Chapter 18

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 18

*Jihoon's POV*

Running and carrying a dying woman was not an easy task for Jihoon. He was already sweating from the exertion but they just hadto get away from Jet Li and his henchmen.

They had made it out of the sewers just fine but they were still in enemy territory and it was getting ready to storm. The skies were full of dark gray storm clouds and rumbling thunder could be heard in the distance. A few light sprinkles of rain fell here and there. The mansion had a surrounding forest-like area, they used the trees as a bit of a cover up as they ran.

The boys are probably worrying sick about you. He looked down at Alexa in his arms. The bleeding was bad, she had been shot in the abdomen. She was fighting to keep her eyes open, he could tell and it was making him worried.

"This isn't going to work!" He heard Sunggyu yell out.

Sungyeol, who was running along side him, nodded his head in agreement. "Jihoon hyung! We have to split up! We'll lead the enemy away from you!"

Jihoon took a sharp turn to the left and stood behind some dense greenery. The other 2 followed suit. He gave them both a look as he caught his breath. 

"Are you two absolutely, positively SURE that you'll be alright? If you guys do this, you'll be in loads of danger."

His eyes were full of worry but Sunggyu and Sungyeol nodded their heads without any hestiation. They both took a quick glance at Alexa before turning back to their hyung.

Sunggyu spoke first. "She needs help immediately hyung. We HAVE to do this."

Sungyeol nodded along. "We don't want to have someone die because of us."

*3rd Person POV*

Sunggyu and Sungyeol had taken off in the opposite direction of Jihoon to confuse the followers and so far, their plan was working.

They made it out of the greenery and into the outer city area. "Let's take it to the rooftops!" Sunggyu shouted.

Sungyeol nodded and followed his hyung up a fire escape stairway. They were being shot at from below but the bullets kept ricocheting off the metal bars.

They made it to the rooftop of one building and were utterly surprised by what they saw. 

"G-Dragon! T.O.P!" They both exclaimed at the same time in shock.

The two Big Bang members ran over to them. GD spoke first. "We heard what happened from MBLAQ. We were the closest ones so we came as fast as we could. Everyone else should be getting here soon, where's Alexa?"

T.O.P looked around for the missing girl as well. Sunggyu and Sungyeol both exchanged looks before quickly explaining to them what had just happened.


The four guys were now currently running and jumping from rooftop to rooftop. They were leading the enemy as far away as possible from Jihoon's position. GD and T.O.P brought weapons and handed some guns over to the other 2.

T.O.P explained, "We need to start doing some killing once we find a good spot!"

More shots were fired at them as they kept running on the roof tops, jumping off to the side here and there. GD pulled out 2 high-powered handguns and began to blindly fire behind him. It was no easy task as he was running at full speed and shooting at the same time.

The others followed suit in a desperate attempt to kill off some followers. It was getting difficult to lose these guys on the rooftops.

"Enough of this sh*t!" T.O.P exclaimed as he pulled out a small hand grenade and took out the pin.

"EVERYONE GET DOWN!!!" GD yelled as T.O.P threw the grenade behind him.

A loud BOOM! echoed throughout as the grenade exploded and caused a huge shock wave. A mushroom cloud of fire and smoke grew out from the area of explosion.

*Jihoon's POV*

He was breathing heavily and sweat was beginning to drench his clothes. Don't stop! Keep going! You must! Alexa will DIE if you don't!

Jihoon shook his head as he pushed himself harder, he was still in the forest area that surrounded the mansion. He was trying to make a loop around just to make sure he lost Jet Li, before leaving the safety of the dense greenery and trees. Rain had begun to fall more in bigger drops instead of a light drizzle. 

He looked down at Alexa in worry. What if she gets sick in this condition? 

"ALEXA!!! Stay with me!!" He exclaimed as he ran through the thick maze of greenery.

She mumbled and stirred a bit but still no coherent words or actions. This isn't good, I'm running out of time!

He finally managed to make the loop around to the other side and took his chance to break through the masses of branches and bushes. 

He was horrified with what he saw.

"What did you do to my cousin?!" Yoseob exclaimed in utter shock and anger and some slight confusion.

Jihoon cursed under his breath as he was met face to face with all of the BEAST members and Jet Li himself, along with several guards. He planned this, he set me up, just like he did with my father's death.

He gritted his teeth as he looked at Jet Li in complete hatred. "You are one lowlife son of a b*tch." He stated dangerously low.

