod. "That's our way in."

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Okay I'll admit it, it was nerve wracking doing this. The line leading up to the entrance only made my anxiety worse and gave my brain more time to question my mind's sanity. Plus the high heels I was wearing were going to kill me later if I don't take a seat soon.

What if the guards recognize us? Or what if we get caught when we get in? Or what if something goes wrong? Blah blah blah.

My stupid thoughts never cease, they're always running at full speed. Why did my mind have to be so thoughtful all the time? I looked over at Mir who looked as cool as a cucumber. How does he do it?

I nudged him and he looked over at me with a wide smile. "What's up?"

I felt a little better when he smiled, it made him seem like his happy-go-lucky self again. "What exactly are Joon and Seungho gonna be stealing from here anyway?" I asked.

I didn't know all the little details so I thought that maybe asking about the mission would take my mind off the guards at the gates. 

Mir tilted his head a little bit. "Hmmmm how do I explain this? Well you see, we already stole from both BEAST and 2PM. Money and city documents. This was to halt their progress of owning more streets in Verona."

I nodded my head along as he continued to explain. "SHINee was there when 2PM was buying off streets so they of course helped in the process. Inside the mansion somewhere, the SHINee group members are holding the photocopy lease of one of the main architecture buildings that they bought one time. Once we have that, we will have everything we need and we'll have the upper hand once again."

He quickly glanced over at me with eyes wide. "No offense to you! I like you, you're a cool Capulet!" He was waving his hands frantically in front of him.

I giggled at his antics. "It's fine Mir. I like you too...and the other guys too of course. The Montagues aren't so bad." I grinned from ear to ear.


After FINALLY getting through the front gates, Mir and I made it inside with no trouble so far. "Wow....." I breathed.

It was really like a fairy tale ball. Just imagine Cinderella or something and you will have a pretty good idea of how beautiful this ball was.

Mir looked over at me with a smile. "Cool isn't it?"

I could only nod as I looked around. A big crystal chandelier in the middle of the ceiling of course. The color theme was gold and white. It was elegant and sophisticated and if I weren't wearing such a gorgeous dress, I would feel SO out of it.

The glass wear looked very expensive and the white linen table cloths were so pretty. "Where are we supposed to sit?" I wondered aloud.

Mir pulled out the invitation from his inner jacket pocket. He opened it up and took a look. "I think it's just random seating unless it says Reserved."

I nodded in understanding. He put the invitation back up and stuck out his arm. "Let's go find some seats!"

I smiled at his excitement, it reminded me of an overly happy puppy. I linked my arm with his and nodded as if I was in the army. "Okay, let's go!"

"KYAAAA!!! To infinity and beyond!" Mir exclaimed before nearly pulling my arm out of it's socket.


With Thunder and G.O's help, Seungho and Joon made it into the mansion's basement level. They had to extra careful now that they were inside the building.

"Hyung, there are several guards posted throughout that area. Keep an eye out around corners. I'm gonna loop as many security cameras as I can so others wont notice you guys." Thunder stated to Seungho over the radio.

Seungho looked over at Joon. "Yah, we have to be as quiet as possible. There are several guards around here and we need to take them out quietly so others wont know we're here."

Joon nodded in understanding before pulling out a sharp combat knife that was attached to his belt. Seungho whispered into his headset. "G.O while Thunder is looping the cameras, keep an eye out for any new guards."

"Understood. Where you're at right now, there are 2 guards around the next corner and several guards down that same corridor." G.O stated.

Seungho gave Joon a hand signal, letting him know there 2 guards around the next corner that they need to take care of. Joon nodded before getting into a crouching stance.

Seungho got ready as well. He mouthed "3, 2, 1" before they both lunged out from behind the wall. Thankfully the guards had their backs facing towards them so they were able to do a surprise attack.

Joon came up behind one of the guards and stabbed him through the side of his neck, successfully silencing him before he could even do anything. He pulled the knife out as the man fell to his knees grasping at his neck, choking and spurting out his own blood.

Seungho came up behind the other guard and used a heel kick to the man's calf, knocking him down on his knees. Afterwards he placed his hands on either side of the man's head and snapped his neck in one swift motion.

The 2 members then sprinted stealthily down the corridor before spotting the other guards that G.O had mentioned earlier. They counted about 6 guards. An even split for the 2 of them. They both would have to take down 3 guards each.

Seungho and Joon glanced at each other briefly before moving forward. Joon threw his knife at one of the guards, impaling him through the back of his head. 

Before the others could react, Seungho leaped and threw a spinning kick at another guard. His foot connected with the side of the man's face and knocked him out cold. Joon came up and was about to pull his knife out of the dead man's head when another guard lunged at him.

Joon evaded the sweeping punch and grabbed the man's arm. He twisted it until he heard the bone snap and then he threw the guard up against the wall, face first. Seungho launched an uppercut punch at one of the remaining guards and landed the hit, causing the man to stumble back. As the guard was disoriented he threw his elbow at the man's face and broke his nose in, making blood run down his face.

He finished off the guard by launching a round house kick at the side of his head and sending him spinning to the ground. Joon rolled off to the side as another guard tried to bring down a kick on his head. He sprang back up and dodged a few more punches by ducking and weaving.

Once Joon found an opening, he brought his leg up and hit the man in his ribcage area by using a shin kick. The guard doubled over and as he did so, Joon lifted his knee and knocked the man in his forehead. The guard went flat on his back.

Seungho lunged himself at the last guard. He threw several punches like a boxer and landed each hit in different areas of the body. The guard was getting close to being knocked out so Seungho took a few steps back before doing a back flip and kicking the man in the chin, knocking him off of his feet. 

Joon looked over at his leader before resting his hand on his shoulder. "You good hyung?"

Seungho nodded before speaking into his headset. "Alright guys, what's the next step?"

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

"Should we dance?" I asked Mir as I was looking at all the people dancing in the middle of the ball room in awe.

Mir looked over at me nervously before scratching the back of his head. "Uh, well...I don't know. I'm not a good dancer and Seun-" He cut himself off abruptly as if he caught himself doing something bad.

"What was that?" I asked in confusion.

Mir shook his head frantically. "It's no-nothing! Nothing at all! Aigoo."

Odd. Was he about to mention Seungho? Why?

"Yah! Our job is to make a distraction when the time is right. Shouldn't we at least start off by placing ourselves in the middle of the ballroom?" I stated matter-of-factly.

Mir looked like he was going to start sweating bullets any time soon. "Uh yeah, of course b-but....AISH!!!! I give up, let's just go dance." He had a cute pout on his face as he got up out of his seat and held his hand out for me.

Why is he so nervous all of a sudden?

I took his hand and he helped me up out of my seat. As soon as I was up, he immediately let go of my hand. "Uh, ladies first?" He laughed a little nervously as he scratched the back of his head again.

"Mir, what's wrong?" I asked with concern.

His eyes grew 2 times their original size. "What?! Oh me! N-nothing! I'm just fine, dandy, good, perfect, alright, happy as crap...chilling in a toilet?"


End of Chapter 9

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!