Chapter 17

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 17


When Mir, Thunder, and Joon walked through the door to the meeting room, G.O and Seungho automatically ran over to them with worried expressions. 

"Are you guys okay?"
"You aren't hurt anywhere are you?"

Thunder smiled and nodded, Joon shook his head in dismay, Mir actually spoke up. "You guys are almost as bad as parents."

That earned him a smack from G.O and a glare from Seungho.


"So this guy who goes by the name of Jet Li is the murderer we've been looking for?" Thunder asked as he looked over the persona file.

Seungho nodded his head. "Alexa remembered this guy after Jihoon hyung explained the tattoo."

Joon looked up at the mention of her name. "Speaking of which, where is she now? And where is Jihoon hyung?"

G.O pulled out a map and threw it down on the table. "Jihoon hyung, Alexa, Sungyeol, and Sunggyu all left to this place right here." He pointed to a big bold red X on the map.

Seungho continued to explain further. "We managed to locate his whereabouts since Alexa has access to the Capulet database. After she remembered who he was, it was easy for us to find him."

Mir, who had been sitting down shaking his legs nervously, had gotten up and began to pace around the room. "Aish! Can't we keep in touch with them? I have a bad feeling all of a sudden. Like in the pit of my stomach."

Seungho's hair on the back of his neck prickled then. Great, he just had to say something. Now I have a bad feeling.....

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

We had made our way to the mansion with ease since Jihoon, Sungyeol, and Sunggyu were pretty much professionals at this sort of thing. 

Sungyeol located a way in through the East side of the mansion. The outside border gates were easy to break through thanks to some fancy tech work done by Sunggyu. He managed to turn off the motion sense alarm so it wouldn't go off once we made it over the gates.

Jihoon and Sungyeol had to give me a boost to help me over the gates but then again, I'm not cut out for this kind of work. I almost fell rather than leap to my feet and I stumbled around a bit before I caught my balance. Smooth Alexa, real smooth.

The guys made it over soon after. Jihoon came up to me and laid his hand on my shoulder. "You okay there?"

I nodded my head slightly. I'm such a babo. God, help me out here!


After making it inside, a sudden crackling noise came from Jihoon's jacket pocket. He reached inside and pulled out an ear piece. He placed it on and spoke. "Hello?"

There was a moment of silence as he listened to what was being transmitted. "Ah Thunder....yeah, we made it inside already.....we're all here and we're fine."

I wonder how Seungho is doing?

"Since I have communication with you, make sure you keep an eye out for us. You can hack into this guy's security system right?" He continued speaking with Thunder.

Sungyeol and Sunggyu were out in the hallway right by the door, keeping an eye out for any enemies. 


"Okay, according to Thunder, Jet Li's secret vault area should be somewhere on the 3rd floor." Jihoon stated as he lead us up some stairs.

It was dark in the mansion, not many lights were on and it didn't help that the weather outside was starting to look pretty bad. The storm clouds were completely covering the sky now and I could hear distant sounds of thunder. 

No God, this isn't FOREBODING at all. I tried to keep that bad feeling from coming back but it wasn't working when I felt like our mission was going too easily.

I shook my head and tried to keep these thoughts at bay. Focus woman! It didn't help that movie themes kept playing in my mind, the eerie music that always told you when something was up.

A sudden crack of lightning broke me out of my reverie and I jumped in total surprise. "GAH!!!"

The 3 guys turned to look at me, probably to check and see if I was okay. 

I held onto my chest as I spoke. "I'm fine, just taken by surprise." I laughed a little nervously at the end.


We finally made it to the 3rd floor without running into any more guards. We managed to either avoid them or find a way around them. God, please tell me that YOU'RE responsible for making this easy and NOT something else...

I really need to learn how to shut off my imagination every once in awhile.

Jihoon stopped in front of a locked door. It was made of metal and had an electronic keypad for a lock. "They sure do like to keep their rooms secure around here." I stated aloud.

Jihoon smirked before taking out some tools from his bag. "Not THAT secure. We can unlock this." 

Before he could get started on his handiwork, there were noises coming from the floor below us. It sounded uncannily like footsteps. 

I snapped my head to look at the guys. "I don't think we're alone!" I whispered harshly.