He then turned to look at Yoseob and the others. "This is NOT what you think!"

Doojoon scoffed at his words. "Yah! How can you stand there and lie when the evidence is right there in your arms!?"

The rest of the BEAST members gathered around him in defiance. This is NOT good.

"I told you guys didn't I?" Jet Li stated in a calm voice as he looked over at the BEAST members.

"AISH!! Stop lying!!" Jihoon exclaimed in frustration.

Before anyone else could say anything, he was struck from behind. Jihoon almost fell over as someone stole Alexa away from his arms.

He fell to his knees, disoriented before realizing that one of Jet Li's goons had snuck up on him to get Alexa. No...

Yoseob quickly took Alexa in his arms. "ALEXA?!?!?!"

He looked worried sick as he placed her gently on the ground, her head in his lap. She was trying to say something but her breathing had become ragged. The rain wasn't helping either as it had started to come down fully now.

"Kill him." Jet Li ordered his men as he pointed towards Jihoon.

"You guys are making a BIG mistake." Jihoon stated in aggravation.

The BEAST members were too busy gathered around Alexa, it was hopeless. Just as he thought that this was going to be the end, a loud explosion sounded off behind the Capulets, disorienting the henchmen.

He looked up and saw several familiar figures come through the smoke as it cleared. 


The guys had made it just in time to save their hyung. Things were looking pretty bad so far.

They all ran over to Jihoon in concern. Seungho spoke first as he slid on his knees in the mud. "Hyung! Where's Alexa?!" 

Jihoon pointed in disgust over toward the Capulet side. The 5 guys all turned around to face the BEAST group and Jet Li. The guards were busy trying to get a hold of themselves from the explosion.

Seungho automatically noticed Alexa's blood stained body and his instincts kicked in. He tried to run over to her out of reaction which earned a gun being pointed at him by Jet Li.

The BEAST members all stood up, besides Yoseob, and made a human wall to guard Alexa. Thunder, Joon, Mir, and G.O all ran to their leader's side, ready to fight by him if necessary.

Seungho couldn't stop staring at Alexa. "Let me through! I need to see her!"

"And just what gives you the right?!" Junhyung exclaimed in anger.

"Because I LOVE HER!!! That's why!!" Seungho shouted without thinking twice about it.

His fellow members stared at him in a mix of awe and admiration. He finally admitted it. 

He continued on, "I need to see if she's alright! You guys are being fooled by a TRAITOR!!" He pointed towards Jet Li.

Jihoon stood by his side. "He's right! I'm the son of the dead Montague! I was there that day! I witnessed the murder! It was him! He set up the whole thing to cause this war between us!" He pointed towards Jet Li as well.

The BEAST members turned towards him. Jet Li just rolled his eyes at their accusations. "They lie of course. It's all to get out of this mess that they've made."

"YOU'RE A LIAR!!!!!!!!!!" Joon screamed in anger. 

Yoseob seemed to be cracking the easiest, it looked like he wanted to believe the Montagues. He looked down at his cousin as she tried to speak again. 

"Yoseob....they are telling....they are..." She kept trying to breathe steadily as she spoke. 

It was getting difficult for Yoseob to bear. He wanted to get her some medical attention now.

Before anything could be done, there was a commotion of sorts. 

Jet Li had made his way behind the BEAST members and pulled out a gun, it looked like he was going to try to aim at Yoseob and Alexa. Seungho immediately noticed right away. He's gonna try to keep Alexa from talking by killing her.

His fellow members couldn't stop him as he ran forward. Some of the BEAST members tried to stop him but Seungho was too fast as he ducked and weaved around them. Thunder, Joon, Mir, and G.O were right behind him, making sure he didn't get hurt by any of the BEAST guys.

Jihoon watched in horror as the BEAST group and MBLAQ group were fighting each other and as Seungho made his way over to Alexa and Yoseob.

Everything was going in slow motion. No one in BEAST had noticed what Jet Li was about to do and because of this, Seungho was their only hope.

A loud BANG! was heard as the shot was fired. That stopped the aggressive fight between the 2 groups as they both turned around to look at what had just happened. Jihoon himself wasn't sure.

Was anyone shot? Or did he miss?

His question was answered as Seungho fell to his knees holding onto his abdomen. 

"HOLD ON!!!!"

