Chapter 3

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 3


The hostage, otherwise known as Alexa, was in the adjacent room next to the 5 boys. The door separating them was closed and locked of course. Back in the meeting room, the guys were discussing what to do about this whole "kidnapping" fiasco.

Seungho was giving Mir a look. "We wouldn't be in this situation in the first place if it weren't for you."

The maknae shrunk down in his chair with a pout. G.O turned to Seungho with a smirk. "You know what? You're right. I think we should drop the entire responsibility on him."

At this, Mir shot up straight in his chair. "HYUNG!!!!!!!!!! WHY?!?!" He looked like he was about to cry.

Seungho suppressed his laughter before speaking. "Although that would be a good idea to teach him a lesson, I'm gonna have to say no to that. Sorry G.O but thanks for the input."

"Yeah and besides, Mir is terrible with girls." Joon added with an amused smirk.

"AISH!!!!!!!!!! Why is everyone out to get me?!" Mir exclaimed while holding his head with both hands.

Thunder looked over at him. "Well this is kinda all your fault."

His head shot up and he looked at his hyung with a betrayed expression. "Aigooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"


The guys decided to go ahead and keep Alexa as their hostage. In the end, they all came to the conclusion that having one of the BEAST's family members was good leverage. Not only did they manage to steal their money from their safe, they also kidnapped Yoseob's cousin.

Because the 2 groups were rivals, it was obvious that once BEAST found out about the money being stolen, they would automatically start pointing fingers at MBLAQ. Afterwards, they would probably try to launch a counter attack to get the money back BUT because the guys now had a hostage, MBLAQ had the upper hand.

G.O turned in his seat to look at Seungho. "Alright, now that everything is settled, I think we should probably start off by beefing up our security."

Seungho nodded in agreement. "Make arrangements for more guards to be posted at all necessary positions in and out of the mansion."

G.O got up and walked out of the room. The leader then turned to Thunder. "Make some calls to our friends. Tell them about the successful mission and about the kidnapping situation."

Thunder nodded before getting up and leaving as well. 

Seungho then turned to look at both Joon and Mir who both had somewhat frightened looks on their faces. "As for the rest of us, we're going to look after Alexa for now. We'll rotate between each of the members once we have G.O and Thunder back."

Joon and Mir both looked at each other with worried expressions. Seungho noticed and let out a deep sigh as he hung his head. 

All 5 of them looking after ONE girl....oh boy.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Just HOW LONG did these guys plan to talk? I really gotta pee! I wasn't joking either, I had to pee so bad that my bladder had begun to feel a little painful from holding it in for so long.

If I get some kind of infection... Okay that's it. I need to go NOW. I ran up to the locked door and knocked on it frantically.

"Open up! Open up! OPEN UP!!!" I exclaimed.

I had to hold my stomach with one hand while banging on the door with the other. My legs were closed tightly together so it looked like I was hunched over.

The door swung open so fast that I almost fell over. "Aigoo!"

Thankfully I caught my balance and as I looked up I saw 3 worried faces looking right at me.

"AISH!! How long do you guys plan to keep me locked up in a room for?! I REALLY HAVE TO PISS NOW!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at them in frustration.

Joon and Mir both flinched while Seungho looked a little taken aback at my behavior. He calmly spoke to me, "Uh we're really sorry...about that. I'll take you to the bathroom."

As he said this he began walking forward and the other 2 moved out of the way for me. I followed him with a slight limp since I was busy trying to keep my fluids from spilling out everywhere.

As soon as he stopped in front of a door, I practically pushed him out of the way as I ran straight for the bathroom. "YES!!! A BATHROOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

I slammed the door shut behind me and locked it. No way in hell am I taking any chances with 5 guys around.

I went straight for the toilet and did my business. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Oh thank you sweet Jesus for making the person who invented toilets."

But then I felt a familiar feeling in my lower abdomen that could only be associated with one thing. Oh sh*t. I checked myself and sure enough I had started my period.

"OH FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THAT IS HOLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I exclaimed in complete frustration. This definitely explains my moody behavior.

I heard a knock on the door. "Are you alright? You didn't fall in did you?" It was Seungho's voice.

Oh right, he's still out there. Wait what? Did I fall in, is he serious?

"Uh NO!!! I DID NOT FALL IN!!! Babo." I muttered that last part to myself. 

Oh why did I have to start THAT now! It couldn't have happened BEFORE I was kidnapped or after, if I ever make it out of this alive.

"Then what's wrong?" He asked with slight tension rising in his voice.

God, this isn't funny. How am I supposed to tell this man that I'm bleeding out from my "hooha?"

I let out a deep sigh as I held my face in my hands. I really just wanted to sit there and cry. I can see the newspaper headlines now: "Woman Dies of Embarrassment on Toilet."