Thunder, who had been listening in on Jihoon's transmissions, was suddenly getting very anxious. He managed to hack the security cameras at the mansion and he didn't like what he was seeing.

The lights were dimmed so everything on the screens was too dark to make out anything, it didn't help that there was a storm on its way.

Seungho was sitting next to him on his right while the others were either pacing around the room or sitting on the couch, waiting for any news.

Joon let out a sigh of frustration. "Aish! Why is everything so dark on the screens? This storm is too ominous."

Mir had a worried expression on his face as he looked out the window. 

G.O walked over to Seungho and Thunder. "Anything coming up?"

They both shook their heads. Then all of a sudden, Thunder heard some things. First thing he heard sounded like footsteps. 

"I don't think we're alone!"

That sounded like Alexa. Thunder's heartbeat picked up as he checked the security cameras once more. Even though they were still pretty dark, he could make out some silhouettes. Oh no...

He stood up out of his chair so fast that he knocked it over backwards. "Sh*t!"

Thunder almost didn't notice that he cursed but thanks to the incredulous stares from his fellow members, he slapped his hand over his mouth.

"YOU JUST CURSED!!!!!!" Everyone exclaimed in total shock.

He pointed at his leader in accusation. "Seungho hyung you're a bad influence!"

Before Seungho could retort, Thunder shook his head in frustration. "Yah, wait a minute! That's not the point here! I think they've been caught!"

At this, the others immediately fell silent. Seungho took a look at the computer screen as his blood began to run cold. He quickly grabbed a communication headset and shoved it on.

"Jihoon hyung what's going on?" The anxiety was clearing seeping into his voice.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

My heart was racing and my blood was pumping as me and the guys tried to quickly get away as fast as possible. I could hear the footsteps begin to pick up somewhere behind us.

"I don't think they've completely spotted us yet." Sunggyu stated as we quickly made our way to the lower levels.

Sungyeol and Jihoon both turned back to take a look. I took a quick peak as well and I couldn't really see anybody. I think we were ahead of the guards or whoever it was trying to look for us.

As we made our way lower and lower, we finally reached the boiler room. I could still hear some footsteps above us. "Aigoo, how are we going to get rid of these guys?" I whispered over to Jihoon.

His eyes darted around the room before he went running over to a door. "I think we can lose them in the sewers beneath this place." 


After exiting the boiler room, Jihoon lead us through another room that had an opening to the lower underground area. We all made our way down a metal ladder and into the sewers.

Unfortunetly, the footsteps could still be heard, only this time they were a bit louder. Are they really catching up to us? 

"I could have swore we were losing them." I said in confusion.

Sungyeol grabbed my hand. "No time to think, we gotta keep moving!"

The sewers were dark, murky, and smelly. Not exactly my cup of tea. Sungyeol was right though, we had to keep moving.

After thinking this, gun shots were heard ringing through the tunnels. 

Sunggyu looked behind us. "I think they're gaining on us! We need to move faster!"

We all ducked our heads down as we kept running through the sewers, Jihoon in the lead. He hadn't once said anything to Thunder, I guess he was too busy trying to lead us to safety. I hope the guys don't worry too much.

He turned down an open waterway to the right and we followed suit as more bullets were being fired at us. The shots ricocheted off the metal walls.

It was then that I could hear voices shouting. They had definitely spotted us now.

We ran through the murky water, splashing our way through the tunnel until Jihoon spotted something. "Over here! There's a tunnel that slides down to the lower level of the sewer. We could go down there." 

He pointed the opening out to us and I automatically cringed. "Oh hell no! That's the worse part of the sewer! I see rats down there!"

Sungyeol rolled his eyes. "Would you rather be shot at?"

"Do you not see those BIG rats? I'd rather die!" I exclaimed.

Just then, the guards turned down our tunnel and began firing at us directly. We all ducked and I screamed as I leaped through the small tunnel/slide.

I yelled the whole way down, until I splashed into some sewer water. "This has got to be the worst, most emotional day of my life!"

The guys came sliding down right after me. As soon as we all reunited, we began to run away again.


"What in the HELL is going on?!" Seungho exclaimed in total aggravation.

No one was answering him on the headset, either something happened to the connection or they were caught.