Jihoon got up and ran over as well. Yoseob looked utterly surprised. "You took a bullet for me.....why?"

G.O took Seungho in his arms. He was bleeding profusely from his bullet wound and was already starting to look pale. He spoke breathlessly towards Yoseob.

"If Alexa-no, WHEN Alexa makes it through this..." He looked over at her in a saddened expression. "I don't want her to live without her cousin. I know she would be so heartbroken...she loves you so much."

G.O was fighting back tears as he held his dying leader in his arms. Mir and Thunder's eyes were already red and swollen as tears had been stinging at their eyes. Joon pulled at his hair in disbelief and frustration.

"IS THAT WHAT YOU ALL WANTED?!?!?" Joon exclaimed in anger as he turned to look at everyone.

He contined, "A death on both sides?!?! The death of your LOVED ONES?!?!"

Seungho coughed as he began to have trouble breathing. Alexa wasn't sure what was going on since she was slipping away. She turned her head to look at him. "Seungho....there was something I wanted to....tell you...."

Her tears fell as she tried to speak to him. Seungho could feel hot tears stinging at his eyes as well. He didn't wanna see her like this before he died. 

"Don't your strength...." He stated calmly.

G.O was looking at their exchange in utter sadness. The tears he had been fighting back were threatening to roll down his cheeks.

Just then, the 2PM members and SHINee members stepped out from behind some greenery.

Nichkhun spoke in a low voice. "We saw the whole thing Jet Li, you've been caught red-handed."

Jonghyun looked over at the BEAST group. "The Montagues were right, we have a traitor."

Jet Li was completely surrounded and looked desperate. "What? What are you guys talking about?" He was cornered and he knew it.

Just then, the U-Kiss group and part of the Big Bang group made their way forward as well.

GD looked at Jet Li in disgust. "You started all this, now WE'RE going to end it."

"Once and for all." Eli ended for him.


For the first time in years, the Montagues and the Capulets worked together to kill someone. Jet Li was an excellent fighter but he was no match for all of these groups. 

He fought but failed as one group subdued him and another helped to keep him still as they finally prepared a gun to kill him off.

Jihoon took the honors. "This is for everything you've done. For the pain you've caused. And for my father."

He aimed the handgun right at his forehead, between the eyes. Jet Li was kneeled down on the ground with group members on either side of him. Jihoon pulled the trigger and blood splattered everywhere from the close range of the shot.


Seungho who was still in G.O's arms, took a hold of Alexa's hand, she was still in Yoseob's arms as well. Yoseob and G.O looked at each other with tears b in their eyes.

Alexa felt Seungho's hand and turned to look at him again. Seungho's vision was beginning to blur. No....not yet...I need to tell her....

Alexa tried to speak again but Seungho beat her to it. "I wanted to say....I just wanted....I.....I love you....."

He coughed as he could feel his life trying to slip away. Alexa's eyes were beginning to sting from the hot tears. "Seungho....I....that's.....I love you too....."

All of the groups from both the Capulet House and the Montague House had gathered around the 2 dying lovers. Mir and Thunder couldn't hide their sobs, Joon was fighting back the tears as much as G.O was.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" Xander whispered in agony.

Everyone was having a hard time, they finally ended the feud but with a price it seems like. A heavy price, a burden on all of their hearts.

Seungho's tears were beginning to fall as he realized he might not get to see Alexa again. Her voice.....her smile.....her eyes.....everything....

His breathing fluctuated again. Alexa noticed and more tears began to roll down the side of her face as she couldn't take her eyes away from him. I.....I don't want this to be.....the end.....I don't want him.....gone.......

They were still holding each other's hands as they stared at each other. G.O sniffled a bit before talking to his leader in a soothing voice. 

"Don't you dare give up on us. Don't you dare." His words became soft whispers.

Yoseob's tears rolled freely down his face. "Alexa, you have to keep fighting. Please don't lose. Don't you dare leave me like this."

Joon got down on his knees next to the 2 dying lovers. Thunder and Mir joined him. Soon afterwards, everyone else gathered around to give strength. Alexa and Seungho could only just lay there, fighting to stay alive.

As if a sign sent from God himself, they heard Jihoon exclaim, "Guys! We might have hope!"

Everyone turned to look at Jihoon. He had been standing over near the trees, his eyes red and swollen. Next to him were 3 familiar figures.

"Daesung!? Taeyang?! Seungri?!"

End of Chapter 18

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!