"Alexa?" He asked again, panic now seeping into his voice as well.

"I.....have.....I have a slight problem." I stuttered.

"What is it?" He asked.

"'s GIRL related." I said slowly. I cringed as I waited for his reaction.

"Oh no." I think is what I heard on the other side of the door. Not too sure since he said it kinda breathlessly.

F my life.


"We have to go out and buy WHAT?!?!" Mir exclaimed in a very high pitched squeal.

Seungho took a deep breath and rubbed his temples before he decided to strangle the maknae for his voice level. Thunder looked every bit as shocked as well.

G.O and Joon managed to weasel their way out of the situation so Seungho was left with the maknae line for help on buying....pads.He shivered at the thought of going down the feminine products aisle.

Thunder broke out into a whine, "But hyung! Why us? No actually, WHY ME?"

Mir looked at him in betrayal. "YAH!!!! If I'M going down, I'm taking YOU with me!!!"

Seungho took another deep breath and exhaled slowly. Aigoo, this is going to be one LONG shopping trip.


The 3 men were currently walking down the feminine products aisle of the local super market. Seungho was in the lead while the maknae line hung back, not quite sure how to react to all the products that were surrounding them.

Seungho stopped in front of the pads and tampons. His face automatically distorted as he saw the wide variety of products.

He then turned to Mir. "What did Alexa tell you to buy before we left?"

Thunder and Mir both took a good look at the many rows of pads and tampons in front of them with eyes wide. Because Mir was the maknae, and he lost at rock, paper, scissors, he was the one to ask Alexa what they needed to buy.

He quickly scanned the products before turning to Seungho. "She said to most definitely buy pads and NOT tampons. Something about how she didn't want a piece of card board shoved up her-"

"AISH!!!! I got it! And keep your voice down will you? Aigoo." Seungho retorted with a look of disgust on his face.

Thunder had covered his ears at the mention of "piece of card board." The leader looked at him with pity. His poor ears.

Seungho looked at the selection and honestly had no clue what he was supposed to be looking for so in the end, he just grabbed a random package of pads.

Mir and Thunder both followed him with worried looks on their faces as he walked briskly out of the aisle. What if he got the wrong kind?

As soon as they got up to the cash registers, Seungho threw the pads on the scanner of the self checkout. He wanted to avoid people as much as possible. Unfortunately, due to their rotten luck, they were recognized by some other customers.

They could all hear the mumbles and whispers about them, they weren't deaf. They also weren't unknown either. They were 3 out of 5 in MBLAQ so people were bound to notice.

One guy actually came up and asked if they were really the group from the House of Montague. "Yeah, of course we are!" Mir had been the one to answer.

The man noticed the pads soon after and walked away with a weird look on his face. Seungho turned to look at the maknae with his infamous death glare. 

Thunder noticed and nudged Mir with his arm to let him know to turn around. He turned to look at his leader before flinching back in fright with a slight squeal.

"What did I do?" He asked with a pout.

Seungho let out a frustrated sigh. "I'm actually thinking of murder right now but there are too many witnesses in here."


Once they all finally got out of the super market, they let out a huge sigh of relief at the same time. It was short lived however, as they noticed some darkened figures off to the side.

Seungho turned to look at his fellow members with a serious expression. "It looks like we got company. Because we walked here, we obviously can't use a getaway vehicle. We have no choice but to fight. We don't want civilians involved so lets get as far away from here as possible."

Thunder and Mir both nodded. The 3 men began to walk in the opposite direction to lead the henchmen away from the super market.

Thunder spoke up as a question came to mind. "Hyung, do you think they know about us kidnapping Alexa already?"

Seungho gave Mir a look before turning to Thunder. "I'm not quite sure, it could just be another attempt on our lives."

Their conversation ended as they reached an abandoned naval base nearby. They all turned around as they heard several noises that sounded very much like motorcycle engines.

Several figures, covered head to toe in black, were racing towards them on similarly black motorcycles. Seungho threw the grocery bag he had been holding over to Mir. The maknae barely caught it in surprise. He watched in wonder and amazement as his leader sprinted forward.

Seungho ran at top speed and then leaped into the air, bringing his feet into contact with one of the riders, successfully knocking that man off his motorcycle. Thunder ran up as well and stole away the driver-less motorcycle, jumping on it and creating smoke as the wheels squealed madly against the concrete.

He sped forward and towards another rider. Thunder got as close as he could to the rider's side before bringing up his leg and kicking the man off his motorcycle. The rider quickly got up and noticed Mir standing by himself so he began to run in his direction.

Mir threw the grocery bag into the air before bringing a roundhouse kick to the rider's face, knocking the helmet off. As the grocery bag came down, the henchman caught it. Mir's eyes grew wide.