Thunder was nervously typing on his laptop, trying to find a good camera angle to where they could see anything. "I don't think they're in the mansion anymore. Jihoon hyung must have tried to find a way out through the underground area."

G.O ran his hand through his hair. "Aigoo! But if we could just KNOW what was going on. Just to HEAR their voices-"

He was interrupted as loud noises came through the receiver on the laptop. It sounded like a mixture of gun shots and shouts.

Mir's eyes widened. "They're being shot at?!"

Joon ran up to the others and joined them around the computer. "No way! How did we miss this?"

"Our communication must have been jammed for a bit." Thunder explained as they listened in.

More shots and then familiar voices.

"Dead end!"
"No, there has to be another way right?!"
"We're trapped!"

That did NOT sound good to the guys ears. Seungho was on edge as he got up and paced around the room. What can we do? What can we do to help? WHAT?

He stopped pacing as he heard other voices.

"Stop right there!"
"Don't move!"
"It's been a long time, hasn't it Jihoon?"

That last one sent a chill up everyone's spine. That voice has to belong to Jet Li.

G.O stood up from his seat. "Sh*t! They've been caught!"

Thunder looked so nerve wracked as well as Mir, Joon spoke in a flustered tone. "We have to do something! Isn't there anything we can do?"

Before anyone could suggest something, more gun shots were heard as well as other noises of commotion. 

"Jihoon stop!"
"No wait don't!"
"Hold on!"

Everyone was on edge, no one knew what was going on. Nothing sounded good at this point and it was driving Seungho insane.Please......please tell me no one is hurt.

"We have to get away NOW!!"
"Alexa! Stay with me!"

That last sentence made Seungho's heart stop. Thunder's eyes widened to the size of saucers and Mir looked like he was about flip out.

Joon and G.O looked over at their leader with concerned looks.

Jihoon's voice broke through the tension filled air. "GUYS!!! I don't know if you can hear me but Alexa is down! She's been shot! She's bleeding profusely!"

"Alexa hold on!"
"We'll make it out of here, please stay with us!"
"ALEXA!!! Listen to us!"

Seungho's knees felt absolutely weak. The other members couldn't hide their shocked expressions as they turned to their leader in the utmost concern.

He looked like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. No......

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

"ALEXA!!! Listen to us!"

That sounded like.....Jihoon's voice. I coughed and almost choked as I was having trouble breathing. I had been shot....I was wounded....and probably dying.....

I was shaking because someone was carrying me....and running at the same time....did we manage to get away?

My vision was all blurred and I could barely make out anything, I was starting to see white around my eyes. I tried to feel where I had been shot. It was near my abdomen. I think the bullet went through....

I could feel A LOT of warm that my blood?

I could only remember that Jet Li guy....he tried to kill Jihoon....I reacted first thing. I stepped in the way of the bullet....I took a bullet for another person....

As long as he's alright....then I'll feel better....

Then I remembered Seungho. I haven't told him that I love him yet.....wait....I LOVE him....

I suddenly felt something running down my cheeks. I put my hands up to my face. I tried to take a look. Was tears? Why.......why am I crying?

My heart felt heavy all of a sudden as I realized why I had those was because....because if I die.....I won't be able to tell Seungho that I love him..........

My vision got worse and I could feel myself slipping....

"ALEXA!!! Don't you dare close your eyes!" Jihoon's voice again.

God, just this once.....please don't let me die....not yet......I still have some things I need to say.....

End of Chapter 17




excerpt of chapter 18...

Chapter 18

*Jihoon's POV*

Running and carrying a dying woman was not an easy task for Jihoon. He was already sweating from the exertion but they just hadto get away from Jet Li and his henchmen.

They had made it out of the sewers just fine but they were still in enemy territory and it was getting ready to storm. The skies were full of dark gray storm clouds and rumbling thunder could be heard in the distance. A few light sprinkles of rain fell here and there. The mansion had a surrounding forest-like area, they used the trees as a bit of a cover up as they ran.

The boys are probably worrying sick about you. He looked down at Alexa in his arms. The bleeding was bad, she had been shot in the abdomen. She was fighting to keep her eyes open, he could tell and it was making him worried.

...end of excerpt

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!