"THAT HAS TAMPONS IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screeched at the top of his lungs.

The man automatically threw the bag over his head in disgust but thankfully Thunder had been riding by and ended up catching the bag with one of his hands. Mir then focused on the man in front of him. They both exchanged punches, Mir blocking and evading while the man tried to land a hit.

Finally, the maknae found an opening and used a low sweeping kick to knock the man off his feet, sending him flat on his back. He then finished the henchman off by punching him from the side of his face and knocking him out cold.

Now that all the goons had been knocked off their rides, Seungho had the advantage. He ran forward and launched a fist uppercut on one of the nearby men, knocking his helmet off, before throwing his elbow at his face with a sickening crunch.

That man went down instantly and another tried to come at Seungho from behind. He quickly lifted his leg up behind him and kicked the henchman in the abdomen with the heel of his foot. He then spun around with a kick, his foot connecting from the side of the man's head, and knocking him to the ground.

Thunder sped forward again on the motorcycle before leaping off it with a back flip and allowing the vehicle to crash into several of the henchmen like a bowling ball.

He threw the grocery bag over to Mir again as one of the men managed to escape the crash and was now running at him. Thunder ducked and weaved as the man tried over and over to land a punch. He grabbed the man's arm and twisted it, before throwing him over his shoulder. Thunder then brought down a kick to the man's face and knocked his lights out.

Mir had a henchman running at him so he threw the bag over in Seungho's direction, hoping he catches it, and as he did so he used a back flip to avoid the man's attack. Seungho noticed the bag of course and caught it with one hand. Once the maknae noticed, he let out a sigh of relief before turning his attention to the man in front of him.

He made the first move as he leaped in the air and brought down a spinning kick, his foot connecting with the man's face and successfully knocking him down.

The last rider was tough so all 3 of them decided to work together to bring him down. Seungho laid down the grocery bag on a nearby motorcycle before running forward, with Thunder and Mir in the lead this time.

The maknae line sprang forward and both of them used low sweeping kicks at the same time on the henchman. Because they did their sweeping kicks in the opposite directions, the man ended up doing the splits. His scrunched up face of agony was the only proof they needed of his pain. 

As he was down in the splits position, Seungho used a back flip to kick the man with both of his feet and send him flying on his back.

The 3 men were now all breathing very heavily as they were surrounded by many unconscious bodies and strewn about motorcycles. They all looked at each other with looks of disbelief before turning and heading back to their mansion as Seungho grabbed the grocery bag.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

I feel like I've been sitting on this piece of porcelain for HOURS. Then again, I sent 3 GUYS to go get feminine products. I should probably be more understanding.

G.O and Joon had thankfully given me some magazines to read by throwing them underneath the door to the bathroom. Even though the magazines were really boring, it's the thought that counts. I was flipping through the latest "Home & Garden" when I finally heard a very distinct voice.

"KYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We made it back alive!"

That was definitely Mir. I also heard a scuffle and an "OW!!!!" from him as well. Finally, there was a knock at the door. "Yes, who is it? Did you get the...uh, stuff?" I caught myself on that last part.

"It's me Seungho and yes we got the stuff. Unlock the door so I can throw it in." His voice sounded weary, as if they had just been through some incident.

What the hell? I sent them out for pads, not weapons of mass destruction.

I quickly unlocked the door and made sure to hide myself as much as possible as Seungho's hand reached inside and threw a grocery bag at the floor. I shut the door and locked it again before reaching for the bag. I pulled out the package of pads and my face automatically went sour.


I banged my head back against the wall in utter astonishment and frustration. Sweet baby J, these things were like freaking DIAPERS! WTF were these guys thinking? Oh that's right, they're GUYS!

I let out a deep sigh before opening the package. "Why did the woman jump off the building? Because she thought her maxi pads had wings. Ha ha ha."

End of Chapter 3




Preview of Chapter 4 (since I won't be posting it up today):

Chapter 4 excerpt...


"What in the world?" Yoseob exclaimed with his hand over his mouth.

Doojoon had called everyone to a meeting in the room that had their secret stash of money. Only thing was, the safe was open and empty.

Kikwang looked just as shocked as Yoseob. "How did this happen?"

Doojoon looked over at Junhyung standing next to him. They both gave each other knowing looks before turning to the rest of the group.

Yoseob looked around and noticed someone was missing. "Hey guys, where's my cousin Alexa?"

That's when Doojoon's facial expression turned grim. He shook his head in sorrow as Junhyung stepped up and spoke for him. "We're really sorry Yoseob. From the reports we got back from the guards....well...apparently she's been...kidnapped."

...end of excerpt

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!